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History of Morris CountVj.. New ...Jersey, wi
3 1924 028 828 386
oiin Overs
Cornell University
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the Cornell University Library.
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^H^ jerS^
36 Vesey Street.
The Indians of New Jersey— Discovery
and Settlement of the State T,8
New Jersey under the Dutch and English
Governors— Slavery 8-10
New Jersey's part in the French and Rev-
olutionary Wars 11, 12
Participation of the State in the Wars of
this Centnry 12, 13
Educational, Governmental and Benevo-
lent Institutions— The State Administra-
tion 13-15
Mineral Resources— Industries— Canals
and Railroads— Population 15,16
The Indians in Possession— Early Boun-
dary Lines-The First Settlements 17-20
The Formation of Morris County and its
Division into Townships 20-23
The Prelude to the Revolution— Patriot
Leaders of Morris County 22-27
Morris County Troops in the Continental
Army 27-31
Morris County Militia in the Revolution
—Incidents of the War 32-37
Recovering from the Revolution— Mor-
ris County Men in the War of 1812 37-39
The Iron Industry of Morris Countj'—
Early Enterprises- Forges and Bloomaries 39-48
Charcoal Furnaces— Pompton, Hibernia,
Mt. Hope and Split Rock 48-56
Slitting and Rolling Mills— An tiiracite
Furnaces and Foundries 56-62
Iron Mines of Morris County 62-68
Travel and Transportation— Turnpikes—
The Morris Canal— Railroads 66-71
Religious and Educational Interests 71-73
Political Parties and Candidates— Officers
and Representatives 73-80
Opening of the Civil War— First Volun-
teers—Ladies' Aid Societies 80,81
Company K 7th N. J.— Captain South-
ard's Engineers— Captain Duncan's Com-
pany,. 81-85
The 11th N. J. Regiment— Battles and
Losses of Companies E and H 85-88
The Brilliant Record of Companies C and
F 15th N. J. Volunteers 88-93
History of the 27th N. J. Volunteer In-
fantry—The Cumberland River Disaster... 93-97
Drafting— "Emergency Men "—Company
K 1st N. J.— Company I 33d N. J 97-100
The 39th N. J. Volunteers— Roll of Com-
pany K— List of Patriot Dead 100-102
A Sketch of the Geology and Physical
Geography of Morris County 10.2-1C8
Boonton 177-186
Chatham 187-210
Chester 211-216
Hanover 217-228
Jefferson 229-240
Mendham 341-248
Montvil le 249-253
Morristown 109-176
Mount Olive 254-259
Passaic 260-264
Peguannock 265-289
Randolph 290-330
Rockaway 331-363
Roxbury 364-371
Washington o72-;!iriS
Bartley ville 255
Boonton 178
Budd's Lake 255
Butler 396
Chatham 199
Chester 211
Dover 313
Drakeville 366
Ferromonte 310
Flanders 255
Hanover 231
Littleton 221
Madison 200
McCain ville 366
Mill Brook 310
Mine Hill 310
Morristown .' 109
Mount Freedom 310
Mount Olive 355
New Vernon 26,')
Parsippany — 231
Port Morris 366
Port Oram 309
South Stanhope 255
Stanley 200
Sucoasunna 365
Troy 221
Walnut Grove 310
Whippany 221
Allen, Jabez L 328
Allen, Job 341
A.xtel 1 Family 242
Baker, Henry 360
Baker, William H 362
Barnes, Rev. Albert 136
Beaman, David 342
Bergen, Rev- John G 208
Boisaubin, Vincent 203
Brown, John P 24U
Budd, Daniel 315
Butterworth, Joshua H 326
Byram Family 243
Campfield, Jabez .si
Chandler, L. A ,362
Condiet, Silas 26
Cook, Ellis 26
Cook, Silas 252
Cooper, Daniel 263
Cooper, Nathan A 211
Darby,John 220
Darcy , John 31
De Hart, William 24
Diclcerson, Jonathan 321
Dickerson, Mahlon 321
Dickerson, Peter 25, 321
Dod Family 243
Drake, Jacob 25
Faesch, John Jacob 53, 281, 337
Fairchild Family 2'28
Fisher, Rev. Samuel 136
Ford, Jacob sen.. 23, 114, 115
Ford, Jacob jv 115
Ford, Rev. John 22U
Gaines, Nathaniel 252
Garrison, Samuel L 18G
Green, Kev. Jacob 334
Hager, John S 377
Hager, Lawrence 376
Halsey, Samuel B 361
Hancock, Rev. John 210
HannFamil3' 374
Harcouv, Hev. Samuel 213
Hasenolever, Peter 43
Hinchman Family 334
Hinchman, Guy M 58, 335
Hinchman, Joseph 324
HofE Family 361
Horton, Kev. Azariah 205
Hull, Aurelius B 170
Jaekson, John Darby 361
Jackson, Joseph 360
Johnes, Rev. Timothy 131, 133
Kanouse Family 269
Kearney, Michael 318
King, Andrew 43, 298
King, William L 171
Kitchel, Aaron 3 19
Kitchel, Abraham 20
Lefevre, William B 237
Lefevre, William Jeff 392
Littell Family 261
Marsh, Ephraim 380
McBowell, Rev. William A 136
Megie Family 388
Moylan, Stephen 51
Neighbour Family 375
Ogden, Abraham 24
Ogden, Samuel . . . -. 24
Oram, Robert F 328
Randolph, T.F 168
Richards, George 337
Richards, Hev. James 135
Sanders Family 343
Sohenok, Rev, J. V. N 383
Segur, Thomas B 336
Spencer, Oliver 31
Stickle, Hubbard S 362
Stiles, Jonathan 24
Stoddard, Rev. E. W .370
Stotesbury, John 53
Stoutenburg Family 382
Thompson, David 36
Tuthill, Samuel 34
Tuttle, Rev. Joseph F 344
Tuttle.Rev. Samuel L 308
Vail, Alfred 160
Vail, George 175
Vanatta, Jacob 172
Ward, L. B 176
Welsh Family 375
Wick, Henry 35
Winds, William 24, 399
Woodhull, Rev. William 213
Young, David 319
Baker, Henry, Rockaway 360
Biker, William H., '• 363
Bruen, James H., " 312
Budd, Daniel, Shester 315
Butterworth, J. H., Dover 336
Cobb, Andrew B., Hanover 319
Cooper, Nathan A., Chester 311
Cooper, Mary H., " 312
Dickerson, Mahlon, Randolph 331
Drake, Nelson H., Mt. Olive 375
Fairchild, E. M., Hanover 329
Fairohild, R. V. W., " 337
Fairchild, Stephen, " 328
Garrison, S. L., Boonton 186
Hager, John S., German Valley 377
Hager, Lawrence, " " 376
Hinchman, G. M., Dover 328
Hull, Aurelius B., Morristown 170
Johnson, William C„ Chatham 199
King, William L., Morristown 171
Lindsley, Oscar, Passaic 199
Marsh, Ephraim, Schooley's Mountain 380
Stoddard, E. W., Succasunna 370
Ward, L. B., Morristown 176
Vail, George, Morristown 175
Vanatta, Jacob, " 173
Baker, William H., Homestead, Rockaway 363
Hartley, William & Son, Machine Shop, Bart-
leyville 255
Beach, Columbus, Residence, Dover 316
Brown, John P., Hotel, Newfoundland 240
Chovey, Charles L., Residence, Madison 204
Cole, J. P., Residence, Montville 351
Cooper, N. A., dec— late Residence, Chester. . . 213
Crowell, D. A., Belmont Hall, Schooley's Mt... 283
Elliott, Alex., Residence, Dover 316
Evans, Mrs. J. D., Residence, Chester 202
Fairchild, Mrs. R. V. W., Residence, Hanover. . 163
Frontispiece ^
George, Richard, Residence, Dover 314
Green, William S., Residence, Denville 312
Guerin, B. C, Hotel, Morristown 147
Hance, John, Residence, Randolph 312
Hopper, Peter, Residence, Pompton Plains.... 282
Howland, Mrs. William H., Residence, Montville 163
Hurd, Edward C Residence, Dover 293
Hurd, Lewis C, Residence, Hurdtown 230
Johnson, William C, Residence, Chatham 199
King, V. B., Residence, Morristown 173
Lanning, G. M., Residence, Afton 300
Leddell, S. W., Residence, Mendham 279
Macwithey, A. A., Residence., Pompton 282
Map of Morris County 8
Marsh, William W., Residence, Schooley's Mt. . 380
McParlan, H., Residence. Dover 292
Moller, Daniel, Opera House, Dover 312
Oram, Robert F., Residence, near Dover 328
Post, John F., Residence, Pompton 279
Richards, George, Residence. Dover 337
Richards, Samuel E., Residence, Afton 200
Komondt, C. D. V., Residence. Pompton 279
Rubber Comb and Jewelry Works 396
Scenery in Morris County (frontispiece) 1
Sharp, J. M., Hotel, Budd's Lake 255
Simpson, James H., Residence, Dover 318
Stickle, B. K.&G.W., LumberYard, Rockaway 358
Thebaud, Edward, Residence, Madison 200
Thebaud, E. v., '• '' ..; 200
Todd, Edward, " " 208
Vanatta, Jacob, dec, late Residence, Morris-
town 173
Washington's Headquarters, Morristown 166
Webb, James A., Residence, Madison 202
Welsh, John C, Residence, German Valley 375
Zabrislcie, A. J. B., Residence, Montville 251
Financial History— Reformatory Institutions. 389
Abstract of the Proprietors' Title 393
The 11th New Jersey Volunteers 395
The Village of Butler 396
To one whose own neighborhood has been the theater
of events prominent in the nation's annals, the history of
those events is the most interesting of all history. To
the intrinsic fascination of stirring incidents is added
the charm of their having occurred on familiar ground.
The river is more than a volume of water irrigating its
banks and turning mill-wheels — more than a blue ribbon
woven into the green vesture of the earth — to one who
knows how it has affected the course of events along its
valley for a century or more, determining the location
first of the Indian camp and then of the white man's vil-
lage; the line, first of the red warrior's trail and finally
of the railway and the canal; now the route of an army's
march and anon that of a nation's domestic commerce.
The road that has been traveled unthinkingly for years is
invested with a new interest if found to have followed an
Indian trail. The field where one has harvested but
grain or fruit for many a season brings forth a crop of as-
sociations and ideas when it is understood that il was the
camping ground of the patriots whose labors and endur-
ance founded the nation. The people will look with
heightened and more intelligent interest upon ancient
buildings in their midst — already venerated by them, they
hardly know why — when they read the authentic record
of events with which these monuments of the past are as-
sociated. The annals of a region so famous as that of
which these pages treat give it a new and powerful
element of interest for its inhabitants, and strengthen
that miniature but admirable patriotism which consists
in the love of one's own locality.
It has heretofore been possible for the scholar, with lei-
sure and a comprehensive library, to trace out the writ-
ten history of his county by patient research among vol-
uminous government documents and many volumes,
sometimes old and scarce; but these sources of informa-
tion and the time to study them are not at the command
of most of those who are intelligently interested in local
history, and there are many unpublished facts to be res-
cued from the failing memories of the oldest residents,
who would soon have carried their information with
them to the grave; and others to be obtained from
the citizens best informed in regard to the various inter-
ests and institutions of the county, which should be
treated of in giving its history.
This service of research and compilation, which very
few could have undertaken for themselves, the pub-
lishers of this work have caused to be performed;
enlisting in the effort gentlemen whose standing in
the community, whose familiarity with local events,
and whose personal interest in having their several
localities fitly represented, afford the amplest guaranty
for the trustworthiness of their work. The names of
these gentlemen appear in connection with the sec-
tions of the history contributed by them. They have
therein acknowledged the aid derived from the au
thorities most serviceable to them. In addition to
such acknowledgments the author of the history of
Chester would mention the loan of books to him by
Hon. Samuel H. Hunt, and of a historical discourse
by Rev. Frank A. Johnson, from which he derived
his account of the Congregational church of Chester.
It should perhaps be said that the authors of the
city and township histories in most cases did not
write the biographical sketches attached to those his-
While a few unimportant mistakes may perhaps be
found in such a multitude of details, in spite of the care
exercised in the production of the work, the publishers
confidently present this result of many months' labor as
a true and orderly narrative of all the events in the his-
tory of the county which were of sufficient interest
to merit such record.
Scale- 3% inches io -I miley. —
fT the time of its discovery by the whites the
region which includes New Jersey was inhab-
ited by the Delaware Indians, or, as they
termed themselves, the Lenni Lenapes — a
name which has had various interpretations,
among which are those of " original people "
and " unmixed people." They were a portion
of the people who were known by the generic name of
Wapanachki, which according to Heckewelder means
" people at the rising of the sun," or eastlanders.
Notwithstanding the eastern name which they bore
their traditions related that they came from the western
part of the American continent, where they had resided
during many centuries and whence they came eastward
with the Mengwe or Iroquois, whom they encountered on
their journey. Their traditions further related that the
Lenape and Mengwe people dwelt peacefully together
during several centuries, but that they separated and the
Lenapes came to occupy the region bordering on the
great salt water lake and watered by four great rivers, the
Delaware, Hudson, Susquehanna and Potomac.
The government of the Lenape Indians was somewhat
similar to that of the Iroquois, and like them the Lenapes
were divided into totemic tribes. In the case of the
latter these were called the Unami, the Unalachta and
the Minsi, or the Turtle, the Turkey and the Wolf. In
the case of the Iroquois there were eight of these divis-
ions, each with its totemic designation. The relation
of these tribal divisions to each other was such as to give
great cohesive strength to the nation. Although these
Indians were untamed savages, who had not the advan-
tages of the recorded experience of past ages, yet with
the Iroquois and to a less extent with the Lenapes a civil
system existed which could not fail to challenge the ad-
miration of the students of both ancient and modern sys-
tems of government. It may truly be said of these
people that, with all their savagery, so long as they were
uncontamihated by the vices of civilization they were in
their domestic and social relations far better than many
who have sought to impose their civilization on them.
At a period which is not definitely fixed the Lenapes
were subjugated by th-eir powerful and warlike neighbors
the Iroquois, and, although they had previous to this
subjugation been a warlike people, they were degraded
from their position as warriors; or, in the language of
their savage conquerors, "made women." Through the
instrumentality of Sir William Johnson they were in 1756
rehabilitated, or " made men again."
The Indians of New Jersey on several occasions be-
came hostile to the whites, either on their own account
or as the allies of tribes with whom they were on friendly
terms. As in the Indian wars of later times, however,
the causes of these outbreaks could usually be traced to
some act of injustice on the part of the whites. Such an
outbreak occurred in 1643, during the administration of
Governor Kieft, in which the Hackensacks and Tappans
made common cause with their neighbors in revenging
some injuries that had been inflicted on them by the
Dutch in the autumn of the same year. A still more
serious war broke out, in which the New Jersey Indians
again made common cause with those of Long Island
and the Hudson River. In this instance peace was not
finally concluded till the summer of 1645.
It is said that the shores of North America were first
visited by the Northmen, in the year 986, and that several
voyages were made by them to this country during the
twenty-five years immediately following. These alleged
discoveries led to no practical results. The first effectual
and important discoveries on this continent were made by
Christopher Columbus, in 1492 and the few succeeding
years. It is not necessary to speak in detail of the many
voyagers who came to this country after its discovery by
Columbus but who failed to discover this portion of the
continent. It is said that in 1624 John de Verrazano, a
Florentine navigator, sailed to America and proceeded
along the coast from Florida to the fiftieth degree of
north latitude, and that he entered the harbor of New
York. If so, no practical result followed his discovery,
and during almost a century the region was not again
visited by Europeans.
In 1609 Henry Hudson, an Englishman in the service
of the Dutch East India Company, while seeking for a
northwest passage to Asia, entered the Delaware Bay, in
which he sailed but a short distance on account of the
shoal water. Sailing thence northward along the eastern
shore of New Jersey he anchored his ship (the " Half-
Moon ") within Sandy Hook September 3d of that year.
On the 5th he sent a boat's crew ashore within Sandy
Hook, and they penetrated some distance into the region
now included in Monmouth county. The next day a
crew of five was sent to make explorations and soundings
in the Narrows. It is stated by the writer of the ship's
journal that they found " a large opening and a narrow
river to the west," which was probably the Kill von Kull,
the channel between Bergen Point and Staten Island.
On the return of the crew they were attacked by the na-
tives in two canoes, and one man, named John Coleman,
was killed. His body was interred the next day on what
was called from that circumstance Coleman's Point —
probably Sandy Hook. Hudson sailed up the river which
bears his name, as far as Albany, whence he returned,
and on the 4th of October sailed for Europe.
In 1614 a fort and trading house were erected on the
southwestern point of Manhattan Island, which was
named New Amsterdam, and the Dutch colony here was
called New Netherlands.
It is not positively known when the first European set-
tlement was made within the limits of New Jersey. It is
believed that a number of Danes or Norwegians who
came to New Netherlands with the Dutch colonists com-
menced a settlement at Bergen about the year i6i8. In
1614 a redoubt was constructed on the west shore of the
Hudson River, probably at Jersey City Point.
The first attempt to establish a settlement on the east-
ern shore of the Delaware River was made in 1623, by
Captain Cornelius Jacobsen Mey, in the service of the
" Privileged West India Company." He sailed up Dela-
ware Bay and River, and built a fort (Fort Nassau) at
Techaacho, on a stream which empties into the Delaware
a few miles below Camden.
The West India Company, to encourage settlement
here, granted the right of pre-emption to large tracts of
land, and the grantees accordingly purchased the lands
from the Indians. In 1630 they formed an association
and sent a vessel, under the command of David Peiter-
son de Vries, with settlers. They arrived early in 1631,
to find that Fort Nassau was possessed by the Indians
and none of the settlers were there. De Vries erected a
fort and left a colony, which was soon afterward mas-
sacred by the Indians. He returned shortly afterward
with a new company, and narrowly escaped a similar
fate. The Dutch soon abandoned the Delaware, and
during some years the country remained without Euro-
pean inhabitants.
In 1637 the Swedes settled on the Delaware. Two
ships with settlers came during that year, followed after-
ward by others, and in 1642 John Printz was sent over
as governor of the colony. He established himself on
the island of Tennekeng, or Tennicum, where he erected
a fort, church, etc. Soon afterward the Dutch re-estab-
lished a settlement at Fort Nassau and made settlements
elsewhere on the river, and for a time the country was
occupied by the two nations in common. Differences
arose, however, which led to general hostilities, and the
Swedes were in 1655 dispossessed by the Dutch. This
was the termination of the Swedish authority here.
From this time till 1664 the country on the Delaware
was wholly under Dutch control, and was governed by
directors appointed by the governor of the colony at
New Amsterdam. These directors were, in the order of
their succession, Johannes Paul Jaquet, Peter Alricks,
Hinojossa and William Beekman. " These officers
granted lands, and their patents make part of the titles
of the present possessors. At this period the Dutch ac-
quired large tracts of country upon the eastern side of
New Jersey, and it may be reasonably supposed that
there was some settlement on the road between the
colonies on the Hudson and Delaware."
The English laid claim to this territory on the ground
of prior discovery by Cabot, and on the additional
ground that Henry Hudson, though in the service of the
Dutch when he discovered the region, was born an Eng-
lishman; and it does not appear that they ever abandoned
the claim.
Their attempts to form settlements on the Delaware
were resisted by the Dutch and Swedes, and even vio-
lence was resorted to, which gave rise to controversies
between the New England and Dutch governments.
N 1664 Charles II. of England sent a force
under Sir Robert Carr and Colonel , Richard
Nicoll to dispossess the Dutch of their terri-
tory in the New World. Governor Stuyve-
sant, of New Amsterdam, was by reason of
his defenseless condition compelled to surrender
without resistance, and the conquest of the colony
on the Delaware was accomplished by Sir Robert Carr
"with the expenditure of two barrels of powder and
twenty shot." At this time an extensive grant of terri-
tory was made by King Charles to his brother, the Duke
of York, and lie on the 23d of June 1664 conveyed to
Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret the territory now
comprising New Jersey, by the following instrument,
which first definitely described its boundaries:
" This Indenture, made the three-and-twentieth day
of June in the sixteenth year of the feign of our Sover-
eign Lord Charles the Second by the gface of God of
England, Scotland, France and Ireland, King Defender
of the Faith — Anno Dominie 1664 — between his Royal
Highness James Duke of York and Albany, Earl of
Ulster, Lord High Admiral of England and Ireland,
Constable of Dover Castle, Lord Warden of the Cinque
Ports and Governor of Portsmouth, of the one part, John
Lord Berkeley, Baron of Stratton and one of his Majes-
tie's most honorable privy council, and- Sir George Car-
teret, of Stratturm, in the county of Devon, Knight and
one of his Majestie's most honorable privy council, of
the other part,,Witnesaeth that the said James Duke of
York, for and in consideration of the sum of ten shillings
of lavyrful money of^ England, to him in hand paid, by
these presents doth bargain and sell unto the said John
Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret all that tract of
land adjacent to New England and lying and being to
the westward of Long Island, bounded on the east part
by the main sea and part by Hudson River and hath
upon the west Delaware Bay or River, and extendeth
southward to the main ocean as far as Cape May, at the
mouth of Delaware Bay, and to the northward as far as
the northernmost branch of said bay or river of the Dela-
ware, which is in forty-one degrees and forty minutes of
latitude; and worketh over thence in a straight line to
Hudson River — which said tract of land is hereafter to
be called by the name or names of Nova Csesarea or New-
The feudal tenure was recognized by the agreement to
pay an annual rent of one pepper corn if demanded.
The proprietors formed a constitution, or, as it was
termed, "concessions and agreement of the lords pro-
prietors," which secured equal privileges and liberty of
conscience to all, and it continued in force till the divis-
ion, of the. province in 1676. Philip Carteret was ap-
pointed governor, and in 1665 he made Elizabethtown
the seat of government. The constitution established a
representative government and made liberal provision
for settlers.. In a few years domestic disputes arose, and
in 1672 an insurrection occurred compelling Governor
Carteret to leave the province.
In 1673 England and Holland were at war, and a
squadron was sent by the Dutch to repossess New Neth-
erland, which was surrendered without resistance by
Captain Manning in the absence of Governor Lovelace.
On the conclusion of peace between England and Hol-
land New Netherland was restored to the former. The
governor of New York, Major Edmund Andross, claimed
jurisdiction over New Jersey, insisting that the Dutch
conquest extinguished the proprietary title ; but early in
1675 Governor Carteret returned and resumed the gov-
ernment of the eastern part of the province. He was
kindly received by the people, who had become dissatis-
fied with the arbitrary rule of Governor Andross. A new
set of concessions was published and peaceable subordi-
nation was established in the colony. Governor Andross,
however, continued his efforts to enforce the duke's
jurisdiction, and at last sent a force to Elizabethtown to
arrest Governor Carteret and to convey him to New
A second grant was made to Sir George Carteret, but
previously to this it appears that Lord Berkeley and he
had partitioned the province; for the country described
in this grant was bounded on the southwest by a line
drawn from Barnegat Creek to the Rancocus. Thus
the province became divided into East and West New
Lord Berkeley was not satisfied with the pecuniary
prospects of his colonization venture and sold his inter-
est to two Quakers, John Fenwicke and Edward Byl-
linge, for the sum of one thousand pounds. Byllinge,
who was the principal proprietor, became embarrassed,
and his share was conveyed far the benefit of his credi-
tors to William Penn, Gawen Lawrie and Nicholas Lucas,
who were also Quakers. These trustees sold shares to
different purchasers, who thus became proprietaries in
common with them. A constitution or form of govern-
ment similar in many respects to the " concessions " of
Berkeley and Carteret was adopted by those proprietaries,
and on the ist of July 1676 a line of division between
New West Jersey and New East Jersey was determined
by Sir George Carteret and the trustees of Byllinge.
This line was defined as extending " from the east side
of Little Egg Harbor straight north through the country
to the utmost branch of Delaware River."
Many settlers were attracted hither, nearly all of whom
were of the Society of Friends. Land was purchased
from the Indians, and the town of Burlington — first called
New Beverley, then Bridlington — was established. The in-
dustry and patience of the settlers met their reward and
prosperity prevailed among them.
As in the case of East Jersey, Governor Andross, of
New York, claimed and sought to enforce jurisdiction
over the western part of the province, and finally imposed
a tax of five per cent, on European merchandise im-
ported. This led to protests and representations which in-
duced the duke in 1680 to abandon all claims on West
New Jersey and confirm the rights of the trustees of Byl-
hnge and the assignees of Fenwicke.
The proprietor of East New Jersey, Sir George Carteret,
died in 1679. By his will he directed the sale of that part
of the province for the payment of his debts, and it was
accordingly sold to William Penn and eleven others, who
were termed the twelve proprietors. A fresh impetus
was given to the settlement of the country, especially by
people from Scotland. Each of the twelve proprietors
took a partner, and they all came to be known as the
twenty-four proprietors, and to them the Duke of York,
on the 14th of March 1682, made a fresh grant. A notable
difference had been observed in the character of the laws
enacted in East and West Jersey, and it is an instructive
fact that under the milder and more merciful laws of the
latter crime was less frequent than under the severe
enactments of the former.
Under the new regime in East Jersey Robert Barclay,
one of the proprietors, was chosen governor for life, with
power to name his deputies. These were, in succession:
Thomas Rudyard (1683), Gawen Lawrie, Lord Niel
Campbell and Alexander Hamilton.
In West Jersey Samuel Jennings was commissioned
deputy governor by Byllinge in 1680, and during the next
year he convened an assembly, which adopted a consti-
tution and form of government. His successors were
Thomas Olive, John Skene, William Welsh, Daniel Coxe
and Andrew Hamilton.
In 1 701 the condition of things in both provinces had
come to be such that the benefits of good government
were not attainable. Each had many proprietors, and
their conflicting interests occasioned such discord that
the people became quite willing to listen to overtures for
a surrender of the proprietary government. "The pro-
prietors, weary of contending with each ottier and with
the people, drew up an instrument whereby they sur-
rendered their right of government to the crown, which
was accepted by Queen Anne on the 17th of April 1702.
The queen at once reunited the two provinces, and
placed the government of New Jersey as well as of New
York in the hands of her kinsman Lord Cornbury." The
commission and instructions which Cornbury received
formed the constitution and government of the province
until its declaration of independence. The new govern-
ment was composed of the governor and twelve councilors,
nominated by the crown, and an assembly of twenty-four
members to be elected by the people for an indefinite
term. Among the instructions given to the governor was
the following: " Forasmuch as great inconveniences may
arise by the liberty oi printing in our said province, you
are to provide by all necessary orders that no person
keep any press for printing, nor that any book, pamphlet
or other matters whatsoever be printed without your
especial leave and license first obtained."
Cornbury's rule was terminated by the revocation of
his commission in 1708. It was characterized by mean-
ness, extravagance, despotism, bigotry, avarice, and pub-
lic and private injustice. He was succeeded by John
Lord Lovelace, who soon died, and the functions of gov-
ernment were discharged by Lieutenant Governor In-
goldsby till 17 10, when Governor Hunter commenced
his administration. It is said of him that "he assented
to most of the laws the people wanted, and filled the
offices with men of character." He was followed in 1720
by William Burnet, who was removed to Boston in 1727.
John Montgomerie then became governor, and so con-
tinued till his death, in 1731. His successor, William
Cosby, was removed by death in 1736. The government
then devolved on John Anderson, president of the coun-
cil, who died in about two weeks and was succeeded by
John Hamilton (son of Andrew Hamilton, governor un-
der the proprietors), who served nearly two years. In
1738 Lewis Morris Esq. was appointed governor of New
Jersey " separate from New York. He continued till
his death, in the spring of 1746. He was succeeded by
President Hamilton. He dying it devolved upon John
Reading, Esq., as the next eldest councilor. He exer-
cised the office till the summer of i747> when Jonathan
Belcher, Esq., arrived. He died in the summer of
1757 and was succeeded by John Reading, Esq.,
president. Francis Bernard, Esq., appointed governor
in 1758, was removed to Boston, and succeeded
here by Thomas Boone, Esq., in 1760." He was
succeeded by Josiah Hardy, and in 1763 by William
Franklin, the last royal governor and a son of Dr.
Benjamin Franklin.
From the first settlement of New Jersey slavery existed
here. No measures were adopted for its prevention, and
with the sentiment that then prevailed concerning the
slave trade and the institution of slavery it is not reason-
able to suppose that it could be prohibited. In the "con-
cessions " of 1664-65 "weaker servants or slaves" were
spoken of, and for every such servant above the age
of £4 brought into the province 75 acres of land were
allowed the master. When Lord Cornbury was made
governor of the province he was instructed as follows :
" And whereas we are willing to recommend unto the
said company that the said province may have a con-
stant and sufficient supply of merchantable negroes at
moderate rates in money or commodities, so you are to
take especial care that payment made be duly made and
within a competent time, according to agreement." "And
you are to take care that there be no trading from our
said province to any place in Africa within the charter of
the Royal African Company, otherwise than prescribed
by an act of Parliament entitled ' An act to settle the
trade of Africa.' "
Barracks once stood near the junction of Smith and
Water streets in Perth Amboy for the reception and con-
finement of slaves when imported. Much of the labor
of families was for many years previous to the Revolu-
tion performed by slaves.
As early as 1696 the Quakers of this province united
with those of Pennsylvania to discourage the importation
and employment of slaves, but their example was not
followed by others.
In New Jersey as elsewhere severe penalties were in-
flicted on negroes for crimes, and these often followed
closely after the commission of the crimes. Whipping,
branding, hanging and even burning alive were among
the punishments inflicted. The peace of the province
was disturbed it is said by several risings or attempted
insurrections among the slaves, but these were promptly-
February 24th 1820 a law was enacted making every
child born of slave parents subsequent to July 4th
1804 free, the males on arriving at the age of twenty-
five years and the females at twenty-one. Under this-
law and that of 1846 slavery has disappeared from the-
State. '
In 1790 there were in the State 11,423 slaves; in i8oq>
12,422; 1810, 10,851; 1820, 7,557; 1830, 2,254; 1840,
674; 1850, 236; i860, 18.
'N 1744 war was formally declared between
France and Great Britain. Masked hostili-
ties had been for some time carried on. In
1746 the Assembly of New Jersey resolved
to furnish five hundred men to assist in the
conquest of Canada. In response to the call for
this number 660 offered themselves, and one com-
pany was transferred to the quota of New York. In the
French and Indian hostilities which succeeded this
period, and which were not terminated till 1763, New
Jersey nobly sustained her part. In response to the call
of the English minister, Mr. Pitt, on the colonies it is
said: " The Assembly of New Jersey, instead of raising
reluctantly five hundred men, doubled that number; and
to fill the ranks in season offered a bounty of twelve
pounds per man, increased the pay of the officers and
voted a sum of _;£'5o,ooo for their maincenance. They
at the same session directed barracks to be built at
Burlington, Trenton, New lirunswick, Araboy and Eliza-
bethtown, competent each for the accommodation of
three hundred men. * * * This complement of one
thousand men New Jersey kept up during the years 1758,
1759 and 176c; and in the years 1761 and 1762 fur-
nished six hundred men, besides in the latter year a
company of sixty-four men and officers especially for
garrison; for which she incurred an average expense of
_;^4o,ooo per annum."
It is neither practicable nor desirable in a brief sketch
like this to discuss the causes which led to the Ameri-
can Revolution. New Jersey bore a prominent and
honorable part in that memorable contest, and not only
was her soil the scene of active military operations,
but it was more than once made red by the blood of the
defenders of American liberty.
Action was taken by the Legislature of New Jersey in
opposition to the oppressive acts of the British govern-
ment as early as February 1774, when a State committee
of correspondence was appointed, with instructions to
watch and make known all matters which might affect
the liberties and privileges of the colonists.
In July of the same year conventions of the people
were held in the various county towns, and resolutions
were adopted condemning in strong terms the oppressive
acts of Great Britain. Deputies were also chosen to a
convention for the election of delegates to the General
Congress at Philadelphia. These delegates were James
Kinsey, William Livingston, John De Hart, Stephen
Crane and Richard Smith. The convention was held be-
cause of the refusal of the governor to summon the
Assembly when requested to do so. At its next session,
in January 1775, the Assembly approved the proceedings
of Congress, and chose the same representatives for the
future Congress. A convention called by the committee
of correspondence assembled at Trenton on the 23d of
May 1775, to consider and determine such matters as de-
manded attention. This convention or provincial Con-
gress, '' reflecting the majesty of the people, assumed as
occasion required the full power of all the branches of
government." It provided for the formation of one
or more companies, of eighty men each, in every town-
ship or corporation, and to defray necessary expenses
voted a tax of _;^io,ooo.
On the 5th of August in the same year this provincial
Congress reassembled and provided for the organization
cf fifty-four companies, each of sixty-four minute men,
allotting to each county a certain number. A resolution
was adopted to respect the rights of conscience of the
Quakers, but askin;; them to contribute to the relief of
their distressed brethren. The Congress made provision
for the perpetuation of the authority which it had as-
sumed, and directed "that during the continuance of the
present unhappy dispute between Great Britain and
America there be a new choice of deputies in every
county yearly, on the third Thursday of September."
The Legislature was convened on the i6th of Novem-
ber 1775 by Governor Franklin, and he addressed it at
some length. He seemed desirous to be assured of his
personal safety, and of the fact that the Assembly did
not intend to declare independence, both of which as-
surances were given him. " On December 6th 1775 ^^^
house was prorogued by the governor until the third day
of January 1776, but it never reassembled, and thus
terminated the provincial Legislature of New Jersey."
Although at the close of 1775 the feeling was strong
against a declaration of independence by the colonies,
yet the experience of a few months wrought an entire
change; and when, on the fourth of July 1776, the Con-
tinental Congress adopted such a declaration the senti-
ment of a majority of the patriots in New Jersey, as else-
where, approved it.
On the loth of June 1776 the Provincial Congress of
New Jersey assembled, and oa the 21st of the same
month resolved by a vote of 54 to 3 to organize a colo-
nial or State government, pursuant to a recommendation
made by the Continental Congress on the 15th of May.
On the 26th of June a constitution was reported, and on
the 2nd of July it was adopted, thus virtually, though
not in words, severing the connection between the colony
and the mother country. The declaration of independ-
ence by Congress was approved on the 17th of July.
Governor Franklin was thus reduced to the condition of
an idle spectator of the doings of the Provincial Con-
gress. He made an impotent attempt to exercise his au-
thority, but he was finally arrested and sent to Connecti-
cut, whence he sailed to England.
Here as elsewhere of course there were many loyalists.
Lenient measures toward them were at first adopted, but
as time went on severer measures were found necessary.
The tories here as elsewhere were more malignant in their
hostility than the British soldiery, and by reason of their
acquaintance with the country were able to inflict on the
patriots great injuries. Laws were enacted declaring the
forfeiture of their estates and disfranchising thera.
It is not practicable to give even a distinct outline of
the military operations of which New Jersey was the
theater during the Revolution. Active hostilities were
carried on here for several years" of the struggle; import-
ant battles were fought on the soil of the State, many
minor engagements occurred, and there is hardly a town
along the track of the armies which crossed and recrossed
the State that was not rendered historic by some enter-
prise or exploit. The losses of New Jersey in the Revo-
lutionary struggle, both in men and property, in propor-
tion to her wealth and population, were greater than
those of any of her sisters. " When General Washington
was retreating through the Jerseys, almost forsaken, her
militia were at all times obedient to his orders, and for
a considerable time composed the strength of his army.
The military services performed by the soldiers of New
Jersey and the sufferings of her people during the Revo-
lutionary war entitle her to the gratitude of her sister
States. By her sacrifices of blood and treasure in resist-
ing oppression she is entitled to stand in the foremost
rank among those who struggled for American freedom."
?T is not necessary to discuss at length the
causes which led to the war of 1812 with
Great Britain. It may, however, be stated
that the principal of these were the assump-
tion by that power of the right to search
American vessels and impress seamen into the
British service, and the violation of the rights of
neutrals on the high seas. War was declared on the 19th
of June 1812; but five months previously the State of New
Jersey had by resolutions in the I>egislature placed her-
self on the record in its favor. Though. this State did not
become the theater of active hostilities prompt measures
were adopted to meet any emergencies that might arise.
In 1812 all uniformed companies within the State were
called on to hold themselves in readiness to take the
field on short notice, and the call was obeyed with
alacrity. Subsequently calls were made for men to guard
the coast in times when danger was apprehended, and in
every case prompt response was made to these calls.
Troops were sent to Marcus and Paulus Hooks and to
Staten Islsnd for the defense of those points, and the
.quota of the State for the war was furnished at an early
period. About four thousand men were called into
actual service, for terms averaging about three months,
and the pay from the State to these men, in addition to
that which they received from the government, amounted
to $36,000.
Peace was concluded at Ghent on the 17th of February
1815, and in this State as elswhere the event was hailed
with lively demonstrations of joy.
In 1846, by reason of the annexation of Texas to the
United States, difficulties with Mexico arose which re-
sulted in war. To aid in the prosecution of this war
many troops from New Jersey were raised in companies
and admitted as volunteers directly into the service of
the United States. These volunteers accompanied Gen-
eral Taylor in his campaigns in Mexico. In May 1846
a call was made on Governor Stratton of this State for a
corps of volunteers, which was very promptly furnished.
The troops from this State participated in all the cam-
paigns of this war, and shared its hardships and priva-
tions and its triumphs. It may be remarked that the
commander-in-chief. General Winfield Scott, Colonel
Phil Kearney and Commodore Robert F. Stockton, all of
whom bore an honorable part in this war, were Jerseymeii.
December 20th i860 a convention of delegates chosen
by the people of South Carolina under authority of the
Legislature adopted an ordinance of secession from the
Union. Other Southern States soon followed the ex-
ample of South Carolina, and in February 1861 a con-
vention of delegates appointed by the conventions of six
seceding States adopted a form of government, termed
the " Confederate States of America."
On the 29th of January 1861 the Legislature of New
Jersey adopted a series of resolutions, setting forth the
duty of the citizens to sustain the Union, and declaring
that the government of the Uuited States is a national
government and not a mere compact or association.
On the 12th of the following April Fort Sumter, in
the harbor of Charleston, was bombarded, and compelled
to surrender to the rebels on the 13th. On the 15th
President Lincoln issued a proclamation calling for 75,-
000 men to suppress the rebellion. Under this call the
quota of New Jersey was 3,120. On the i7lh Governor
Olden received from the War Department the requisi-
tion for these men, and he immediately issued his proc-
lamation calling for individvals or organizations to re-
port for service within twenty days.
In New Jersey as in other Inyal States a spontane-
ous uprising at once took place. " In every town and
village the people, assembled in public meetings, pledged
their utmost resources in behalf of the imperiled gov-
ernment. The banks came forward with liberal offers
of money, leading citizens proffered their- assistance to
the authorities, every fireside shone with the lustre of
patriotic feeling, and even schools shared in the absorb-
ing excitement. It was a carnival of patriotism from
one end of the State to the other."
On the 23d of April the first company— the Olden
Guards, Captain Joseph A. Yard, of Trenton — was
mustered into the service of the United States. Quickly
following this were other companies, so that by the 30th
of the same month the brigade was full. An extra
session of the Legislature was convened on the 30th of
April and a loan of $2,000,000 was authorized to defray
the expenses of the troops. Within sixty days the banks
in the State had subscribed to this loan the aggregate
sum of $705,000, and individuals had taken $76,000,
making a total of $781,000.
On the sth of May the New Jersey troops reached
Annapolis, and on the 6th they reported for duty to the
War Department in Washington.
On the 3d of May 1861 a call was issued by the Presi-
dent for thirty-nine regiments of infantry and one of cav-
alry, to serve three years or during the war. Under this
call the quota of New Jersey was three regiments. Such
had been the enthusiasm of the people that not only had
the first quota been filled, but about five thousand men
had enlisted in New York, and nearly a sufficient number
of companies were organized to fill this second quota.
The regiments were organized at once and were uniformed,
clothed and equipped at the expense of the State, amount-
ing to $177,000. On the 28th of June they were sent to
On the 3d of August a requisition was made by the
President on this State for five regiments of infantry and
one company of artillery, and on the Sth of September
another company of artillery and a regiment of riflemen
or sharpshooters, of twelve companies, were added to the
requisition. These regiments and companies were at
once raised.
A regiment of cavalry was also recruited in twenty
■days, under authority of the President, by Hon. William
Halstead, of Trenton, then seventy years of age. These
regiments and companies were also furnished with equip-
ments by the State, and they were organized and
equipped at an expense of $557,000. Another regiment,
the loth, was recruited by authority of the War Depart-
ment without authority from the State, but was afterward
credited on the quota of New Jersey.
Under the call of July 7th 1862 for 300,000 volunteers
the quota of New Jersey was five regiments. Of these
four were mustered into service before the end of August,
and one on the 6th of September.
August 4th 1862 an enrollment and a daft of 300,000
militia were ordered by the President. On the 3d of
September, the day fixed for the draft, there were in
camp in this State 236 men more than the number called
for. Although the men of these nine months' regiments
were transferred almost at once from civil life to active
military service they discharged their duties efficiently.
Under the conscription act of 1863 the quota for New
Jersey was fixed at 8,783. Six places of rendezvous
were established on the 3d of August, all of which were
closed within about two months. Ten companies of
thirty-day men also were mustered for service in Penn-
sylvania during 1863.
Under the call of May i6th 1864 for " hundred-day
men " a regiment was organized, and it served till Oc-
tober of that year.
Under the call of July i8th 1864 for 500,000 troops
the quota of New Jersey was 15,891.
During the war New Jersey sent to the field forty regi-
ments and five batteries. Her total number of men liable
to military duty was 98,806. Of these 78,248. men were
called for by the government, and 88,305 were furnished,
of whom 79,348 were credited to the State and 8,957
served in regiments of other States. The surplus over
all calls was 10,057. The expenditures made by New
Jersey in supplying troops during the war amounted to
The historian Raum says: " During the entire war
New Jersey had ample reason to be proud of her citizen
soldiery, for on every battle field that their services were
called into requisition they acquitted themselves nobly,
and ably sustained the reputation of Jersey Blues."
LTHOUGH from the well known character of
the Dutch and Swedes who first settled New
Jersey it is reasonable to suppose that they
had schools as soon as there were among
them a sufficient number of children, no
record of the fact remains.
The English immigrants in East Jersey estab-
lished schools in connection with, their churches. The
Quakers who settled West Jersey were exceedingly care-
ful to educate their children, and the first school fund in
the province was derived from the rent or sale of lands
on an island in the Delaware opposite Burlington set
apart for that purpose.
Action in Newark concerning schools was first taken
in 1676, and in 1693 the General Assembly of East Jersey
authorized the election of school commissioners in the
towns and recognized the principle of taxation for the
support of schools.
,A school fund of $15,000 was created by an act of the
Legislature in 1816, and this was increased the next year.
In 1818 the amount was increased to $r 13,238.78. In
1820 the inhabitants of townships were authorized to
raise money by taxation for educational purposes, and in
1828 to raise funds in the same manner for the erection
of school-houses.
In 1824 the Legislature enacted that the school fund
should be increased by the addition to it each year of
one tenth of all the State taxes.
In 1829 a school system was established, and in that
year an appropriation of $20,000 was made for school
purposes. This was followed by appropriations in sub-
sequent years. In 1838 the school system was remodeled
and the annual appropriation increased to. $30,000. The
constitution of 1844 prohibited the diversion of the
school fund to any other purpose than the support of
schools. An act of the Legislature in 1846 provided for
the appointment of a State superintendent of public
schools and for the election of township superintendents.
It also modified the school system.
The annual appropriation was increased to $40,000 in
185 1 and to $80,000 in 1858. Teachers' institutes were
established by law in 1854. The State normal school
was established in 1855, at Trenton, and the Farnum
preparatory school at Beverly was founded in 1856, by
Paul Farnum, who donated $70,000 for that purpose.
The State Board of Education was constituted in 1866
and in 1867 was revised, remodeled and greatly inl-
Of the higher institutions of learning in this State its
citizens are justly proud. In 1756 the College of New
Jersey, which had been incorporated m 1746, was per-
manently established at Princeton. A theological sem-
inary was also founded at Princeton, by the Presbyterian
denomination, in 181 1.
The Queen's College was established at New Bruns-
wick in 1770, under a charge from King George III. of
England. In honor of Henry Rutgers its name was
changed by act of the Legislature to Rutgers College.
The Reformed Dutch Church founded a theological
school at New Brunswick in 1771.
Burlington College, at Burlington, was chartered in
1846. It is under the management of the Episcopalians.
Seton Hall College, founded at Madison in 1856 and
removed to South Orange in i860, was chartered in 1861.
It is a Roman Catholic institution. An ecclesiastical
seminary is connected with it.
In addition to these there are many academies, theo-
logical, commercial and special institutions. located in dif-
ferent portions of the State, the character of which will
not suffer by comparison with those of any other part of
the country. There is probably no State in the Union
which in proportion to its size affords educational facil-
ities equal to those of New Jersey.
Previous to 1798 there was in this State no place of
confinement for criminals except the county jails. In that
year a prison was erected at Lamberton, at an expense
^^9,852. In 1820 it was enlarged by the addition of a
wing. In 1838 a new prison was completed, at a total
cost of about $180,000. Acts for the enlargement of this
prison were passed in 1847, i860, 1868 and 1877, and the
entire cost up to that time was about $500,000.
In 1837 an act was passed making the old State prison
a public arsenal. The building has been from time to
time repaired and refitted, under authority of acts of the
In 1791 the seat of government was fixed at Trenton,
and in 1792 a State-house was erected, at a cost of about
;^4,ooo. The building was repaired in 1799, 1801, 1806,
1845 and 1850. Additions were made in 1863-65,
1871-73 and 1875.
The first action for the regulation of the State library
was taken in 1804, when 168 volumes had accumulated.
From this humble beginning the present State library
has grown.
The first effective movement toward the erection of an
asylum for the insane was made in 1844, when a com-
mission for the selection of a site was appointed by the
Legislature. " A site was selected about two miles from
Trenton. A building was erected within a few years,
and additions have from time to time been made to it as
necessity has required.
In 1868 an act was passed authorizing the appointment
of a commission to select a site for an additioual lunatic
asylum and to commence its erection. A site was selected
three miles from Morristown, and 430 acres of land were
purchased. An extensive building was erected, at a
cost, including land, furniture, etc., of $2,250,000, and in
1876 292 patients were removed to it from the Trenton
A solciers' children's home was incorporated in 1865,
and in 1866 it became a State institution. It was closed
in 1876, the State having expended on it more than
An act for the establishment of the " New Jersey Sol-
diers'Home " was passed by the Legislature in 1865,
and a building in the city of Newark was completed in
1866, at a total cost of more than $32,000. It has been
supported by annual State appropriations.
By an act of the Legislature in 1865 a reform farm
school for boys was established. The farm is near James-
burg, Middlesex county, and includes nearly five hundred
A State industrial school for girls was established in
187 1, and a farm of about 80 acres in the township of
Ewing, near Trenton, was purchased in 1872.
In 1854, by an act of the Legislature, a geological sur-
vey of the State was authorized, and since that year
annual appropriations have been made for the prosecution
of the work. This survey has not only added valuable
contributions to geological science, but has aided ma-
terially in the development of the mineral and agricultural
resources of the State.
The New Jersey Historical Society, which was organ-
ized in 1845, was incorporated in 1846. It has its library
and collections at Newark.
The constitution of New Jersey which was adopted
July 2nd 1776 continued to be the fundamental law of the
State till 1844, when a convention of delegates assembled
on the 14th of May to frame a new constitution. They
concluded their labors on the 29th of June. The con-
stitution which they formed was submitted to the people
on the second Tuesday in the following August, and
adopted by a large majority. A more complete sep-
aration of the different departments of government
and an extension of political and civil privileges
were the notable changes which were made from the
former constitution. No further change was made till
1873, when the wants of the Slate seemed to require
further modifications of its fundamental law, and a com-
mission was appointed by authority of the Legislature to
propose amendments to the constitution. Twenty-eight
amendments were proposed, and they were submitted to
the people at a special election September 7th 1875, and
all were adopted. Although no radical change was made
by these amendments many provisions were introduced in
keeping with the progress of the age, among which were
the elimination of the word " white " from the constitu-
tion and the substitution of the word "free " for " public"
in the paragraph relating to schools.
The following is a list of the governors of New Jersey
under the different regimes, with the year of their ap-
pointment or election:
Previous to the division of the province: Carstiansen,
1614; Peter Minuit, 1624; Wouter Van Twiller, 1633;
William Kieft, 1638; John Printz, 1642; Peter Stuy-
vesant, 1646; Philip Carteret (English) 1664; Edmund
Andross, 1674.
After the division: East Jersey — Philip Carteret, 1676;
Robert Barclay, 1682; Thomas Rudyard, 1682; Gawen
Lawrie, 1683; Lord Neil Campbell, 1686; Andrew Ham-
ilton, 1687; Edmund Andross, 1688; John Tatham, 1690;
Joseph Dudley, 1691; Andrew Hamilton, 1692; Jeremiah
Basse, 1698; Andrew Bowne, 1699; Andrew Hamilton,
1699; West y^rj-ify^Commissioners, 1676; Edward Byl-
linge, 1679; Samuel Jennings, 1679; Thomas Olive, 1684;
John Skene, 1685; Daniel Coxe, 1687; Edward Hun-
loke, 1690; Society of Proprietors, 1691; Andrew Hamil-
ton, 1692; Jeremiah Basse, 1697; Andrew Hamilton,
Province of New Jersey under the English govern-
ment: Lord Cornbury, 1702; Lord Lovelace, 1708; Rich-
ard Ingoldsby, 1709; Robert Hunter, 1710; William
Burnet, 1720; John Montgomerie, 1728; Lewis Morris,
1731; William Cosby, 1732; John Anderson, 1736; John
Hamilton, 1736; Lewis Morris, 1738; John Hamilton,
1746; John Reading, 1746; Jonathan Belcher, 1747; John
Reading, 1757; Francis Bernard, 1758; Thomas Boone,
1760; Josiah Hardy, 1761; William T. Franklin, 1763.
Governors of the State: William Livingston, 1776;
William Paterson, 1791; Richard Howell, 1794; Joseph
Bloomfield, 1801; John Lambert, 1802; Joseph Bloom-
field, 1803; Aaron Ogden, 1812; William S. Pennington,
1813; Mahlon Dickerson, 18 [5; Isaac H. Williamson,
1817; Peter D. Vroom jr., 1829; Elias P. Seeley, 1832;
Peter D. Vroom, 1833; Philemon Dickerson, 1836; Wil-
liam Pennington, 1837; Daniel Haines, 1843; Charles C.
Stratton, 1844; Daniel Haines, 1848; George F. Fort,
1851; Rodman M. Price, 1854; William A. Newell, 1857;
Charles S Olden, i860; Joel Parker, 1863; Marcus L.
Ward, 1866; Theodore F. Randolph, 1869; Joel Parker,
1872; Joseph D. Bedle, 1875; George B. McClellan,
1878; George C. Ludlow, 1881.
'EW JERSEY is rich in mineral deposits.
Among the best mines of zinc in the United
States are those of Sussex county, which have
been long and extensively worked. Copper
is also found in several places. As early as
[719 a mine was discovered in Morris county
lat had evidently been worked by the early
Dutch settlers. Iron is the most important mineral in
the State. It is found in the counties of Morris, Sussex,
Warren, Passaic, Hunterdon and elsewhere. In Morris
county mines were worked as early as 1685, and there
are mines in the State that have been worked for a cen-
tury and a half and that still are productive. A smaller
proportion of the ore mined in this State is smelted here
than formerly. As facilities for transportation have in-
creased larger and larger quantities have been taken away,
especially to the coal producing regions. Many hundred
thousand tons are annually produced. In Monmouth
county there was a smelting furnace and forge as early as
1682, and what was then a large business was carried on.
Space will not permit an account in detail of the mines
that have been worked or of the furnaces and mills that
have been established in the State. The value of the ore
mined and of the iron produced amounts to many millions
of dollars annually.
The surroundings of New Jersey have greatly influenced
the character of its industries, as in the case of other
regions. In early times its agriculture was similar to that
of the first settlements elsewhere; but as time went on,
and the cities of New York and Philadelphia increased
in size and the facilities for transportation to these cities
became greater, the productions of the soil were gradu-
ally changed to meet the demands in these cities, till
New Jersey has come to be not inappropriately termed
the " market garden of New York and Philadelphia."
The cultivation of small fruits has within a comparatively
recent period become an important industry in many lo-
calities, and the sterile soil in some of the lower counties
has been made productive by the use of fertilizers, par-
ticularly of the marl which abounds along the coast.
At an early period only such manufactures were en-
gaged in as were necessary to supply the wants of the
settlers. Saw-mills, grist-mills and clothieries of course
sprang up in all settled parts of the State. The excel-
lent water power furnished by the streams, the natural
facilities for transportation existing here, and the exist-
ence of an abundance of raw material led to the estab-
lishment of different kinds of manufactories in various
localities before the commencement of the present cen-
The introduction of steam as a motor, and the increase
of facilities for bringing hither material and carrying
away manufactured products, led to the establishment of
other branches of manufactures and the extension of
those already existing; and as time went on and the
population of the State increased manufacturing inter-
ests assumed a constantly increasing importance, till
New Jersey has become one of the most important
manufacturing States in the Union. It may reasonably
be predicted that, with the advantages of location and
facilities for transportation possessed by New Jersey, it
will maintaifi its position in the front rank among manu-
facturing States.
Of the many canals which have been chartered by
the State the principal were the Morris and the
Delaware and Raritan. The former was chartered in
1824 and was completed between Phillipsburg and Jer-
sey City in 1836, connecting the waters of the Hudson
and Delaware rivers. The Delaware and Raritan was
finally chartered in 1830, and the canal was completed
between Bordentown, on the Delaware, and New Bruns-
wick, on the Raritan, in 1834.
As early as 181,5 ^ railroad, either of wood or iron,"
was chartered from the Delaware river near Trenton to
the Raritan near New Brunswick. This was the first rail-
road chartered in America. It was never built.
The Camden and Amboy Railroad Company was char-
tered in 1830, and in 1831 was consolidated with the
Delaware and Raritan Canal Company. The first train
of cats passed over its entire length in 1833.
By reason of the proximity of New Jersey to the great
commercial metropolis of the country the railroad system
of the State has grown to far greater proportions than
that of many States. There are now within its limits
nearly two thousand miles of railroad.
The rapid growth of the city of New York has come to
exert a potent influence on the portions of New Jersey
contiguous thereto. The numerous lines of railroad thai
diverge from points on the Hudson river opposite to that
city afford to people engaged in business there such
facilities for quick transit that thousands of such have
their residences along these avenues of travel, and pass
daily to and from the city. It is not extravagance to
look forward to a time when the entire region for many
miles from New York will become practically a part of
that city.
Seaside summer resorts have sprung up at various
points along the coast, and these too are annually in-
creasing in number and importance. Anticipations which
may at first be considered wild can also reasonably be
entertained concerning these.
The population of the State by counties in 1880 was
as follows:
Atlantic 18,706
Bergen 36,79c
Burlington S5.403
.Camden 62,941
Cape May 9,765
Cumberland 37)694
Essex 189,81.9
Gloucester 25,886
Hudson 1 87,950
Hunterdon 38,568
Mercer 58,058
Middlesex 52,286
Monmouth 5S>S3S
Morris 50,867
Ocean 14.455
Passaic 68,716
Salem 24,580
Somerset 27,161
Sussex 23,553
Union 55,57i
Warren 36,588
Total 1,130,892
By Hon. Edmund D. Halsey.
EFORE the year 1700 the territory now called
Morris county was probably in the undis-
turbed possession of the Indians. During
the times of the Dutch supremacy in New
York people of that nationality had settled
upon the flat lands bordering on the Hudson
and spread themselves northward into the coun-
ty of Bergen. After 1664 the English from Long Island
and New England, by way of Elizabethtown and Milford,
as Newark was then called, began to dispute with the
Hollanders the settlement of the eastern part of the State.
The English, Quakers, Swedes and Dutch had become
established upon the Delaware and were commencing to
look inland; but there is no evidence that an actual set-
tler had as yet disturbed the aborigines in their posses-
sion of the unbroken wilderness which extended from
Orange Mountain to the " Great Pond." So distinct
were the settlements upon the Hudson and the Delaware
that their separation into East and West Jersey, so sin-
gular to us now, was a natural one. The line between the
two divisions, described as a " streight lyne from the said
Creeke called Barnegat to a certaine Creeke in Delaware
River next adjoyneing to and below a certaine Creeke
in Delaware River called Rankokus Kill, and from
thence up the said Delaware to ye northermost
branch thereof, which is in fforty-one degrees and
fforty minutes of Latitude," was a fruitful source of
dispute. In 1687 Keith, the surveyor-general of
East Jersey, ran this line from Little Egg Harbor
as far as the south branch of the Raritan, but it
was deemed by the West Jersey proprietors too far west,
and they objected to its continuance any farther. On
September 5th 1688 Governors Coxe and Barclay, repre-
senting the opposite sides, stipulated that the line should
be extended to the north branch of the Raritan, near
Lamington Falls; thence up the river to its rise on Suc-
casunna Plains, and from there to the " nearest part of
Passaic River;" thence up the Passaic and Pequannock to
the 41st degree north latitude, and thence due east to the
partition point on the Hudson River between New Jersey
and New York. This line passed about five miles north
of Morristown, and seemed to be regarded as the division
line, but not invariably or for any length of time. The
line run by John Lawrence in 1743, which passes
through Budd's Lake (the " ninety-three mile tree "
standing just north of the lake), was finally settted upon
as the true one; but until after the Revolution the pro-
prietors of West Jersey claimed to the compromise line of
Coxe and Barclay, or to a line running from Barnega:t
Inlet to Port Jervis, and the proprietors of East Jersey
claimed to the line of Keith, continued to the Delaware.
John Barclay, Arthur Forbes and Gawen Lawrie, writ-
ing to the Scots proprietors March 29th 1684, say : "We
cannot positively answer, to give an account of the whole
length and breadth of the province. But we are informed
that it is a great deal broader than ye expected, for those
who have traveled from the extent of our bounds on
Hudson River straight over to the Delaware River say it is
100 miles or upwards. We shall know that certainly after
a while, for the line betwixt us and New York is to be
run straight over to Delaware River, about three weeks
hence, and after that the line betwixt us and West Jer-
sey; after which we shall be able to give a true account
of the bounds of that province. * * * There are
also hills up in the country, but how much ground they
take up we know not; they are said to be stony, and cov-
ered with wood, and beyond them is said to be excellent
land." Endeavoring to give as flattering an account as
they could of the settlements in the province and their
extent, in their reports to their friends in the old country,
no mention is made of any nearer Morris county than
As late as January 21st' 1707 the Legislature passed
an act defining the boundaries of the then nine counties
of the State, and exhibited an ignorance of the geography
of the upper portion of the State only to be accounted
for by the fact that that region was uninhabited except by
Indians and wandering hunters. The bounds of Essex
county ran up the "Rahway River to Robeson's branch;
thence west to the division hne between the Eastern and
Western division aforesaid, and so to follow the said di-
vision line to Pequaneck River, where it meets Passaick
River; thence down Passaick River to the bay and sound."
The lines of Burlington county followed the same par-
tition line " to the northernmost and uttermost bounds
of the township of Am well; thence by the same to the
River Delaware;" thence down the Delaware to the place
of beginning. This arrangement placed part of Morris
county in Essex and part in Burlington. The division
line referred to was evidently the Coxe and Barclay line,
as Keith's division line of 1687 or its continuation did
not run within miles of the Pequannock or any of its trib-
utaries. Lawrence's line, still farther to the east, inter-
sected only the head waters of the Walkill.
March tith 1713-14 all the upper part "of the said
Western Division of the province of New Jersey lying
northward of, or situate above, the brook or rivulet com-
monly called Assanpink" was created a county, to be
called Hunterdon.
The Indians who inhabited northern New Jersey at the
time of the first settlement by the whites were the Lenapes
or Delawares, who are treated of on page 7. The Minsi
tribe, called by the English Muncys, extended from the
Minisink, on the Delaware, where they held their council
seat, to the Hudson on the east, to the head of the Sus-
quehanna and Delaware rivers on the north, and on the
south to the Musconetcong and Lehigh hills. Tribes of
the Iroquois or Mengwe also roamed through the country
at will. The different tribes of these Indians were often
called by the whites after the Indian names of the rivers
along which they dwelt. Hence we have the Whip-
panongs, the Pomptons, the Rockawacks, the Parsippa-
nongs, the Minisinks, the Musconetcongs. A very favor-
ite place with these aboriginal tribes was the Great
Pond, now called Lake Hopatcong; and the traces of
their sojourn there are treated of in the history of Jeffer-
son township.
The Indians who inhabited this region appear to have
been very peaceably disposed, as there are no records or
traditions of any fights or massacres with or by them, and
no settler appears to have been disturbed by them. The
scene of Tom Quick's wonderful adventures is laid far-
ther west and north, on the head waters of the Delaware.
The aborigines lingered in the neighborhood until the
middle of the eighteenth century, when they seem to have
finally disappeared from the coi^nty, but not from the
State. As late as 1832 an act was passed authorizing the
purchase, from the Delaware Indians who had removed
from this State to Michigan, of all their rights in all the
territory of New Jersey. The Indian paths from one
lake to another or from the seashore westward were the
first roads of the county, and are often referred to in old
deeds and land titles. The Pequannock valley was one
of their traveling routes, as there was a path, called the
Minisink path, running through "the Notch," crossing
the Passaic at Little Falls, thence passing along the foot
of the hills to Pompton and so up the Pequannock river
toward the Delaware.
The first actual settlement by the whites was probably
in the northeastern part of the county, near Pompton
Plains. On the 6th of June 1695 Arent Schuyler, in be-
half of himself and his associates. Major Anthony Brock-
hoist, Samuel Byard, George Ryerson, John Mead, Sam-
uel Berrie, David Mandeville, and Hendrick Mandeville,
purchased from the Indians all the territory lying between
the Passaic on the south, the Pompton on the north, and
between the foot of the hills on the east and on the west;
and in November of that year purchased 5,500 acres ly-
ing east of the Pequannock river, of the proprietors
of East New Jersey. The next year Schuyler, Brock-
hoist and Byard purchased a tract of 1,500 acres or there-
abouts, and other lands, on the west side of the river,
including all the present Pompton Plains. The houses
of these men, so far as can be ascertained, were built
upon their first purchase, east of the river; but it is alto-
gether probable that in 1700 settlers had begun to make
improvements on the purchase of 1696 in Morris county.
If this be the case the honor of the first settlement of the
county is due to the Dutch.
Following closely upon the heels of the Pompton
Plains settlers the New Englanders, who had located
along the Passaic, extended their boundaries to the west
and entered Morris county by way of Caldwell and I^iv-
ingston. Passing the extensive Troy meadows, then no
doubt a dense swamp covered with a growth of original
forest timber, they were attracted by the high lands of
Hanover and Whippany. In the "History of the Han-
over Presbyterian Church," written by the Rev. Jacob
Green in 1767, when there were many alive who were eye
witnesses of the events he recorded, it is stated that
" about the year 17 10 a few families removed from New-
ark and Elizabeth, etc., and settled on the west side of
the Passaic river, in that which is nov/ Morris county.
Not long after the settlers erected a house for the public
worship of God on the bank of the Whippanong river,
about one hundred rods below the forge which is and has
long been known by the name of the Old Iron Works."
This fact indicates the character of first settlers,
and that they had not forgotten the cause which brought
them or their fathers over the water. September 2nd
1718 a deed was made for this church lot by "John
Richards, of Whippanong, in the county of Hunterdon,
schoolmaster." The land is said to be situated in the
" township of Whippanong, on that part called Percip-
ponong, on the northwestward side of Whippanong
river "; and the land was to be for "public use, improve-
ment and benefit for a meeting-house, burying yard and
training field and such like uses, and no other."
In the records of Hunterdon county no mention is
made of any township but Hanover within the present
bounds of Morris county; and it is to be presumed that
the settlement of Hanover gave name to the whole region,
and that the county was comprised in one township,
whose western boundaries were of the most vague'
description. From Hanover or Whippany the settlers
moved westward to Morristown, called at first New Han-
Passing up the Basking Ridge neighborhood, which
does not appear to have been occupied by actual settlers
before about 1720, we come to the high lands of the
southwest part of the county, which were peopled from
the west. The renunciation of Protestantism in 1697 by
Frederick Augustus, elector of Saxony, made it so un-
comfortable at home for many of his subjects that in
1705 they determined to leave their country. They
went first to Neuwied, in Prussia, then to Holland, and
in 1707 sailed for America, expecting to join the Dutch
in New York. Carried south by adverse winds they
entered the Delaware instead of the Hudson, and landed
in Philadelphia. Determined still to join the Dutch
settlements in New York they crossed the Delaware near
Lambertville, and commenced their march across the
State. But when they arrived at German Valley, and
saw the goodness of the land and the beauty of its sur-
rounding hills, they abandoned their original purpose and
began to make a home for themselves where their de-
scendants still live.
In 1 7 13 James Wills, an Englishman, bought of the
proprietors of East Jersey a large tract of land of what is
now called Ralstonville, west of Mendham, and the
actual settlement of the Mendham neighborhood proba-
bly soon followed. In the same year the site of the vil-
lage of Chester is said to have been laid out in lots for
Thus from opposite sides, under different auspices and
by men of different nationalities, the work of subduing
the wilderness was begun. The energy and perseverance
of these first settlers made rapid progress in the work of
clearing up the forests, and bringing the soil under cul-
tivation and developing the wealth of the country.
These pioneers kept pressing forward until within a few
years they met in the center of the county, and what had
been in 1707 almost an unknown country had become in
1725 explored and dotted with hamlets. The roads
were still but bridle-paths and the houses were of logs;
but the wants of the people were few and easily supplied.
The streams were stocked with fish, and game of every
kind was abundant. The first colonists in Morris had
neither the sterile soil nor the cold climate of New Eng-
land nor the malaria of the southern seaboard to contend
with; and both by immigration and by natural increase
the county grew wonderfully in numbers.
From 1710 to 1715 the proprietors of West New Jer-
sey, attracted by the richness of this new country, began
to allot to themselves large tracts of its land. William
Penn, John Reading, William Biddle, John Kays and
otjiers took up in this way tracts of 1,200 acres and more
at^a time, on West Jersey right, as far east as Morris-
town. These locations do not appear to have extended
further north than Budd's Lake, Dover and Rockaway
Valley, the country north of these places seeming to
these early speculators too forbidding and unpromising
for their purposes. Titles to lands in this region are de-
rived from locations on East Jersey right, after the divis-
ion line had become more definitely settled; and of these
locations the first were small, covering the streams,
natural meadows and smooth land. They were made by
actual settlers, who could not afford to purchase the
surrounding rough hills, the mineral wealth of which was
entirely unknown to them. Timber then was too plenti-
ful to be desired, and it was not till after the Revolution-
ary war that the hills were thought worth purchasing for
the wood which covered them.
The first location in the northern part of Jefferson and
Rockaway townships was to John Davenport, in 1750,
of 210 acres near Petersburg. Earlier than this by five
years was the " Nevil tract," which extended from Berk-
shire Valley only to Longwood and was the first in that
In 1722 the settlements in Morris county had grown
sufficiently to be thought worthy of the honor of bearing
a part of the burden of government, and in the minutes
of the Hunterdon county court of June sth of that year
is this entry: " Whereas there is no assessor returned to
this court to serve for the inhabitants of the township of
Hanover, it is therefore ordered by the court that Elisha
Bird serve assessor for the said township of Hanover for
the ensuing year, to assess the tax to be levied upon the
said inhabitants towards the support of his Majestie's
government; and it is hereby ordered accordingly."
The next year all the township officers were appointed
by the court, and we see among them names from all sec-
tions of the county. John Hayward and Samuel Vander-
book were to serve as '" Comishoner of the Highways,"
Benjamin Hathaway and Morris Morrison were appointed
constables, and James Hayward, Abraham Vandine and
Benjamin Beach were to be the overseers of the highways
and John Bigelow was to be collector for the township of
At this same court it was ordered that the commission-
ers of Amwell and Hopewell attend those of Hanover
" in order to lay out a road from Amwell to Hanover
thorow the Western Division, betwixt this and the next
court, and to meet at Mr. John Reading's the first day of
October next for that purpose."
In 1724 we find the names of Samuel Potter, William
Shores and Abraham Vandine as town officers, and March
r4th 1725 there were appointed for Hanover as freehold-
ers Jonathan Gilbert and Abraham Vandine; as commis-
sioners, John Cortland and Thomas Huntingdon; as
overseers of highways, Joseph Lindly and Daniel Goble;
as collector John Lyon, and as assessor Jonathan Gil-
The earliest town meeting of which we have any ac-
count was that of March 14th 1726-7, and the record
of it is as follows: "It being the General Town
Meeting appointed by Law for Electing their Town
Officers, and the Inhabitants of our Said County being
met on that acct., proceeded to chose as follows: John
Morehouse asessor for ye Govener Tax, Joseph Lindsley
Collector, Morris Morrison and Joseph Coe Freeholders,
Abraham Vandine and Jonathan Stiles commissioners
for laying out roads, Benjamin Beach and Matthew Van
Dine, Thomas Huntington, Nathaniel Cogswell and John
Courter overseers of ye H'ghway, John Morehouse Town
Three years afterward Ephraim Rue, Stephen Tuthill
and Paulas Berry were appointed constables.
In 1732-3 for the first time another township is men-
tioned within the bounds of what was afterward the three
counties of Morris, Sussex and Warren. At that date
officers were nominated for Walpack township. In Oc-
tober 1737 among the associate judges of Hunterdon
county appears the name of Abraham Kitchel, grand-
father of Aaron and Abraham Kitchel, afterward so
prominent in the history of Morris county.
Hunterdon county, with its county seat at Trenton,
had at this time a population of 5,288 whites and 219
slaves, and of the aggregate it is likely that one-third
only were within the boundaries of the northern section,
which was about to be made into the new county. But
there is evidence that these early settlers had become
dissatisfied with their long journeyings to the distant
court-house, and the .subject of a separation was being
agitated. Though the population could have averaged
hardly two persons to a square mile the measure was
adopted, and in 1738 Morris county obtained a separate
HE act creating the county of Morris was
passed by the Legislature March 15th 1738-
9. Colonel Lewis Morris was at the time
governoi-, having been formally appointed in
February 1738 and publishing his commis-
ion and taking up the duties of the office August
29th. The act was introduced by John Embley,
one of the members from Hunterdon, and seems to have
met no opposition. Tiie name given the new county
was in honor of the governor, who was the first governor
of New Jersey distinct from New York, and one who
had been largely instrumental in bringing about the
separation from the sister colony.
The act declared that " all and singular the lands and
upper parts of the said Hunterdon county lying to the
northward and eastward, situate and lying to the east-
ward of a well known place in the county of Hunterdon,
being a fall of water in part of the north branch of
Raritan River, called in the Indian language or known by
the name of Allamatonck, to the northeastward of the
northeast end or part of the lands called the New Jersey
Society lands, along the line thereof, crossing the south
branch of the aforesaid Raritan River, and extending
westerly to a certain tree, marked with the letters L. M.,
standing on the north side of a brook emptying itself
into the said south branch, by an old Indian path to the
northward of a line to be run northwest from the said
tree to a branch of Delaware river called Muskonetkong,
and so down the said branch to Delaware river, all which
said lands being to the eastward, northward and north-
eastward of the above said boundaries, be erected into a
county; and is is hereby erected into a county, named
and from henceforth to be called Moiris county, and the
said bounds shall part and from henceforth separate and
divide the same from the said Hunterdon county."
The "Allamatonck " Falls were on what is now called
the Black River, which formed the dividing line at that
point between Hunterdon and Somerset, and not what
is now called the north br;inch of the Raritan, which
crosses the south line of Morris where the townships of
Bedminster and Bernard, of Somerset county, corner.
It will be seen that only a part of the southern boundary
of the new county was fixed by this act, from the most
southerly point of what is now Chester township, west.
The line between the new county and Somerset remained
uncertain until March 28th 1749, when the division
line was fixed by act of Legislature, and directed to be
as follows: "Beginning at a fall of water commonly
called Allamatonck Falls, and also mentioned in the be-
fore recited act; and from thence on a straight line, in a
course east and by north as the compass now p( ints, to
the main branch of Passaic River, and so down the said
river as the before recited act directs; anything herein or
in any other act to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.
The territory thus described and made a new county
included the present counties of Morris, Sussex and
Warren. It comprised about 870,000 acres or some
1,360 square miles. It was considered as a part of West
Jersey, though two-thirds at least of it was east of Law-
rence's line of 1743. In the letter of transmittal of the
act to the Duke of Newcastle, dated May 26th 1739,
Governor Morris says:
" Among the acts herewith sent there is one to erect
the northern parts of Hunterdon county, in the western
division, into a new county by the name of Morris county.
Their having of representatives is suspended till his
Majestie's pleasure is known on that head. If his Majes-
tic should think fit to grant them that favour it will be
adding two representatives to the western division more
than the eastern has; but if his Majestie will give me
leave to add two to the eastern division, in such place or
places as I shall judge most propper, to make them
equall (as by his instructions it seems to be intended
they should be), such is the scituation of this new county
that I am in hopes by the addition of these four mem-
bers to put the support of the government upon a better
and more certain footing than it is at present; & to get
money rais'd for the building a house and conveniences
of a governour's residence, sitting of Assemblyes &c
all w'ch are very much wanting." '
Notwithstanding the recommendation of Governor
Morris representatives were not allowed to the new
county, and May 22nd 1756 in the minutes of the As-
sembly it appears that several petitions were presented
to the house from the county of Morris, signed by 190
hands, setting forth " the hardships they labor under
by having no members allowed to represent them in
General Assembly; praying the Legislature to grant them
the usual privileges as the other counties enjoy in being
represented by two members in General Assembly for
the future; which were read and ordered a second read-
It was not till the last colonial Legislature, which
met in 1772, and till after Sussex county had been set
off from Morris that representatives were received from
this new county. These representatives were Jacob
Ford and William Winds, both exceedingly prominent
and active in the stirring scenes soon to be enacted.
On the 25th of March 174c, one. year after the act
was passed constituting the county, we have the record
of the first court, which met at Morristown, previously
called New Hanover, probably at the hotel of Jacob Ford,
one of the judges. The names of the judges present the
first day are not given, but on the next day, the 26th, to
which they adjourned, there were present Messrs. John
Budd, Jacob Ford, Abraham Kitchel, John Lindley jr.i
Timothy Tuttle and Samuel Swezy. Their first business
was to divide the new county into three townships. The
minute of their proceedings is as follows:
" March 25th MDCCXL.
"General Sessions of the Peace.
"The Court, taking into consideration the necessity of
dividing the county of Morris into Proper Townships or
Districts, for having proper officers within every such
Township or District, and more especially for such of-
ficers as are to act in concert with other Townships, we
therefore order and Determine that from henceforth a
certain Township, bounded on Pissaic River, Poquanock
River to the lower ead of the great pond at the head
thereof, and by Rockaway River and the west branch
thereof to the head thereof, and thence cross to the
lower end of said pond, and shall henceforth be called
Poquanock Township, District or Precinct.
"And that a certain road from the Bridge, by John
Day's, up to the Place where the same road passes be-
■ tween Benjamin and Abraham Pierson's, and thence up
the same road to the corner of Samuel Ford's fence,
thence leaving Samuel Ford to the right hand, thence
running up to the road that leads from the Old Iron
Works towards Succasunning, and crossing Whippenung
Bridge, and from thence to Succasunning, and from thence
to the great pond on the head of Musconecung, do part
the Township of Hanover from the Township of Morris;
which part of the county of Morris. Lying as aforesaid,
to the Southward and Westward of said roads, lines and
places, is ordered by the Court to be and remain a Town-
ship, District or Precinct, and to be called and distin-
guished by the name of Morristown."
These descriptions are absurdly indefinite in some
respects, and impossible of identification in regard to
some of the localities mentioned. But the general
boundaries of the townships by modern landmarks were
as follows: Pequannock township included the territory
bounded north by the river of that name, south by the
Rockaway River and west by Lake Hopatcong. Han-
over township was bounded north by the Rockaway
River, east by the Passaic River and south by a road
passing through the present township of Chatham near
the village of Madison, and so to and along the road
which forms the present boundary between Morris and
Hanover to the present Randolph line, and by a line
thence across the mountains to Succasunna Plains, and
from there to the lower end of Lake Hopatcong, where
all the townships met. Morris township included all
the rest of the county.
The first township officers were appointed by the
county court, and were as follows :
For Morris township — Zechariah Fairchild, " town
dark and town bookkeeper;" Matthew Lum, assessor;
Jacob Ford, collector; Abraham Hathaway and Joseph
Coe jr., freeholders; Benjamin Hathaway and Jona
Osborne, overseers of the poor; Joseph Briddin and
Daniel Lindsly. surveyors of the highways; Stephen Free-
man and John Lindsley, Esq., overseers of the highways;
Isaac Whitehead, Alexander Ackerman and William Day-
less, constables.
For Pequannock township — Robert Gold, " town dark
and town bookkeeper;" Garret Debough, assessor; Isaac
Vandine, Esq., collector; Robert Gold and Frederick
Temont (De Mouth?), freeholders; Matthew Vandine and
Nicholas Hiler, overseers of the poor; Henderick Mor-
rison and Giles Manderfield, overseers of the highways;
John Davenport, constable.
For Hanover township — Timothy Tuttle, Esq., town
clerk and town bookkeeper; David Wheeler, assessor;
Caleb Ball, collector; Joseph Tuttle and Caleb Ball,
freeholders; John Kinney and Jonathan Stiles, overseers
of the poor; John Kinney and Samuel Ford, surveyors of
the highways; Paul Leonard, Robert Young, Benjamin
Shipman and Edward Crane, overseers of the highways;
Joseph Herriraan and Stephen Ward, constables.
Most of these names are still familiar in these town-
ships and among these officers will be recognized the
ancestors of many of the present generation.
It is well in this connection to follow out the subse-
quent changes in these townships up to the present time.
December 24th 1740 the township of Roxbury was-
formed from the township of Morris. This action of the
court is thus set forth in their minutes:
" A peticion to the Court from Sundry of the inhabit-
ance of the Southwesterly part of this County of Morris,
Praying they may be made a Township for several causes
therein set forth, the Court grants there Petition and
Bounds same Township, to be called henceforth Rox-.
berry, from the bounds of Summerset County, thence up
the River commonly called Pesack, and up the same in-
cluding the same to that Branch or part thereof called
Indian River, and thence Northerly and Westerly by the
bounds of hanover to the Grate Pond; thence down by
the same and Musconitcung to the Bounds of the County;
thence by the Bounds of Hunterdon County, Essex and
Summerset to the Place first mentioned."
It is quite impossible to define exactly the limits of the
township thus vaguely described, but it evidently in-
cluded all the present townships of Washington, Mount
Olive and Chester, and part of Mendham, Randolph and
Roxbury, " Indian River " being what is now called the
north branch of the Raritan.
The next year Wallpack township is mentioned and
officers appointed for it, and on March 23d 1741-2 there
is the following quaint entry in regard to another town-
ship of the region afterward known as Sussex: " Whereas
the Court is informed that in time Past, before the Divis-
ion of the County of Hunterdon, Grinnage Township
was set apart and bounded on Dillaware river from Mus-
conecung to Powlins Kill, being the bounds of Wallpack
Township, be and remain from hence forth a Township
or District by the name of Grinnage Township."
March 29th 1749 Mendham township was created by
the court, their action being recorded as follows:
" A Petition From Sundry of the Westerly part of the
inhabitants of the Townships of Morris and Hanover
and Sunderie of the Easterly Part of the Inhabitants of
Roxbury To This Court, praying that they may be made
a Township or proccuts [precinct ?] for Sevrall Causes
therein Sett forth. The Court upon Reading the same
grants them their Petition and Bounds said Township as
followeth: Beginning at Pasiak River, at the South Cor-
ner of Henry Wick's Land, and from thence a straight
Line to the Contry Road Between Ezra Halsey's and
Stephen Lyon's Land; thence a Straight Line to the
Mouth of Robert Young's Meddow Brook, up Rockaway
River to the Uper end of Spruce Island in said River;
thence to a River commonly called and known by the
name of Black River, the nighest to Suckasona mine;
thence down the same till an East point will strike the
head spring of the Most Westerly Branch of Dorson's
Bfpok, which is near the house where Sam'l Pitdney
Lately Dwelt; and Down, the Stream issuing from said
Spring till it comes to the Road Between James Wills
and Noah Rude; from thence ten chain to the post of
Joseph Casen's new dwelling house; from thence South
to the Lines Between the County of Somersett and Mor-
ris, and thence along said Line to pasiak River and by
said River to the bounds first mentioned; and to be from
hence forth called Mendham."
This included not only the present township of Mend-
ham but also Randolph, and nearly all of Chester.
June 8th 1753 the act of the Legislature was passed
which took from Morris county the territory west of the
Musconet'^ong river. Lake Hopatcong and a line drawn
northwest from the head of the " Great Pond," and
formed it into the county of Sussex. The boundaries of
Morris have remained unchanged since that time.
There were in the new county the townships of Grinnage,
Wallpack, Hardwick and New Town. In the old county
were the five townships of Pequannock, Hanover, Mor-
ris, Mendham and Roxbury; and for forty-five years
there were but these five in Morris. The subsequent
alterations are to be found in the laws of the State.
Washington township was formed February 12th 1798,
Chester township January 29th 1799, Jefferson town-
ship February nth 1804, Randolph November 13th 1805,
Chatham February 12th 1806, Rockaway March 5th 1844,
Passaic March 23d 1866, Boonton and Montville April
nth 1867, and Mount Olive March 22nd 1871.
Changes were made in the township lines as follows:
Between Randolph and Chester in 1806, between Ran-
dolph and Pequannock in 1831, between Washington and
Chester in 1840 and 1853, between Washington and Rox-
bury in 1858 and 1859, and between Morris and Passaic
in 1867.
From the time of its separation from Hunterdon
Morris county grew rapidly. In 1745 it had a population
of 4,436, and seven years before the whole county of
Hunterdon had but 5,570.
In 1765, in a "short geographical description of the
province," by Samuel Smith, the first historian of the
State, the county was said to be populous for a " late set-
tled county." " They raise grain and cattle chiefly, for
New York market, and cut large quantities of timber of
various sorts for exportation. In this county resides
Peter Kemble, Esq., president of the Council. The
places for worship in this county are — Presbyterians nine,
Lutherans one. Anabaptists one, Quakers one, Separa-
tists one, Rogerines one."
In the thirty-five years between 1740 and 1775 the face
of the country greatly changed. Instead of a few vil-
lages (at Pompton, Whippany, Morristown, German Val-
ley, Chester, Dover and Rockaway) the whole county
had been opened up by actual settlers. Furnaces and
a slitting-mill had been built. Forges, grist-mills and
saw-mills were on all the streams, and every considerable
fall of water turned a wheel of some kind. Only the
roughest hills and the large lakes or little " gores " of
land overlooked by the surveyor were left to the pro-
prietors. No census was taken, or if taken has been pre-
served, for the years immmediately preceding the war;
but it seems probable that the population was not less
than 10,000 at that time. They were an independent,
self-sustaining people, raising their own bread, and manu-
facturing all that their wants required. No county in the
State was better prepared to be thrown upon its own re-
sources, and it was owing quite as much to the character
of the people as to its situation and natural defenses that
during the eight years' struggle which was to follow no
force of the enemy entered its bounds except as prisoners
of war.
The population of the county at the various census
dates has been as follows: 1745, 4,436; 179c, 16,216;
1800, 17,750; 1810, 21.828; 1820, 21,368; 1830, 23,580;
1840, 25,861; 1850, 30,173; 1860,34,678 (680 colored);
1870,43,161 (742 colored); 1875,49,019(788 colored);
1880, 50,867.
N quick apprehension of and sturdy resistance
to the tyrannical measures of the home gov-
ernment which produced the Revolution,
the people of New Jersey were in no way
behind the other colonists. Though not so
immediately injured by all the measures taken
by the British ministry to repress their uneasy sub-
jects, they were not slow to perceive that the cause was
a common one, and that their only hope of success was
in united resistance. The Legislature of 1772 consisted
of a House of Assembly, elected by and sympathizing
wih the people, and a Privy Council, whose members
owed their appointment to Governor Franklin, whose
tastes were aristocratic and their sympathies altogether
with the king.. In this Assembly Jacob Ford and William
Winds represented Morris county. While the governor
and Council could prevent the passage of a law in aid
of the popular movement and the appointing of dele-
gates to a General Congress who could be said to be ap-
pointed by the Legislature of the State, the action of the
Assembly alone was regarded by the people as their
action and its recommendations were observed as laws.
February 8th 1774 the Assembly appointed nine of its
members a standing committee of correspondence, and
requested them to place the resolutions appointing them
before the assemblies of the other colonies.
On the nth day of J.une 1774 a meeting of the free-
holders and inhabitants of Essex county was held at
Newark, and resolutions were adopted calling upon the
other counties to hold similar meetings and to appoint
committees who should meet in a State convention to
appoint delegates to a General Congress of deputies to
be sent from each of the colonies, to form a general plan
of union, and pledging their support and adherence to
such plan when adopted. This call met a ready response
from the other counties. The minds of all the citizens
of the province seemed to have been prepared for the
step, and their thoughts only required this example to
take form.
In accordance with this movement "a respectable
body of freeholders and inhabitants " of the county of
Morris met at the court-house in Morristown on Monday
June 27th 1774. Jacob Ford acted as chairman and the
following resolutions were adopted:
" ist — That George the Third is lawful and rightful
king of Great Britain and all other his dominions and
countries; and that as part of his dominions it is our
duty not only to render unto him true faith and obedi-
ence, but also with our lives and fortunes to support and
maintain the just dependence of these his colonies upon
the crown of Great Britain.
" 2n^. — That it is our wish and desire, and we esteem
it our greatest happiness and security, to be governed by
the laws of Great Britain, and that we will always cheer-
fully submit to them as far as can be done consistently
with the constitutional liberties and privileges of free-
born Englishmen.
" ^d. — That the late acts of Parliament for imposing
taxes for the purpose of raising a revenue in America are
oppressive and arbitrary, calculated to disturb the minds
and alienate the affections of the colonists from the mother
country, are replete with ruin to both; and consequently
that the authors and promoters of said acts, or of such
doctrines of the right of taxing America being in the
Parliament of Great Britain, are and should be deemed
enemies to our king and happy constitution.
" 4t/i. — That it is the opinion of this meeting that the
act of Parliament for shutting up the port of Boston is
unconstitutional, injurious in its principles to the general
cause of American freedom, particularly oppressive to
the inhabitants of that town, and that therefore the
people of Boston are considered by us as suffering in the
general cause of America.
"5M. — That unanimity and firmness in the colonies
are the most effectual means to relieve our suffering
brethren at Boston, to avert the dangers justly to be ap-
prehended from that alarming act commonly styled the
Boston Port Bill, and to secure the invaded rights and
privileges of America.
" 6//i. — That it is our opinion that an agreement be-
tween the colonies not to purchase or use any articles
imported from Great Britain or from the East Indies,
under such restrictions as may be agreed upon by the
General Congress hereafter to be appointed by the colon-
ies, would be of service in procuring a repeal of those
" yik. — That we will most cheerfully join our brethren
of the other counties in this province in promoting an
union of the colonies by forming a General Congress of
deputies to be sent from each of the colonies; and do
now declare ourselves ready to send a committee to
meet with those from the other counties at such time and
place as by them may be agreed upon, in order to elect
proper persons to represent this province in the said Con-
" 8(A. — That it is the request of this meeting that the
county committees, when met for the purposes aforesaid,
do take into their serious consideration the propriety of
setting on foot a subscription for the benefit of the
sufferers at Boston under the Boston Port Bill above
mentioned, and the money arising from such subscriptions
to be laid out as the committees so met shall think will
best answer the ends proposed.
" 9M. — That we will faithfully adhere to such regula-
tions and restrictions as shall by the members of said
Congress be agreed upon and judged most expedient for
avoiding the calamities and procuring the benefits in-
tended in the foregoing resolves.
" lot/i. — It is our request that the committee hereafter
named do correspond and consult with such other com-
mittees as shall be appointed by the other counties in
this province, and particularly that they meet with the
said county committee in order to elect and appoint
deputies to represent this province in a General Con-
" iif/i. — We do hereby desire the following gentlemen
to accept of that important trust, and accordingly do ap-
point them our committee for the purposes aforesaid:
Jacob Ford, William Winds, Abraham Ogden, William
De Hart, Samuel Tuthill, Jonathan Stiles, John Carle,
Philip V. Cortland and Samuel Ogden, Esquires."
The committee appointed at this meeting was selected
from all parts of the county, and its members were lead-
ing men in the community.
Jacob Ford was the son of John Ford, of Woodbridge,
N. J., and was born at the latter place in 1704. He was
one of the pioneers in the iron business of New Jersey,
and from the year 1738, when we find him applying to
keep an inn in " New Hanover," until his death, which
occurred January 19th 1777, his name is frequently met
in the public records and his influence was widely felt.
He was no doubt the leading man in Morristown, keeping
a store from which not only the community about him
but his many employes in his different forges drew sup-
plies. The first court, of which he was a member, met
at his house, and " Washington's Headquarters " v/as
built by him, probably in 1774, though his son Colonel
Jacob Ford jr. resided there at the time of his death
When made a delegate to the Provincial Congress he was
an old man, and his son and namesake was succeeding
him in his business and in his place in public regard.
Unfortunately the son died a few days before his
General William Winds was in many respects a remark-
able man. He was born in Southold, Long Island, in
the year 1727 or 1728. Early in life he removed to New
Jersey and settled near Dover, on the farm which he
afterward willed to the Rockaway church, to which he
was much attached. The car shops of the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western Railroad are built upon a part
of this farm, and not far from where the mansion house
stood. He was a man of great physical powers, tremen-
dous voice, strong will and indomitable courage. Very
impulsive, he was calculated to be a leader and foremost
in every popular movement. He is said to have borne
a commission in the French war in a New Jersey com-
piahy. As colonel of the ist regiment ist establishment
in the continental army, and as brigadier general of
militia, he acquitted himself with honor, and the name of
no other of our Revolutionary heroes has been so much
honored as his by both his own and succeeding genera-
tions. A very interesting sketch of his life was read be
fore the New Jersey Historical Society by Dr. Tuttle in
1853, and published in its proceedings, to which we
must refer for a more detailed account of this ardent
patriot. General Winds died October 12th 1789, and is
buried in the Rockaway cemetery, where his monument
rn'ay be seen.
Abraham Ogden and Samuel Ogden were brothers, and
sons of Judge David Ogden, of Newark, who graduated
at Yale in 1728 and became one of the judges of the
supreme court of this State. When the war broke out he
espoused the side of the king and became a distinguished
loyalist. One son, Isaac, sided with his father, and his
interest in the old Boonton property was accordingly
Confiscated and sold to his brother by the commissioners.
Abraham and Samuel were active and ardent patriots.
The former was a distinguished lawyer, and said to
have had no equal before a jury. He was appointed
surrogate for Morris in 1768. After the war he returned
to Newark, was United States district attorney in Wash-
ington's administration, was a member of the Legislature
in 1790, and died suddenly in 1798, upward of sixty
years of age. Samuel Ogden married a sister of Gov-
ernor Morris, and lived at Old Boonton, where he was
largely engaged in the iron business. He commanded a
company of militia in the war. In 1805 he is described
in a deed as being of Newark. He was the father of
David B. Ogden, eminent at the bar, both in New Jersey
and New York.
William De Hart was a lawyer residing in Morristown,
and one of its streets was afterward named after him.
He was a son of Dr. Matthias De Hart, and had two
brothers killed in the war. His name occurs frequently
in the records of the court. He was licensed as attorney
November ist 1767, and as counselor May 30th 1771.
He was a major in the first battalion, first and second es-
tablishments; afterward lieutenant-colonel of the second
regiment continental army. He was born December 7th
1746, and died June i6th 1801.
Samuel Tuthill was a prominent citizen of Morristown,
a son-in-law of Jacob Ford sen., and after the war clerk
of the county and judge of the county court. He lived
on South street, at the corner of Pine, where James Wood
afterward lived.
Jonathan Stiles was one of the county judges and had
been sheriff of the county. He also lived in Morristown.
Jonathan Stiles, named as a township officer in 1726,
probably father of the delegate, died in Morristown No-
vember isth 1758, aged 80 years.
John Carle was one of the county judges, and resided
in the southern part of the county. He was an elder in
the Basking Ridge church and a man much respected.
Philip Van Cortland was probably from the neighbor-
hood of Pompton, and his name appears as colonel of
the 2nd regiment of Essex county, and in 1776 as colonel
of a battalion in Heard's brigade. There was a man of
the same name — a delegate to the Provincial Congress of
New York — who entered the military service of the king^
and who in 1782 was major of the 3d battalion N.J. (loyal)
volunteers. At the peace he went to Nova Scotia.
The committees of the several counties met at New
Brunswick July 21st, and appointed five of their members
delegates to the General Congress, which met in Phila-
delphia September 5th. This General Congress, after
adopting various resolutions, and after a general inter-
change of views, resolved that another General Congress
should be held on the loth of May following, to which
all the colonies were requested to send delegates. Del-
egates for this convention were chosen by the Assembly
of New Jersey for the province, that body being urged to
take the responsibility of that action by the people of the
several counties.
The committee of correspondence, appointed in June
1774, after the adjournment of the General Congress in
Philadelphia called a meeting of the citizens at Morris-
town to endorse its action. The proceedings of this
meeting, breathing the same spirit of resistance and ex-
hibiting an appreciation on the part of the committee
that their appointment was " by the people and for the
people," were as follows:
"At a meeting of the freeholders of the county of
Morris, at Morristown, on Monday the 9th day of Janu-
ary 1775, William Winds, Esq., chairman, the committee
of correspondence for the county of Morris having pro-
duced and read the association of the Continental Con-
gress, the same was deliberately considered by the whole
assembly and by them unanimously approved as a wise,
prudent and constitutional mode of opposition to the
late several tyrannical and oppressive acts of the British
Parliament. Whereupon they unanimously determined
strictly to abide by the same, and thanks to the delegates
of this colony for their great attention to the rights and
liberties of their constituents, and for the faithful dis-
charge of the important trust reposed in them.
"The assembly then unanimously agreed that the in-
habitants of each several township in the county should
meet, at their respective places of holding town meet-
ings, on Monday the 23d day of January instant, at i
o'clock in the afternoon, then and there respectively to
choose (by those who are qualified to vote for repre-
sentatives in the Legislature) a committee of observation.
pursuant to and for the purposes expressed in the elev-
enth article of the said association. After which the
committee of correspondence declared to the assembly
that they had thought proper to dissolve themselves, in
order that their constituents might have an opportunity
of a new choice, and that they were dissolved accord-
ingly. Whereupon Jacob Ford, William Winds and
Jonathan Stiles, Esquires, Messrs. Jacob Drake, Peter
Dickerson and Ellis Cook, together with Samuel Tuthill,
Dr. William Hart and Abraham Ogden, Esquires, were
elected; and at the same time authorized to instruct the
representatives of this county when convened in General
Assembly to join in the appointment of delegates for this
colony to meet in General Congress at Philadelphia; but
if the said assembly should not appoint delegates for
that purpose by the first day of April next, then the said
committee of correspondence to meet with the several
county committees of this colony and appoint the said
delegates, at such time and place as shall be agreed upon
by the said committees.
" The assembly afterwards, taking into consideration
the conduct of James Rivington, printer in New York,
in publishing two certain pamphlets — the one entitled
' A Friendly Address,' &c., &c., the other under the
signature of ' A. W. Farmer,' and several others —
all containing many falsehoods, wickedly calculated to
divide the colonies, to deceive the ignorant, and to cause
a base submission to the unconstitutional measures of the
British Parliament for enslaving the colonies, do unan-
imously resolve that they esteem the said James Riving-
ton an enemy to his country; and therefore that they
will for the future refrain from taking his newspapers,
and from all further commerce with him; and that by all
lawful means in their power they will discourage the cir-
culation of his papers in this county."
John Carle and Philip Van Cortland were left off the
new committee for some reason, and Jacob Drake and
Peter Dickerson appointed in their places.
Colonel Jacob Drake was one of the earliest settlers at
Drakesville, where he located a large tract of land, on
which he resided the remainder of his life, selling off
portions as the county became more thickly settled. He
was born in 1730 and was of a Virginia family. At the
breaking out of the war he took at once a leading part.
He is described as of handsome physique, quick and
active in his movements and of very popular manners.
He was colonel of the " western battalion " of Morris
militia, and resigned his commission to represent the
county in the first State Legislature. He died at Drakes
ville, September 1823, aged 93 years. Colonel Drake's
second wife was Esther Dickerson, daughter of Captain
Peter Dickerson, of the continental army, and his asso-
ciate on the committee. By her he had six children —
Clarissa, wife of Dr. Ebenezer Woodruff; Jacob Drake
jr., of Drakesville; Silas Drake, who removed to the
west; Hon. George K. Drake, judge of the supreme
court of New Jersey; Peter Drake, and Eliza, wife of
Dr. Absalom Woodruff.
Peter Dickerson, son of Thomas Dickerson, was born
at Southoid, Long Island, in 1724, and came to New
Jersey about 1741 and settled in Morris county. He
was an ardent patriot and his house in Morristown was
from the beginning of the difficulties with Great Britain
a gathering place of those of kindred mind. He was a
member pf the Provincial Congress of 1776, and was
captain of the sth company of the 3d battalion first
establishment continental army, and of the ist company
3d battalion second establishment, his men re-enlisting
in a body. It is said that he paid all the expense of the
equipment of this company out of his own pocket, and
that the money he so advanced stands to his credit to-
day in Washington, unpaid. He died May loth 1780, in
the 56th year of his age, and is buried in the First
Church burying ground in Morristown. By his first
wife, Ruth Coe, he had eight children, one of whotn—
Jonathan— was the father of Governor Mahlon Dicker-
son, and another — Esther — married first George King, of
Morristown, and afterward Colonel Jacob Drake.
Who were chosen members of the several jtownship
committees on January 23d cannot now be ascertained.
It is only known that each township did elect such a
committee. Matthias Burnet, Aaron Kitchel, David
Biuen, Captain Stephen Day, Stephen Munson, Benja-
min Howell and Captain James Keen were on the com-
mittee for Hanover. The committee for Pequannock
township was composed of Robert Gaston, Moses Tuttle,
Stephen Jackson, Abraham Kitchel and Job Allen.
David Thompson was chairman of the Mendham com-
mittee. Each member of these committees exerted him-
self -to obtain signatures to a form of association which
pledged the signers to sustain the Provincial and Conti-
nental Congresses, and none others were allowed to vote
for delegates to the Congress of the province. The
paper of Captain Stephen Jackson, with 172 signers, has
been preserved and is printed in the " Revolutipnary
Fragments " of Dr. Tuttle. While the committee for
Hanover township is called a committee of safety and
was in existence in February 1775, the form of the
articles of association to which it was to obtain signa-
tures was adopted by the Provincial Congress at its
meeting on May 31st. . ,
This Provincial Congress, which met at Trenton May
23d 1775, and continued its session through June and
August, met in response to a call made by a committee
of correspondence, and, assuming thejpowers of govern-
ment, supplanted the former Legislature. The members
of the Assembly were many of them members of th,is
Congress, and the meetings of one body were held
during the adjournments of the other. The delegates
from Morris county were appointed at a meeting pf ^he
inhabitants held May ist. The proceedings pf this
meeting and of the meeting of the delegates the next
day show the progress that had been made in the work
of revolution. They are as follows:
" Pursuant to an appointment of a meetingof the free-
holders and inhabitants of the county of Morris, agree-
able to notice given by the former committee of corre-
spondence, the said freeholders and inhabitants did meet
accordingly on Monday the first day of May anno Domini
1775 — Jacob Ford, Esq., chairman; William De Hart,
Esq., clerk — and came into the following votes and reso-
lutions, to wit:
" That delegates be chosen to represent the county of
Morris, and that the said delegates be vested with the
power of legislation, and that they raise men, money and
arms for the common defense and point out tUe mode.
method and means of raising, appointing and paying the
said men and officers, subject to the control and direction
of the Provincial and Continental Congress; and that
afterward they meet in Provincial Congress with such
counties as shall send to the same jointly with them to
levy taxes on the province, with full power of legislative
authority, if they think proper to exercise the same, for
the said province; and the said Provincial Congress be
subject to the control of the grand Continental Congress.
"And they proceeded to elect the following persons
to be their delegates as aforesaid, to wit: William Winds,
Esq., William De Hart, Esq., Silas Condict, Peter Dick-
erson, Jacob Drake, KUis Cook, Jonathan Stiles, Esq.,
David Thompson, Esq., Abraham Kitchel.
" And pursuant to the above appointment the said
delegates met at the house of Captain Peter Dickerson
at Morristown, in the county of Morris, on the first day
of May 1775. Present: William Winds, Esc^^., Silas Con-
dict, Peter Dickerson, Jacob Drake, Ellis Cook, Jona-
than Stiles, Esq., David Thompson, Esq., Abraham
Kitchel. William Winds, Esq., was unanimously chosen
chairman. Archibald Dallas was appointed clerk. '
" Voted, unanimously, that any five of the delegates
when met be a body of the whole, and do make a board,
and that a majority of them so met should make a vote.
" Voted, unanimously, that forces should be raised.
" Then the delegates adjourned till to-morrow at 9
o'clock in the forenoon, to meet at the house of Captain
Peter Dickerson, aforesaid."
Having met pursuant to the adjournment the delegates
voted that three hundred volunteers be recruited, to be
equally divided into five companies, each to have a cap-
tain and two lieutenants except the first two companies,
which were to be commanded by two field officers. Wil-
liam Winds was designated as colonel; William De Hart,
major; Samuel Ball, Joseph Morris and Daniel Budd,
captains; John Huntington, " captain-lieutenant " in the
colonel's company, and Silas Howell ditto in the major's
company. The captains were to appoint their lieuten-
It was ordered that the captains should discipline their
men at the rate of one day every week till further orders,
the times and places to be appointed by the captains. It
was voted " that the said officers and men shall be paid
as follows, viz.: Captains, seven shillings proclamation
money per day;- first lieutenants, six shillings per day;
second lieutenants, five shillings per day; sergeants, three
shillings and six pence per day; private men, three shil-
lings per day and found with provisions, arms and am-
munition; and when only in discipline at home, the same
wages and to find themselves; and their wages to be paid
every two months."
It was ordered that five hundred pounds of powder
and a ton of lead be purchased and kept in a magazine,
for the use of the new regiment, and William De Hart
was appointed to make the purchase.
It was voted " that the votes and resolves of this
meeting shall be subject to the control of the Provincial
and Continental Congresses, to take place after due
notice being given to us by either of the said Congresses
of their disapprobation of all or any of our proceedings;
and the delegates, taking into consideration the unhappy
circumstances of this country, do recommend to the in-
habitants of this county capable of bearing arms to pro-
vide themselves with arms and ammunition, to defend
their country in case of any invasion.
"Adjourned till the ninth day of this month, at 9 o'clock
in the forenoon, to meet at the house of Captain Peter
Dickerson, in Morristown."
This resolution to raise three companies was antici-
pating the first action of the Provincial Congress in re-
gard to militia. On the 3d of June 1775 an act provid-
ing a plan for regulating the militia of the colony was
passed, directing that where companies and regiments
were already formed and officers chosen and appointed the
same were to be continued. The muster roll signed by
recruits contained only the promise " to obey our officers
in such service as they shall ai)point us, agreeable to the
rules and orders of the Provincial Congress." Morris,
county was to have two regiments and one battalion.
Silas Condict, of Morristown, Ellis Cook, of Hanover,
David Thompson, of Mendham, and Abraham Kitchel,
of Pequannock, who were the new members of the Mor-
ris county delegation, were men in every way worthy of
the honor conferred upon them.
Silas Condict was the son of Peter Condict, who came
from Newark to Morristown about 1730 and lived first
on the Doughty place, on Kimball avenue, and afterward
in a house near the David Mills place. His son Silas
was born March 7th 1738, and married first Phebe Day,
and afterward Abigail Byram. He was a man of good
education and fine ability, an active member and trustee
in the Presbyterian church, and an ardent patriot. He
was one of the committee of the Provincial Congress to
draft the first constitution of the State, and was the repre-
sentative of the county in the State council. He was a
member of the council of safety in 1777-8, and in 1783
represented the State in the Continental Congress. He
was twice appointed one of the judges of the county,
and was eight times elected to the House of Assembly,
of which body he was four times the speaker. He died
September i8th i8oi, leaving but one descendant, a
granddaughter, afterward the wife of Colonel Joseph
Cutler, and the mother of Hon. Augustus W. Cutler. His
nephew. Dr. Lewis Condict, son of Peter Condict jr., was
a member of Congress from this State, and speaker of
the House.
Ellis Cook was a very prominent public man and
maintained the respect and confidence of a large con-
stituency,for many years. He was a member of the Coun-
cil for three years, and of the House of Assembly for
fourteen years.
David Thompson was a devout elder in the Mendham
Presbyterian church, and noted for his eloquence in
prayer and faith in the ultimate success of the patriots.
He said in one of the darkest hours of- the struggle: "We
can look to Jehovah when all other refuges fail;" and his
wife declared to the numerous soldiers she entertained
without charge that " nothing was too good for the use
of those who fight for our country." Thompson com-
manded a company of militia in the war.
Abraham Kitchel was a son of Joseph Kitchel, of
Hanover, and a brothe'r of Hon. Aaron Kitchel, the mem-
ber of Congress and United States senator. He was born
August 26th 1736, and in 1768 was one of the supporters
of the Rockaway church, to which he continued to be-
long until his death. He lived at first on the " back
road " from Rockaway to Hibernia, in a log house near
the stone house occupied after his death by his son James.
He was a man of better education than was common
among men of his day, of strong good sense, and of firm-
ness amounting to obstinacy. He had great independ-
ence of character and more than ordinary physical
strength. He built the Mansion House at White Meadow,
and occupied it until 1799, when he sold it and the lands
about it to Bernard Smith. He died at Parsippany, Jan-
uary nth 1807.
•Of the military officers chosen, Cologel Winds, Major
De Hart and Captains Morris and Howell soon found
their way into the " regular army " of that day, and were
officers in the ist battalion ist establishment of the con-
tinental army — "Jersey Line." Joseph Morris was made
captain of the first company in this ist establishment,
November 8th 1775, and captain of the first company in
the rst battalion 2nd establishment November 29th 1776.
He was promoted to be major, and severely wounded at
the battle of Germantown, October 4th 1777, and died
from his wounds, January 7th 1778.
Captain Silas Howell was captain of the 2nd company
ist battalion ist establishment, November 14th 1775;
captain of the 2nd company ist battalion 2nd establish-
ment, November 29th 1776, and retired September 26th
John Huntington was one of the organizers of the
Rockaway church in 1758, and an elder in it for many
years. His beautiful handwriting and fair composition
in the church records show him to have been a man of
considerable education. He lived near Shongum, and
left at his death considerable estate. He was quarter-
master in General Winds's militia brigade.
Archibald Dallas, the clerk of the meeting, was com-
missioned second lieutenant in Meeker's company 1st
battalion ist establishment, December 9th 1775, and in
Captain Howell's company ist battalion 2nd establish-
ment November 29th 1776; captain in the 4th battalion
2nd establishment, and also in Colonel Spencer's reg-
iment, and was killed in action January 28th 1779.
This first Provincial Congress on August 12th directed
an election in the several counties, to be held on Thurs-
day the 2 1 St day of September, for delegates to attend
the Provincial Congress to meet at Trenton October 3d
1775. The delegates to the latter from Morris county
were William Winds, William De Hart, Jacob Drake,
Silas Condict and Ellis Cook. It was the last Provincial
Congress, and continued its sessions, with adjournments,
to August 2ist 1776, when it adjourned without day,
July 2nd 1776, two days before the declaration of inde-
pendence, it adopted the first constitution of this State,
under which the first State Legislature was elected, and
which continued in force until supplanted by the consti-
tution of 1834. On the committee to draft this constitu-
tion was Silas Condict.
N the 9th of October 1775 the Continental
Congress made its first call on New Jersey
for troops. It was in the shape of the follow-
ing resolutions:
^^ Resolved, That it be recommended to the
convention of New Jersey that they immediately
raise, at the expense of the continent, two bat-
talions, consisting of eight companies each, and each
company of sixty-eight privates, officered with one cap-
tain, one lieutenant, one ensign, four sergeants, and four
" That the privates be enlisted for one year, at the rate
of five dollars per calendar month, liable to be discharged
at any time on allowing them one month's pay extra-
" That each of the privates be allowed, instead of a
bounty, one felt hat, a pair of yarn stockings, and a pair
of shoes; the men to find their own arms.
" That the pay of the officers, for the present, be the
same as that of the officers in the present continental
array; and in case the pay of the officers in the army is
augmented the pay of the officers in these -battalions
shall, in like manner, be augmented from the time of
their engaging in the service."
These resolutions were laid before the Provincial Con-
gress October 13th 1775, and that body on the 26th of
the same month resolved that warrants be issued to the
proper persons to raise the troops called for, and appointed
mustering officers to review the companies when raised.
The form of enlistment was in the following words:
"I , have this day voluntarily
enlisted myself as a soldier in the American continental
army for one year, unless sooner discharged, and do bind
myself to conform in all instances to such rules and
regulations as are or shall be established for the govern-
ment of the said army."
Some delay was caused by the question whether the
field officers should be appointed by the Provincial or
the Continental Congress; but on the loth of November
(only a month after the first call of Congress), this ques-
tion being settled by the confirmation, by the Continental
Congress, of the officers recommended by the State au-
thorities, six companies were raised and ordered to gar-
rison the fort in the Highlands on the Hudson; and No-
vember 27th the rest of the two battalions were ordered
into barracks in New York. December 8th both bat-
talions were ordered into New York, and on the 26th
they were ordered to be mustered. These troops were
called the first or eastern battalion and second or western
battalion of the first establishment. As stated hereafter
a third battalion was afterward called for by Congress
January loth 1776, which was raised for this establish-
ment. The western battalion was in the western and
southern parts of the State, but in the eastern battalion
Morris county was largely represented. Lord Stirling
was colonel, William Winds was lieutenant colonel, and,
after Stirling's promotion, Colonel William De Hart was
major. Three companies at least were from Morris, viz:
The first company, of which Joseph Morris was captain,
Daniel Baldwin first lieutenant, Daniel Brown second
lieutenant, and Jonathan F. Morris ensign; the second
company, of which Silas Howell was captain, John Mer-
cer first lieutenant, Richard Johnson second lieutenant
and Jacob Kemper ensign; and the fifth company, of
which Joseph Meeker was captain, Yellis (or Giles) Mead
first lieutenant, Archibald Dallas second lieutenant, and
George Ross ensign.
On the loth of January 1776 three companions of this
first battalion were ordered to report to Colonel Nathaniel
Heard, in command of minute men, for duty in arresting
tories and disaffected persons in Queens county, N. Y.
The rest of the battalion, Colonel Winds commanding,
Were stationed at Perth Amboy and Elizabethtown until
May 1776. On the 3d of May, with the third battalion,
they left New York to join the expedition to Canada,
and having been joined by the second battalion took an
active part in the operations before Quebec. Later the
first and second battalions were ordered into barracks at
Ticonderoga, and remained at that place until directed,
November 5th 1776, to return to New Jersey for dis-
January loth 1776 Congress directed another battalion
to be raised in New Jersey on the same terms as the
other two, and on the 6th of February the recommenda-
tion was made by the Provincial Congress. The regir
ment was organized at once, and left Elizabethtown
April 29th for New York. On the 3d of May it sailed
for Albany with the- first battalion, and served with it- in
the campaign. The battalion left Albany March 7th
1777, and was discharged at Morristown on the 23d.
The regiment was commanded by Colonel Elias Dayton,
and contained at least one Morris county company— the
fifth — which was commanded by Peter Dickerson, of
Morristown, Stephen Dunham being first lieutenant,
David Tuttle second lieutenant, and William Tenbrook
ensign. A list of the enlisted men of this company has
been made up for the files of the adjutant general and
is as follows:
William Anderson, Stephen Beach, Woodrick Bilberry,
William Bishop, Joseph Bolterhouse, Jacob Buttersop,
Martin Crill, Andrew Culpet, Patrick Davis, Luke De
Voir, John English, Jeremiah Fleming, Daniel Guard,
Thomas Hathaway, John Hill, John Howe, Jacob Kent,
Henry Kitchen, William Logan, Timothy Losey, Thomas
Martin, Clement Martin, James Mathers, Robert Mc-
Kindrick, William Mead, John Moore, Stephen Price,
Adoniram Pritten, John Quill, Joseph Rose, John Sline-
man, Peter Smith, Isaiah Tuttle, John Tway, Isaac
AVard, David Watson, John White, Richard Williamson,
Morris Wooden.
The diary of Timothy Tuttle, a sergeant in the fiirst
battalion in Captain Joseph Morris's company, has been
preserved and has been printed. In it his daily doings
are recorded from before January ist 1776 until he ar-
rived at Albany on his way home, November 12th. From
this it appears that he and his comrades arrived at
Albany May Sth, after an eight days' sail, and marched
from there to Lake George, where they arrived May 22nd.
On the 26th of May they arrived at Crown Point, which
they left on the 28th in boats for St. John. From there
they marched up the Sorell River, and on the Sth of June
were under fire of the enemy's cannon. They were en-
camped on the Sorell until the 14th, when they began a
retreat to Crown Point, which they reached on the 24lh.
They remained in the neighborhood of Ticonderoga and
Crown Point until November 6th, when Tuttle, with 105
of the men of his battalion, left for home with General
Winds. Recruiting had begun for the second establish-
ment, which was enlisted for three years or during the
war, and many of the officers and men of the first estab-
lishment remained and were mustered into the second
establishment. Tuttle notes under date of November
5th: "Same morning our men seemed to persist to go
home, and orders came out from the general that Col-
onel Winds and what men is a mind to follow him to be
off to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock. Some of officers
say we go away with scandal, but Colonel Winds says
[we] go with honor." Sergeant Tuttle was afterward en-
sign and lieutenant in the Morris militia, and later a cap-
tain in Colonel Sylvanus Seeley's eastern battalion of
Morris militia.
These three Jersey regiments of the firtt establishment
did some hard service in this campaign, none the easier
to endure because the movement was unsuccessful in
that it did not accomplish what was hoped for it. A
committee of the New Jersey Provincial Congress by
direction of that body went to Crown Point, and there
reviewed the Jersey troops October 25th. They re-
ported that they "found the soldiers destitute of many
articles of dress; supplies of every kind they want, but
shoes and stockings they are in the last necessity for,
many hiiving neither to their feet." They believed the
troops were well furnished with provisions, and that they
had plenty of arms. " Respecting the disposition of the
officers to engage in the service" (meaning to re-enlist), the
commissioners say, " It is with the greatest cheerfulness
the most of the officers are ready on your appointment
to serve their country during the war."
Somewhat similar to the experience of later years. Con-
gress found in the summer of 1776 that troops enlisted for a
short time would not suffice to bring the war to a success-
ful termination. Accordingly, September i6th 1776, a
resolution was adopted that eighty-eight battalions be
enlisted as soon as possible, to serve during the war, and
that New Jersey furnish four battalions.
The State Legislature appointed a joint committee to
take the matter into consideration, who recommended
that the first three of the new battalions be formed of the
officers and men of the three batalions then in the field,
so far as they were willing to re-enlist; and that the offi-
cers of the fourth battalion be made up as much as pos-
sible from the five regiments of militia then serving under
General Heard. This recommendation was adopted, and
the three battalions in the field formed the nucleus of the
first three battalions of the new establishment.
In the first battalion, Colonel Winds having retired
Silas Newcomb and, on his promotion, Matthias Ogden
was made colonel. Major William De Hart continued in
service and was made lieiUenant colonel on the promotion
of Ogden. Joseph Morris remained as captain of the
first company (until made major of the battalion), with
John Mercer, formerly first lieutenant of Captain
Howell's company, as first lieutenant; Robert Robertson
(who afterward resigned on account of wounds) as second
lieutenant and Simon Mash as ensign.
Silas Howell remained as captain of the second com-
pany, with John Van Anglen (afterward captain) as first
lieutenant, Archibald Dallas (formerly of Meeker's com-
pany) as second lieutenant and John Howell (afterward
captain) as ensign.
Captain Meeker went home at the end of his enlist-
ment. His lieutenant, Giles Mead, 'remained as lieuten-
ant of the third company, commanded by Captain John
Conway (afterward major of the fourth battalion); John
Flanhaven was second lieutenant and Ebenezer Axtell
was ensign of this company.
Captain Peter Dickerson's company seem to have re-
enlisted in a body and formed the first company of tlie
third battalion. The lieutenants and ensign having quit
th€ service their places were filled by others. Samuel
Flanagan was first lieutenant until promoted to a cap-
taincy; Jonathan Brewer second lieutenant, and Edward
D. Thomas ensign until made first lieutenant. In addi-
tion to the enlisted men of Captain Dickerson's first
company the following were members of this his new
company : Thomas Beedle, Josiah Beetle, David Brown,
Jonathan Conkling, George Corwine, James Crane, John
Cugo, Thomas Cugo, Cornelius Drake, Simeon Hatha-
way, John Henry, James Joy, Conrad Kingfield, Jasper
Langley, Enos Little, Abram Ludlow, Archibald McNich-
ols, Solomon Munson, John Panton, John Price, Conrod
Runyan, John Tuttle, and William Tuttle.
In an affidavit made by Henry Clark in order to obtain
a pension (preserved with others by Hon. Lewis Condict),
he says he enlisted at Mendham in January 1776 for
three years, in Captain Noadiah Wade's company, with
Abram Hudson, Stephen Leonard, Stephen Frost, John
Doughty, William Minthorn, Isaac Stark, William Brown,
John Payne and others whom he does not recollect.
Zophar Carnes was first lieutenant, John Pipes second
lieutenant and Clement Wood ensign. Wood and Wade
lived in Mendham, Carnes in Roxbury, and Pipes in what
was then Pequannock. The company consisted of 60
men, and was filled, the membership being as follows:
Captain, Noadiah Wade; lieutenants, Zophar Carnes
(cashiered April i6th 1777) and J»to JPipf^s, promoted
first lieutenant June ist 1777. Second lieutenant, Ben-
jamin Horn. Ensign, Clement Wood. Sergeants:
Robert Logan, John Browne, Shadrack Hathaway and
Abram Hudson. Corporals: Stephen Harriman, Ichabod
Johnson, Richard Hedley and Jonathan Starks. Drum-
Kier, John Cornelius. Fifer, WiUiam Stone. Privates:
Adam Showers, Nathaniel Petty, George Clifton, Levi
Shadwick or Shaddock, Samuel Freeman, Wilham Mun-
son, Jesse Rodgers,. Samuel Davis, Philip Minthorn,
Abram Mulct, Henry Blum, Jonathan Bailey, Gabriel
Hutchings, Nathaniel Thompson, Price Thompson,
Abram Losey, Robert Carson, Philip Hathaway, Lewis
Alvord, John Potter, John Doughty, David Mott, Richard
McGuire, William Finley, Ichabod Homans, Daniel
Parks, Joseph Richards, Eleazer Perkins, Michael Hayes,
John Davis, Benjamin Losey, Robert Hine, Charles
Clarkson, Stephen Leonard, William Brown, Robert
Minnis, Thaddeus Rice, Samuel Smith, Daniel Tuttle,
Samuel Hazle, Jeremiah Day, David Mumford, Joseph
Pipes, Stephen Frost, John Frost, Job Stiles, Jonathan Mc-
Laughlin, John Williams, David Carter, Henry Dugan,
Josiah Wynne, Benjamin Eaton, Dominick Hughs, Isaac
Dickinson, John Milbiirne, John Woodcock, John Col-
lins, Henry Clark, James Channel, John Stewart, Jona-
than Crane, Dennis Cargriff, Thomas Perry, Joshua
Pearce, John Berry, William Minthorn, James Knox,
John Hardcastle, Alexander Campbell, Thomas Day,
Benjamin Thorp, Thomas Rial, Charles Blumfield,
Ephraim Cary, Andrew Phillips.
The company was mustered June 12th i777» and
marched to Westfield, where it was reviewed by Colonel
Martin. It was the third in the fourth battalion second
Besides those mentioned there were many other Morris
county men in this brigade. John Doughty was captain
of a company in the third battalion, promoted major, and
resigned, probably to enter the artillery arm of the ser-
vice, in which he afterward distinguished himself.
The four regiments were ready for the field early in
1777, the first battalion being organized as early as De-
cember 1776, the second and third in February and the
fourth in April 1777. They were brigaded together and
placed under command of General William Maxwell,
forming what was known as " Maxwell's brigade." It ^
was placed in the division of Major-General Adam
Stephens, then encamped at Elizabethtown, Bound Brook
and Rahway. The following extract from General Stry-
ker's history of Jerseymen in the Revolutionary army
shows the part these battalions took in the war:
" During the summer of 1777 the division of General
Stephens marched through Pennsylvania and Delaware,
and on the morning of September nth a portion of the
'Jersey line' opened the battle of Brandywine. They
continued in the fight all that day, on the advance of the
division. After the battle the brigade continued march-
ing and countermarching, had a skirmish with the enemy
at White Horse Tavern, on the Lancaster road, passed
near Yellow Springs, Reading Furnace, Worcester, and
then towards the enemy, and finally encamped at Ger-
mantown. A battle took place at this post on the 4th
of October. With the brigade of North Carolina troops
commanded by Brigadier General Francis Nash, Max-
well's brigade formed the corps de reserve and left wing
of the American army. This division was commanded
by Major General Lord Stirling, of New Jersey. The
whole command distinguished itself in this fight, but
especially the first battalion, which suffered severely in "
both officers and men. Maxwell's brigade was most of
the winter of 1777-8 with the army at Valley Forge, and
on the evacuation of Philadelphia by the British, June
i8th 1778, was detached from the main army, and with
some militia was ordered to harass and impede General .
Clinton's force. The British army marched towards
New York by way of Moorestown and Mount Holly.
The army under Washington crossed the Delaware River
at Coryell's Ferry (Lambertville), and passed through
Hopewell, Princeton, Kingston, Cranberry and English-
town, and met the enemy near Freehold. Maxwell's
brigade was afterwards joined by six hundred continental
troops, commanded by Colonel Daniel Morgan, of Vir-
ginia, and again by fifteen hundred picked troops under
Brigadier General Charles Scott, of Virginia, and one
thousand under Brigadier General Anthony Wayne, of
Pennsylvania. The entire force engaged in harassing
the enemy was in command of General Lafayette. On
the 28th of June 1778 the 'Jersey line' joined the left
wing of the army, and the brigade, as well as the militia
under Major General Philemon Dickinson, participated
in the battle of Monmouth, fought on that day. The
brigade after the fight was sadly in want of clothing, and
many and urgent were the requests made therefor to the
The following is a list of recruits raised in the ist
regiment foot militia, commanded by Colonel John Mun-
son, in Morris county, who were to serve nine months
from the day of their joining any of the four regiments
raised by the State for the service of the United States.
They joined the Jersey brigade June 5th 1778, at Mount
Holly, and no doubt participated in the battle of Mon-
Captain Luse's Company, 2nd Regiment — Aaron Bai-
ley, John Clawson, William Cooper, John Hamler, Jacob
Hinckle, Spencer Lake, Michael Pace jr., Benjamin and
John Parr and John Smith, of Roxbury: Matthew Con-
ner, James Gibson, Hiram Howard (unfit for duty on
account of a wound), James Jordan and Andrew Mc-
Roath, of Mendham.
Captain Cox's Company, 3d Regiment — William Mapes,
Roxbury; Joseph Bedford, Elijah Leonard and Reuben
Wood, Mendham; Elihu Howard and Eleazer Perkins,
Captain Ballard's Company, 3d Regiment — Elkanah
Holloway, Lemuel Twigley and Eleazer Woodruff, Mend-
ham; Timothy Morris, Roxbury.
Others — Andrew Conard and John Turney, Penn., de-
serted; Jabez Bigalow, Mendham, drum major 3d regi-
ment; James Kenebough, Pequannock, Captain Patter-
son's company, 3d regiment; Moses Losey, Mendham;
Stephen Leonard, of Pequannock, and Stephen Arnold,
of Mendham, Captain Morrison's company, ist regiment;
William Halsey, Hanover, Captain Baldwin's company,
ist regiment; David Sargent, enlisted in the continental
" The above recruits marched from William Young's,
Esq., in Mendham township."
The winter of 1778-9 was passed mostly at Elizabeth-
town, although a detachment of the second battalion was
stationed in Newark, and a detachment of the fourth
battalion in Spanktown (Rahway).
In consequence of the "massacre of Wyoming " Max-
well's brigade on the nth day of May 1779 was ordered,
with the first or principal division, under Major General
John Sullivan, of New Hampshire, to march up the Sus-
' quehanna into the settlements of the Seneca Indians.
Attached to the brigade at this time were Colonel Oliver
Spencer's regiment. Colonel David Forman's regiment.
Colonel Elisha Sheldon's (of Connecticut) regiment of
light dragoons, and one battery of artillery. On the 9th
of October the brigade was ordered to return to New
On the 23d of June 1780 the Jersey troops, continental
and militia, took a prominent part in the fight at Spring-
May 27th 1778 Congress made a new arrangement of
troops, consolidating the battalions and reducing the
number of field and other officers. March 9th 1779 it
was resolved that the army should consist of eighty bat-
talions, of which the Jersey troops should form three.
This new arrangement was not finally consummated until
the summer of 1780. In this new and last establishment
Matthias Ogden was colonel of the ist regiment, Israel
Shreve of the 2nd and Elias Dayton of the 3d.
Recruits for the regiments of the continental line in
the field were again obtained from the State militia, and
the following lists have been preserved of these new lev-
" A return of recruits from the eastern regt. of the
county of Morris, commanded by Colonel Sylvanus See-
ley; mustered and past to serve in the State regiment
until ye ist of January next, agreeable to a law of s'd
State passed at Trenton 7th June 1780." (After the
man's name come his place of abode and the name of
the captain of the company to which he belonged. All
enlisted in the first week of July.)
Joseph Wade, Long Hill, Layton; Gilbert Bunnell,
Chatham, Carter; Thomas Stagg, Parsippany, Bald-
win; Daniel Simers, Pequannock, Minard; William Gar-
ret, Hanover, S. Munson; Jesse Wood, Short Hill,
Kitchel; John Harparie, Bottle Hill, J. Ward; Abraham
Gobel, Morristown, Pearson; John Garrison, Pompton,
Debow; John Robarts, Troy, J. Ward; Daniel Bates,
Pequannock, Minard; Isaac Ross, Short Hill, Layton;
John Parrott, Morristown, Jos. Beach; Gershom Liver,
Morristown, Stephen Munson; George Gardner, Morris-
town, W. Munson; Asa Beach, Morristown, Beach;
Thomas Johnston (light horseman), Morristown, Arnold;
Wriglit Reading, Chatham, Ward; John Lasier, Pomp-
ton, J. Ward; David Parrott, Pompton, Debow; Eb.
McDonald, Chatham, Carter; Conrod Esler, Pequan-
nock, Minard; Benjamin Romer, Pompton, Arnold;
Samuel Price, Troy, J. Ward; Samuel Seward, Rocka-
way. Keen; Sylvanus Johnston, Rockaway, Hall; John
Lane, Rockaway, Hall.
"A return of recruits from the eastern regiment of
Morris county, commanded by Colonel Sylvanus Seeley;
mustered and approved to join the New Jersey brigade
until ist of January next, under act passed June 14th
1780. All enlisted between June 27th and July 20th
1780." The company is indicated by the name of the
captain, following that of the recruit:
James Richardson, Chatham, Carter; Moses Broad-
well, Morristown, Carter; Dunham Wilkerson, Morris-
town, M. Munson; Jesse Crane, Hanover, S. Munson;
Daniel Gould, Troy, J. Ward; Daniel T. Bunnell, Mor-
ristown, M. Munson; Amos Crane, Parsippany, Baldwin;
Cornelius McDermott, Elizabethtown, Layton; Anthony
Palmer, Hanover, S. Munson; Martin Mitchell, Troy,
Ward; Daniel Wilcocks, Long Hill, Layton; Philip
Lunney, Chatham, J. W'ard; Isaac Garrigus, Rockawav,
Hall; John Abnir (?), Rockaway, Hall; Benjamin Romer,
Morristown, J. Beach; Abraham Ludlum, Morristown,
L. Pearson; Robert McClean, Hanover, Kitchel; Daniel
Bates, Hanover, Minard; Thomas Brannon, Morristown,
Beach; George Cheshenounds, Morristown, Beach;
Samuel Price, Pequannock, Du Bois.
" List of bounties paid by Jonathan Stiles jr. on re-
cruiting service according to an act of March nth 1780."
The bounty paid was ;^i,ooo to the soldiers and ;£2oo
to their officer. In some instances half those amounts
were paid. They were mustered by Lieutenant Colonel
Benoni Hathaway and joined their companies in the
continental line between March 30th and May 4th 1780.
The residence of some of these rnen is found in a return
of the same men made by Colonel Hathaway, and is given:
Paul Rheam, Morristown; John Moor; Isaac Johnson,
Andrew Thompson and George Carter, Morristown; Da-
vid Gordon, Windsor Johnson, Joseph Yates, James Der-
rick and Moses Headley, Hanover; James Ceaser, Sus-
sex county; Isaac Wooley, John Williams and Watson
Ludlum, Morristown; Robert Miller, Bernard's; 'William
Wood, Sussex county; Moses and Jacob BroadweU,
Morristown; Paul Clutter and James Wigan (or Wagen),
Bernard's; John Beaufort (or Bellfort), Sussex county;
Michael Coffee, Morristown; Thomas McMurtree; Isaac
Ross, Bernard's; Isaac Price; Abraham Emmis; William
Smith; Thomas Smith; William Worth; Henry Carragan,
Morristown; John Jacobus and Jesse Losey, Roxbury;
Jacob Cahoon, Samuel Ogden, Ezekiel Price, James
Jones, Richard Hugg, George Smith, Thomas Reiler,
Abraham Gaskall, Henry Flantan, Zechariah Rossel,
Nathan Turner, George Laney, Michael Wood, Henry
Moore, John Darwin, Reuben Mickel, Jedediah Mills,
Jonathan Bailey, Elias Wood and Annanias Clark. Dan-
iel Kiney is on Colonel Hathaway's list and not on
Colonel Stiles's.
General Maxwell continued to command the Jersey
brigade until he resigned, in July 1780. Colonel Elias
Dayton, as senior officer, then assumed command, and
retained it until the close of the war. On the 21st of
September 1781 the three regiments landed on James
River, Virginia, about five miles from Williamsburgh, and
they were employed in all the labor of the siege of York-
town and were present at the surrender on the 19th of
The news of the cessation of hostilities was announced
in the camp of the brigade April 19th 1783, and the
"Jersey line " were discharged November 3d 1783.
During the summer and fall of 1776 soldiers of this
State, as officers or enlisted men, began to join organiza-
tions raised directly by authority of Congress or of other
States. Men from Morris county were found particular-
ly in two of these regiments, known as Spencer's regi-
ment and the commander-in-chief's guard.
By authority of Congress Colonel Oliver Spencer, an
officer in the State troops as well as in the militia, organ-
ized a battalion or regiment for the continental army
about the time the second establishment was completed.
Composed as it was, nearly if not entirely of Jerseymen,
it is often referred to as the " fifth battalion, Jersey line."
The strength of this command appears to have been
about 170 men, although a return dated March 1779
shows but 14c soldiers in the regiment. The following
is a roster of its officers:
Oliver Spencer, colonel; Eleazer Lindsley, lieutenant-
colonel (resigned and William Smith was appomted);
John Burrowes, captain and major; James Bonnell, ad-
jutant; John McEwen, ensign and quartermaster; Jabez
Campfield, surgeon; John Darcy, surgeon's mate; Benja-
min Weatherby, captain; James Brodenck, captain; John
Sandford, captain; William Bull, captain; William Crane,
captain; Abraham Nealy, captain; Archibald Dallas,
captain; Anthony Maxwell, lieutenant and captain; Rob-
ert Pemberton, lieutenant and captain; James Bonnell,
lieutenant, adjutant and captain; David Kirkpatrick,
lieutenant and captain; John Orr, lieutenant; Peter
Taulman, lieutenant; Finch Gildersleeve, lieutenant; Wil-
liam Sitcher, lieutenant; Uzal Meeker, lieutenant; Barne
Ogden, lieutenant; Andrew Thomson, ensign; John
Reed, ensign; Moses Ogden, ensign.
Colonel Oliver Spencer, who commanded this regiment,
was the son-in-law of Robert Ogden, who was a member
of the Continental Congress of 1765 and chairman of the
committee of safety in 1776, and was a brother-in law of
Robert Ogden jr. (prominent and zealous in the councils
of the State and in advancing means to assist its cause),
of Colonel Matthias Ogden, of the first regiment, and of
Captain (afterward Governor) Aaron Ogden. One of his
daughters, Elizabeth, married Ebenezer Blachly, and
another, Sophia, married Major Mahlon Ford, prominent
men in this county.
Jabez Campfield, surgeon of the regiment, was a res-
ident of Morristown, and for many years after the close
of the war surrogate of the county. During Sullivan's
expedition against the Seneca Indians Dr. Campfield kept
a diary, which has been published by the New Jersey
Historical Society in the third volume of its proceedings,
New Series, and in which a detailed account of the move-
ments of the troops is given. The doctor left Morristown
to join the regiment May 23d 1779, and returning ar-
rived at his own house October 2nd.
John Darcy, surgeon's mate, was afterward a prominent
physician of Hanover, and particularly successful as a
surgeon. He commanded a brigade of militia in the war
of 1812. He was the father of General John S. Darcy,
of Newark. He was at this time under nineteen years of
age, and, having studied medicine with Dr. Campfield,
accompanied him to the war. Dr. Wickes, in a sketch of
Dr. John Darcy, in his history of the medical men of
New Jersey, says: "The regiment with which he was
connected was in the army under immediate command of
General Washington, concerning whom and General
Lafayette the doctor during his life related to his friends
niany incidents of interest which occurred while he was
associated with these distinguished generals. When
Lafayette visited this country in 1825 he inquired par-
ticularly after 'young Surgeon's Mate Darcy;' and when
on a certain occasion he was introduced to a relative of
the doctor's the general, attracted by the name and being
informed of the relationship to his old friend, embraced
him cordially."
The commander-in-chief's guard, continental army,
called also "the life guard" and " Washington's body
guard," was a distinct organization of picked men. It
consisted of 180 men, and its first officer was Caleb Gibbs,
of Rhode Island, captain, commandant. William Colfax,
of Pequannock township, was a lieutenant at the organ-
ization, and was the successor of Gibbs, ranking as cap-
tain. The soldiers were all selected from the ranks of
the army, their good character and soldierly bearing
being a prerequisite to their receiving this honor. Every
State was represented in the " guards." Its motto was
" Conquer or Die."
HE militia organizations are not to be con-
fused with the troops of the continental
army. The act of the Provincial Congress
regulating the militia passed August i6th
177s provided for two regiments and one
battalion for Morris county; and, "minute men"
having been raised in the counties of Morris,
Sussex and Somerset, Congress followed the suggestion
and recommended all the counties to do the same. The
two regiments of militia were called the eastern and
western battalions. Morris county was to have six com-
panies of minute men, who were held in constant readi-
ness on the shortest notice to march to any point where
assistance might be required. They were to furnish
themselves with "'a good musket or firelock and bayonet,
sword or tomahawk, a steel ramrod, worm, priming wire
and brush fitted thereto, a cartouch box to contain 23
rounds of cartridges, twelve flints, and a knapsack."
Each man was to keep at his house one pound of powder
and three of bullets. Many of these minute men having
joined the continental army, on the 29th of February
.1776 they were dissolved as a. separate organization, and
incorporated in the militia.
The following notes, taken from the "Boteler Papers,"
show the organization and officers of the Morris county
minute men:
"At a meeting of the committee of the county of
Morris, at the house of Captain Peter Dickerson, at
Morristown, on Thursday the 14th day of September
A. D. 1775 (present, William Winds, Esq., William De
Hart, Esq., Silas Condit, Ellis Cook, Peter Dickerson,
Jonathan Stiles, Esq., Jacob Drake), the committee,
having inspected and examined the several muster rolls,
6 companies of minute men of the county of Morris,
and finding that a sufficient number of minute men as is
directed by the Congress have enlisted, do recommend
to the committee of safety or the Provincial Congress of
New Jersey the following officers to be commissioned, to
"William Winds, Esq., as colonel; William De Hart,
Esq., as lieutenant-colonel; Mr. David Bates, as major;
Mr. Joseph Morris, as adjutant; Mr. Timothy Johnes,
as surgeon.
"Of the first company: Captain, Samuel Ball; first
lieutenant, Daniel Baldwin; second lieutenant, Moses
Kitchel; ensign, David Tuttle.
. "Of the second company: Captain, Silas Howell; first
lieutenant, Joseph Lindsley; second lieutenant, Richard
"Third company: Captain, David Thompson; first
lieutenant, Noadiah Wade; second lieutenant, Isaac
Morris; ensign, Samuel Day.
"Fourth company: Captain, Ebenezer Condit; first
lieutenant, Benoni Hathaway; second lieutenant, Moses
Prudden; ensign, Joseph Beach.
" Fifth company: Captain, Jacob Drum; first lieuten-
ant, Joshua Gordon; second lieutenant. Levy Howel;
ensign, Caleb Horton jr.
"Sixth company: Captain, Robert Gaston; first lieu-
tenant, Josiah Hall."
It is probable from the names of these officers that the
first company was raised in the Hanover neighborhood,
the second in Madison and Morristown, the third in
Mendham, the fourth in Morristown, the fifth in Roxbury
and the sixth in Rockaway.
"At a meeting of the officers of the battalion of minute
men of the county of Morris, on Thursday the 14th day
of September, A. D. 1775. Present: William De Hart,
Captain Ebenezer Condict, Lieutenant Moses Prudden,
Ensign Caleb Horton, Ensign Richard Johnston, Ensign
Samuel Day, Lieutenant Noadiah Wade, Captain Samuel
Ball, Lieutenant Moses Kepore, Captain Jacob Drum,
Lieutenant Josiah Hall, Lieutenant Daniel Baldwin, Lieu-
tenant Joseph Lindsley, Captain Silas Howell, Ensign
David Tuttle, Lieutenant Benoni Hathaway.
" William De Hart, Esq., was chosen moderator, Jacob
Drum clerk. ' Voted unanimously that we will nominate
to the committee three field officers and an adjutant,
which field officers when commissioned we will freely
serve under. William Winds was unanimously recom-
mended as colonel; William De Hart, Esq., was unani-
mcpusly recommended as lieutenant-colonel; Mr. David
Bates was recommended as major; Joseph Morris was
recommended as adjutant.
" The foregoing is an account of our proceedings this
day, which we humbly offer to the committee of the
county of Morris, and desire their recommendation of
those officers therein nominated to the Provincial Con-
gress or committee of safety of New Jersey to be com-
In June 1776 the Continental Congress requested the
colony of New Jersey to furnish 3,300 militia, to form
part of 13,800 to reinforce the army at New York.
Colonel Nathaniel Heard was appointed brigadier gen-
eral to command these levies, which were to consist of
five battalions. Morris and Sussex were to furnish one
of these battalions, and the regimental officers were:
Ephraim Martin, colonel; John Munson, lieutenant-
colonel; Cornelius Ludlow, major; Joseph King, adju-
tant; Joshua Gordon, quartermaster; Jonathan Horton,
surgeon; David Ervin, surgeon's mate.
Lieutenant-colonel Munson lived near Rockaway, on
the Hibernia road, and was engaged in the iron business.
He was afterward colonel of the " western battalion " of
Morris. Major Ludlow had been first major of the
"eastern battalion" of Morris. Surgeon Horton had
been surgeon of the ''western battalion" of Morris, and
was afterward a surgeon in the continental army.
General Heard's brigade in September 1776 numbered
160 officers and 1,762 enlisted men.
On the i6th day of July 1776 Congress requested the
convention of New Jersey to supply with militia the
places of two thousand men of General Washington's
army, who had been ordered to march into New Jersey
to form the flying camp. On the i8th of July an ordi-
nance -was passed detaching that number from the
militia for that purpose. It was resolved that the two
thousand militia should compose four battalions, con-
sisting of thirty companies, of sixty-four men each.
They were only to be held^for one month from the time
of their joining the flying camp.
One-half of the militia were ordered to be detached
August nth 1776, and called out for immediate service,
to be relieved by the other half every month. One di-
vision of the militia, detached from every organization in
the State, was ordered to march with all dispatch to join
the flying camp, for one month's service. The second
division was held ready to relieve them, to be itself re-
lieved in turn. On this basis of monthly classes in
active service the militia were held during the continuance
of the war.
An act for better regulating the militia was passed
March 15th 1777. It organized the force more strictly
than formerly, and defined the duties and powers of of-
ficers, etc. The organization was still further improved,
and the last ordinance was repealed by an act of April
14th 1778. This also divided the militia into two brigades.
On the 8th of January 1781 the militia were formed into
three instead of two brigades. Those " of the counties
of Bergen, Essex, Morris and Sussex, and of those parts
of the counties of Middlesex and Somerset lying on the
northern and eastern side of the Raritan River, and of the
south branch of the same," were to compose the upper
The governor of the State, June 27th 178:, was author-
ized to call out a part of the militia, and continue them
in service three months, for the purpose of co-operating
with the continental army. Such men were exempted
from service for nine months next ensuing.
Companies of artillery and troops of horsemen from
time to time organized in sundry townships or cities, by
direction of the governor or by special law enacted by
the General Assembly of the State.
General Stryker well says: " The good service per-
formed by the militia of this Stale is fully recorded in
history. At the fights at Quinton's Bridge, Hancock's
Bridge, Three Rivers, Connecticut Farms and Van
Neste's Mills they born an active part; while at the bat-
tles of Long Island, Trenton, Assunpink, Princeton, Ger-
mantown, Springfield and Monmouth they performed
efficient service in- supporting the continental line."
The eastern battalion, Colonel Jacob Ford jr. com-
manding, was detailed to cover Washington's retreat
across New Jersey after the evacuation of New York in
1776 — a service which was accomplished with honor and
success. The campaign was known among the troops as
"mud rounds."
The most considerable engagement, however, in which
the New Jersey militia were concerned was the battle of
Springfield, where the attempt of Knyphausen to reach
Morristown was met and foiled principally by militia. An
excellent account of this battle is contained in the follow-
ing letter to the governor from General Maxwell, who
commanded the New Jersey brigade:
" Jersey Camp, near Springfield,
14th June 1780.
" Diar Goxiernor,
"You will find by the inclosed that I had written to
your excellency on the 6th inst. The person who was
to have delivered it halted at Elizabethtown, and before
daylight was alarmed. We were alarmed also by 12
o'clock, and had marched near your house when intelli-
gence was received that the enemy were landing in
force, with artillery and dragoons, and that their num-
ber would be at least 5,000. I thought Elizabethtown
would be an improper place for me. I therefore retired
toward Connecticut Farms, where Colonel Dayton joined
me with his regiment. I ordered a few small parties to
defend the defile near the farm meeting-house, where
they were joined and assisted in the defense by some
small bodies of militia. The main body of the brigade
had to watch the enemy on the road leading to the right
and left toward Springfield, that they might not cut off
our communications with his excellency General Wash-
ington. Our parties of continental troops and militia at
the defile performed wonders. After stopping the ad-
vance of the enemy near three hours they crossed over
the defile and drove them to the tavern that was Jere-
miah Smith's; but the enemy were at that time reinforced
with at least 1,500 men, and our people were driven in
their turn over the defile and obliged to quit it. I, with
the whole brigade and militia, was formed to attack them
shortly after they had crossed the defile, but it was
thought imprudent, as the ground was not advantageous
and the enemy very numerous. We retired slowly
toward the heights toward Springfield, harassing them on
their right and left, till they came with their advance to
David Meeker's house, where they thought proper to
halt. Shortly after the whole brigade, with the militia,
advanced their right, left and front with the greatest
rapidity, and drove their advance to the main body. We
were in our turn obliged to retire, after the closest action
I have seen this war. We were then pushed over the
bridge at Springfield, where we posted some troops, and
with the assistance of a field-piece commanded by the
militia the enemy were again driven back to their former
station, and still further before night. Never did troops,
either continental or militia, behave better than ours did.
Every one that had an opportunity (which they mostly
all had) vied with each other who could serve the coun-
try most. In the latter part of the day the militia
flocked from all quarters, and gave the enemy no respite
till the day closed the scene. At the middle of the
night the enemy sneaked off and put their backsides to
the sound near Elizabethtown. Our loss was one ensign
killed and three lieutenants wounded, seven privates
killed, twenty-eight wounded and five missing. The
militia lost several and had a number wounded. We
have good reason to believe, from the number of dead
left on the ground, and from the information of many of
the inhabitants where they had their dead and wounded,
that they lost three times the number we did. General
Stirling is among their wounded and thought to be dan-
gerous, with Count Donop killed, a son or nephew of the
general who met the same fate at Red Bank. I am
credibly informed that 47 of the enemy dead were found
the next day scattered through the woods and fields, be-
side those whom they themselves had buried and carried
off the first day. The main body of the enemy now oc-
cupy the ground by the old point and De Hart's house.
Their advanced parties are as far' as the Elizabethtown
" I am, with much respect and esteem, your Excellency's
most obedient humble servant,
"Wm. Maxwell."
The following is a roster of the field and staff of the
two Morris county battalions, first organized in 1775, but
reorganized in 1776.
Eastern Battalion. — Colonels: Jacob Ford jr., Nov.
27th 1776; died of pneumonia at Morristown, N. J., Jan.
loth 1777, and was buried with military honors by order
of General Washington. Ellis Cook; lieutenant-colonel
Jan. 13th 1776; lieutenant-colonel " detached militia,"
July i8th 1776; colonel, Feb. ist 1777; resigned Nov.
6th 1777. Sylvanus Seeley; captain in Colonel Martin's
regiment June 14th 1776; first major eastern battalion
May 23d 1777; colonel Nov. 13th 1777.
Lieutenant-Colonels: Cornelius Ludlow; first major
Jan. 13th 1776; major in Martin's battalion June 14th
1776; lieutenant-colonel May 23d 1777; resigned Nov.
13th 1777, disabled. Eleazer Lindsley; second major
Jan. i3tli 1776; lieutenant-colonel 1777; also lieutenant-
colonel continental army. Benoni Hathaway; captain in
eastern battalion; second major ditto Sept. 9th 1777;
lieutenant-colonel ditto Nov. 13th 1777; lieutenant-
colonel of Van Dyke's regiment Oct. 9th 1779.
First Majors: Richard Johnson; captain Eastern bat-
talion; first major Nov. 13th 1777; resigned. Daniel
Brown; captain in eastern battalion; first major Mch.
27th 1776.
Second Majors: Henry Axtell; resigned, Joseph
Lindsley, Mch. 27th 1778.
Adjutant, John Doughty, Jan. 13th 1776.
Quartermaster, Frederick King.
Surgeon, Timothy Johnes, Feb. 19th 1776.
Western Battalion.— QoXontW. Jacob Drake; resigned
to become member of General Assembly. William Winds,
Nov. 30th 1776; brigadier-general of militia Mch. 4th
1.777; resigned June loth 1779; also colonel ist battalion
ist establishment continental army. John Munson;
lieutenant-colonel in Colonel Martin's regiment June
14th 1776; colonel western battalion May 15th 1777.
Lieutenant-Colonels: Robert Gaston, May isth 1777;
resigned. John Starke; second major May isth 1777;
lieutenant-colonel Oct. 7th 1778; resigned May 23d.
1782. Nathan Luse; captain; lieutenant-colonel June
2ist 1782.
First Major: Samuel Sears (or Sayres), May isth
Second Majors: Daniel Cook; promoted from captam
Sept. 29th 1781; resigned May 23d 1782. Jacob Shuler,
June 2ist 1782.
Quartermasters: Mahlon McCurry and Matthew Mc-
Surgeon: Jonathan Horton, Feb. 28th 1776; also sur-
geon in Colonel Martin's battalion June 29th 1776, and
surgeon continental army.
Besides the staff officers named in the above rosters
there were from Morris county the following staff officers:
Constant Victor King, ensign, lieutenant and adjutant;
Cornelius Voorhees, ensign, adjutant and commissary of
issues; Zebedee Cook, quartermaster; Jacob Arnold,
John Stiles and Jonathan Stiles, paymasters; Barnabas
Budd, surgeon in General Winds's brigade, September
12th 1777.
The following were captains of militia, but the com-
pany, and in some cases the battalion, to which they be-
longed cannot now be ascertained. The letter E or W
following the name shows whether the man belonged to
the eastern or western battalion:
Job Allen, W. and E.; Jacob Arnold, E., also captain
of a troop of light horse; Stephen Baldwin, E.; Elisha
Barton, E.; David Bates, E.; Augustine Bayles, E.; Wil-
liam Bayley, E.; Joseph Beach, E., April 19th 1777;
Enoch Beach; Abner Bedell; John Bigelow' William
Brittin, E.; Job Brookfield (also ensign); Ezra Brown;
William Campfield; Zophar Games, W., first lieutenant
continental army; Benjamin Carter, E ; Samuel Carter,
E • Hugh Colwall, E. (also lieutenant); Ezekiel Crane,
w'- Jacob Crane, E.; Joshua Crane, E.; Josiah Crane,
E •' Artemas Dav, W.; Stephen Day, E.; John De Bow,
E • Thomas Dickerson, W.; Peter Dickmson; Jacob
Drum (also captain in Colonel Stewart's battalion of
minute men, February isth 1776); Abner Fairchild, E.;
Elijah Freeman; Jacob Card, W.; Robert Gaston (also
captain in continental army); George Hager, W.; Josiah
Hall, E. (of Denville); Isaac Halsey, E.; Harris,
E.; Samuel Hinman, E.; Caleb Horton, W.: Nathaniel
Horton, W.; Stephen Jackson; James Keen, E.; Thomas
Kinney; Obadiah Kitchel, E.; Matthew Lane, E., also
lieutenant; Peter Layton, E.; John Lindsley, E., also
lieutenant; William Logan, also lieutenant, W.; Benjamin
Minard, E.; Morris, W.; Moses Munson, E., also
forage master; Stephen Munson, E., also lieutenant;
Samuel Ogden;' John Oliver, E.; Samuel Oliver, E.;
Garret Post; William Salmon, W.; Peter Salmon, W.;
■ Slaight, W., also lieutenant; Peter Slingerland,
E., also TTeutenant; James Stewart, W.; Uriah Sutton,
also lieutenant; Peter Tallman, W.; Nathaniel Terry,
W. (also lieutenant); Jacob Theiiar; David Thompson;
Timothy Tuttle, ensign August 6th 1777, captain April
2nd 1781; Israel Ward, E.; Jonas Ward, E. (also cap-
tain Essex Co., of Parsippany); Jonathan Ward, E.;
William Welch, W.; Joseph Wright, E.
The following were lieutenants from Morris county
(battalion indicated by E or W, as above):
Aaron Biglow, W.; George Bockover, E. (also in Sus-
sex county); Caleb Crane; John Crane, first lieutenant,
E., April 19th 1777, in Captain Beach's company; Wil-
liam Fairchild; Phineas Farrand, Captain Minard's com-
pany, E.; Ezra Halsey, E.; Matthias Harris, W.; Giles
Lee^ first lieutenant; Paul Lee (also wagon master);
Edward Lewis; Benjamin Lindsley, second lieutenant,
E., April 19th 1777, Captain Beach's company; Eleazer
Luse, W.; Howell Osborn, W.; J. Osborn, E.; Thomas
Osborn, E., Captain Baldwin's company; John Pipes,
first lieutenant, Heard's brigade, June i6th 1776, also
continental army; Abraham Post, E.; Matthew Raynor,
E.; John Robarts, E.; Simon Van Ness, E. (Captain
De Bow's company); Christopher- Walmsley, E.; D.
Wilson; Josiah Ward.
The following were ensigns:
Samuel Allen, April 19th 1777, Captain Beach s com-
pany; Josiah Burnett, E., wounded in leg at Elizabeth-
town, September isth 1777; Joshua Guerin, E.; James
Lum; Abraham Rutan, E., Captain Layton's company;
Martin Tichenor, E., Captain Baldwin's company.
An independent organization, which was raised en-
tirely in the county, and won for itself an enviable dis-
tinction for its long and faithful service and brilliant
achievements, was the company known as Arnold's Light
Horse. The following is a copy of the original enlist-
ment paper of this command:
" We the subscribers do voluntarily enlist ourselves in
the comjjany of light horse belonging to the county of
Morris, Thomas Kinney, Esq., captain, and do promise
to obey our officers in such service as they shall appoint,
as agreeable to the rules of the Provincial and Continenal
Congress. Witness our hands May loth 1775. Jacob
Arnold, James Serring, Epenetus Beach, James Smith,
Silas Stiles, Patrick Darcy, John Losey, Benjamin Free-
man jr., Samuel Allen, Stephen Baldwin, Elijah Freeman,
David Edmiston, John Crane, George O'Hara, Silas
Hand, Jabez Tichenor, Jabez Beach, Robert Gould jr..
James Ford, Samuel Denman, Peter Parret, George
Minthorn, John Cook, Samuel Bolsbury. Adam Bosts,
John Milen, Conrod Hopler, Abraham Ha'haway, John
Winters, Samuel Wighton, John "Van Winker, Aaron
Captain Kinne)' shortly afterward resigned and Arnold
took his place. While the above list shows the original
members of the company there were many others who
joined it afterward. John Blowers, Ephraira Carnes, J.
C. Canfield, Joseph Butler, John Canfield and John
Ester are named as some of these recruits. Blowers in
an afifidavit found among the " Condict papers," before
referred to, gives a good idea of the men who composed
this force, and of the services they performed. He says
he served first under Captain Jacobus:
" The company of militia was drawn up to have a draft
made from them to join the troops on Long Island.
Blovvers stepped forward, saying he would not be drafted
but would volunteer, and was at once followed by Samuel
Farrand, John Ester, Philip Price and as many more as
were required of the company. Jacobus had command.
They were marched through Newark to New York,
where they were six weeks laying up works, after which
they were marched to Amboy, where there were other
Jersey militia.
" On his return home, finding militia duties likely to
be frequent, he joined Arnold's force. Ste|)hen Baldwin
was a trooper there and did duty as a sergeant — an active
and good soldier. The whole company, except when
the enemy were strong and in case of sudden alarm, was
not often together, but was divided and subdivided
— two, -four, five, eight, ten, etc., together — as circum-
stances required. AVere often used as videttes to watch
the movements and carry orders and tidings of the
enemy. To tr<rin and discipline, were often assembled.
Each man found his own horse and equipments. Knew
Baldwin in service every month during the first two
years. Troop lay at Morristown when Lee was made
prisoner at Basking Ridge. Had his horse stolen from
him at Parsippany, and the man who brought tidings of
Lee's capture to Morristown rode it and Blowers recov-
ered it. Blowers and a part at least of the troop served
at Millstone, Second River, on Raritan River, at Spring-
field, Connecticut Farms (where Hessians were taken,
early in the war), at Elizabethtown often, at Newark, and
Aquacknunk. He was in the battles of SpringSeld and
Monmouth. In winter '76-7, when Winds lay at Van
Mullinen's near Quibbletown, he was stationed on the
Raritan at the house of one Ten Eyck. Did duty at
Trenton and Princeton carrying orders. At Hackensack
had like to have been taken prisoner near a British fort
in the neighborhood of Hackensack. The troop did not
do duty by monthly turns, as infantry, but were in con-
stant watchful duty as videttes and express carriers to
the end of the war."
In the minutes of the Provincial Congress there is
mention made of an appropriation to Thomas Kinney for
expenses in escorting Governor Franklin to Connecticut
— a service exceedingly hazardous.
From these Condict papers many interesting facts con-
cerning the services of the militia and the frequency with
which they were called out can be gathered. Take for
example the affidavits of James Kitchel, who entered the
service at the request of his father, Abraham Kitchel,
Esq., August I St 1776, when but seventeen years old,
under Captain Isaac Halsey, in Colonel Ford's regiment.
He marched first to Elizabethtown, where he remained
until he was taken sick and brought home by his friends,
being gone in all four months. He enlisted under Cai)-
tain Josiah Hall in January 1777, for three months,
when the British lay at New Brunswick, and was stationed
at Quibbletown. He was in several engagements at Ash
Swamp, Woodbridge, Quibbletown and other places. He
served one month under Captain Charles Ogden in the
summer of 1779, and lay guarding the lines at Pompton
and building a fort there. One month he served under
Captain Stephen Jackson, at Elizabethtown, in the sum-
mer of 1777; one and a half months under Captain
Joseph Beach, guarding Morris jail, when twenty-one
men were confined there under sentence of death, and
two were hung by Sheriff Carmichael. In the fall of 1777
he served under Captain John Bigelow, near Hackensack,
and was in the attack upon a British fort at Pollyfly
under General Winds. In 1779 he served at Elizabeth-
town, Blazing Star and Trembly 's Point, during the sum-
mer and fall, under Captain Bates, Colonel Thomas and
General Williamson. In 1780 he served at Elizabethtown
one month, under Captain Horton.
Henry Wick (on whose farm the Revolutionary army
encamped in 1780-81} was at one time captain of a Morris
county company of cavalry, which did good service dur-
ing the war. He was frequently detailed as guard of
Governor Livingston and of the privy council. At one
time near Camptown one of the members of the Provincial
Congress, Caleb Camp, was surprised by a party of
British infantry at his own home, and while he was de-
liberating as to the possibility of getting to his horse in
the barn, and so away, Captain Wick's company charged
in upon them and put the enemy to flight, though
superior in numbers. The dead were found for three
miles in the course of their flight.
From Dr. Tutlle's " Revolulionary Fragments," pub-
lished about thirty years since in the Sentinel of Freedom,
we take these incidents of the war:
Mrs. Eunice Pierson,. daughter of Abraham Kitchel,
stated to the doctor that her uncle, Aaron Kitchel, was
peculiarly obnoxious to the tories, and that on several
occasions attempts were made to capture him. She said
that a price was laid on his head. To one scene she
was an eye witness. One dark night the family was sur-
prised by the entrance of several noted tories, com-
pletely armed. There could be no mistake about their
intentions, and high words ensued, in which Mr. Kitchel
gave them to understand that he was not afraid of them.
At last, cooling down a little, they asked for cider, and
he treated them liberally. In the meantime Mrs. Kitchel,
with real womanly shrewdness, perceiving that no time
was to be lost, pushing her little niece, Eunice, toward
the bedroom door, said, aloud, "This is no place for
you; you must go to bed." She followed her into the
room, closed the door and raised the Avindow; Eunice
was lifted out and told to hurry as fast as her feet would
carry her to her grandfather's house, some rods distant,
and tell Jiim to come up with all the help he could
muster. " I tell you, I was a great coward in the dark
in those squally times," said the old lady, " and I was
not long in going." Fortunately three of his sons were
with the grandfather, and the tories, waking up sud-
denly to the sense of their having been caught napping,
took to their heels.
^ David Gordon, who lived to a- very great age and was
for many years sexton of the Rockaway Presbyterian
church, was in the service, and among the many anec-
dotes he told was the following account of a march his
company made to Newark from Morristown — a fine
illustration of the democracy of the times, even among
soldiers, and also the power of proper motives! The
captain halted his company and thus addressed them-
" Brother soldiers, we must get to Newark to-night, and
we cannot do it and march in a body. Let every man
make his way as best he can, and if we get there each
one of you shall have half a gill of rum for tea." " Oh,
captain," roared his followers, " call it a gill, and then
we can do it !" "Well, a gill it shall be, then," said the
captain; "but halt when you get this side of Newark,
and let us march into town as brother soldiers should,
together and in order !" The march was accordingly
accomplished by each "on his own hook," and the
valiant captain had the pleasure of entering Newark at
the head of his company in the " brother soldier" way.
In the night the men were roused up and embarked in
boats, and were rowed down the Passaic in perfect
silence. They landed on the salt meadows and marched
up to a little village, probably Bergen. The object of
this expedition Dr. Tuttle inferred to have been to break
up a gang of tories, some of whom were captured ^nd
carried to Morristown.
Among the incidents of the battle of Springfield was a
disagreement between General Heard and Colonel Hath-
away, the latter accusing his superior of having unne-
cessarily retired from the field. The following is a
verbatim copy of the charges he preferred, which shows
that the gallant colonel could use his sword probably
better than his pen:
" Morristown, 15 July, 1780.
" To his Exelencey the Governor —
" I send you in Closed Severel charges
which I Charg B. D. Haird with while he comanded the
Militare Sum Time in june Last at Elizebeth Town
farms which I pray His Exilency would Call a Court of
inquiry on these Charges if his Exilency thinkes it worth
notising from your Hum
Benoni Hathaway
" To exilencey the Governor Lut. Coll."
" This Is the Charges that I bring against General
Haird While he Comanded the Militia at Elizabethtown
farms sum time in Jun last 1780.
" I Charg is for leaving his post and Marching the
Trups of their post without order and Leaving that Pass
without aney gard between the Enemy and our Armey
without giving aney notis that Pass was open Between
three and fore Ours. 2 Charg is Retreating in Disorder
Before the Enemy without ordering aney Reqr gard or
flanks out leading of the Retreat Him Self. 3 Charg is
for marching the Trups of from advantiges peace of
ground wheare we mit Noyed them much and Lickley
prevented thear gaining the Bridge at Fox Hall had not
the Trups Bin ordered of which prevented our giving our
armey aney assistence in a Time of great Destris.
" 4 Charg is for marching the Trups of a Boat one
mile from aney part of the Enemy and Taken them upon
an Hy mountan and kept them thear till the Enemy had
gained Springfeald Bridge.
"List of Evidence: Coll Van Cortland, Wra. Skank
the Brigad Major, Capt. Benjman Cartur, Capt. Nathanal
Norton, Adjt Kiten King, Major Samuel Hays, Leutnant
Dr. Ashbel Green, son of Dr. Green of Hanover, and
afterward president of Princeton College, was a volunteer
in the Morris county militia, and served under General
Heard when he was left with three brigades to guard
New Jersey; Washington, with the main army, having
gone up to West Point. In his biography is a very
graphic account of an unsuccessful attempt to drive the
enemy from Elizabethtown Point, undertaken under a
very false impression as to their numbers. The militia
behaved with great steadiness, advancing under a heavy
artillery fire, and only showed want of discipline in firing
at some redcoats who were being brought in as prison-
ers, supposing them to be the enemy advancing in force.
He stated that his colonel, who was a very brave but a
very profane man, rode forward and backward before his
regiment, and in a loud voice threatened to kill the first
man who should fire another gun until he gave the order.
Mr. Green contrasts the conduct of his colonel with that
of his captain, Enoch Beach, who was a deacon in his
father's congregation, and a man of distinguished piety.
He stood before his company with the greatest calmness
and composure, and scarcely spoke at all, unless it was
to drop now and then a word of encouragement to his
men while they were waiting orders to advance. The
troops were drawn off in good order by moving the mil-
itia in such a way as to give the enemy the idea that an
attack was to be made in another quarter. The enemy's
numbers were far superior to those of General Heard.
There were some tories in the county, and they did
great damage to the people; not by their acts of open
hostility, but by murdering and plundering, mostly at
night and in small gangs. The party led by the infamous
Claudius Smith was as much dreaded as any. At one
time thirty-five of these men were confined in Morris
jail. Two of them, Iliff and Mea, were hung, and the
remainder were branded in the hand and released. Those
of the more respectable citizens who espoused the royal
cause left the country and their estates were confiscated.
Alexander Carmichael and Aaron Kitchel, as commis-
sioners, advertised for sale on Tuesday March 30th 1779,
at the house of Jacob Arnold, in Morristown, the real
estate of Thomas Millidge, Stephen Skinner, John Troop,
John Steward, Ezekiel Beach, Joseph Conlifi^, John
Thornburn, Asher Dunham, Richard Bowlsby, Philip
Van Cortland, Samuel Ryerson, Jacob Demarest, Isaac
Hornbeck, William Howard and Lawrence Buskirk, an
inquisition having been found and final judgment entered
against them. These men were the prominent loyalists
of the county. Millidge had been elected sheriff and
but for his political sympathies would have been much
respected and deservedly so.
The women of Morris county were not at all behind
the men in their patriotism and in genuine sacrifices for
their country. They nobly sustained and encouraged
their fathers, brothers, husbands and sons in their work;
and in the care of the sick and wounded, in manufactur-
ing clothing for the destitute, and in tilling the soil while
the men were in the ranks, they contributed their full
share to the good cause. The story of Anna Kitchel, of
Whippany, sister of Captain Timothy Tuttle and wife
of Uzal Kitchel, is well known. Being urged by a timid
deacon to procure a British protection she told him,
" Having a husband, father and five brothers in the
American army, if the God of battles do not care for us
we will fare with the rest !"
> HE war left the people of the colonies in a
dreadfully impoverished state. Many who
had. been wealthy when the war broke out
were reduced to poverty. Officers and men
. returned to their homes with very little but the
glory of their achievements to console or support
them. The money issued by authority of the Con-
tinental Congress was so depreciated as to be practically
worthless. The pressure from the outside which had
kept the colonies united and made the general govern-
ment respected was now withdrawn, and the sense of
having delivered themselves from the control of a power-
ful foreign nation made men independent in feeling and
impatient of restraint. The country was in more danger
in 1783 than in 1776, and the posterity of that genera-
tion have reason to be more grateful for the good sense
of the men of that day, which led them to unite in the
formation of a constitution and in agreeing to live by it,
than to their courage and self-sacrifice in the struggle with
Great Britain, great as that courage' and self-sacrifice
were. But not only was danger of anarchy and confu-
sion to be dreaded. The war had had a demoralizing
effect upon officers and men. The restraints of religion
had become irksome, infidelity had made rapid progress
and intemperance had greatly increased. It is the uni-
versal report of the decade next succeeding the peace
that the state of morals and religion which then prevailed
was most alarming, and Morris county was no exception
to the general rule. It was the day of Paine's '' Age of
Reason," which found a soil well adapted to it in the
minds of men flushed with victory and restive under
control. Previous to the war liquors were imported from
abroad, and were used in comparative moderation. After
the peace distilleries were found established in all parts
of the country, and drunkenness prevailed to an extra-
ordinary extent and among all classes of people. Some
particular industries had been unduly stimulated, others
had been abandoned; and it was several years before
business became readjusted and the old order of things
But the people of Morris county were in many respects
fortunate. The enemy had not devastated their fields or
burned their dwellings. They had every element of wealth
in themselves, and they were not long in turning their
attention to developing the resources they possessed. Be-
fore the end of the century the county had grown wonder-
fully. Forges and mills were built or rebuilt on the many
streams. Houses of a more comfortable and pretentious
style took the place of the log cabins which had been the
usual habitations of the people. New lands were cleared
and better roads made. In 1794 a great revival of re-
ligion swept over the country, to be succeeded by other
revivals in 1806 and 1818. Schools were established
throughout the country, and high schools at Morristown
where young men were fitted for college. Newspapers
were published, the first one in Chatham in 1781, called
The New Jersey Journal, by Shepherd KoUock, a refugee
from Elizabethtown; afterward, in 1797, the Morris
County Gazette, and in 1798 the Genius of Liberty, at
In 1780 the funeral of Jacob Johnson, in Morristown,
drew together a large concourse of people, who followed
the remains from beyond Speedwell to the old church.
In this procession there was but one vehicle, and that
was used for carrying the body. All the rest were on
foot or on horseback. Dr. Johnes and the attending
physicians, each with a linen scarf around his shoulders,
according to the custom of the times, led the procession
on horseback.
In the diary of Joseph Lewis, a wealthy citizen of
Morristown, son-in-law of Dr. Johnes and clerk of the
county, is the entry: July 23d 1784-— "Robert Morris,
Esq., set out for Brunswick, being one of the committee
appointed to meet committees from other counties to
consult and devise some plan for establishing trade and
commerce at Amboy." What came of this project is
unknown. Elizabethtown no doubt continued to be the
shipping point for this county until Newark was made
nearer by its better means of communication.
In this same diary, under date of October 3d 1786,
Mr. Lewis says: " I went in company with the court and
sundry of our respectable inhabitants to wait on the
Chief Justice Brearly from White tavern to this place.
We returned in procession, in the following order, on
horseback: ist, the constables; 2nd, coroners; 3d, sheriff;
4th, chief justice, in his carriage; sth, judges of the
pleas; 6th, justices; 7th, clerks; Sth, citizens." No
doubt the members of the procession were all on horse-
back except the chief justice; and this attention to the
judge coming to hold a general jail delivery was intended
to impress the people with the majesty of the law.
To show how elections were conducted in those early
days take another quotation from this diary: Tuesday
October loth 1786— "This day I served as clerk of the
general election. Judge Stiles conducted the election.
Colonel Hathaway, David Tuttle, Justice Ross, William
Winds and Nathaniel Terry were inspectors, and Will
Canfieldand Henry Can field as clerks: Abraham Kitchel,
Esq., was elected a counselor; Aaron Kitchel, Esq.,
Colonel Cooke and Colonel Starke, assemblymen; Jacob
Arnold, Esq., sheriff, and Enoch Beach and Victor King,
coroners." The election of candidates for the State
convention to ratify the federal constitution lasted from
Tuesday November 27th to Saturday December ist 1787,
and resulted in the election of William WoodhuU, John
Jacob Faesch and General William Winds.
The death of General Washington was the most notable
event which closed the century. The newsi:^apers of the
day were heavily lined and mark the very general ev-
idence of sorrow throughout the land. In every town
meetings were held and appropriate addresses made.
Rev. John Carle's address, delivered at Rockaway, De-
cember 29th 1799, was printed by Jacob Mann, and a
copy is still in existence. The speaker drew a com-
parison between his subject and Moses, and but echoed
the sentiments of his hearers and of other orators in
speaking of Washington as "the greatest man that hath
graced the present century in any part of the world."
When the war of 1812 broke out the militia of the
county was organized in four regiments of infantry and
one squadron of cavalry. The regiments of infantry
were commanded by Lieutenant- Colonels Silas Axtell,
John Smith, Joseph Jackson and Lemuel Cobb, and the
brigade formed by them was coramancled by Brigadier-
General John Darcy. Lieutenant-Colonel William Camp-
field commanded the squadron of horse. The militia
were assembled on the call of the general two or three
times each year, and were in a fair state of efficiency.
There were three uniforined companies — Captain Car-
ter's company of riflemen from Madison or Bottle Hill,
Captain Halliday's company of Morris rangers, and Cap-
tain Brittin's fusileers, of Chatham.
On the 15th of May 1812 Captain Carter's company
paraded on Morris Green, with 250 of the militia, who
were assembled for that purpose and were described as a
well-disciplined, handsome body of inen. Both that
company and the rangers stood ready to volunteer their
services at a moment's warning. Meantime recruiting
was going on for the United States service, and Captain
Scott of the new establishment had about sixty men and
Captain Hazard, of the new, about thirty enlisted. The
Jersey regiment, to which no doubt many Morris county
volunteers belonged, numbering in all about 800 men,
Lieutenant-Colonel Brearly commanding, struck its tents
at Fort Richmond, on Staten Island, on Tuesday August
i8th, and embarked for Albany. It reached the encamp-
ment at Greenpoint (Greenbush?), near Albany, "in good
health and gpirit.s,'' on the 22nd, and on November 12th
the camp there was broken up and the regiment marched
northward to the Canada frontier.
November i6th 1812 Governor Aaron Ogden, in view
of particular instructions addressed to him by the gen-eral
commanding at New York, called upon all uniformed
companies to hold themselves ready on twenty-four
hours' notice to take the field. The enemy's fleet threat-
ened the city then, and at intervals afterward during the
war. The militia regiments of this State relieved each
other in duty at Jersey City, Sandy Hook and the High-
lands, in readiness to meet the invader.
In September the third regiment of Morris militia was
called into active service and marched to Sandy Hook.
It was in the United States service from September 17th
to November 30th 1812, when the men were mustered
out and returned home. The roster of the field and staff
of this regiment was as follows:
Lieutenant-colonel, Joseph Jackson; majors, Peter
Kline and Daniel Farrand; adjutant, William McFar-
land; quartermaster, Joseph Edsall; paymaster, Jonas
Wade ; surgeon, Reuel Hampton ; sergeant major,
Thomas C. Ryerson; quartermaster sergeant, Isaac
There Avere six coinpanies, as follows: Captain John
Hinchman's company, 81 men; Captain Samuel Dem-
arest's, 64 men; Captain Abner Dodd's, 61 men; Captain
William Corwine's, 74 men; Captain Stephen Baldwin's,
70 men; Captain Peter Cole's, 75 men; total, 433 officers
and men.
August i2th 1814 General James J. Wilson, in command
at the seacoast, accepted the service of the three volun-
teer uniformed companies, together with 185 officers and
men who were to be taken from the other militia. The
militia of Morris and Sussex Avere to be formed into one
regiment, and this regiment was to be one of three com-
manded by Brigadier-General William Colfax. Agree-
ably to orders of ihe governor of the State the three
uniformed companies marched off on Saturday morning,
September 3d, for Harsimus, near Paulus Hook, where
they were to be stationed for a time. In the notice of
their leaving it is added, " The greatest cheerfulness and
animation prevailed among them, and they appeared to
entertain a just sense of the nature of the duties re-
quired of them and of the honor of performing those
duties with resolution and firmness."
The following are the rolls of these three companies,
which formed part of Colonel John Frelinghuysen's
Captain William Brittin's company, which was in the
United States service from September ist 1814 to De-
cember 3d 1814: Captain, William Brittin; lieutenant,
Elijah Ward (appointed quartermaster September 7th);
ensign, Lewis Carter: sergeants— Ichabod Bruen, William
Thompson, Joseph Day, Alexander Bruen; corporals-
Caleb C. Bruen, Ellas Donnington, Richard R. Elliot,
Charles Townley 3d; drummer, Jonathan Miller; pri-
vates—John T. Muchmore, Alva Bonnel (Joel Bonnel
went as his substitute), Seth Crowell, Samuel M. Crane
Roll of Captain Samuel Halliday's Morris rangers,
which company was in the service of the United States
TROOPS IN 1812-14.
from the ist of September to the 2nd of December 1814:
Captain, Samuel Halliday; lieutenant, Benjamin Lindsley
jr.; ensign, Joseph M. Lindsley; sergeants — Matthew G.
Lindsley, William H. Wetmore, Joseph Byram jr., Ber-
nard McCormac; corporals — Stephen Sneden, William
Dalrymple, Samuel P. Hull, Stephen C. Ayers (John
Odell substitute); drummer, Stpplien James; lifer, Silas
Ogden; privates — Samuel Beeis, Jerry Colwell, David
Cutter, Charles M. Day, Benjamin Denton, Peter Dore-
mus, Steplien P. Freeman, Lewis Freeman, Sylvester R.
Guerin, Horatio G. Hopkins, Luther Y. Howell, Ezekiel
Hill, John Hand, Joseph M. Johnson, Abraham Ludlow,
David Lindsley, Ira Lindsley (David Beers substitute),
Moses Lindsley, Roswell Loniis, Lewis March, John
Meeker, John Nestor jr.', David Nestor, Elij.ih Oliver,
Byram Prudden, Maltby G. Pierson, Eleazer M. Pierson,
Jabez Rodgers, Ezra Scott, Ebenezer Slibbins, Peregrine
Sanford, Seth C. Schenck, Charles Vail, Isaac M. Wooley.
Roll of Captain Carier's riflemen, who were in the
United States service from September ist to December
2nd 1814: Captain, Luke Carter; lieutenants — David W.
Halstead, William Brewster (discharged September 19th
i8i4\ Charles Carter; sergeants — Benjamin F. Foster,
Elijah Canfield, Harvey Hopping, David Tompkins;
corporals — Calvin Sayres, Samuel Hedges, John B.
Miller, Moses Baldwin; musicians — Daniel Brewster,
Luther Smith; privates — Lewis Baker, Cyrus Hall, Squire
Burnet, William Canfield (died October 3d 1814), Malilon
Carter, Ellis Cook, Samuel Cory, Moses Condit, John
Dixon, John Fairchild, Clark Freeman, John French,
'J'horaas Genung, Elam Genung, Whilfield Hopping,
Robert W. Halstead, Aaron M. Jacobus, Jacob Ogden,
Richard Rikeman, Joseph Smiihson, John Simpson,
Ephraim C. Simpson, William Tucker (deserted), Stephen
C. Woodruff, John Glover.
The regiment of militia which went to the Hook at
about the same time was commanded by Lieutenant-
Colonel John Seward, and was in the United States ser-
vice from about September ist 18 14 to December gih
1814. The following is a roster ofthe field and staff:
Lieutenant-colonel, John Seward; majors — Jonathan
Brown, John L. Anderson, Benjamin Rosenkrans; adju-
tant, Ebenezer F. Smith; paymaster, David Thompson
jr.; surgeon, Hampton Dunham; surgeon's mate, Timothy
S. Johnes; sergeant major, Richard Reed; quartermaster
sergeants — Jonas L. Willis, Nathaniel O. Condit (np-
pointed quartermaster September 13th 1814); drum major,
William Fountain; fifer, John S. Smith; waiters— Israel
Seward, waiter to the colonel; Benjamin Ayres, waiter to
the surgeon; Matto Derbe, waiter to the surgeon's mate.
There were fourteen companies, which were in service
as follows — the precise dates of their musters in and out
not being the same: Captains William Vliet and Benja-
man Coleman's company, September 9th to December
6th; Captain Joseph Budd's, September 9th to December
5th; tlie companies of Captains Vancleve Moore, Robert
Perrine, Charles South, John S. Darcy, Thomas Teas,
dale and George Beardslee, from September 6th to De-
cember .sth; Captain Alexander Reading's, September
8th to December 5th; Captain Abraham Webb's, Sep-
tember 3d to December 4th; Captain Daniel Kilburn's,
September ist to December sth; Captain William Drum's,
September 3d to December 6th; Captain William Swaze's,
September 8th to December 7th.
On Sunday the nth of September the uniformed com-
panies of General Colfax's brigade, numbering 1,200
men, paraded and marched to " high ground " to hear
Rev. Dr. Stephen Grover, of Caldwell, preach to them.
About the 20th the brigade removed from Paulus Hook
to the heights of Navesink, where and at Sandy Hook it
remained until the last of November, when 'the men were
paid off and ordered home. They arrived in Morristown
Saturday evening December 7th 1814, and Halliday's
Rangers paraded on the 8th and were given a public din-
A singular incident of this war was the volunteering on
the part of about four hundred citizens of Washington,
Chester, Mendham and Morris to labor a day on the
fortifications of New York. In the A''c7cj York Gazette
of September 10th 1814 is this acknowledgment of their
service: "We have the satisfaction again to notice the
distinguished and practical patriotism of our sister State
New Jersey. Between four and five hundred men from
Morris county, some from a distance of nearly fifty miles,
headed by their revered pastors, were at work yesterday
on the fortifications of Harlem. Such exalted and dis-
tinguished patriotism deserves to be and will be held in
grateful remembrance by the citizens of New York, and
recorded in the pages of history, to the immortal honor
of the people of that State."
The war, as might have been expected, stimulated cer-
tain manufactures, our commerce with foreign nations
being almost entirely cut off. The Mount Hope furnace
was started up, and Dr. Charles M. Graham advertised
December 30th 1812 that the Hibernia furnace would be
thereafter conducted by him. Matthias Denman, Abra-
ham Wooley and Samuel Adams had been previously his
partners in its operation. He also advertises thirty-five
casks of New Jersey made copperas of the first quality,
at the Hibernia store, for cash or grain at New York
prices. The copperas was manufactured at the copperas
mine near Green Pond, where Job Allen during the
Revolutionary war carried on the business. The end of
the war put an end to this industry and it never was re-
HE history of the iron industry of Morris
county reaches back almost to its first set-
tlement. We have no positive knowledge of
any actual settlement in the county until
about 1700. Yet in 17 14 the tract em-
bracing the Dickerson mine was taken up on
^ account of its minerals, from the proprietors of
West Jersey, by John Reading, who in 1716 sold it to
Joseph Kirkbride; and it is a matter of tradition that
previous to that time the ore was manufactured into iron
by the owners of forges, who were allowed to help them-
selves without charge. The presence of the ore was
known to the Indians yet earlier than this; and their
name for the locality " Suckasuna " (or, as some have it,
" Sock-Soona "), meaning "black stone" or "heavy
stone," has been given to the plains which extend to the
westward of the hills wherein the mine is situated.
Arrow-heads and utensils of various kinds made of iron
by the Indians have been picked up in the neighbor-
It is altogether probable that the presence of ore in
great abundance, the forests which covered the whole
land, ready for the collier, and the abundant waterfalls
of the many rivers and brooks which traversed the
mountainous region were the chief inducements which
led the first settlers into its wildernesses. It is a circum-
stance which has not failed to impress itself upon those
familiar with the records of the proprietors of East Jersey
that among the first lands to be taken up or purchased,
especially in the northern part of the county, were the
lots containing waterfalls, and where veins of ore cropped
out on the surface, afterward pieces of natural meadow,
and last of all the surrounding hills.
In the " brief account of the province of East Jersey,
in America, published by the present proprietors " in
1682, it is said: "What sort of mines or minerals are in
the bowels of the earth after-time must produce, the
inhabitants not having yet employed themselves in search
thereof; but there is already a smelting furnace and forge
set up in this colony, where is made good iron, which is
of great benefit to the country." This furnace and forge
were probably the iron works at Tinton Falls, in Mon-
mouth county, and the quotation shows that the minerals
of Morris county had not yet been discovered. Of the
seven " considerable towns " mentioned as being in East
Jersey none are west of Orange Mountain, and the whole
region was no doubt an unbroken wilderness.
The first forge within the present bounds of Morris of
which we have any knowledge was erected at Whippany,
on what was then called, by its Indian name, the Whip-
panong River, just above the bridge which crosses the
stream nearly in front of the church. Tradition fixes as
early a date as 17 10 for its erection. Mr. Green in his
history of the Hanover church speaks of the old building
in the Whippany graveyard as "about 100 rods below
the forge which is and has long been known by the name
of the Old Iron Works." It was no doubt a very small
and rude affair, where good iron was made free from the
ore by smelting it with charcoal, and without any of the
economical appliances even of the bloomaries of a hun-
dred years later. The ore was brought to it from the
Succasunna mine in leather bags on horseback, and the
iron was carried to market at tide water in bars bent to
fit a horse's back — the only method of transportation.
A single horse, it is said, would carry from four to five
hundred pounds fifteen miles in a day. Not a vestige of
this forge now remains, and its builder is unknown. The
conjecture is that John Ford and Judge Budd built it.
An aged Presbyterian clergyman. Rev. Isaac Todd, of
Ocean county, who is still living, and is a descendant of
Colonel Jacob Ford sen., says the ancestor of the Morris
county Fords was John Ford, of Woodbri.dge. While in
Philadelphia in 17 10, as a representative of his church to
the presbytery, he made the acquaintance of Judge Budd,
who had a large estate in Morris county. Budd offered
Ford a large tract of land if he would remove to Monroe,
between Morristown and Whippany, an offer which was
Following up the Whippany River forges were erected
soon after near the site of Morristown, of the same char-
acter as the Whippany forge, and getting their supply of
ore from the same source. One was located just north
of what is now called Water street and near Flagler's mill,
called the Ford forge. Colonel Jacob Ford sen., who
probably built this forge, and afterward forges on the
two branches of the Rockaway, was called by Peter
Hasenclever "one of the first adventurers in bloomary
iron works." All the forges near Morristown were ex-
tinct in 1823.
The first forge at Dover was built, it is said, by John
Jackson in 1722, on what is still called Jacks9n's Brook,
near the present residence of Alpheus Beemer. Jackson
purchased a tract of 527 acres of one Joseph Latham,
including the site of this forge and much of the land
west of Dover. The venture was not a successful one,
however, and in 1757 the forge passed into the hands of
Josiah Beman, and the farm into those of Hartshorne
Fitz Randolph.
It is to be noted, however, that in 1743 a tract of 91
acres was located by Joseph Shotwell which covered
most of the village of Dover, on both sides of the river
from where the Morris and Essex Railroad crosses it to
below Bergen street, and it was said to be at a place
called the " Quaker Iron Works." In 1769 Josiah Be.
man, " bloomer," mortgages to Thomas Bartow the same
tract, " being that which John Jackson formerly lived on
and whereon the forge and dwelling house which was his
did stand," and which land was " conveyed to him by
Joseph Prudden by deed dated April 7th i76r; except-
ing out of this present grant nine acres on which the
forge stands sold by him to Robert Schooley." It
further appears from other deeds that the indebtedness
secured by this mortgage was contracted in 1761, prob-
ably when the purchase was made of Prudden. In 1768
Joseph Jackson and his son Stephen purchased of Robert
Schooley one fire in this forge. The next year Joseph
Jackson conveyed his interest in the forge to his son.
Josiah Beman, the owner as it appears as early as 1761
of this Dover forge, was a brother of David Beman of
Rockaway, the brother-in-law of General Winds and the
grandfather of the late Thomas Green of Denville. He
lived in the long, low house in the village of Dover still
standing on the north side of the mill pond. He is
described as a man of great piety, a regular attendant
upon the church at Rockaway and of very simple habits.
Stephen Jackson learned his trade of him, and in 1764
bought the last year of his tinie of him for ^100 — then
considered a large sum — and with Andrew King leased
ai5d carried on the forge for a time. If is said the two
young men kept bachelors' hall, doing their own cooking,
which was of the simplest kind, by turns. In a few years
they both had capital to go into business for themselves,
and both became prominent iron manufacturers. Beman
sold his forge to Canfield & Losey in 1792, and the new
firm enlarged the business by the erection of rolling-
mills, etc.
In 1748 the land on both sides of the river at Rocka-
way was located by Colonel Jacob Ford, and the tract
was said to include " Job Allen's iron works." In 1767
letters of administration of Job Allen's estate were granted
to Colonel Jacob Ford, his principal debtor; tending to
the conclusion that the pioneer ironmaster of Rockaway
had been no more successful than his neighbor at Dover.
These iron works were built,>as near as can now be as-
certained, in 1730.
The little dam in the middle of the upper pond and
covered ordinarily by water was that on which this
earliest structure depended for its supply of water. In
1774 Joseph Prudden jr., of Morristown, conveyed to
Thomas Brown and John Cobb one fire in this forge, ihe
other being in the possession of David Beman. May
30th 1778 Cobb & Brown convey the same fire, with the
appurtenances, " coal yards, dams and ponds," to Stephen
Jackson. In 1780, January 2nd, David Beman conveyed
his half of the forge to John Jacob Faesch; and January
ist 1782 Stephen Jackson conveyed his part also to him.
Faesch retained possession of the works until his death,
when they were bought back by Stephen Jackson. In
181 2 Stephen Jackson devised this forge to his sons Wil-
liam and John D. Jackson; but both interests were
purchased by their brother Colonel Joseph Jackson, who
had since 1809 been the owner of the lower forge
at Rockaway. By him it was sold in 1850 to his
son-in-law Samuel B. Halsey, to whose heirs it still
It is evident that about the years 1748-50 a great ad-
vance was made in the manufacture of iron. In 1741 a
humble " representation " was made by the Council and
House of Representatives to the governor of the province,
Lewis Morris, setting forth the abundance of iron ore
and the conveniences for making the same into pig and
bar iron which existed, and that with proper encourage-
ment they could probably in some years wholly supply
that necessary commodity to Great Britain and Ireland,
" for which they become annually greatly indebted to
Sweden and other nations "; but that hitherto they had
"made but small advantage therefrom, having imported
but very inconsiderable quantities either of pig metal or
bar iron into Great Britain, by reason of the great dis-
couragement they be under for the high price of labor
and the duties by act of Parliament on these commodities
imported from his Majesty's plantations in America.
That should it please the British Legislature to take off
the duties at present payable on importations, and allow
such bounty thereon as to them in their great wisdom
might seem reasonable, the inhabitants of this and other
of his Majesty's colonies in North America would be
thereby the better enabled to discharge the respective
balances due by them to their mother country, and greatly
to increase the quantities of her manufactures by them
exported (as their return would be in those only); where-
by the annual debt by her incurred to Sweden and other
foreign nations for iron would be considerably lessened,
and the navigation and ship-building throughout the
British dominions greatly encouraged and enlarged."
This very humble petition seems to have had no im-
mediate leffect; but in 1750 an act of Parliament was
transmitted to the governor of the colony entitled " an
act to encourage the importation of pig and bar iron from
his Majesty's colonies in America, and to prevent the
erection of any mill or other engine for slitting or rolling
of iron, or any plating forge to work with a tilt hammer,
or any furnace for making steel, in any of the said colon-
ies." The act corresponded with its title; and, while it
permitted the colonists to manufacture and send to the
mother country pig and bar iron under certain regula-
tions, it strictly forbade, under penalty of ;^20o, the
erection of any such mill as was intended to be prohib-
ited. They might make the crude article, but they must
send it to the mother country to be reduced to such
shape as to fit it for use. The forge man could make
the iron bloom, but he must send it across the Atlantic
to be rolled into the nail rods and horseshoe iron he and
his neighbors required for their own use.
The governors were ordered to report the mills, etc.,
then erected, and accordingly Governor Belcher reported
that there were in New Jersey that year one mill for
slitting and rolling iron, in Bethlehem township, Hunter-
don county; one plating forge at Trenton and one
furnace for making steel in Trenton — of which only the
plating forge was then used; and besides these, the
governor adds, " I do also certify that from the strictest
inquiry I can possibly make there is no other mill or
engine for slitting and rolling of iron, or plating forge
which works with a tilt hammer, or furnace for making
steel, within his Majesty's province of New Jersey."
Whether as one of the effects of this law or not, several
forges were built in the county about the time it went
into operation. Colonel Jacob Ford, of Morristown, in
1750 "took up "or located the falls of the east branch
of the Rockaway at Mt. Pleasant, and proceeded to erect
two forges there. The same year he purchased the falls
on the same stream at Denmark, where the "Burnt
Meadow forge " was built. It is called " John Harri-
man's Iron Works " in 1764, but a few years afterward
was owned by Jacob Ford jr. In 1749 Jonathan Osborn
purchased the falls midway between Denmark and Mt.
Pleasant, and built what is known as Middle forge — the
site of which is now owned by the United States. All
these forges were in the hands of the Fords before the
Revolutionary war.
There was also a forge about half a mile below Lower
Longwood in existence at the time of the war, which was
called " Ford's forge," which was extinct in 1823; but
exactly when it was built cannot be ascertained. In a
deed made in 1803 from Samuel Tuthill to John P. Losey
mention is made of the bridge that crosses the Rockawpy
River " a little above where the old Speedwell forge
formerly stood."
About this time, that is to say from 1750 to the break-
ing out of the Revolutionary war, were also erected many
other ancient forges. One stood on the Whippany River
near Morristown, railed the Carmichael forge, and one
at Malapardis, about three miles northeast of Morristown.
Both of these were extinct before this century began.
The Hathaway forge on the Whippany, close to the
Morris and Essex Railroad, and about a mile west of
Morris Plains station, was built by Captain James Keene,
who was a captain in the Revolutionary army, and who
ran it until 1780. Jonathan Hathaway, from whom it
took its name, owned and ran it for over twenty-five
years, then Benjamin Holloway until 1806, when it was
burned down. It was rebuilt, but a fresliet in 1821
broke away the dam and it was not again in operation-
On Den Brook, a tributary of the Rockaway, were
built Shongum forge, owned by Deacon John Hunting-
ton; Ninkey forge (owned by Abraham and John Kin
ney in 1796 and sold as their property in 1799 to Caleb
Russel), built and rebuilt several times; Coleraine (or
Cold-rain) forge, lower down the stream; and still lower
Franklin forge, built by John Cobb, Thomas Brown and
Stephen Jackson just previous to the war. Hubbard S.
Stickle, who has just died at the advanced age of ninety-
eight years, and who himself built one forge and assisted
in building several others, said he could remember when
all four of these forges were running.
Colonel James W. Drake writes in 1854 that, "princi-
pally for the purpose of consuming the surplus wood,
four forges for manufacturing iron were at different
times erected in the township of Mendham, but the fires
of all of them have been long extinguished. The ore
for their supply was almost entirely furnished by the
well known Suckasunny mine. A small amount of ore
was at one time supplied by a mine in the village of
Water Street, but at length the use of it was abandoned,
as iron could not be made of it." From an old map
made in 1823, showing the forges active and extinct in
Morris county at that time, it appears that these forges
were the "Rushes" and "Mendham" forges, on the
north branch of the Raritan; "Leddle's forge," on a
branch of the Passaic; and " Rye" forge, on the Whip-
pany river at Water Street, all extinct. The mine
spoken of by Colonel Drake was reopened and worked
extensively since the last war by Ario Pardee and other
lessees of the owner, Madison Connet.
In 1751 John Johnston bought of the proprietors the
falls of the Beach Glen Brook at Beach Glen, and built
the forge known for many years as '' Johnston's iron
works." It was sold by Job Allen to Beach
and Henry Tuttle December 30th 1771, and Beach
shortly after bought out his partner and continued to
operate it until his death. Benjamin Beach (son of
Abner Beach) is described as a self-made man, who,
beginning with very small means, by integrity, industry
and systematic perseverance acquired a large estate,
owning at the time of his death over a thousand acres of
land. Beach Glen before it was so called, in honor of
himself, was called Horse Pound, because the early set-
tlers, by building a fence from one high hill to the other,
formed a pound into which they drove their wild horses
to catch them. From Benjamin Beach the forge de-
scended to his two sons Chilion and Samuel Searing;
and the site is still in the family, being owned by Dr.
Columbus Beach, the son of Chilion. The dam was
swept away by a freshet in 1867, and has never been
There was also an old forge at Troy, near the present
residence of Andrew J. Smith, built probably by John
Cobb. It (or, rather, its site— for the forge has gone
down) is still owned in part by some of the descendants
of Cobb, one-half being owned by Andrew J. Smith,
whose father, Ebenezer F. Smith, ran it as late as i860.
There was also an old forge at the head of Speedwell
Pond, and another at the present dam at Speedwell
where Arnold & Kinney erected their slitting-mill.
Colonel Ford is said to have been the builder of these. •
White Meadow was also a place of importance at lh"s
time. A lot was located here in 1753 by David Beman,
probably for the purpose of building a forge, and he and
Thomas Miller were, no doubt, the builders of one.
They or one of them conveyed to John Bigalow and
Aaron Bigalow; for in 1769 the Bigalows gave a mort-
gage of one-half of the forge " which was built at the
place called White Meadow." October i8th 1774 the
Bigalows gave a mortgage on a tract of 142^ acres
(including the lot returned to Beman), said to be a
tract which Thomas Miller bought of Thomas Barton
and David Beman, and conveyed to said Bigalows by
deed of even date with the mortgage. From the Biga-
lows it fell into the possession of Abraham Kitchel, who
conveyed it to Bernard Smith (the friend of Faesch) in
1792. Smith was obliged to part with it, and sold it to
Isaac Canfield in 1802.
About a mile below White Meadow was the forge well
known as " Guinea forge," built by Colonel John Munson
before 1774. A recital by Benjamin Beach and Abrahan
Kitchel, in the minutes of the board of proprietors in
1785, quotes an application of Munson and Benjamin
Beach in 1774 for a large tract of land lying near these
works, which tells the history of this forge for the ten
years previous, as follows:
" To the Honorable the Council of Proprietors — A
tract of land [was] surveyed by Thomas Millige to Ben-
jamin Beach and Colonel John Munson of about 2,600
acres, but no deed has been given nor moneys paid
except the surveying, recording, &c. Colonel Munson,
being unable to carry on his forge, sold his forge and
right to procure a deed in his name to Joshua Winget,
who sold the same to Samuel Crane. Crane sold to
Abijah Sherman, and when Sherman broke. Crane took
the forge again and now Crane proves insolvent. Mr.
Beach does not expect to take more than half of the
land surveyed and recorded as above. Colonel Munson,
not being able to attend, prays that his contract may be
void. Abraham Kitchel and Mark Walton will take
Colonel Munson's part provided they can have it for a'
reasonable sum."
With White Meadow forge Guinea forge fell into the
hands of Abraham Kitchel, who conveyed it in 1791 to
Bernard Smith, who conveyed it to Isaac Canfield in
1802. Both these forges were afterward owned by
Colonel Thomas Muir, whose family still own White
Meadow and the mine and large tracts surrounding.
Guinea forge was bought by Hubbard S. Stickle, who
owned its site at the time of his death. Both forges
have long been down.
The capacity of the forges built before the Revolution
may be judged from a petition presented to the House
of Assembly in September 1751, by the owners of bloom-
aries in the county oT Morris, " setting forth that they
humbly conceive their bloomaries are not comprehended
in the late law for returning the taxables of the province;
and that there are many bloomaries in the said county
that don't make more than five or six tons of iron in a
year; and that therefore the profits of such forges cannot
pay any tax, but m'any of them on the contrary must be
obliged to let their works fall if any tax be laid on them;
and praying the House will rather encourage so publick
a benefit, and instead of laying a tax grant a small
bounty upon every ton of bar iron fitted for market, and
a receipt of the same being shipped for London pro-
duced to the treasurer, according to a late act of Par-
liament." No action appears to have been taken upon
this petition.
The ore for these forges continued to be taken princi-
pally from the Dickerson mine, on account of its greater
richness and purity, though the great Jugular vein at
Mount Hope and the vein at Hibernia had become
known. The forgemen constituted a class by them-
selves, handing down in many instances from father to
son the trade they lived by. It was a day of simple
habits and men lived on the plainest fare. Morristown
was the chief source of supply, and many of the men
made the trip on foot from the upper part of the county
to that place once a week to get their supplies. From
Henry Baker, of Mt. Pleasant, we have this incident of
his grandfather, Andrew King, who was one of Colonel
Ford's forgemen at Mt. Pleasant, and who at one time
leased, as we have stated, the Dover forge of Josiah
On one of his visits to Morristown for supplies the
store keeper recommended to him tea as a new article of
diet, which he would find very agreeable. He took a
package of it home, with a very general idea of the man-
ner in which it should be prepared for the table, and his
good wife, who had never seen the article before, attempted
to make a pudding of it. The bag in ^yhich she had se-
cured it burst in the boiling, and with great difficulty she
succeeded in keeping it within bounds during the cook-
ing. Of course no one could eat the unpalatable dish,
and on being asked how he liked it when in Morristown
again he replied they did not want any more of it. When
he described the use they had sought to make of it, it
created no little amusement in the store. He said they
"could neither eat the pudding nor drink the broth."
However, he was persuaded to make a new trial, and
with more definite instructions, and with wooden cups
and saucers and a new package the use of the beverage
was inaugurated under more favorable auspices.
This Andrew King was a man of excellent character
and thoroughly understood his busiriess. By his industry
and thrift he acquired considerable property, and he died
when over 90 years of age, in Dover, where he owned a
house and farm on the hill south of the Morris and
Essex depot. One of his daughters married Jeremiah
Baker, of Mt. Pleasant. A son, John King, acted as
clerk for Faesch at Mt. Hope and for Stotesbury at Hi-
bernia, and finally in 1802 went with Nathan and David
Ford to Ogdensburg, where they were the pioneers.
Preston King, who it will be remembered was at one time
collector of the port of New York, and committed suicide
by jumping from a ferryboat in the North River, was a
son of this John King.
An incident to illustrate the capacity of these early
forges is thus narrated by the late William Jackson: —
While Colonel Jacob Ford owned and worked the Middle
forge he lived at Morristown. One Saturday evening he
returned home in fine spirits and said to his wife: " Now,
wife, you must make one of your largest short cakes, for
I have made one of the largest loops ever made in the
county. How much do you think it weighed ?" he asked
his wife. Of course she could not tell and asked him
how much. He answered, " It weighed 28^ pounds !
was not that a big one !"
Peter Hasenclever, a German born at Remscheid, in
1 7 16, came to this country about 1764 as the representa-
tive of the London Company. Within three years he is
said to have built a furnace at Charlotteburgh (on the
borders of Morris county) and three miles further down
stream a " finery forge," with four fires and two ham-
mers, capable of making 250 tons of bar iron a year
single handed and from 300 to 350 tons double handed;
and a mile lower down still a second forge, of equal ca-
pacity. He introduced many improvements in the manu-
facture of iron and increased the capacity of the forges.
Governor Franklin appointed a committee, consisting of
Lord Stirling, Colonel John Schuyler, Major Tunis Day
and James Grey, to examine into his acts in behalf of his
company, with whom he had gotten into difficulty. This
commission, reporting at Newark July 8th 1768, testified
to the perfection of his iron works and to the fact that he
had introduced many improvements in the manufacture
of iron, some of which had been adopted in England.
They said: " He is the first person that we know who
has so greatly improved the use of the great natural
ponds of this country as by damming them to secure
reservoirs of water for the use of iron works in the dry
season, without which the best streams are liable to fail
in the great droughts we are subject to." They further
said that he was the first to make old cinder beds profit-
able; that he improved the furnaces by building the in-
walls of slate instead of stones, which seldom lasted
longer than a year or two, and by placing the stack under
roof; that he only used overshot wheels, and " around
the hammer-wheel, shafts with strong cast-iron rings,
whose arms served as cogs to lift the hammer handle."
The commission, whose members were all interested in
iron works and mines, and so able to speak authoritatively,
said these contrivances were new ones — " at least they
are new in America." It may be interesting to know
that Hasenclever was justified by a decision of Lord
Thurlow in England after a long litigation, and that he
was so successful as a linen manufacturer in Silesia that
he refused as advantageous invitation from Benjamin
Franklin to return to America.
After the Revolutionary war, and especially in the de-
cade preceding and in that following 1800, many new
forges were built, of larger size and some of them prob-
ably occupying sites of others which had gone down.
In a letter written to Richard Henry Lee in 1777 Wash-
ington states that in " Morris county alone tliere are be-
tween eighty and one hundred iron works, large and
small." Unless the writer counted each fire of every
forge it is impossible to verify this statement by locating
the iron works, or even then unless some of those known
to have been built at a later period were built on sites of
■ older forges. Charcoal furnaces had been built before
the war, but while ore and charcoal were so abundant,
and the work of refining so little understood, there was
sufficient demand for bloomary iron to make work for all
the forges; and the time of greatest prosperity among the
bloomaries was the earlier part of this century and before
anthracite coal came into use.
Besides the forges mentioned, some of which were still
in operation, the principal other forges of the county
after the war were as follows:
Beginning at the head waters of the west branch of the
Rockaway River we have nearest its source the Hopewell
forge, near the boundary line of, if not within, Sussex
county. It was built, tradition says, by Colonel Samuel
Ogden, of Boonton, and was probably rebuilt by Samuel
G. I. De Camp about 181 2. It has long been idle, and
is going to ruin.
The next forge, a mile below Hopewell, called "Russia,"
was built before 1800, and was long known as William
Headley's forge. Prof. Cook places its erection as early
as 1775. It was an old forge in 1806, when it was owned
by William Fichter. It was owned in 1828 by Joseph
Chamberlain, and is now by Jetur R. Riggs. Colonel
Samuel Ogden conveyed the land on vvhich it was built
to Thomas Keepers in 1800; and Mrs. Davenport,
Thomas Keepers's daughter, says that there were forges
here and at Hopewell before 1800, which were called
" Upper and Lower Farmingham forges." Situate as
Russia forge is, just where the river issues from the
mountains with a fall of twenty-five or thirty feet, the site
was a most desirable one and was probably early taken
The next forge, a mile lower down, was called the
" Swedeland forge." It was built by John Dow, Cor-
nelius Davenport and Jacob Riker, before 1800. Dow
was the leading spirit in the enterprise. In 1806 Colonel
John Stanburrough took possession of the premises, and
he operated the forge more or less at intervals until his
death, which occurred in 1862. He took the premium
of the Morris County Agricultural Society over fifty
years ago for making a ton of octagon iron in the shortest
time. The premium was a silver oup, which is held as
an heirloom in the family by his youngest daughter, Mrs.
Elizabeth Dalrymple, of Branchville, N. J. The forge
has been repaired by Albert R. Riggs, its present owner,
and is now in a better state of preservation than any
other forge in Jefferson township.
The next forge, about one and a half miles below
Swedeland, is Petersburg. This is a very old forge, some
placing its erection as early as 1730. The land was lo-
cated for Robert Hunter Morris and James Alexander,
June 3d 1754. Jonah Austin mortgaged to Abraham
Ogden, October ist 1777. one quarter interest in the
forge and lot called " Petersburg." It has also been
called " Arnold's " forge, having once been owned by
Jacob Arnold, of the Speedwell iron works. It has been
transferred many times, but has now gone to decay. The
site is owned by Lev/is Chamberlain.
On a branch of the Rockaway River which comes in
from the east below Petersburg is built the " Hard Bar-
gain " forge, now owned by Stephen Strait. It stands
on the same tract originally as the Petersburg forge, from
which it is distant only a quarter of a mile in an air line.
It was built about 1795, by an association of persons
among whom were John Dow, Christian Strait, John
Davenport and others. Though a one-fired forge it had
at one tmie nine partners. In 1828 it belonged to Adams
& Dean. The buildings are still in good repair, but have
long been disused.
Passing down the Rockaway River about one and a
half miles we come next to Woodstock forge. This is of
comparatively recent origin, having been built about the
year 1825, by Ephraim Adams, James L. Dickerson and
Stephen Adams. The tract of land (1,748 acres) upon
which it stands was returned to Skinner & Johnson for
Thomas Kinney in 1774. This forge never made a large
quantity of iron, the fall in the stream being insufficient
to give proper hammering capacity to draw out the iron
when made. It belongs to Zopher O. Talmadge, who
uses it as a distillerv.
The next forge below Woodstock is the Upper Long-
wood forge, which stands in the same tract of 1,748
acres as the Woodstock. It is a very old forge and
large quantities of iron have been made there. John
De Camp became its owner about 1798 and it is said to
have been rebuilt by him on a new foundation, a' freshet
having carried out the old works. De Camp, who carried
on the forge until 1817, was a brother of Joseph, Lemuel
and David De Camp, all of whom were more or less en-
gaged in iron manufacture. An anchor shop was at one
time attached to this forge, in which large quantities of
anchors were manufactured and many men employed.
The forge buildings have fallen or been torn down, and
the property, containing some 2,00c acres of land, is now
owned by John Kean, of Elizabeth.
The next forge in order and a mile lower down the
stream is the Lower Longwood forge, standing on the
same tract of 1,748 acres above mentioned. It is said
to have been built by Ebenezer Tuttle and Grandin
Morris, about 1796, and bought by Canfield & Losey
in 1806. From them it passed into the hands of Black-
well & McFarlan. It is now the property of John Hance,
but has long ceased to be a forf;,e.
Below Lower Longwood was the old Speedwell or
Ford forge, already spoken of.
For much of the above information respecting the
forges on the upper Rockaway we are indebted to
Horace Chamberlain, of Oakridge, formerly a member
of the Legislature from this county, a gentleman whose
local knowledge and lifelong experience as a surveyor
have made him very familiar with the history especially
of the northerly part of the county.
Next in order is the " Valley forge," within sight of
the track of the Morris and Essex Railroad, which was
built by Jared Coe and Minard Lefever, probably before
or during the Revolutionary war. Prof. Cook places the
date at 1780. It came into the hands of Canfield & Losey
about 1800, and was burned down in i8r4. Jeremiah
Baker, the son-in-law of Andrew King, and who had
already commenced to acquire the large property which
he afterward possessed, built it up with an agreement to
purchase; but after working it for a year Canfield &
Losey took it back, and Baker bought it a second time of
Blackwell & McFarlan, who had succeeded to the bus-
iness and property of Canfield & Losey, in 1817. This
was with an understanding that Blackwell & McFarlan
should take all the iron he made. In 1828 it again
burned down, and was rebuilt by Mr. Baker. In 1875 it
was burned a third time, \vhile rented by Messrs. Mc-
Clees, of New York, from Henry and William H. Baker,
to whom their father had devised it. It has not been
The next forge on the west branch, and just before its
junction with the east branch of the Rockaway, is Wash-
ington forge, which was built by Charles Hoff and his
brother-in-law Joseph De Camp about the year 1795.
Charles Hoff sold his half to Joseph Hurd in 1808, and
the De Camp heirs theirs 10 Joseph Dickerson, who owned
the whole in 1828. It was run by Henry McFarlan
until within a few years.
Beginning at the head waters of the east branch of the
Rockaway River, or, as it is called, Burnt Meadow
Brook, the first forge was the " Burnt Meadow forge," or
"Denmark," owned by Harriman & Sayre, and Jacob
Ford jr., as we have seen, in its beginning. In 1806 the
Fords sold to Benjamin Holloway, who built the present
or last forge. Hubbard S. Stickle stated that he man-
aged for Holloway from December 1806 to December
1807, while it was being built. The old forge had then
entirely disappeared. Holloway failed in 1818, and in
1823 It was bought by George Stickle (father of Hubbard
S. Stickle), who sold it in 182 r to John Hardy. John
M. Eddy bought in 1841 and carried it on for several
years, when it fell into the possession of Edward R.
Biddle, then the owner of Mt. Hope. It finally, in 1858,
came to the possession of Ernest Fiedler, of New York
city, to whose heirs it still belongs. It has long been
About forty years ago " Big " Samuel Merritt built a
forge on a little brook running out of Gravel Dam,
on what is called the Garrigus place, near Denmark;
but it was a small affair and soon abandoned.
The next forge down the stream was " Middle forge,"
already mentioned. In 1773 Colonel Jacob Ford sen.
conveyed this forge to Colonel Jacob Ford jr., and in
1778 the executors of Jacob Ford jr. conveyed it to John
Jacob Faesch, who ran it in connection with his works at
Mount Hope until his death, June 28th 1800. General
John Doughty, as commissioner appointed to sell the
lands of Faesch, conveyed it to Moses Phillips jr.. who
rebuilt and ran the forge for a number of years. Under
him it was called the " Aetna forge." In 1839 it came
into the hands of Samuel F. Righter, who conveyed it in
r8s3 to his brother George E. Righter. He ran it till
within a few years, when it was permitted to go to decay.
The United States purchased the forge seat in 1880 with
the large tract of land around it of Mr. Righter, and the
government is now putting up extensive powder maga-
zines there. For this purpose no other place was found
to contain equal advantages. It was very easy of access
to the seaboard, possessed a valuable water power, and
the tract was as secluded as could be desired.
The next forge is the Mount Pleasant forge, already
spoken of. Here were at one time a four-fire forge
above the bridge and a smaller one below. The upper
or large forge was down before the beginning of this
century; the lower one was standing to within a few
The Rockaway River after the union of its two
branches flows first through Dover, where were the old
Josiah Beman forge and Schooley's forge (the Quaker
iron works), already mentioned, and, it is said, a forge
built by Moses Doty. Of these only one survived to
the present century and became merged in the extensive
iron works of Canfield & Losey, which will be spoken of
Below Dover the first forge on the Rockaway River
was the old iron works of " Job Allen," where is the
present forge at Rockaway, of which an account has
been given.
The lower forge at Rockaway was built by Stephen
Jackson, after he had sold his interest in the upper one
and found Faesch unwilling to sell it back to him. He
had served as captain of militia cavalry in the Revolu-
tionary war, and in the severe winter of 1780-1 was occu-
pied with his company reconnoitering the enemy's lines
below Short Hills. In this service he contracted a pul-
monary disease which he supposed would terminate
fatally, and in this belief sold his forge to Faesch.
Afterward, recovering his health, he tried in vain to re-
purchase it. A freshet in the winter of 1794-5 formed
an ice dam below the upper dam and on his own land.
He was prompt to act on this suggestion, building the
next year the lower dam and forge at Rockaway, which
he sold in rSog to his son Joseph. It remained in his
History of morris county.
possession until 1852, when he conveyed it with the
rolling-mill to Freeman Wood. It was never afterward
used as a bloomary forge. It was used in the manufac-
ture of steel, but only for a short time, and was then
suffered to fall to pieces after the last war.
A mile below the village of Rockaway a stream joins
the Rockaway River, coming from the north, known as
Beaver Brook. It is made up of three principal streams
—the White Meadow Brook, upon which were built the
White Meadow forge and Guinea forge already men-
tioned; the Beach Glen Brook, upon which were the
Hibernia forge and the Beach Glen forge (the old
"Johnson iron works"); and the Meriden Brook, upon
which were the Durham forge, the Split Rock forge and
the two Meriden forges.
Hibernia forge was built by William Scott after the
furnace there went down. It ran but a short time, and
has been gone for forty years at least. Of the Beach
Glen forge mention has already been made.
Durham forge, at Greenville, was built by Ebenezer
Cobb, about the year 1800. Its site belongs to the estate
of Andrew B. Cobb, deceased; but though the dam still
retains a pond there is nothing left of the forge but the
heavy castings, which vegetation has almost covered up.
The Split Rock forge. was built about 1790, by a Mr,
Farrand. It was bought by Colonel Lemuel Cobb, and
formed part of that large tract of about 3,000 acres at
Split-rock which was divided among his three heirs —
Andrew B. Cobb, Mrs. William C. H. Waddell and Mrs.
Benjamin Howell. The forge in the division fell to
Andrew B. Cobb, and still forms a part of his estate.
The old bloomary fires, however, have been replaced by
a Wilson deoxidizer, which, by a process that introduces
the ore heated and mingled with heated pulverized char-
coal to three fires arranged around one stack, makes a
charcoal bloom similar to that of the old-fashioned fire,
but much more rapidly.
Of the two forges at Meriden, one on the north side
and the other on the south side of the public road, the
upper one was built shortly after Split Rock and possibly
by the same parties, the lower one by Peter Hiler, about
1820. Colonel John Hinchman, of Denville, once owned
this lower forge; from him it passed to John Righter, of
Parsippany. Both forges have been down for many
Below the mouth of Beaver Brook, at Denville, Den
Brook enters the Rockaway from the southwest. Upon
this stream were the Shongum, Ninkey, Cold-rain and
Franklin forges, which have been mentioned.
Near the Rockaway River in Rockaway Valley, on a
brook coming from the hills on the west, James Dixon
built in 1830 the forge which was operated for about
thirty years by him and his two sons Cyrus and William.
On another little stream which joins the Rockaway at
Rockaway Valley, and about two miles north of the
Valley church, a forge was built by John Deeker about
1825 and called Deeker's forge. It was running to
within a few years of the last war.
Following down the Rockaway the next forge is
Powerville forge, built in 1794 by William Scott. In
1836 Scott built the rolling-mill on the same property.
In the division of Colonel Scott's real estate this fell to
his son Elijah D. Scott, who by deed and devise con-
veyed it to Thomas Willis, in whose family the property
still remains. The forge is yet in working order, though
like the one at Rockaway used principally for working
over scrap.
Three miles below Powerville on the Rockaway is Old
Boonton, of whose slitting-mill mention will be made
hereafter. In connection with this mill was a four-fire
forge, which long survived the other mills and was in op-
eration until a late date.
Besides the forges mentioned there were in the county
several others. Benjamin Roome writes that Simon Van
Ness had a forge on the Morris county side of the Pe-
quannock River, about one and a half miles above Bloom-
ingdale, which was worked by Robert Colfax as late as
about 181 1, when a freshet tore it to pieces and it was not
In 1821-2 Hubbard S. Stickle built the Montgomery
forge, on Stone Meadow Brook, a tributary of the Pe-
quannock, about two miles above Stony Brook. It is
no longer in operation. <
About the same time Timber Brook forge was built
near Greenville, on Copperas Brook, a stream running
north into the Pequannock, by John Dow. It was owned
in 1828 by George Stickle, and afterward by Matthias
Kitchel. Since the death of Mr. Kitchel it has been suf-
fered to go to decay.
On the stream running south into Lake Hopatcong
were built two forges. The upper one, called the " Well-
done " — since shortened into Weldon — forge, was built
by Major Moses Hopping, probably about 1800. The
land was located in 1793. The forge now belongs to
Hon. William E. Dodge, of New York. The lower
forge was built shortly before the other, probably in
1795, by Daniel and Joseph Hurd, and called by them
" New Partners."
On the Musconetcong River there were several forges,
but mostly on the Sussex side of the river.
June 5th 1764 Benjamin and Thomas Coe deeded to
Garret Rapalye " all one half of a certain forge with one
fire, and one equal undivided half part of five acres of
land which was surveyed for the use of s'd forge, with
half of the stream or water only (excepting what the saw-
mill now standing upon the same premises draw), stand-
ing, lying and being upon Musconetcong River, in the
province of New Jersey aforesaid, near the uppermost
falls below the mouth of the Great Pond." January ist
1768 Rapalye leased to Joseph and John Tuttle, who
were brothers and living then in Hanover, his iron works
for five years at ^300 a year, reserving the right to build
a furnace on one end of the dam. The Tuttles were to
deliver all the iron they made to Rapalye in New York
for _;^28 per ton for refined iron, and ^^24 per ton for
Whippany or bloomed iron, but the prices to vary with
changes in the market. This lease was so onerous that
it caused the failure of the Tuttles.
In the New Jersey Gazette, 1778, is noticed the sale of
a large tract of land " at the head of the Musconetcong
River, about 35 miles from Elizabethtown and 4 from
Suckasunny Plains, containing about 3,000 acres, having
on it a large forge with four fires and two hammers, *
* * which is now under lease for eight and a half tons
of bar iron per annum." Rapalye mortgaged this forge
to a London merchant, and on foreclosure of this mort-
gage it was sold in 1809 by the sheriff to Thomas Cad-
wallader, a lawyer of Philadelphia. September 25th
181 1 Cadwallader sold it to James and John R. Hinch-
man, for $1,000.
William Jackson wrote that the Brooklyn forge was
built by Phineas Fitz Randolph previous to 1800, and
carried on by him and James Hinchman for many years.
In 1828 it was said to be the property of Charles F. Ran-
The Stanhope forges were built by Silas Dickerson,
brother of Governor Mahlon Dickerson, soon after Brook-
lyn forge was built. They were carried on by him until he
was killed in the nail factory which he had just built, in
On the south branch of the Raritan there were at least
three forges. William Stephens built one in 1840 about
a mile below Budd's Lake, which was in operation but a
few years, when it went down. George Salmon owned
one at Upper Bartleyville, which was running as late as
1862; and .at Bartleyville was the old forge known as
" Welsh's forge," which ran down about 1840. Professor
Cook gives the date of its erection asji79o.
There is located on an old map (1823) the site of an
"extinct forge," called Eaton, near Bartleyville, and
another below the junction of the north and south
branches, called " Casterline's."
On the north branch at Flanders was an old forge,
built by William Hinchman in 1802, and which ran for
about forty years. In 181 2 he advertised in the 7l/i??-w-
town Herald a large amount of property for sale, includ-
ing " an excellent two-fire forge, in complete repair, for
making bar iron, with workmen's houses, orchards,
gardens, &c."
On Black River were also three forges — one, whose
ruins are remembered by old people — about a mile above
the grist-mill of the late General Cooper; one at Hackle-
barney, which was running until a late date, and one
about a mile below Hacklebarney, which has long gone
to decay.
At Shippenport was built in 1844 a forge, to run by
the waste water of the Morris Canal in summer and by a
small natural stream at other seasons. This forge was
greatly enlarged by Anson G. P. Segur a few years ago,
and it is still in working order.
Of the forges on the Pequannock River, which is the
northerly boundary line of the county, it is proper to
give some account, though the buildings were not on the
Morris county side of the river. Horace Chamberlain
has furnished the following information concerning them:
Before the river leaves Sussex county, at the head waters
was Canistear forge, worked at one time by 'Squire Adam
Smith and the Day brothers. It has long since gone into
disuse. Below this forge is " Margoram forge," so named
from its former owner Stephen F. Margoram. It was
carried away by the freshets of 1850. Mr. Margoram
said to Mr. Chamberlain, after that event, that he had
been trying to get out of the iron business, but the
freshets had closed him out. Going down the river, just
below the junction of its two branches, near Snufftown,
are the ruins of another old forge — probably the creation
of the enterprising spirit of John O. Ford, one of the
leading forgemen of his day. It was called " New
forge," and from this it may be supposed it was built
after the others; but they were all of them comparatively
Farther down the river but still in Sussex county is
" Windham forge." The corner of the counties of Mor-
ris and Passaic in the line of Sussex county is a rock
marked " M. S.," on the edge of the stream, about four
chains below this forge. Windham was built by John O.
Ford and run by him and his sons, the last one of whom
was Sidney Ford, who finished his career as an iron-
maker there. After Sidney Ford left it Frederick W.
Dellecker, formerly surrogate of the county, became the
owner, and from him it passed to Albert R. Riggs, its
present owner. It is the only forge on the Pequannock
which is still in working order.
Next in order down the stream are the ruins of the
old " Warner forge," so called from the Warner broth-
ers, who, associated with a man named Hoops, under the
firm name of " Warner & Hoops," purchased, improved
and enlarged the forge about the year 1840, and after
several years' unsuccessful operation vacated the prem-
ises and returned to Pennsylvania, their native State.
The site is now owned by Peter Tracy.
Two or three hundred yards down the stream was the
" Methodist forge,'' in after years known as " John Lewis
forge." By whom and when it was built is unknown,
but it was probably built by John O. Ford. After Mr.
Lewis it came into the possession of Daniel Hulme and
after him of Ebenezer W. Temple. It is now owned by
his brother William Temple.
Stockholm, next in order, some two or three hundred
yards farther down the stream, was probably one of John
O. Ford's enterprises. It remained in the Ford family
until carried away by the freshets in 1850 while being
worked by Horace Ford, one of the sons of John O.
Ford. The three last mentioned forges are all on a tract
of 492.22 acres returned in 1800 and known as John
O. Ford's large tract.
About three-eighths of a mile down said stream, where
the mountains seemingly diverge to the right and left to
give room for that valley of farming land known as
Newfoundland, we come to what is called in common
parlance the " Gregory forge," from its founder, Samuel
S. Gregory, who gave it the more classic name of " Car-
thage." One of the lots of this forge property was lo-
cated in 1763. It now belongs to Jetur A. Riggs.
The Pequannock River after leaving the mountains
flows more slowly and sluggishly along, now to the right
and now to the left, through the farming and meadow
lands some six or seven miles to the village of New-
foundland, the center of which is the hotel of John P.
Brown. At this village a small forge was erected about
forty years ago by an association of persons, among
whom were the late Peter B. Brown and Ebenezer Cobb.
It stands on a tract of 320.16 acres returned for James
Alexander and Robert H. Morris, October 25th 1754.
This forge has been called " 'Squire Cobb's forge,"
" Cobb & Bigalow's forge," and '" Bigalow & Dceker's
forge," and sometimes " Tobacco forge " from its limited
power. Its present owner, John W. Bigalow, has con-
verted it into a saw-mill.
About a mile above Brown's hotel Cedar Brook, flow-
ing from the north, joins the Pequannock; up this brook
about a mile was the celebrated Clinton iron-- works (so
called in honor of De Witt Clinton), built by William
Jackson in 1826 and in the six years following. Though
entirely in Passaic county it was a Morris county enter-
prise and undertaken by Morris county men. William
Jackson was a son of Stephen Jackson of Rockaway, and
had but recently, with his brother, built the rolling-mill
there. Selling out his interest in the Rockaway mill he
entered this then perfectly wild forest region, erected a
saw-mill, forge and blast furnace, sawed timber and made
iron, which he carted to Dover and Rockaway for mar-
ket. The first blast was made under the supervision of
John F. Winslow, a son-in-law of Mr. Jackson, afterward
one of the i)roprietors of the Albany iron works. It
commenced October 4th 1833 and continued until Feb-
ruary 5th 1834. The second blast commenced May 9th
1834, and ended April 29th 1835. The third and final
blast commenced August 25th 1835, and ended January
30th 1836. Mr. Jackson employed many men and teams
in the transportation of his lumber and iron to their
destination, and the returning trips were made with ore.
He made roads and built dwelling houses and out-build-
ings for his men and teams and such as were necessary
for his business; also a grist-mill. An anchor shop was
built and anchors were made. While the works were
being constructed iron fell one half or more in price, ow-
ing to the tariff legislation, and Mr. Jackson was obliged
to stop operations. All the works have long been idle.
Forge, saw-mill and grist-mill have disappeared, but the
furnace stack still stands. The water power is a splendid
one and the water, descending in three or four falls be-
tween one and two hundred feet, presents a beautiful and
romantic place to visit.
Mr. Winslow went to Troy, N. Y., where he entered
into partnership with Erastus Corning. The " Monitor,"
which met the " Merrimac " off Fortress Monroe in 1861,
was built by them and" actually owned by them at the
time of its wonderful victory.
About two miles below Mr. Brown's is Charlotteburgh,
or Charlottenburg, as it is generally called; so named, it
is said, in honor of Queen Charlotte. Here, as has been
said, the London Company had its furnaces, etc., before
the Revolutionary war. The property was long in the
possession of Chilion Ford De Camp and his son Edward
De Camp, both Morris county men — the latter a son-in-
law of Colonel William Scott, owner at one time of Hi-
bernia, Povverville, etc. It is now owned by Hon. Abram
S. Hewitt.
A mile below Charlotteburgh was a small one-fire-forge,
erected by the late John Smith in 1850, at a place called
Smith's Mills. But little .iron was made here — hardly
enough to make a cinder bank — and it long ago went
to destruction.
The next forge down the stream is the Bloomingdale
forge, owned by Martin John Ryerson, near the old
Ogden furnace. It is not now in operation.
HE first furnace within the present limits of
Morris county was probably the one built at
Bloomingdale, about a mile above Pompton,
by the Ogdens. Benjamin Roome, for many
years a deputy surveyor of the board of pro-
prietors, and who has been engaged all his life in
surveying and searching titles in Morris and
Passaic, ascribes its erection to them. He states that he
saw the stack still looking fair seventy years ago. It was
close to the high bank, about one-eighth of a mile below
where Stony Brook empties into the Pequannock. The
Midland Railroad now passes just in front of its site. It
has not been in blast since 1800, and must have been
built many years before. It is now gone. The Ogdens
were from Newark, and were the pioneers in furnace-
building in this section, as well as in the manufacture of
iron generally. April 15th 1740 Cornelius Board sold to
Josiah Ogden, John Ogden jr., David Ogden sen., David
Ogden jr. and Uzal Ogden, all of Newark and called the
" Ringwood Company," sixteen acres of land at Ring-
wood, where they built the furnace afterward purchased
of them in 1764 by Peter Hansclever for the London
Company. The Ringwood Company was thus the pre-
decessor of the London Company. Josiah Ogden and
David Ogden were brothers, and David had sons. John,
David and Uzal. Josiah had a son named David and one
named Jacob. It is quite probable that the David Ogden
jr. was the son of Josiah Ogden, and the same afterward
known as the Old Judge, and whose sons — Samuel,
Abraham and Isaac — were men of mark in their day,
Samuel being in partnership with or succeeding his father
in Old Boonton.
November 27th 1766 John Ogden and Uzal Ogden of
Newark mortgaged to Thomas Pennington and Ferdi-
nand Pennington, of Bristol, England, several tracts in
the counties of Bergen and Morris, and among the rest a
tract at Bloomingdale partly in Morris and partly in
Bergen, conveyed to them in two lots — one, containing
137.64 acres, by Philip Schuyler and wife, August
ist 1759; 'he other, containing 34 acres, by Guilliam
Batolf, October 1765. It is altogether probable that on
this tract the furnace stood and that the deeds to the
Ogdens indicate when it was built.
After the sale in 1764 to the London Company by the
Ogdens we meet frequently with their names in the his-
tory of the iron business of Morris county. Samuel
Ogden resided at Boonton. April 17th 1776 Joseph
Hoff speaks of a moulder whom he desired to obtain
having been applied to by Messrs. Ogden, of Pompton
furnace, to work at that business. It seems from this
that the Ogdens after locating at Old Boonton still had
their furnace at Pompton.
If the Bloomingdale furnace was not built before 1765
then the first one in the county was the Hibernia furnace
— styled in its beginning " The Adventure." A very in-
teresting sketch of this enterprise during the Revolu-
tionary war has been written for the May 1880 meeting
of the New Jersey Historical Society by Rev. Joseph F.
Tuttle, D. D., and published in the 6th volume of the
society's proceedings. Much of the material used in
making up this sketch is taken from that article.
Hibernia is situated about four miles north of Rocka-
way and is now connected with it by a railroad. Horse-
pond Brook, coming from between high hills on the west,
here falls into a little valley almost surrounded by other
hills. On the northeast side of this valley and from the
side of one of these hills the celebrated vein of iron ore
outcropped. Here John Johnston obtained his ore for
his " iron works " at Beach Glen, without troubling him-
self as to ownership. May 17th 1753 Joshua Ball
located the level ground on which is built the village of
Hibernia, his tract covering both sides of the brook and
a strip sixteen chains long up the face of the northerly
hill, containing the outcrop, with a view, no doubt, of
including the vein of ore for that distance. July ist
1761 Colonel Jacob Ford located a lot of 1.87 acres
on the vein next northeast of the Ball survey. It is de-
scribed as "lying upon Horse Pond Mountain, which is on
the east side of Horse Pound Brook;" and the metes and
bounds begin ninety-four links from the northwest cor-
ner of Ball's survey, " upon a mine called Horse Pound
mine." The land about this tract was afterward located
by Samuel Ford, and disputes frequently arose as to its
boundaries, by reason of the uncertainty of its descrip-
tion and the variations of the magnetic needle, by which
the lines were run and which was entirely untrustworthy
in the presence of such large bodies of magnetic iron
ore. The mine on this lot is still called the " Ford
April 6th 1765 and June 25th 1765 five tracts were re-
turned to Samuel Ford, four containing ten acres each
and one containing 10.34 acres, which were "about
one mile and a half above John Johnston's iron works."
They were upon the vein of ore and upon the stream
above the Ball survey. They were located evidently for
the purpose of building the furnace, and the work was
immediately begun; for November 23d 1765, in describ-
ing a tract of land returned to Henry Tuttle, farther up
the stream, it was said to be "about three fourths of a
mile from the new furnace called the Adventure."
Though the lands were returned to Ford alone, yet
this was probably for greater convenience only, as Octo-
ber 28th 1765 Ford and his wife Grace, by two deeds of
that date, conveyed one third of the several lots so lo-
cated to James Anderson and another third to Benjamin
Cooper, retaining the other third. Of James Anderson
very little can be gathered except the recital in the deed
to him that he was from Sussex county. The other two
partners became notorious for their crimes, which
brought one under sentence of the gallows, and made the
other a fugitive for his life. Samuel Ford was a nephew
of Colonel Jacob Ford sen., and Cooper was a son of
Daniel Cooper, one of the judges of the county. Both
were found to be engaged in counterfeiting; and Ford is
supposed to have been concerned in the robbery of the
treasury at Amboy, in 1768. Ford was the master spirit;
and Cooper, when convicted and sentenced to be hung, at
the September term of the Morris court, in the year 1773,
charged his misfortune to his partner. The history of
this crime and the fate of its perpetrators is related in
another part of this book.
September 17th 1765 a lot of 20.39 acres adjoining
the Ball survey was returned to Thomas Stites, and by
him conveyed to Lord Stirling; and the next year and
in 1768 and 1769 several other tracts in the neighborhood
of Hibernia were returned to Lord Stirling. Three of
them located in 1766 are said to be for the purpose of
conveying them to James Anderson and Benjamin
Cooper. There is no record of the transaction; but it
would seem from these locations, and from the fact that
in 177 1 a suit was brought against Stirling, Benjamin
Cooper and Samuel Ford, that Anderson had sold his
interest to Stirling about this time. From a letter
written by Cooper while in Morristown jail under sen-
tence of death it also appears that Ford had that year
conveyed his interest to Stirling, and that he (Cooper)
had done the same. The letter was written in his dire
extremity with a view to interest Stirling in his welfare,
and pretending that he could be of great assistance to
him if his Hfe was spared, and could show him wherein
Ford was overreaching him in the sales. Taking all
these circumstances into account it is probable that m
1 771 Stirling became the sole owner of Hibernia.
William Alexander, or Lord Stirling, as he is generally
called, was a man of high character and standing, and
very prominent in the councils of the State. His biog-
raphy, written by his grandson, Hon. William A. Duer,
has been published by the New Jersey Historical Society;
but a brief account of his life may properly be inserted
here. He was born in 1726, in the city of New York,
the son of James Alexander, a fugitive from Scotland on
account of his adherence to the house of Stuart. On
the- breaking out of the French war in 1755 young
Alexander became the aide-de-camp of General Shirley,
and he served in that capacity during the greater part of
the war. In 1737 the earldom of Stirling became vacant,
and on the death of his father, who made no claim to it
although eniitled to do so, William Alexander preferred
his claim, and in 1757 went to England to press his suit
in person. In America his right to the title was never
questioned. In 1761 he returned to America, and shortly
after built the mansion at Basking Ridge in which he after-
ward resided. He was chosen a member of the Provincial
Council and held that office till the Revolution. He was
also surveyor-general of the State. On the breaking out
of the war he was commissioned as colonel of a regiment
of Somerset militia by the Provincial Congress of New
Jersey; but before the regiment could be gotten ready
he was appointed by Congress to take command of two
regiments in the continental service. March ist 1776 he
was commissioned by Congress to be a brigadier-general
and was stationed at New York. At the battle of Long
Island he was captured, with a force of about four hun-
dred Marylanders, part of his command, with which he
had attacked a superior force under Cornwallis in order
to enable the main body of his men to escape. On the
19th of February 1777 he was promoted by Congress to
be a major-general, and as such served with distinction
until his death, which occurred at Albany, January 15th
1783, in consequence of fatigue of body and mind, to
which his arduous military service had exposed him.
F'rom the building of the Adventure furnace in 1765
until 1775 the business of making iron was carried on;
but to what extent we have no record. After 1775 we
have some account of its operations in the letters of Jo-
seph and Charles Hoff, who were Lord Stirling's man-
agers at Hibernia, and whose letters to their principal
have been preserved. In that year Joseph Hoff, a
brother-in-law of Benjamin Cooper, came from Hunter-
don county to take charge of the works. He was assisted
at first, and at his death, in 1777, succeeded by his
brother Charles Hoff jr., who was in turn assisted by a
younger brother John. Charles Hoff continued to be
manager at Hibernia until 1781, when he removed to
Mount Pleasant, at which place he continued to reside
until his death, which occurred in 181 1. Extracts from
his letters will best give the history of matters during the
busy scenes of the war. The works of the London Com-
pany had been burned, and the furnace at Hibernia and
that recently erected at Mount Hope became important
to both the army and people.
On May 17th 1775 Joseph Hoff writes to Robert
Erskine, the manager for the London Company at Char-
lotteburgh, Long Pond and Ringwood, and in his letter
" I lately received a letter from Messrs. Murray, N. Y.,
informing me that all the powder in that place had been
secured for the safety of the province in case matters
were to come to such desperate lengths as that they must
have recourse to blows with the parent State. Alarmed
at this piece of news I went immediately to New York to
know what was to be done with the works, they being
lately put in blast, a large stock of wood cut and great
number of hands employed at the coaling and other
business, and not more than five weeks ore now raised.
They answered me that, although the most diligent
search has been made for powder, not a single pound
was to be had; but that a little before this general stop-
page took place % cwt. had been sent for us to Eliza-
bethtown, which they hoped would serve us as a tem-
porary relief till more could be had. I went immediately
to Elizabethtown, where I found the committee of that
place had seized on all the powder we had there and
would not suffer it to be removed in this exigency."
The letter further states that in case the powder is not
to be had he will be obliged to adopt a measure " disa-
greeable to both of us," and prevent Erskine " from, tak-
ing oar from the upper part of the mine called Lord
Stirling vein," which he was doing under permit of
Colonel Ogden. Colonel Samuel Ogden, who is the one
referred to, claimed an interest in the Ford mine. But
this threat did not produce the desired effect. Erskine
visited Ogden at once at Old Boonton and Ogden main-
tained his right to the ore.
Under date of May 25th 1775 Hoff writes to Stirling:
" The furnace goes well, as do all the other branches of
business. We have made 70 tonus iron already, but not
more than four or five tonns gone down. I wrote you
we received two casks of powder from E. Town."
Again he writes, " The furnace goes extremely well — we
shall make at least twenty tons weekly."
April 17th 1776 Hoff writes to Messrs. Murray that
" Lord Stirling told me he would find us work at casting
cannon that would weigh from 25 to 30 cwt., which are
9 or 12 pounders; these we can do, but not heavier."
He further inquires as to quantity and price, and says,
" It will do to engage at 45' or 43;^ proc. [proclamation
money] per ton provided we have the making the balls
for the cannon, and they should alway go together." In
May the manager drops the subject of cannon to write:
" Our people are so distressed for rum that I believe I
must have one hogshead, let the price be what it will.
They must pay accordingly. I hope you will not forget
about the powder." June 9th 1776 he writes: " All the
miners have been quite idle for want of powder. The
furnace will soon get ahead of us, using, the ore so fast,
when it will be impossible for the miners to keep her
Under the same date he writes that himself and Faesch
are anxious to receive the moulds for the cannon, etc.,
which had not yet arrived. August 3d Mr. Hoff writes:
" Last night we made a trial at casting one of the guns,
but unfortunately for us we brought the furnace too low
and it missed in the breech. All the rest was sound and
good. We have had to make a good many preparations;
our clay was bad. However, we are not discouraged,
but willing to try again, being convinced that the iron
will answer. I have now to inform you that we shall set
about it with all the vigor imaginable. We shall not,
however, cast any more till we have all things in readi-
ness. We propose to have twelve or fourteen of the
moulds ready by the last of next week, after which the
moulder assures me he will make three or four a day till
the whole are finished. But as a most enormous expense
attends the business it will not be in our power to make
the small guns under 7d.' York money per pound. If
the general consents thereto you will please by the return
of the post to inform."
Under date of August 31st 1776 Mr. Hoff writes to
Colonel Moylan:
"A certain Mr. Thomas Ives apply'd to me to make a
number — say 36 or 38 three-pounder cannon for the
giindolers. We had two ready for trial some two days
past. I wrote twice to Mr. Ives to come up for that
end, but not hearing from him I yesterday charged the
cannon with two full cartridges made up for the three-
pounder and two balls, and have the pleasure to inform
you it stood and is undoubtedly good. I made no agree-
ment with Mr. Ives as to the price, and as a most enor-
mous expense attends the business I do not choose to go
on till I hear from you. I have consulted with Mr.
Faesch and Messrs. Ogden, ironmasters, and we are clear
that we cannot make cannon at less than ^^o proc. per
ton and powder to prove them. If you consent to allow
me that price I will immediately engage a set of mould-
ers and drive on the business with spirit. We can make,
1 believe, from three to nine and perhaps twelve-pound-
ers. I would be much obliged for your answer by the
return of the Morristown post."
Colonel Stephen Moylan, to whom this letter was ad-
dressed, was an Irishman, a brave patriot in the Revo-
lutionary army, at Cambridge atWe de camp of Washing,
ton, made commissary general in March 1776, but soon
resigned for want of exact business habits, and re-entered
the line as a volunteer. He saw much service and was
brevetted brigadier general. He died in Philadelphia,
April nth [811.
Under date of November 14th 1776 Mr. Hoff writes to
Colonel Knox (chief of artillery under Washington): " I
wrote you a few days past that in consequence of your
letter of 10th ult. we had got everything in readiness and
had cast several tons of the shot, but that it was alto-
gether out of my power to get them carted. We have
now upwards of 35 tons made, and as the furnace is doing
no other business shall, I hope [be able] to complete the
order. Every preparation of moulds, flasks &c. for the
grape shot is now finished, and we shall soon have a good
assortment of each kind."
The next letter is from Charles Hoff, is dated July
2 7lh 1777 and is directed to Governor Livingston, beg-
ging him to give Colonel John Munson — who had charge
of the militia for that part of the county and was about
to levy a draft for the army — such orders as would ex-
empt his workmen. He speaks of a former exemption
given by General Washington, and says, " We made the
last year for public service upwards of one hundred and
twenty tons of shot of different kinds." October 7th
1777 an act was passed in the Legislature exempting 25
men from draft at Hibernia. March 4th 1778, Charles
Hoff writes to Lord Stirling: " The pig metal I have
sold, some for ;^i2, some for ;^is, some for ;^2o and
some for ;^3o per ton. The stipulated price according
to the act is ;^2o; please inform me how I must act in
that case. The forges in this part of the country many
of 'em are turned from the blooming to refining, and pig
metal of course in great demand. There is also a great
demand for hollow ware of all kinds, also salt pans, forge
plates &c."
March 2olh 1778 Hoff wrote to Lord Stirling in regard
to going into blast, thinking it better to put it off, owing
to the scarcity of men, coal, &c. — "Don't your lordship
think, as the blast is not likely to continue so long as
usual, to put off blooming till the pasture become good,
so that the teams can get their living in the woods, with-
out being at the expense of feeding them ?" He also
says, " If ye lordship could send us some of the regular
and Hessian deserters that don't choose [to enlist] into
the continental service and depend on working in the
country, to amount to 30 or 40, I would do my endeavor
to make 'em serviceable."
The next letter in regard to the employment of de-
serters and Hessians gives the reason why quite a large
number of Hessians were sent to Morris county. There
are descendants of these " hated foreign mercenaries "
still living in the vicinity of the iron works to which their
ancestors were brought to work a hundred years ago.
"William Winds, Esq., Briadier-General.
" Being in possession of .a furnace as manager thereof,
commonly called and known by the name of the Hibernia
Furnace, helongins to the Right. Hon. William Earl of
Stirling, Major- General in the service of United States
of America, situate in the county of Morris and State of
New Jersey, which is employed for the continent in cast-
ing all sorts of military stores, which we have engaged to
furnish with as speedily as possible, I find it therefore es-
sentialy necessary to employ a number of workmen for
that purpose; and, as I am informed that a good many
deserters both of the British troops and Hessians are
come in and sent to Philadelphia, I have sent the bearer
— my brother John Hoff — on purpose and given him full
power hereby to engage as many men as he thinks proper,
such as are used to cut wood in the winter season and
can assist in the coaling business during the summer
season, and a few other tradesmen; where they shall meet
with the best encouragement and treatment, provided
they make good several enagagements to which they will
be called. And whatever agreements and promises the
said John Hoff does make the same shall be punctually
fulfilled by me the subscriber,
" Charles Hoff Jun.
"Hibernia Iron Works, July ^th 1778."
In the written instructions which were sent with Ber-
nard Smith, who represented Mr. Faesch, and with John
Hoff it is said that they wanted for Hibernia from fifteen
to twenty-five men used to wood-cutting, coaling and
labor suitable for iron works, a good blacksmith, a good
wheelwright, one or two good carpenters and one or two
good masons, as many as possible to be Englishmen or
those who could speak that tongue.
July loth 1778 Mr. Hoff writes to Lord Stirling that
" Mr. Taylor of Durham furnace, in Pennsylvania, wrote
Mr. Faesch and me he had a complete set of moulds for
hollow ware to dispose of reasonable. Mr. Faesch
recommended it much to me to buy 'em, in partnership
with him, for the works. We have done so and brought
them from Pennsylvania; the price was_^20Q, and at this
time we are sensible they would not be made under
_^6oo; there is from a 2-o«nce grapeshot to a 32-lb.
shot, moulds from i gall, pots to 40 or 50 gallons, 4
different stove moulds and moulds of every other kind."
In the same letter he comolains that he cannot get
supplied with flour and horse feed within 40 or 50 miles,
and thinks, considering the public benefit of his work,
that the quartermaster-general might supply him.
The letters of the Hoffs end here, but it is well known
that the furnace continued in operation throughout the
war and manufactured war material for the army. The
most notable event which happened in this period was
the robbery of the Hoffs in the spring of 1781. A gang
of robbers entered the house while the family were at
supper and stole silver, jewelry, linen and clothing.
They took horses also and got away safely with their
plunder; but one at least, James Babcock, was afterward
taken and hung. The county was infested with gangs of
tories and lawless men, and others besides the Hoffs
suffered from their visits. Robert Ogden, of Sparta, in
Sussex county, was robbed in a similar way.
It is supposed the same gang who robbed the Hoffs
attempted to rob Colonel John Seward, but failed. It is
said that the colonel fortified himself in a block-house,
and that on one cold night at about midnight a man rode
up to his door and hailed, desiring to see the colonel,
who instead of opening the door caught up his rifle and
opened a hole through which he could look out. He
discovered a man mounted on a fine horse, without a
saddle and with rope stirrups. He at once knew his
man, and, placing his rifle without noise in the hole be-
tween the logs, fired. Instantly all was still. The horse
being frightened left the door, but was found the next
morning eating at the colonel's haystack, with a dead
man fastened in his rope stirrups under his feet. The
horse proved to be a stolen one. How many other ras-
cals accompanied the one killed was not known; but the
colonel was avoided by the gang ever after.
The history of the works at Hibernia for the twenty
years succeeding the Revolution is involved in ob-
scurity. Lord Stirling's affairs after his death were found
to be so much involved that his property was publicly
sold by the sheriff. In 1774 he had applied to the board
of proprietors for the purchase of the large tract surround-
ing his works at Hibernia, extending as far as Copperas
Mountain and Greenville and known as the Hibernia
tract. The board had consented to the sale and directed
a survey to be made. April 15th 1785 Mr. Parker laid
before the board a letter from Colonel Benjamin Thomp-
son, which he received on the Monday previous, inform-
ing him that he had purchased the Hibernia iron works
of Messrs. Murray, Sanson & Co.; that he had been in-
formed that the purchase money of 3,000 acres agreed
for with Lord Stirling had never been paid, and that he
was willing to purchase the same agreeably to the original
contract. September 13th 1787 a report was made to
the board that the surveys for Thompson were not yet
completed; but April loth 1788 there was a report of a
survey made by Lemuel Cobb of 4,365.43 acres, subject to
deductions, to be conveyed to Benjamin Thompson and
his associates at ^^20 per 100 acres.
April 14th 1 791 an agreement was made by Mr. Ruther-
ford, president of the board, and Mr. Parker to sell to
John Murray and John Stotesbury lands surveyed by
Lemuel Cobb, to accommodate Hibernia iron works with
coal and wood, at £20 per 100 acre^, with interest from
May ist 1788. The tract had been returned to John
Stevens, late president of the board, in trust to convey it
to Murray & Stotesbury, and a deed had to be made
from his heirs-at-Iaw to Mr. Rutherford, then the presi-
dent of the board, to carry out the agreement. The re-
turn included 5,222.44 acres, but after deducting 866.86
acres of prior locations included therein there were left
4.355-58 acres.
Prudden Ailing, sheriff of Morris county, on an execu-
tion on a judgment obtained at the April term of 1768,
by Waddell Cunningham and others against Lord Stirling,
sold to Lemuel Cobb, by deed dated February i6th 1791,
the several tracts which made up the Hibernia tract for
;^3o. It was probably to complete the title about to be
made to Murray or Stotesbury.
William Jackscn stated that Ross & Bird carried on
the Hibernia furnace until Stotesbury came into posses-
session of it; but who they were or how long they had
possession it is impossible to ascertain. John Stotes-
bury, who appears to have come into possession in 1791,
was of Irish descent, and is described as a high liver, of
very genial habits and popular in the community. He
was an officer in the continental army and had a brother
in the British army, on Lord Howe's staff. He served
at Trenton and Princeton, and was wounded at Brandy-
wine. He owned a pew in the Rockaway church, where
he attended with his family. He had two daughters, one
of whom married Hon. Philemon Dickerson, of Paterson.
Stotesbury introduced Irish employes at his works, sup-
planting the Germans, who went over to Mt. Hope, ex-
cepting those who found places in the mountains beyond.
George Shawger, Charles Winters, William Barton, Pater
Sanders and Jacob Bostedo were some of those who re-
mained on their lands, and whose descendants continue
to own and reside on them. Mr. Bostedo was a very
good man, and was ordained by the Morris county pres-
bytery to preach. Stotesbury failed in 1798 and died
shortly afterward.
The title of the property was made to John Murray
for the large tract surrounding the Hibernia property, by
Walter Rutherford, December 8th 1792, and the several
lots on which the furnace stood by William Shute
and his wife. May 9th 1796. After Murray's death,
August isth [809, his executors made an agreement to
convey thewhole property to Dr. Charles M. Graham, of
New York. This gentleman was the ■ owner of the
"Copperas tract" near Green Pond, where Job Allen
made copperas during the Revolutionary war, and he
himself carried on the copperas manufacture very exten-
sively during the war of 1812. He was of Scotch descent,
a strong adherent of the Stuarts and a man of great enter-
prise. Graham built up the furnace, and then assigned
his agreement for a conveyance to Samuel Thompson,
Peter Thompson and William Spencer, who received the
deed dated January ist 1815 from Murray's executors.
The men who thus took possession of the property were
described by Hubbard S. Stickle as young men, who
undertook the business with spirit; but the times were
against them and they soon failed. The furnace went
down, and it has never been rebuilt. The mortgage
given to Graham was foreclosed and the property bought
by Benjamin Rogers in 1819. He sold off considerable
of the land in lots, and May i8th 1821 conveyed the
balance to Colonel William Scott, who built, a forge upon
the old furnace dam. A freshet swept the dam away
and the forge was suffered to go to decay. On the death
of Colonel Scott, in 1842, this property, with a large
amount of other real estate which he had gathered to-
gether in the course of his busy life, was divided among
his children. The Hibernia mines so divided, and which
included all of the vein except the lower mine (which be-
longed to Benjamin Beach) and the old Ford mine, have
since developed immense wealth and are still among the
chief mines in the county.
The third furnace built within the limits of Morris
county was at Mount Hope, and it was running more or
less continuously for a period of fifty years. When the
large survey was made of what is called the Mount
Hope tract in 1772, of 6,271.06 acres, there were some
twenty-two prior locations within its limits. The tract
began on the mountain between Rockaway and Dover,
ran down to near the old Dr. King place in Rockaway,
thence almost parallel to the Morris Canal to near the
westerly side of the Rockaway Presbyterian cemetery,
thence to near White Meadow and from there, with many
turns, to a point between Denmark and Middle forge;
thence down to Mount Pleasant, and so across by the
Baker & Richards mine to a point on Mount Hope
avenue in ihe easterly suburbs of Dover, and so to the
Rockaway River near the " point of the mountain," and
thence back on the Rockaway Mountain to the place of
beginning. Nearly all the lots excepted were in the neigh-
borhood of Rockaway and Dover, and at the Mount
Hope mines. The earliest location near the present vil-
lage of Mount Hope was the lot returned to Samuel
Gardiner in 1749, at the same time and recorded on the
same page as the Osborn location of Middle forge. By
Gardiner it was sold to Abner Beach, and by him to
Jacob Ford. It was on the northwest side of Rockaway
River, and on a small brook which runs into the north-
west corner of the "Hunting Meadow," as the great
meadow at Mount Hope was then called, and contained
26.26 acres. Probably after Jacob Ford had purchased
this lot he proceeded to locate lands in its neighborhood,
taking up in 1750, at the same time he took up the
Burnt Meadow forge lot, 96.72 acres, "situate in the
meadow well known as the Hunting Meadow," and 26.23
acres adjoining the Gardiner lot. In 1754 he located ten
acres more to the east of the Gardiner lot, in 1757 142
acres more, and shortly afterward 58.80 acres on the
road leading from " David Beman's to what is called the
Middle forge," and 10.41 acres " on both sides of the
road leading from David Beman's iron works to the
Burnt Meadow forge."
Colonel Ford no doubt purchased the property for its
mines — which were then well known and which he needed
to supply his forges — and for the meadow, which yielded
abundant hay for his teams. In 1768, February 28th, he
conveyed the whole property, including the seven lots so
purchased or located by him, to his son Jacob Ford jr.,
who took up his residence there. In 1772, however,
John Jacob Faesch, having severed his connection with
the London Company, came to Mount Hope, and, taking
a long lease of the lands owned by Ford, purchased from
the proprietors the great Mount Hope tract surrounding
them, already mentioned, and began the building of the
furnace. He afterward purchased Middle forge and
Rockaway forge, leased Mount Pleasant forge and the
Boonton mills, and carried on the iron business on a
large scale.
John Jacob Faesch, who thus became one of the most
noted ironmasters of the county, was a man whose in-
fluence was long and widely felt. He was born in the
canton of Basle, Switzerland, in the year 1729, and came
to America in 1764, under an arrangement made with
Francis Casper Hasenclever on behalf of his brother,
Peter Hasenclever, the general manager and superin-
tendent of the London Company, as the manager of their
iron works. The agreement was for seven years, and
Hasenclever stipulated to pay Faesch's, his wife's and
servants' passage and deliver them and their goods and
effects safely in America, with the expenses of Faesch
from New Wood, where he lived, to Remsheid, where the
agreement was made; to pay him 2,500 guilders per an-
num Rhenish, to begin on the first day of his journey; to
give him a tenantable dwelling house, with meadow for
pasturing two or four kine; that he might engage in other
business, but not to the prejudice of the company's inter-
ests; and that he was not to be under command of any
one except the members of the company, but should
have direction over all the forges, mines and iron works
that were erected or occupied or should thereafter be
undertaken. In fact, it was a very liberal agreement
and proves how valuable his services were thought to be.
In accordance with this agreement Faesch came to
this county, and was first placed by Hasenclever at Ring-
wood, where he resided and acted as manager. In 1768
the works at Charlotteburgh were placed in his charge,
and afterward the works at Long Pond. Trouble arose,
however, between Hasenclever and the other members of
the company. He was considered too extravagant, and
in other respects a bad manager. At all events Robert
Erskine was appointed to succeed him, and arrived in
this country June 5th 177 1. Faesch resented the treat-
ment of his friend Hasenclever, and left the service of
the company in June 1772, his term of seven years having
expired. He had already made arrangements to take
the Mount Hope property.
Faesch is described as a very generous and large-
hearted man, but very aristocratic in his ideas. He gave
liberally to the church, so much so that in a subscription
made in i78r a prominent man in the Rockaway congre-
gation subscribed " as much as any in the parish except
Esq. Faesch." It is said, however, that he supported
religion only as a means of keeping the lower classes in
subjection. He and one Jacob Hertel were naturalized
by a special act of the Legislature, in 1766. On the
breaking out of the war he was an ardent Whig, taking
an active part in the politics of his day. He was a mem-
ber of the convention to ratify the federal constitution,
held December nth 1787, and for many years was one of
the county judges. Mr. Stickle described him as of
medium stature, and said he had often seen him passing
through Rockaway, his carriage driven by inen in livery,
with outriders also in livery. He always stopped at
Bernard Smith's, who was a countryman and friend of
his. His first wife was Elizabeth Brinckerhoff, sister of
George Brinckerhoff, who was the father of the late Mrs.
Dr. Fairchild, of Parsippany. Mrs. Elizabeth Faesch
died February 23d 1788 at Morristown, where Faesch
had resided since the war, in the powder magazine, which
he changed into a house. The next month after his
wife's death he moved to Old Boonton, where he lived
till his death. His second wife was Mrs. Susan (Kearney)
Lawrence, widow of a brother of Captain Lawrence,
U. S. N.
The lease for Mount Hope was made by Colonel
Jacob Ford, " of Pequanack," of the first part, and John
Jacob Faesch and Daniel Wrisberg, of" the same place,
of the second part; was dated February 23d 1773, vvas
to continue forty-two years from the first day of Aprii
then last past (1772), and reserved an annual rent of
;^4oo at 8 shillings the ounce. The rent is indorsed as
paid to January nth 1777, the date of Colonel Ford's
death. In after years Faesch complained of the rent a^
burdensome and that the properly was not as- valuable at
he had supposed. To this remonstrance Judge Gabriel
Ford, son of Colonel Jacob Ford, made a written repl)
which fully sets forth the condition of the property when
the lease was made. He says: "There was then a
meadow of 100 tons of timothy a year and the pasturage
of the same after it was mowed, 60 or 70 acres of upland,
an orchard 400 best grafted trees, an elegant dwelling-
house, cost _^i,40o, a fine pond of water, dams and
troughs, complete, and a good grist-mill, rented for _;^4o
per year;'' that "Mr, Faesch was not ignorant of a con-
stant confluence of water into it [the mine] while my
father had it, inasmuch as a pump must be pretty con-
stantly at Avork to leave the mines at liberty;" and while
Mr. Faesch complained of spending ;^i, 200 "in driving
on a level to draw off the water," near ;i£'8oo of it had
been deducted from his annual rent; that if Mr. Faesch
" had been as well skilled in farming as in the manage-
ment of iron works the disasters (as he terms the failure
of the hay crop) would not have happened in so eminent
a degree;" that " in order to accommodate liim genteelly
there was erected upon the premises an elegant dwelling-
house, which, cost upwards of _;^i,4oo;" that "on the
premises stood an exceedingly good hemp-mill and
grist-mill, which together might have cost ;^8oo — these,
being useless to Mr. Faesch, are demolished;" that "the
prices of iron have been often double and sometimes
considerably more and so stands at present." The reply
concludes with an offer to abate ;;^ioo or ^^125 from
the annual rent.
Who Daniel Wrisberg was or what became of him is
not known. After 1773 there is no mention of him, and
the deed for the large tract was made to Faesch alone.
There is a tradition that he died before the war and left
;^ioo to the Rockaway church provided he should be
buried under the pulpit, which was done. There is no
record, however, confirming the story.
The furnace was built in 1772, under the eye of its
experienced owner, and was in good wo)king order when
the Revolutionary war broke out. We have not a letter
book giving the details of its operations, but from the
frequent reference to Mr. Faesch in Hoff's letters fiom
Hibernia, as well as from other sources, it is certain that
large quantities of cannon, shot and iron utensils were
manufactured there and that more men were employed
than at Hibernia.
The tories made many attempts to rob the house of
Faesch at Mount Hope and to destroy his property; but
after the battle of Trenton and the capture of the Hes-
sians, it is said, he made an arrangement with General
Washington to keep thirty of the prisoners until the close
of the war. These he kept employed in chopping wood,
etc., keeping trusty men about him who were furnished
with 30 stand of arms by the government, which were
always kept in perfect order. These secured him from
molestation. In the "instructions" to Bernard Smith
on the part of Faesch and to John Hoff on the part of
his brother, already spoken of, when they were sent to
engage these prisoners, 25 or 30 men were asked for for
.Mount Hope, "such as are used to wood cutting, coaling
and labor suitable for iron works, two good carpenters, one
wheelwright, two blacksmiths, two masons; if you can meet
with a young man or boy that can shave, dress hair,
wait on table, take care of horses, etc., get him, if possi-
ble an Englishman or one that talks both languages."
" If any or all of 'em has guns advise them to bring them
along; they'll be allowed a generous' price here for 'em,
and also all accoutrements in the military way." "It
would also be advisable for you to inquire for Captain
Debauk and the rest of the gentlemen that were prison-
ers at Mount Hope, as they'll be of infinite service to
you." " Mr. Faesch wants a good beer-brewer and dis-
tiller, that is a genteel, sober, honest and industrious
man — if possible an Englishman — as he has good con-
veniences for that business; he is willing if he can get a
man he can confide in to take him into partnership."
October 7th 1777 an act was passed exempting fifty
men at Mount Hope and twenty-five at Hibernia from
military duty. In the preamble it is stated " that it is
highly expedient that the army and navy should be fur-
nished as speedily as possible with cannon, cannon shot,
refined bar iron, shovels, axes and other implements of
iron, which the furnaces at Mount Hope and Hibernia,
with the forges at Brookland, Mount Pleasant, Longwood
and Middle forge, so called from their local situation and
other circumstances, are well adapted to supply; and
whereas John Jacob Faesch, Esq., the proprietor and con-
ductor of Mount Hope iron works, and Charles Hoff jun.,
superintendent of the Hibernia furnace, by their memorial
have set forth that the said works have been for some
time past employed in providing the aforesaid articles for
public use," the act provides that Faesch might enroll
any number of men less than fifty to be employed in the
iron works at Mount Hope, Brookland, Longwood,
Mount Pleasant and Middle forge; and that Hoff might
enroll twenty-five men to be employed at Hibernia fur-
nace. These men were to be fully armed, equipped and
disciplined by Faesch and Hoff, but were not to be
obliged to attend musters or to leave the works unless
the county should be invadrd. This act was repealed in
1779 — probably after the Hessians had been introduced.
After Faesch removed to Morristown, and no longer
personally superintended his furnace, etc., his business
became less profitable and finally brought him in debt.
William Jackson stated as a fact of his personal knowl-
edge— and we use his own language — that while Faesch
was still carrying on Mount Hope, and Stotesbury
Hibernia, Chilion Ford kept a store in Rockaway in the
house south of the main street and near the Hibernia
railroad, and on him orders were drawn by each company
to its workmen, who came down each Saturday to draw
their supplies for a week at a time. Every man appeared
with his jug, and the first thing was a half gallon of
rum to each man, and the balance of their orders in
the necessaries of life. After their sacks were filled a
general treating took place, after which they moved off
over the bridge on their way home. When they crossed
the race bridge and arrived at their parting point another
big drink must be had all round, by which time " the
critter " began to work, and then the national elements
(Dutch and Irish, with a mixture of American by way of
variety) brought on a general fight, which lasted a short
time, when the hatchet was buried and all united in
another drink and left — each on his winding way, the
women and boys bringing up the rear.
July 28th 1788 -Sheriff Arnold conveyed to Gabriel
Ford, after a sale made under a judgment recovered by
the executors of Jacob Ford sen. against the executors
of Jacob Ford jr., deceased, the seven tracts of land
" called and known by the name of Mount Hope, in the
possession of John Jacob Faesch, Esq., as tenant there-
of," and May loth 1793 Judge Ford conveyed the whole
to Faesch, so ending the lease. Faesch died May 29th
1799, and is buried at Morristown by the side of his wife
and his two sons, John Jacob jr., who died in 1809, and
Richard B., who died in 1820. The two sons and one
daughter died single. Besides these Mr. Faesch left one
daughter, who married William H. Robinson of New
York, and who died leaving two daughters, one of whom
married Robert J. Girard.
After Faesch's death his two sons continued to carry
on the business; but the creditors of their father became
dissatisfied and filed a bill in chancery February 21st
1801 to compel a sale of the lands of Faesch in satisfac-
tion of their claims. A list of the property alleged to
have belonged to him at his death includes the Mount
Hope and Middle forge tracts (containing together 7,600
acres), the Rockaway forge, the Jackson or Jacobs mine,
a mine at Long Pond, a share in the Morris Academy
and several small lots. His Mount Hope lands included
the Richards, Allen and Teabo mines, none of which
except perhaps the Richards were then developed. The
result of this suit was the appointment of General John
Doughty, of Morristown, a special commissioner to sell
these lands. He was engaged for several years in divid-
ing them up and disposing of them. The homestead at
Mt. Hope, with 831 acres around it, including the mines,
meadow and furnace, was sold September 25th 1809 for
$7,655 to Moses Phillips jr., of Orange county, New
York. The land so conveyed is what is generally known
now as the Mount Hope tract. Then or soon after
Moses Phillips became the owner of Hickory Hill tract,
Middle forge tract, the Bartow tract, which lies south of
Middle forge, and other lands, making up about 2,600
acres. He did not reside at Mount Hope himself, but
sent his sons Henry W. Phillips and Lewis Phillips to
manage the property — giving them an agreement of
In 18:4 the property was leased to a company consist-
ing of Robert McQueen, Abraham Kinney and Eliphalet
Sturtevant and known as McQueen & Co. They re-
paired the old stack after it had lain idle for fifteen years,
and did a thriving business, making pig iron and all kinds
of hollow ware. Kinney and Sturtevant were not in the
concern long and their place was taken by Colonel
Thomas Muir, a brother-in-law of Mr. McQueen. The
first lease lasted seven years, and it was renewed for five.
Alexander. Norris, who then lived close by, fixes the date
of the beginning of the lease by the fact that when peace
was declared in 1815 they had a flag hoisted in the top
of the furnace, which had not yet been started. Mr.
Norris says the last blast was made in the fall of 1827,
after which the furnace was permitted to lie idle, and
finally to go down. While operating Mount Hope
Colonel Muir purchased the White Meadow tract and
made it his residence. He continued to reside there
until his death, which occurred September 28th 1855.
November 29th 1831, by act of Legislature, the Mount
Hope Mining Company was incorporated, the incorpor
ators being Samuel Richards, Moses Phillips, Samuel G.
Wright and Thomas S. Richards. The capital stock
was fixed at $60,000. In April previous Moses Phillips
had conveyed to Samuel Richards and Samuel G. Wright
a two-thirds interest in the tract of 831 acres, and two-
thirds of all the minerals in the adjoining lands, owned
by him at the time. After the incorporation of the com-
pany all three of the owners conveyed to the company,
which has ever since been the owner. The stock has
changed hands, but no transfers have been made by
ordinary deeds of conveyance. By supplements to its
charter the company was allowed to build a railroad to
Rockaway (which was done), to construct furnaces, mills,
etc., and to increase its capital stock to $300,000. This
is no longer a manufacturing property, but is one of the
most extensive and productive mineral properties in the
State. Edward R. Biddle became the owner of the stock
several years after the formation of the company, and by
him it was sold to Moses Taylor and his associates about
the year 1855, for $80,000, which was considered a
marvelous price at the time.
The only other charcoal furnace within the bounds of
Morris county was built at Split Rock by the late Hon.
Andrew B. Cobb, of Parsippany, about 1862. Mr. Cobb
was a son of Colonel Lemuel Cobb, the well known sur-
veyor of the board of proprietors, and both by inherit-
ance and purchase became the owner of large tracts of
land in the northern part of the county, much of it
covered with wood. He was also the owner of. the Split
Rock mine. To make his wood and ore available he built
the furnace near his forge. It made but a few tons of
iron, however, before it went out of blast, and has since
been idle. It was found unprofitable in this day of an-
thracite furnaces.
HE act of Parliament passed in 1749, already
alluded to, was intended to prevent the con-
struction of any slitting or rolling mills in the
province, and continued in force until the
time of the Revolution. Every mill built
while this law was in force had to be built covertly.
In spite of the law, however, a slitting-mill was
erected at Old Boonton, by David Ogden or his son
Samuel Ogden, about the year 1770. In a deed given
for it in 1805 the " slitting-mill lot " was said to have
been conveyed to Samuel Ogden by Thomas Peer by
deed dated August 6th 1770, and this was probably the
date of its erection. The Ogdens had by this time sold
out their Ringwood property to the London Company
and turned their attention to Morris county.
For the purpose of concealment the mill built by the
Ogdens was so constructed that the upper part was a
grist-mill, while the slitting works were underneath. It
stood on the east side of the river; and the shape of the
ground, which rose abruptly from near the river's edge,
made the erection of such a building very feasible. The
entrance to the mill was from the hillside, and in the
room thus entered was the run of stones for grinding
grain; and it was so arranged that the room below could
be closed up entirely, and upon little warning, so as to
give no sign of the purpose for which it was used. An
Enghshman named Campsen, one of the ancestors of the
Righter family at Parsippany, was the architect. It is
said that Governor William Franklin visited this place,
having been informed that one of the prohibited mills was
being carried on here by stealth. Colonel Ogden received
the governor and his suite with great hospitality, and iri-
sisted on their dining immediately on their arrival. This
the governor's party were not unwilling to do, as they
had made a long and fatiguing journey. At the table,
which was lavishly spread, choice liquors circulated
freely; and the governor was not only unable to find any
" slitting-mill " in Boonton, but indignant at the " un-
founded slander." It was reported that Franklin had an
interest in it himself, which might account for his not
seeing too much.
The mill was probably a small affair. At its best it
was only an apology for an iron-mill, as they could only
roll out bars of iron or slit them from the sizes drawn
by the forgemen. Their heating furnace was designed
to use dry wood, so that nothing better than a red heat
could be produced, "leaving the rods or hoops when
rolled or slit about as red as a fox," as one said who had
seen the mill in operation. It was carried on by the
Ogdens in connection with a forge and other works
through the war and until 1784. In 1778 Samuel Ogden
advertises in the New Jersey Gazette rod and sheet iron
for sale at Boonton. It seems that Samuel Ogden was
the principal owner, as his name most frequently occurs
in connection with it; but Isaac Ogden and Nicholas
Hoffman each owned a sixth interest, which was bought
May I St 1784 by Samuel Ogden from Abraham Kitchel,
agent for Morris county, on inquisition found January
ist 1777 against Isaac Ogden, and September 21st 1777
against Hoffman, they having joined the army of the
king. Kitchel conveys as the property of each of these
loyalists one-sixth of the slitting-mill, rolling-mill, coal-
houses, dwelling-houses, raceways, dams, etc., and speaks
of a forge — the property of Samuel Ogden. The same
year, 1784, March ist, Samuel Ogden of New York,
merchant, leases to John Jacob Faesch, of Mount Hope,
the moiety of several tracts at Boonton for twenty-one
years, under an arrangement that they should jointly
erect a " four-fire forge and forge hammers with a trip
hammer at the place wheire the old forge, which is now
pulled down, at Boonton aforesaid, formerly stood," the •
management of the forge and also of the grist-mill to be
joint. The rent reserved was _;^5o New York currency
in silver or gold, reckoning Spanish milled dollars at 8
shillings each and English guineas at 37 shillings and 4
pence each. Wood was to be furnished for the supply
of " said forge, and other iron manufactories to be car-
ried on at Boonton by the parties," off the premises of
said Ogden at nine pence per cord.
October 8th 1805, on the expiration of this lease,
Samuel Ogden and Euphemia his wife, of Newark, con-
veyed to John Jacob Faesch and Richard B. Faesch, the
sons of John Jacob Faesch sen., who had died in 1799,
the whole property at Boonton. They carried on the
business but a short time, and the works, with the excep-
lion of the forge, which continued to be operated by John
Righter, then its owner, until a comparatively recent date,
were suffered to fall into disuse.
Thomas C. Willis, of Powerville, whose father was
superintendent of the heating furnace at Old Boonton in
1800, and who was himself born there, said that in his
childhood there were at Old Boonton, on the easterly
bank of the river, a rolling-mill, a slitting-mill and
a saw-mill. The iron used in these mills was taken
from the healing furnaces, rolled and slitted on a
single heat. On the westerly bank of the river, near the
bend, were a large potash factory, a nail-cutting factory,
a grist-mill and a blacksmith shop. On the same side,
opposite the slitting-mill, stood a large bloomary, con-
taining four fires and two trip hammers. A large build-
ing containing eight refining furnaces stood upon the spot
where the forge afterward stood.
Another gentleman, whose memory reaches back
almost as far, says that there were three dams across the
river below the present road and one above.
The second slitting-mill in the county was built at
Speedwell, by Jacob Arnold and John Kinney, about the
time of the Revolutionary war. It is impossible to fix
the date more exactly. .In the New Jersey Gazette, pub-
lished in 1778, is notice of Arnold, Kinney & Co. opening
a store in Morristown, " next door to Colonel Henry
Remsen's," showing the partnership to have existed at
that date. Both men had been and were prominent in
the county. Arnold kept the hotel in Morristown where,
in January 1777, Washington took up his winter quarters,
and which is still standing, on the northwest side of the
public square. He commanded, as has been stated, the
troop of horse known as "Arnold's light horse," a detach-
ment of which did duty as guard for Governor Livingston.
Kinney had been sheriff of the county, and had had some
experience in the iron business. The venture was a per-
fect failure. It is said that after the whole had been con-
structed, through some defect which they could not
remedy, the machinery entirely failed to do its work.
The debts contracted in its erection pressed the partners
and the property was sold. Enoch Beach, as coroner
(Arnold being sheriff) sold the interest of Jacob Arnold
January nth 1796 to Dr. Timothy Johnes, who sold to
Stephen Vail in 1807. The interest of Kinney had also
been sold, and a deed from James C. Canfield and wife to
Stephen Vail in 1814 for this half speaks of all the new
buildings which Stephen Vail, William Campfield and
Isaac Canfield have erected since the deed to Vail in
1807, viz.: trip-hammer works, blacksmith shop, coal
house, turning shop, etc. From the ruin of a second
partnership Stephen Vail came out the owner of the whole
property at Speedwell, and under his management it be-
came an important manufactory. The work done here
has been mostly for the southern and South American
trade, in the shape of sugar-mills, coffee hullers, etc. It
if said the boiler of the first ocean steamer that crossed
the Atlantic was forged here and the first cast-iron plow
made in America was made here. In 1853 the Speedwell
iron works were being carried on by Hon. George Vail,
son of Judge Stephen Vail, and Isaac A. Canfield, grand-
son of the judge, and were visited by Dr. Tuttle, who
wrote a description of them for the New York Tribune.
At that time there was made at the works a great
variety of articles — press screws, car wheels and axles,
mill machinery, etc. Six moulders were employed in the
foundry, eight men in the blacksmith shop, ten in the
machine shops, and these with other laborers made up an
aggregate of forty-five, whose wages would amount to
some $14,400 per annum. The works used then annually
200 tons of anthracite coal, 100 tons of bituminous coal,
ICO tons of Scotch pig and 100 tons of American pig, 95
tons wrought iron, 1,400 pounds of cast steel and 1,000
pounds of brass, copper, etc. The annual product was
estimated at $50,000. Judge Vail died in 1864, leaving
these works to his executors in such a manner that they
cannot be sold and can only be operated by certain per-
sons who are named. For this or for some other reason
they have lain idle for several years.
The third slitting or rolling-mill erected in the county
was at Dover. In 1792 Israel Canfield and Jacob Losey,
forming the well-known firm of Canfield & Losey, bought
from Josiah Beman his forge, etc. Soon afterward they
built the dam where it is now, and erected the forge
which was standing until within a few years, when the
building was transferred to other use. They built also
a rolling and slitting-mill after the model of the Old
Boonton mill, and heated their iron with wood in the
same way. Soon after the erection of their rolling-mill
they built a factory for cutting nails, the heading of
which was done in dies by hand. Besides the property
in Dover they purchased and leased large quantities of
land, mines and forges, and carried on the iron business
on what was then considered a grand scale. It must be
remarked, however, that while business flourished in
Dover the place was notorious for its infidelity and con-
sequent wickedness. Many of its prominent citizens
were open adherents of Tom Paine, and they gloried in
disseminating his sentiments among all classes.
In 1817 the firm of Canfield & Losey failed, and
Blackwell & McFarlan, iron merchants of New York,
who were creditors of the concern, purchased the whole
property. With the iron works passed also nearly the
whole site of Dover, the Longwood forge and tract, and
the mines which the old firm had developed. The village
of Dover was laid out by Messrs. Blackwell & McFarlan
as it is at present — on either side of the straight, wide
street called Blackwell street, with other streets, named
after the counties, crossing it at right angles. From an
advertisement of the company in a newspaper published
in 1827 it appears that the iron works, then in full opera-
tion, consisted of three rolling-mills and two chain cable
shops. Jacob Losey was the resident agent of the confi-
ipany, the members of which still lived in New York.
To the firm of Blackwell & McFarlan succeeded as
owner of the Dover property Henry McFarlan, son of
Henry McFarlan sen., one of the members of the old
firm. Dr. Tuttle visited the works in 1853, and gives us
this statement of the business done for the year ending
April J St of that year: Octagon bars rolled into rivet rods
|4 to ^ inch; round and various sizes of merchant iron,
392^ tons; boiler rivets made from the above, 735,746
pounds, a little more than 328 tons; anthracite coal con-
sumed, 1,000 tons. The octagon iron was worth $55 per
ton, making the raw material used worth $21,287. The
coal cost about $4,300.' The amount of wages paid was
about $11,000, among twenty-five hands, and the product
of the whole work was valued at $50,000.
In addition to the rolling-mill and rivet factory Mr.
McFarlan had furnaces for converting Swedes and English
iron into steel. The following is the list for the year
above specified: Converted and rolled into spring steel
from Swedes and English iron, 1,000 tons; toe cork or
shoeing steel. 32^ tons; American bar steel, 16 tons.
The superintendent of the works, who furnished to Dr.
Tutlle this information, was Guy M. Hinchman. He was
born in Elmira, N. Y., November 29th 1795. I" 1810 he
removed to Morris county, taking up his residence at
Succasunna. When only 23 years of age he was the
owner and operator of the Mount Pleasant mine. From
1823 to 1834 he was engaged in business in New York,
after which he returned to Dover, where he spent the re-
mainder of his life, acting as superintendent of the iron
works until 1869, when Mr. McFarlan ceased to operate
them. He was a man of great activity, a kind-hearted,
courtly gentleman of the old school, yet keeping pace
with and aiding in all social and public improvements.
He died February 13th 1879, retaining all his faculties
until the last.
Henry McFarlan drove the mill from 1830, when his
father died, to 1869. He leased the property in 1875 to
Wynkoop & O'Conner, who ran it only a short time,
claiming that the raising of a dam below the mill by the
Morris Canal Company had so far affected the power of
the mill as to render it comparatively useless. This
question is now and has been for several years in the
courts. In 1880 Mr. McFarlan sold the mills, and they
are now operated by the Dover Iron Company, who have
put in steam engines and are driving the works with
vigor. Hon. George Richards is the president of the
company, and under his efificient management ihe works
give employment to a large number of operatives and
turn out large quantities of fish plates and other railroad
January 26th 1822 Colonel Joseph Jackson and his
brother William entered into an agreement to build a
rolling-mill on the colonel's land in Rockaway, to be
driven by water from an extension of the lower forge
dam. This agreement was to continue for twenty-one
years, when the colonel was to have the mill at its ap-
praised value. The brothers had previously rented a
mill in Paterson, and William Jackson made the following
" The first bar of round and square iron ever rolled in
this county was done by Colonel Joseph Jackson and my-
self, in the old rolling-mill at Paterson, then owned by
Samuel and Rosweli Colt, in the year 1820, under our con-
tract to furnish the United States government with a cer-
tain quantity of rolled round and hammered iron at the
navy yard at Brooklyn, N. Y., in which we succeeded to the
entire satisfaction of the government. Our experiments
at rolling round and square iron induced us to build the
rolling-mill at Rockaway in 1821 and 1822. Messrs.
•Blackwell & McFarlan, owners of the Dover rolling-mill
and forge, seeing our success, proceeded to alter and re-
build their rolling-mill for rolling all kinds of iron, which
they completed about the same time. We finished our
rolling-mill in November 1822."
In 1826 William sold out to his brother his interest
and commenced the erection of the forge, furnace, etc.,
at Clinton. Left the sole owner of the mill Colonel
Jackson proceeded to extend his operations, and devel-
oped a large iron business. He was already or soon after
became the owner of the two forges with five fires at
Rockaway, and of the Swedes, Teabo and Jackson mines.
In> 1830 he built a second mill upon the same dam. He
expended money liberally but with judgment in new
machinery, and in experiments to test the qualities of the
various ores and the best methods of working them. His
works were a market for the various forges in the county,
and the finished product was mostly carted to tide water
by his teams, which returned with supplies. The Morris
Canal, during the boating season, brought anthracite coal
from the Lehigh Valley; but so long as he continued his
business his teams were on the road between Rockaway
and Newark. He built a steel furnace near the canal, in
which blistered steel was made from the iron bars. He
was a man of great enterprise and determination, and
continued to carry on his mill through the various vicissi-
tudes of the iron business until 1852, when he sold the
mill, lower forge and steel furnace properties to Freeman
Mr. Wood proceeded to enlarge the mill, putting in
steam engines, etc. February 12th 1855 the Rockaway
Manufacturing Company was organized, its incorporators
being Freeman Wood, George Hand Smith, Lyman A.
Chandler, Theodore T. Wood and Nathaniel Mott. The
property was transferred to it August 14th the same year.
This company made a bad failure a few years after, and
the Morris County Bank, one of the principal creditors,
became the real owner of the mills as mortgagee. By
the bank the property was rented to James Horner, who
manufactured steel there until just after the war, when
he removed his business to Pompton. November 3d
1862 Theodore Little, as master in chancery, conveyed
the property to John H. Allen, who, February 27th fol-
lowing, conveyed it to Thomas E. Allen and Israel D.
Condit. They ran it a couple of years, when Mr. Allen
conveyed his half to his partner, Mr. Condit. Mr.
Condit has been tlie owner ever since, with the exception
of two or three years, when it vvas owned by Adoniram
B. Judson, the deed to him being dated January 19th
1867 and the deed back to Mr. Condit, which was made
by the sheriff, being dated February 13th 187 1. Mr.
Judson operated the works under the name of the Jud-
son Steel and Iron Works, himself, James L. Baldwin
and George Neimus being the incorporators. The in-
corporation act was approved February 26th 1868. The
concern is now being operated by the American Swedes
Iron Company, organized in August 1881, which is using
Wilson's process for the manufacture of wrought iron
directly from the ore, which is obtained from Block
Island. The history of the works for the last eighteen
years has been that of unsuccessful experiment for the
most part — many new processes for making iron and
steel having been attempted without profitable results.
C. T. Raynolds, H. R. Raynolds and Colonel G. W.
Thompson are the principal men in the present company.
This mill, which was early owned by Colonel William
Scott, whose name has been frequently mentioned, was
carried on by him until his death, when it fell in the di-
vision of his estate to his son Elijah D. Scott. By him
it was in part devised and in part deeded to Thomas C.
Willis, who carried it on until his death, in 1864, in con-
nection with his forge. Dr. Tuttle, in his review of the
iron manufactures of the county in 1853, speaks of the
admirable economy with which it was conducted. Per-
• haps no mill in the county at that time paid better inter-
est on the capital invested, which Mr. Willis estimated at
$50,000. The profitableness of the concern was owing
to the careful management and also to the kind of iron
made, which was mostly hoop iron, then very profitable.
It was estimated that the mill used about 500 tuns of
blooms a year, of coal 600 tons, and the product in hoop
and rod iron was about 450 tons, which averaged at that
time $100 per ton. Mr. Willis was a man deservedly
popular with all who had dealings with him and highly
esteemed and respected throughout the county.
The mill is now owned principally by Benjamin F.
Howell, the son-in-law of Mr. Willis, who leases the forge
for the manufacture of scrap blooms. The rolling-mill is
not at present in operation.
In 1830 the New Jersey Iron Company, incorporated
under an act of the Legislature dated November 7th
1829 (the incorporators being William Green jr., Apollos
R. Wetmore and David W. Wetmore), commenced the
erection of the extensive iron works at Boonton two miles
above the old slitting-mill of the Ogdens. These have
grown to be by far the largest and most complete in the
county. At first the works were under the supervision
and management of Messrs. Green and Wetmore, who
were large iron dealers in New York; afterward of Wil-
Jiam Green and Lyman Dennison, forming the firm of
Green & Dennison. The whole village with the excep-
tion of one store and two or three dwelling houses be-
longed exclusively to the company. In the beginning
most of the works were under one roof. They consisted,
says Isaac S. Lyon in his sketch of the town, of a rolling-
mill, a number of puddling and heating furnaces, an old
fashioned trip-hammer, a slitting machine and a small
foundry. They were mostly engaged in the manufacture
of sheet, hoop and bar iron. There was a refinery also,
below, on the bank of the river.
There was a small furnace built in 1833, which was
first lighted by the ladies residing at the agent's house,
on the afternoon of February 27th 1834. What is now
called No. i furnace, which uses anthracite coal, was
built about 1848. The furnace of 1833 was of course a
charcoal furnace; for George Crane of Yniscedwin iron
works, in Wales, did not bring his experiments with an-
thracite to success until 1838, the difficulty being in all
previous trials that only a cold blast had been used. In
the March 1838 number of the Journal of the American
Institute the editor says in a note: "A sample has been
shown us of good iron made solely by means of anthracite
coal. It is the result of a long course of experiments, as
we are informed." The next number of the journal con-
tains a report from Mr. Crane of his successful work.
David Thomas was with Mr. Crane in Wales, and as
his agent came to this country and started the Crane iron
works, at Catasauqua, Pa. His son Samuel Thomas su-
perintended the erection of the Boonton furnace until he
left it to build the Thomas Iron Company's furnaces at
Hokendauqua, when he was succeeded by George Jen-
kins, who continued till his death at Boonton in charge
of the furnaces.
For some reason the New Jersey Iron Company failed,
and its property was sold by the sheriff July 19th 1852.
The stockholders lost every cent of their investment, but
every debt due to outsiders was fully paid. The pur-
chaser was Dudley B. Fuller, the principal creditor, to
whom it is said the company owed $165,000. Mr. Fuller
some time after took into partnership with him James
Cowper Lord, forming the firm of Fuller & Lord. This
firm continued to own and operate the works until the firm
was dissolved by the death of Mr. Fuller, which occurred
in 1868. Mr. Lord died in 1869. The works were car-
ried on a short time by the executors of the deceased
partners, but at length, in 1876, the whole interest was
purchased by the estate of J. Cowper Lord, which is still
the owner.
In 1853, when Dr. Tuttle visited these works, they
were being operated by Fuller & Lord. The rolling-mill
and puddling furnaces covered more than an acre of
ground exclusive of the large nail and spike factory, the
coopering mill and the blast furnace, then recently built.
The Morris Canal and Rockaway River at Boonton run
nearly parallel, and both make a rapid descent to the
plains below. The canal by an inclined plane and locks
makes a difference of 100 feet between its upper and
lower levels, and the river falls a still greater distance in
a series of cascades. These circumstances have been
made the most of by the builders of the works which lie
between the two. The coal, ore and limestone are taken
from the upper level of the canal to the top of the fur-
nace ; while the iron product passing through the pud-
dling, rolling, heating and nail mills, is put up in kegs,
made on the ground from the unsawed timber, and is
ready for shipment by the side of the canal at its lower
level. The water from the river and the waste water of
the canal furnish motive power. William G. Lathrop
was then the general manager, and his long experience
made the business profitable and constantly increasing
during the lives of the two partners.
From October ist 1852 to May ist 1853, a period of
seven months, the following statistics show the extent of
their operations: Pig iron puddled, 3,774 tons; nail
plate, rolled, 3,000 tons; spike rods rolled, 885 tons;
scrap iron used, 784 tons; ore used in the puddling fur-
naces, 1,000 tons; anthracite coal consumed, 5,656 tons;
amount of wages disbursed, about $36,000. During the
same period six spike machines, employing 22 men and
boys, made 1,874,000 pounds or 836 tons of iron spikes;
73 nail machines, worked by 100 hands, produced 56,179
casks of nails, of 100 pounds each, making a total of
2,800 tons. At the cooper shop casks were made at the
rate of 120,000 per annum. The whole establishment, in-
cluding blast furnace, etc., gave employment to 400
hands, whose annual wages amounted to $120,000.
A correspondent of Harper's Monthly (J. R. Chapin),
in the July i860 number of that magazine, gives a very
graphic and correct description of the Boonton works as
they then were, and substantially as they had been for
the seven years previous. Up to that time there had
been expended on the works about half a million of dol-
lars. In 1864 the number of kegs of nails turned out
was 173,000, then considered a larger product than that
of any similar establishment in the United States. Just
before the war the owners commenced the erection of
the second blast furnace, which was completed after the
war closed. In 1872-3 the works touched the highest
point of their prosperity. There were then two blast
furnaces, whose yearly capacity was 20,000 tons, under
the management of George Jenkins, in wliich the con-
cern continued until his death, when he was succeeded
by his son H. C. Jenkins; the large mill, under Philip
Wooten, was 375 by 275 feet in size and contained 12
double puddling furnaces, one scrap furnace, five trains
of rolls, two squeezers, four nut machines, etc., etc. The
upper nail factory, under James Holmes, contained 100
nail machines, producing 250,000 kegs of nails per
annum. The lower nail factory, which was in charge of
Nathaniel Jones and which commenced in 1855, con-
tained 25 machines and produced 10,000 kegs of nails
per annum. In 1875 this mill contained 50 machines,
with a capacity of 30,000 kegs per annum, but of a
smaller size than those made at the upper mill. The
saw-mill, in charge of George M. Gage, turned out about
3,000,000 staves and 400,000 keg heads per annum. At
the cooper shop, of which Amzi Burroughs was the
superintendent, the staves and heads were put up ready
to be filled with nails. A new foundry built in 1857
turned out about 400 tons of castings each year, making
all that were required for the uses of the other mills, etc.
It was under the superintendence of Paul Glover. G. W.
Eaton was outside superintendent and Henry W. Crane
had charge of the transportation. The whole establish-
ment was thoroughly organized and complete in itself.
Over 700 men and boys were given constant employment.
The panic of 1873, occurring as it did shortly after the
death of the two partners, brought about a complete stag-
nation of business. This was too large a concern to be
operated by any one man of less than enormous capital.
The owners of the property could not agree upon a suit-
able rent with any tenant who might be disposed to under-
take it, so that except from 1873 to 1876, when it was
run by the sons of Dudley B. Fuller, and a short time in
1880, when one furnace was in blast, the works have lain
idle. The town, depending upon this single industrj-,
suffered terribly at first in the loss of its citizens and the
depreciation of property; but silk mills and other indus-
tries have since been set on foot which have restored to
the place something of its former prosperity.
• So far as railroad and canal facilities are concerned
Port Oram is that place in the county best adapted for
the manufacture of iron. The Mojris Canal and the
Morris and Essex Railroad pass through the place and
the Mount Hope and Chester branches terminate here.
In addition to these within the last year the High Bridge-
branch of the Central of New Jersey, and the Dover and
Rockaway road, connecting with the Hibernia Railroad,
have made this their junction. It is a place which has
grown up almost entirely since the war, and is named
from Robert F. Oram, who laid it out.
The Port Oram Iron Company was incorporated March
31st 1868, its incorporators being John C. Lord, Robert
F. Oram, William G. Lathrop, C. D. Schubarth, James
H. Neighbour, W. H. Talcott, J. Covper Lord, Henry
Day and Theodore F. Randolph, and the possible capital
$300,000. Nearly all these gentlemen were connected in
some way with the owners of the Boonton iron works,
who also owned the Mount Pleasant and other mines in
the immediate neighborhood. The furnace was much
larger than either of the ones at Boonton, its capacity
being 150,000 tons yearly. It cost with the land and
improvements over $200,000, and was built in the years
1868 and 1869. It was first put in blast August 27th
1869 by its owners, but May 4th 1872 Ario Pardee leased
the furnace for four years, and during that time it was in
very successful operation. During the last year in which
it was run it produced nearly 13,000 tons of iron.
The company originally issued stock to the amount of
$150,000, which was entirely consumed in the construe-,
tion of the furnace and it became necessary to raise
$100,000 additional; this was done by issuing bonds to
that amount, taken almost entirely by the stockholders.
In January 1877 the furnace was sold under foreclosure
of the mortgage given to secure these bonds, and bought
in for the bondholders, who reorganized under the name
of the Port Oram Furnace Company. It is now out of
Besides the furnace there is at Port Oram a forge built
in 1877-8 by John Hance and Robert F. Oram, where
pig iron is rapidly refined by modern and improved ma-
chinery. It was started August 5th 1878. The forge is
now in operation, employing about 14 hands. The
" run-out " connected with the forge has not been in
operation recently. In detail, there are here one 6-twier
run-out furnace, capable of producing 12 tons per day;
four double-twiered fires for making anthracite blooms
or blooms from pig iron, the four fires capable of produ-
cing 200 tons of blooms per month; and four scrap-
bloom fires, capable of producing 200 tons per month;
all these estimates calculated upon double time, or run-
ning day and night. Power is supplied by steam boilers
of 80 horse power. The steam hammer has a drop
weight of 2,200 pounds, stroke 30 inches. Blast is pro-
duced by a double cylinder perpendicular blowing en-
gine, built by Wrin & Brother, Lebanon, Pa., at a cost of
$3,200. The capital stock of the company was $50,000,
of which $32,000 was expended .in the erection of the
forge, leaving $18,000 unissued. The officers of the com-
pany are as follows: Robert F. Oram president; John
Hance, vice-president; William G. Lathrop, treasurer;
Edward Hance, secretary.
The Chester furnace, situated west of Chester village,
was built in 1878 by the Jersey Spiegel Iron Company,
for the purpose of making spiegel-eisen out of residuum
which is the refuse of franklinite after the zinc is extracted.
The project was abandoned, however, after the com-
pletion of the furnace, and in the spring of 1879 it was
leased for a term of years to W. J. Taylor & Co., who ran
it on iron until the summer of 1880, when the original
stack, which was 11 feet bosh and 40 feet high, was found
to be too small to be profitable. It was torn down by
the lessees and rebuilt 60 feet high and 13 feet bosh, and
it is now in successful blast, averaging a production of
240 tons per week red short mill iron, made from Chester
sulphur ores after roasting in the Taylor kilns, brand
"Jersey." The iron ranks very high as a mill-iron, and
is used mainly for sheets and plates, and also as a mix-
ture with poor cold-short English irons — one-third of this
iron mixed with two-thirds of Middlesborough pig making
a good common iron.
On the north side of the Morris and Essex Railroad,
iust before reaching Drakesville station from the east, is
an iron furnace and smoke stack erected in 1877 by Wil-
liam A. Stephens, after a patent of his own. The process
consists in introducing the ore, pulverized and heated,
from the top of the furnace to the main fires below, and
its inventor claimed that he could make a ton of iron
with a ton of coal. About twenty tons of iron were man-
ufactured when the furnace was first constructed, but
since then it has been lying idle.
Besides the foundries which have been mentioned in
connection with furnaces and other iron works there have
been several independent establishments. Some of these
had but a comparatively short existence. About the year
1835 Joseph C. Righter built one at Rockaway on Berry's
Brook, and a little farther up the stream a manufactory
for making iron axles. The foundry is still standing, but
it has not been used for over twenty years for the pur-
pose for which it was built. It belonged to the late
Richard Stephens at the time of his death.
In 1845 James Fuller and Mahlon Hoagland erected a
foundry on the bank of the canal in Rockaway, which
was adapted to doing a large' business. They had hardly
gotten their works in complete order before an unlocked
for calamity came upon them. At half-past 10 in the
evening of September i8th 1850 a fire broke out which
in an hour or two reduced their buildings to ashes. A
large quantity of finely pulverized charcoal was in the
corner of the foundry, and it is supposed that while the
workmen were pouring the molten iron into the moulds
some sparks fell into this charcoal, which slowly ignited
until it was all aglow and from which fire was communi-
cated to the building. An insurance of $3,500 did little
toward making up a loss estimated at $20,000. Sixty
hands were thrown out of employment. Fuller & Co.
had been filling orders frorn Nova Scotia and New
Mexico. They were then preparing castings for the new
planes of the Morris Canal. The fire broke up the firm;
Mr. Fuller went to California, and died on his way home.
Mr. Hoagland remained. Freeman Wood, purchasing ,
the property, built it over and rented it to Aaron D.
Berry, with whom Mr. Hoagland was associated. In
1853 they were employing forty-two hands, and con-
suming 500 tons of coal and 500 tons of pig iron per
annum. More than 100 tons of the castings for the
Crystal Palace in New York were made here.
From Mr. Wood the ownership of the property passed
to the Morris County Bank, with the rolling-mill propeir-
ty, and from the bank Mr. Hoagland rented for a time"
and finally purchased. Associated with him in the
ownership were Robert F. Oram and William G. Lathrop.
The firm was called the Union Foundry Company, and,
though in 1873 Mr. Hoagland became the sole owner,
the buisness is still carried on in that name. For several
years past the business has been constantly increasing,
and throughout the dull times of 1874-7 the works were
in constant operation. Heavy rolls etc. are made here
for the foreign trade and for all parts of the United
States. Here are manufactured also the ore and stone
crushers patented by Chas. G. Buchanan, which have
proved very successful wherever tried. Mr. Buchanan
has very recently invented a train of magnetic rolls for
the separation of ore from its impurities, which it is
claimed will make many ores now worthless available for
iron-making. The Swedish Iron Company, operating
the Rockaway rolling-mill, uses these rolls to purify its
sand ore at Block Island.
This company was organized in the year 1868, and
has erected its foundry and machine shop on Sussex
street in Dover, near the site of the foundry which Mr.
McFarlan sold to Alexander Elliott and which the latter
operated until it was destroyed by fire a few years since.
It is doing a large business and gives employment to,
about sixty hands. Much of its work is for the mines in
the vicinity of Dover, building pumps, engines, air-com-
pressors, etc. Hon. George Richards is president,
William H. Lambert treasurer, and D. B. Overton super-
This very complete though comparatively small estab-
lishment is built on the site of the old Welch forge, near
the Bartley station of the High Bridge Railroad. Its
machinery is moved by water. William Bartley, the pro-
prietor, is the owner of the patent " Bartley water wheel,"
and his principal business is its manufacture. It is a
turbine wheel of great excellence. For power, economy
of water and convenience of adjustment it is unsurpassed.
>N speaking of the iron manufactures it has
been necessary to give more or less of the
history of some of the principal mines con-
nected with them, such as the Dickerson,
Mount Hope and Hibernia mines. Prior to
about the year 1850 the ore mined in the county
was manufactured largely in the county and was
raised for that purpose. The charcoal furnaces of the
last century, the anthracite furnace at Boonton and the
charcoal forges — always running, but with their period
of greatest activity in the earlier part of this century —
were the principal consumers. The demand for ore was
comparatively limited. After 1850 the demand for ore
for shipment to other counties of this State and to other
States began to assume importance, and that demand has
increased until the mining of ore is now the principal de-
partment of iron industry in the county.
Professor George H. Cook, State geologist, in his re-
ports for the years 1879 and 1880 has given very com-
plete lists of all the mines in the county and of their ca-
pacity. He arranges the mines of the State in four belts,
nearly parallel with each other, running northeast and
ist, the Ramapo Belt, which begins near Peapack, in
Somerset county, and extends in a northeast direction by
Pompton to the State line. It is about two miles wide at
the southwest and at the New York line its width is five
miles. Mine Mountain, Trowbridge Mountain, the low
mountains between Denville and Boonton, the mountain
extending from Boonton to Pompton and the Ramapo
Mountain are all in this belt. The belt includes the|
following mines in Morris county: the Connet mine in
Mendham township, already mentioned, and supposed to
have been worked in the last century to some extent; the
Beers mine, in Hanover township, on the farm of John
H. Beers, from which only a small amount of ore has yet
been shipped; the Taylor mine and the mine on the
Cole farm, Montville township; and the Kahart, Lana-
gan, De Bow, Jackson and Ryerson mines in Pequannock
township, which have not been operated to any extent
since 1874.
2nd, the Passaic Belt, next, to the northwest, which has
a nearly uniform breadth of about five miles. It includes
the principal mines of the county and State. In Chester
township are the Pottersville, Rarick, Langdon, (R. D.)
Pitney, Budd & Woodhull, Topping, Samson, Hotel,
Collis, Creamer ist, Swayze, Cooper, Hacklebarney,
Gulick, Creager, Hedges, Dickerson Farm, Creamer 2nd,
De Camp, Leake, Daniel Horton and Barnes mines.
Some of these mines have never been developed, others
only partially. The Swayze, Gulick, Cooper and Hackle-
barney have been worked successfully. The Cooper mine
was opened in December 1879, on the farm of the late
General N. A. Cooper, and is operated by the Cooper
Iron Mining Company as lessee. It is under the super-
intendence of John D. Evans. From the 14th of De-
cember 1879 to the 1st of December 1880 over 12,000
tons of ore was shipped, and the supply seems almost
limitless. For the first eeventy-five feet the shafts pass
through a soft granular ore, very much decomposed and
of a reddish color, after which a rich granular blue ore
was struck. The vein is from fifteen to thirty feet wide.
The Hacklebarney mine is an old mine, but on account of
the prevalence of sulphur in the ore was not worked ex-
tensively until it came into the hands of its present
owners, the Chester Iron Company. Over 20,000 tons of
ore were shipped from this mine during each of the
years 1879 and 1880. The low percentage of phosphorus
admits the use of this ore in making Bessemer steel, and
it has been worked continuously since before 1873.
There are several veins and many openings on this prop-
erty, which may be considered as not one mine but sev-
eral. The High Bridge Railroad has a branch to this
mine, largely facilitating the transportation of the ore.
In Randolph township are the following mines: Hen-
derson, George (or Logan), David Horton, De Hart and
Lawrence (worked by the Reading Iron Company) Dal-
rymple (worked by the Crane Iron Company), Trowbridge,
Solomon Dalrymple, Cooper, Munson, Lewis, Combs,
Van Doren, Bryant (owned by D. L. and A. Bryant, and
worked by the Bethlehem Iron Company), Connor Fow-
land, Charles King, King McFarland, Evers (worked by the
Saucon Iron Company), Brotherton & Byram (worked by
the Andover Iron Company), Millen (owned by the
Boonton Company), Randall Hill (operated by the Crane
Iron Company), Jackson Hill (supposed to be worked
out), Canfield's Phosphatic Iron, Black Hills, Dickerson,
Canfield, Baker, Irondale (owned by the New Jersey Iron
Mining Company, and which includes the Spring, Sul-
livan, Corwin, Stirling, Hubbard, North River, Harvey
and Hurd mines), Orchard (owned by the estate of J. C.
Lord), and Erb and Scrub Oak (which are owned by the
Andover Iron Company),
The King, Dickerson, Black Hills and Canfield mines
are on the property of the. Dickerson Suckasunny Min-
ing Company, and include the famous Dickerson mine,
which is still in succesful operation. In the Geology of
New Jersey, published in 1868, the estimated product
of this mine to that date is given as 500,000 tons, since
which time 300,000 have been raised, making a grand
aggregate of over three-quarters of a million of tons. It
is at present leased by Ario Pardee, and the ore is shipped
mostly to his furnaces at Stanhope. There are slopes in
this mine over 900 feet in length, and the big vein is
over 25 feet wide in some places. The ore commands a
ready sale on account of its richness, and brings a large
royalty to the owners of the mine. The Dickerson
Suckasunny Mining Company was incorporated February
24th 1854, with a capital stock of $300,000, its corpora-
tors being Philemon Dickerson, Mahlon D. Canfield,
Frederick Canfield, Jacob Vanatta, Edward N. Dicker-
son, Silas D. Canfield and Philemon Dickerson jr., de-
visees, or interested for the devisees of Governor Mah-
lon Dickerson, the late owner of the mine; and their ob-
ject was to continue the ownership of the property in
the family, with more convenient management. This
mine, as has already been stated, was " located " by John
Reading in 1715 on West Jersey right, and sold by Read-
ing to Joseph Kirkbride in 1716. Johathan Dickerson,
the father of Governor Mahlon Dickerson, began to pur-
chase of the Kirkbride heirs in 1779, and in partnership
with Minard La Fevre he purchased nearly the whole.
His son Mahlon purchased of his father's heirs in 1807
and bought out La Fevre and the remaining Kirkbride
heirs. During the remainder of his life he continued to
operate the mine, residing on the premises after his re-
turn from Philadelphia in 1810. It afforded him ample
means for the indulgence of his literary tastes and be-
nevolent projects, and to lead unembarrassed a public
life embracing higher political distinctions than have
been attained by any other citizen of the county.
Dr. Tuttle, who visited the mine in 1853, the year of
tne governor's death, says: "The appearance of the vein
is very singular. It looks as if some powerful force from
beneath had split the solid rock, leaving a chasm of from
six to twenty-five feet, and that the ore in a fused state
had been forced into this chasm as into a mould. But
at the place where the ore was first seen there is a sort
of basin with a diameter of thirty feet. This was full of
ore, which looks as if the melted mass had gushed over
the vein and flowed into this basin, as we sometimes see
the melted iron run over from a mould which is full."
Next to the Dickerson mine is the Byram mine, so
called from John Byram, who purchased it about forty
years ago, when its principal value seemed to be in a
venerable apple orchard. His explorations for ore were
very successful, and in the last thirty years, during
which time it has been under lease, it has produced an
immense amount of ore. The old mine slope is 900 feet
long. The vein averages from six to seven feet in width.
A narrow-gauge railway runs from the mine to Ferro-
monte, carrying the ore to the High Bridge Railroad, by
which it is sent to the furnace of the Andover Iron Com-
pany, the lessee.
The Millen mine, near the Byram, was sunk to a depth
of 120 feet and produced about 4,000 tons of ore in 1853.
It was then owned by Green cfe Dennison, and with their
Boonton works it passed from them to Fuller & Lord,
and thence to the estate of J. Cowper Lord, deceased.
The Baker mine on the same range is on the farm pur-
chased by Henry and William H. Baker from Stephen
De Hart in 1847. It was not extensively developed until
sold by the Bakers, June 6th 1873, to Selden T. Scran-
ton and Isaac S. Waterman. It is now operated and
owned by the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company.
Of the Irondale mines all have been idle of late years
except the Stirling and Hurd mines, which are leased to
the Thomas Iron Company. Some of these mines — as
for example the Stirling and one formerly called the
Jackson mine, from its owner, Stephen Jackson — are of
great antiquity, having been worked with profit in the
last century.
The Stirling mine shoot has been followed about 1,500
feet, on a gentle pitch to the northeast, with an average
thickness of six feet of ore. The height of the shoot was
ninety feet in 1879, when it was producing about 1,200
tons per month.
The Hurd mine was opened in 1872, by the Thomas
Iron Company. In 1874 a subterranean stream of water
prevented working it to its full capacity and finally led
to a stoppage. Similar difficulty was met with in the
Harvey and Orchard mines. To relieve these mines and
all those about Port Oram the Orchard and Irondale
adit was projected. It was a tunnel, having its mouth
between the canal and the Morris and Essex Railroad
between Port Oram and Dover and extending westerly.
In a description of it given by L. C. Bierwirth, mining
engineer and agent of the New Jersey Iron Mining
Company, in the geological report of 1879 it is stated
that it was commenced in April 1877, by the New Jersey
Iron Mining Company, the Thomas Iron Company and
the trustees of the estate of J. Cowper Lord, to drain
their mines. The mouth of the discharging ditch is on the
west bank of the Rockaway River, and the ditch and main
adit had been carried up in April 1879 on the southwest
side of the railroad 3,667 feet, the ditch being 983 feet and
the adit 2,684 feet. At present there are 795 feet of
open cut, 2,888 feet of the main line and 1,100 feet of
the Irondale branch, which will be 350 feet longer when
complete. It is five feet wide and ascends three-quarters
of an inch in 100 feet. The ground encountered has
generally been coarse gravel, with numerous boulders
and occasional beds of quicksand. The effect on mines
over 1,500 feet distant has been remarkable, and wells in
the neighborhood have been entirely dried up.
In Rockaway township in the Passaic belt are the fol-
lowing mines: Johnson Hill, Hoff, Dolan, Washington
Forge, Mount Pleasant, Baker (Dolan), Richards, Allen,
Teabo, Mount Hope (including Hickory Hill), Swedes,
Sigler, White Meadow, Beach, Hibernia, Beach Glen,
Tichenor, Righter, Meriden, Cobb, Split Rock Pond,
Greenville, Chester Iron Company, Davenport's, Green
Pond or Copperas, Howell, Kitchel and Charlottenburg.
The Johnson Hill and Hoff mines are on the Moses
Tuttle property at Mount Pleasant, the one falling. to
Mrs. Jane De Camp and the other to Mrs. Hannah Hoff
in the division made in 1822 of the Tuttle property. The
Johnson Hill mine is owned by Ephraim Lindsley, of
Dover, and has not developed a large deposit. The
Hoff mine has been worked almost continuously since
1872 by the Chester Iron Company, who leased from the
heirs of Hannah Hoff. The Company shipped about
6,000 tons of ore in half of the year 1880, and the ca-
pacity of the mine for the present year was estimated
at 15,000 tons. The openings indicate a succession of
shoots which pitch to the northeast. The ore is very
solid and clean and said to be especially adapted to soft
foundry iron.
The Dolan mine, belonging to Bishop Dolan, has not
been extensively developed.
The Mount Pleasant mine is an old one, having been
worked to some extent by Moses Tuttle. Guy Hinch-
man purchased the property in 1818, and the mine was
worked until the shafts reached a depth which prevented
their being worked to profit at the then prices of ore
and methods of mining. It afterward came into the
hands of Green & Dennison, of the Boonton Company,
and since then it has been in almost continuous success-
ful operation. It now belongs to the estate of J. Cow-
per Lord, deceased. The ore is very rich and clean.
The depth of the east mine in 1879 was 600 feet.
The Washington Forge mine, worked by the Carbon
Iron Manufacturing Company, is on the old Washington
Forge lot of Hoff & Hoagland. The length of the vein
on this property is not very great and there is a prospect
of its soon being exhausted.
The Baker mine, to the northeast of the Mount Pleas-
ant, was worked by the Allentown Iron Company until
1877, when the large vein suddenly " pinched out " in
the bottom and the lessees were unable to discover its
continuation, if any. This large vein is to the east of the
Mount Pleasant vein, which also crosses the property and
which has been worked to some extent. The Allentown
Iron Company was sued in 1877 by the Thomas Iron
Company, which owns the Richards mine, adjoining, for
alleged overworking; and the suit occupied the time of a
court and jury for over a month in October and Novem-
ber 1877, resulting finally in a disagreement. The suit
was at last compromised and settled. The shafts on
this large vein were sunk about 300 feet, and the vein
was in its widest place twenty-five feet wide. The ore
was exceedingly rich and pure, comparing favorably with
the Dickerson and best Mount Hope ores.
The Richards mine is very old and is named from
Richard Faesch, who purchased it of his father's estate.
This mine, the Allen, Teabo, Mount Hope, Hickory
Hill and Swedes are all on the old Mount Hope tract
purchased by Faesch in 1772. The Richards mine was
worked and operated by the Dover Company and its suc-"
cessors, Blackwell & McFarlan, and by Henry McFarlan,
was sold to its present owners, the Thomas Iron Com-
pany, October 30th 1856. It is only since the latter,
change of ownership that its wealth has been fairly de-
veloped. There are two veins in this property, as on the
Baker; the southeastern is the larger and the one princi-
pally worked. The ore is sent to the company's furnaces
at Hokendauqua, Pa.
The Allen and Teabo mines and the 820 acres on
which they are found were purchased of General Doughty
by Canfield & Losey in the sale of the Faesch lands. :
From them the property passed to Goble & Crane, and
by them it was conveyed to Joseph and William Jackson. ,
The Jacksons divided the property between them in
1828, the Allen mine as it is now called falling to William
and the Teabo to Joseph Jackson. The presence of ore
was discovered on this tract by Jonathan Wiggins many
years ago; but in 1826 Colonel Jackson marked out a
place and set one William Teabo to work, with the
promise that if he found ore the vein should be named
after him. The vein was reached in about 30 feet and-
Ihe name of Teabo has been attached to the mine ever
since. Colonel Jackson worked the mine for his forges
until 185 1, when he sold it to Samuel B. Halsey, who sold
it the next year to the Glendon Iron Company, its present
owners. For many years after the Glendon Company
purchased it it lay idle and was supposed to have been
exhausted; but the discovery that another vein crossed
the property revived operations, and for several years it
has yielded annually a large amount of very rich iron
The Allen mine was sold by William Jackson, June ist
1830, to Caleb O. Halstead and Andrew Brown in ignor-
ance of its mineral value, and December 27th 1848 it was
sold to Jabez L. Allen, who developed the rich veins
which crossed it. He sold it January loth 1868 to Con-
rad Poppenhusen, for $100,000, and it is now owned by
the New Jersey Iron Mining Company. It has been
operated, however, for many years by the Andover Iron
Company, and is under the management of Richard
The Mount Hope mines have perhaps produced more
ore than any other in the county. As we have stated,
they were worked by Jacob Ford, to supply his forges on
the east branch of the Rockaway, before 1770, and by
John Jacob Faesch, to supply his furnace and forges, to
1800. From Faesch they passed into the hands of the
Phillipses, and from them to the Mount Hope Mining
Company. Edward R. Biddle, owning or controlling the
stock of this company, about 1852 transferred or sold it to
the present owners, Moses Taylor and others, who are
also the principal stockholders of the Lackawanna Iron
and Coal Company. In effect the property is owned by
the last named company. It is estimated that r,ooo,ooo
tons of ore have been taken from this mine since it was
first opened. The great Jugular vein originally jutted
out of the ground like a cliff, on the north side of the
- road west of the Mansion House. It is of great width
and developed for an enormous distance. Besides this
vein there are at least four other large developed veins on
the property.
The Swedes mine, so called from the quality of the
iron made from the ore, is on the original Mount Hope
tract, but to the east of the range of the mines just men-
tioned, and between Rockaway and Dover. It was dis-
covered as early as 1792 or 1794 by one John Howard,
who was in the employ of Stephen Jackson and mining
at Hibernia. One Saturday he was returning to his home
in Dover with his week's provisions when, instead of fol-
lowing the road, he crossed through the woods. Setting
down his provisions and a compass he carried, to rest, he
"noticed the needle standing nearly east and west. He
communicated the fact to his employer, who told Mr.
Faesch. After Faesch's death Mr. Jackson purchased a
large body of land from the Mount Hope tract near
Rockaway, including the land on which this attraction
was discovered. After the death of Stephen Jackson
this property came into the possession of his son, Colonel
Joseph Jackson, who developed the mine, driving in a
'tunnel, etc. October ist 1847 Colonel Jackson sold it
to Green & Dennison, of the Boonton Company, who
operated it extensively. The Boonton blast furnace was
run principally on this ore for one hundred and twenty
weeks at one time. This mine was very convenient for
the Boonton Company, because the mouth of the adit or
tunnel was on the bank of the Morris Canal, and trans-
portation was easy down that canal about ten miles to
the company's furnace. Since the war, however, the
mine has been abandoned.
The White Meadow mine was known before the Revo-
lutionary war, as is evidenced by the mine lot being
'' taken up " at that early date. No doubt ore was
obtained from it to use in the White Meadow and other
forges by Beman, Munson and the other forgemen of
that date. Still the vein is narrow, and though the ore
is of excellent quality the mine has not been steadily
worked. It was leased in 1853 to the Boonton Iron
Company under a lease which obligated them to raise
2,000 tons per annum. It then belonged to Colonel
Thomas Muir, and is now owned by his son Peter Muir,
his daughter Mrs. Ann J. Hoagland', and his son-in-law
Mahlon Hoagland.
Adjoining the White Meadow tract are lands of Dr.
Columbus Beach, on which the White Meadow vein has
been traced and an opening made called the Gidd mine.
It was last operated by the Musconetcong Iron Company.
The Hibernia mines are upon one vein, extending at
least two miles in length. Where it cropped out of the
south side of the hill at Hibernia it was operated by
Samuel Ford, Stirling and those who preceded them, and
adjoining to the northeast the " Ford mine '' was opera-
ted as we have seen, by Jacob Ford and his lessees and
grantees. But those operations were small compared
with the mining of the last thirty years. Taking them in
order, the mine to the southwest is the Beach mine,
owned by the New Jersey Iron Mining Company, for-
merly by Conrad Poppenhusen, who purchased of Dr. C.
Beach. It was first opened about the close of the war,
and is now being operated by the Andover Iron Com-
pany. Next to this is the " Theo. Wood mine," the
oldest opening of them all, and covering the vein on the
side and foot of the Hibernia hill. It formerly belonged
to the two sons of Benjamin Beach, Chilion and Samuel
Searing Beach. The share of Chilion was bought by his
son Columbus, and Thomas Willis, of Powerville, pur-
chased the other half. Dr. Beach and Willis sold the
mine, January nth 1853, to Theodore Wood for $14,000,
which was supposed to be an excellent sale; but in 1865
it was sold to Conrad Poppenhusen for five times that
amount. It belongs now to the New Jersey Iron Mining
Company, which leases it to the Andover Iron Company.
With the other mines owned or leased by the latter com-
pany it is under the management of Richard George.
Next in order is the Old Ford mine, now owned by the
Glendon Iron Company. This company, being the
lessee of the mines beyond, has not driven its Ford mine
so rapidly as those leased by the company, holding it in
reserve. Next to this mine are the Crane mine, belong-
ing to the estate of Mrs. Eliza A. Crane, one of the
daughters of Colonel William Scott, and the De Camp
mine, belonging to the heirs of Mrs. Augusta De Camp,
wife of Edward De Camp and another one of the
daughters of Colonel Scott. Both of these mines and
the Upper Wood mine are and have been for many years
leased and operated by the Glendon Iron Company,
whose general superintendent' and manager is George
Richards, of Dover. The Upper Wood mine, so called
from having once been owned by Theodore T. Wood,
and to distinguish it from the one under the hill, for-
merly belonged to Elijah D. Scott, a son of Colonel
William Scott. Beyond the Upper Wood mine is the
Willis mine, which was once the property of Araminta
Scott, another of the daughters of Colonel Scott. It is
now operated by the Bethlehem Iron Company and be-
longs, as does also the Upper Wood mine, to the New
Jersey Iron Mining Company.
An underground railroad has been constructed from
the foot of the hill northeast upon or in the vein through
the bowels of the mountain, which brings the product of
all the upper mines to the terminus of the Hibernia
Railroad, on which all the ore of the Hibernia mines
goes to market. The tonnage of this road, almost en-
tirely made up of the product of these mines, was 99,123
tons in 1879.
The Beach Glen mine is at Beach Glen, near the site
of the old Johnston iron works and east of the old pond.
It was formerly the property of Colonel Samuel S. Beach,
who sold it to Samuel B. Halsey and Freeman Wood.
They sold it for $4,000 to the Boonton Company, from
whom it has come to the possession of the estate of
James Cowper Lord, deceased. It was not in operation
from 1875 to 1879. There are two large veins on the
property, which have been worked to a depth of from 100
to 130 feet. The mine has been very productive, yielding
large quantities of ore.
The Cobb mine, east of the Split Rock Pond is an old
mine, owned and worked for many years before his death
by Judge Andrew B. Cobb. It still belongs to his estate,
and with the forge at Split Rock is under lease to William
D. Marvel, of New York.
The Split Rock Pond mine was opened within the last
few years by William S. De Camp, on the property of
Benjamin F. and Monroe Howell, at the head of Split
Rock Pond. Two veins of good size not fifty feet apart
have been opened upon, with a good quality of ore.
Transportation must be by wagons to Boonton or Beach
Glen, which prevents development except when prices of
iron rule high.
The mines of the Chester Iron Company (that on the
Halsey tract now owned by A. S. Hewitt, the Canfield or
Pardee mine, the Davenport mine, the Green Pond or
Copperas mine, belonging to the estate of Andrew B.
Cobb, Howell's mine, Kitchel's mine, lately Bancroft's,
and the Charlottenburg mine) are all upon what appears
to be one vein, having its principal openings at the Cop-
peras works. The vein lies under and along the east side
of Copperas Mountain, and extends with more or less in-
terruption from the Pequannock River to Denmark.
Most of the ore is strongly impregnated with sulphur,
which prevented its being used by the old forges for
making iron. The absence of phosphorus makes it very
valuable, however, for making Bessemer steel. The
mines were operated by Job Allen in the Revolutionary
war, and by Dr. Charles Graham during the war of 1812,
and large quantities of the ore taken out for making cop-
peras. A little was probably also used for making iron.
In 1873 leases were made of this mine to William S.
De Camp, who transferred them almost at once to the
Green Pond Iron Mining Company. A railroad was
built to the Midland Railroad, and over 6o,coo tons of
iron have been taken out by the tenants in the last eight
years. The mines are not now in operation.
The Musconetcong Belt covers t he remainder of the
county to the northwest of the Passaic belt (the Pequesi
Belt, the fourth mentioned by Professor Cook, lying en-
tirely outside of the county). It includes the following
mines in Morris county: In Washington township. Sharp,
Kann, Hunt Farm, Stoutenberg, Fisher, Marsh, Dickin-
son, Hunt, Lake, Naughright, Sharp, Rarick, Hopler and
Poole; in Mount Olive township, Shouse, Cramer, Smith,
Appleget, Smith Lawrence, Mount Olive or Solomons,
Drake and Osborne; in Roxbury township. Hilts, Baptist
Church, King, High Ledge and Gove ; in Jefferson
township, Davenport, Nolands, Hurdtown, Apatite,
Hurd, Lower Weldon, Weldon, Dodge, Ford, Scofield,
Fraser, Duffee and Shongum.
Many of these mines are simply opened and their real
value not developed. Some of them in Jefferson have
been operated extensively. The Hurd mine, leased by
the Glendon Iron Company of the estate of John Hurd,
has perhaps produced the largest quantity of the best
ore. The shoot is 60 feet high and 40 feet wide, and the
slope has reached a length of 1,450 feet. The ore is
shipped by way of the Ogden Mme Railroad and Lake
Hopatcong, and thence to the company's furnaces at
Glendon, Pa.
Through the kindness of G. L. Bryant, of the High
Bridge Railroad, of H. W. Cortright, superintendent of
the Ogden Mine Railroad, and of John S. Gibson, of the
Iron Era, we have obtained the amount of ore shipped
from the county or from one part of the county to Chester
furnace for the year ending July ist 1881 over the High
Bridge, Ogden Mine and Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western Railroads — the Ogden Mine connecting through
Lake Hopatcong with the Morris Canal. The amounts
are as follows: Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail-
road, 297,359 tons 9 cwt.; Ogden Mine Railroad, 72,668
tons 13 cwt.; High Bridge to Chester, 18,386 tons; High
Bridge to Phillipsburg, 161,135 '^""^ 5 cwt.; total, 549,-
549 tons 7 cwt.
Besides this amount should be added what is shipped
from the Dickerson mine to Stanhope and that which is
sent over the New Jersey Midland Railroad. Professor
Cook estimates the entire ore product of the State for
the year 1880 at 800,000 tons. If the amount is the same
from July ist 1880 to July ist r88i then Morris county
produces over two-thirds of all the ore mined in the State.
From the " Census of the Production of Iron Ore in
the United States " compiled from the official figures for
the bulletin of the Iron and Steel Association, we extract
the following: There were nineteen mines in the country
which produced over 50,000 tons each during the census
year, two of which are in Morris county. First in order
is the Cornwall Ore Bank, in Lebanon county. Pa., with
a production of 280,000 tons. The eleventh in rank is
the Hibernia mine, in this county, with a production of
85,623 tons, and the nineteenth is the Mount Hope mine,
with a production of 50,379 tons.
■ Eleven counties produce 55.14 per cent, of the entire
product, of which Marquette county, Mich., is credited
with 17.14 per cent. The three leading counties and
their product are: Marquette, Mich., 1,374,812; Essex,
N. Y., 630,944; Morris, N. J., 568,420. Thus it will be
seen that the county of Morris produced about three-
quarters of all the iron ore raised in New Jersey. Sus-
sex county produced 70,365 tons, and Warren county,
50,214 tons.
Y the end of the last century the increased
business and population of the county de-
manded better roads than had thus far suf-
ficed. The pack saddle had been supplanted
by wheels, and tolerable roads through the
county had been built, but from the county to
the seaboard the want of something better was
The first turnpike company in the county was the
Morris Turnpike Company, which was chartered March
9th 1801. Its corporators were Gabriel H. Ford, David
Ford and Israel Canfield, and its object was declared to
be the erecting and maintaining of a good and sufficient
turnpike road from Elizabethtown, in the county of Es-
sex, through Morristown, in the county of Morris, and
from thence into the county of Sussex. The act. of in-
corporation is very much like a modern railroad act, and
provided for tolls to be charged, condemnation of lands,
etc., etc. The road was actually built, entering Morris
county at Chatham, and, passing through Madison in
almost a straight line, ran to nearly opposite Washing-
ton's headquarters in Morristown; passed through Mor-
ris and Spring streets and Sussex avenue in Morristown,
and so on through Walnut Grove, Succasunna Plains,
Drakesville and Stanhope to Newtown.
February 23d 1804 Elias Ogden, Joseph Hurd and
John De Camp were made corporators of a new turnpike
company, to be called the Union Turnpike Comj^any,
which had for its object the building a road from Mor-
ristown through Dover and Mount Pleasant, and from
thence to Sparta, in the county of Sussex. The com-
pany was to commence building the road at Sparta and
work eastward. Under the auspices of this company
the pike was made which, coming east from Sparta, ran
through Woodport, Hurdtown, Berkshire Valley, Mount
Pleasant and Dover, to Morristown. February 4th 1815
the company was allowed by act of Legislature to raise
^7,500 by lottery to pay its debts, and it is of record that
a road near Stanhope was built with money raised in
this manner.
March 12th 1806 the Newark and Mount Pleasant
Turnpike Company was incorporated, its incorporators
being Joseph T. Baldwin, Nathaniel Beach, Isaac Pier-
son, Hiram Smith and Joseph Jackson. This road en-
tered the county at Cook's Bridge and, passing through
Whippany and Littleton, fell into the Union turnpike at
Pleasant Valley, near Dover. It was abandoned as a
turnpike before 1833.
March 3d 1806 a company was chartered to build a
turnpike from Morristown to Phillipsburg, with a branch
from Schooley's Mountain passing by the celebrated
mineral springs to Hackettstown. The incorporators
were David Welsh, George Bidleman, Nicholas Neighbour,
Ebenezer Drake, Israel Canfield, James Little, John Mc
Carter, Edward Condict, Harry Cooper, and Samuel
Sherred, and it. was ealled the Washington Turnpike
Company. It built the road which, leaving Morristown by
the court-house, is still the principal road to Mendham;
running thence through Chester, by the late General
Cooper's mills, to German Valley, and so up Schooley's
Mountain, through Springtown, to the mountain hotels,
where it branched, the " spur " going north to Hacketts-
town and the main line continuing through Pleasant
Grove toward Phillipsburg. In 1823 the property of this
company was sold by the sheriff to James Wood, who
owned the road until 1842, when he made a reconvey-
ance to the company. Mr. Wood also owned the fran-
chises etc., of the Union Turnpike Company, which had
been sold to Sylvester D. Russel and by his widow re-
leased to him. The executors of Mr. Wood sold his
interest in it in 1852 to A. C. Farmington and others,
who reorganized the company.
At the same time, March 3d 1806, the Paterson and
Hamburg Turnpike Company was organized, which
built the turnpike that, beginning at Aquacknonk Land-
ing, in Essex county, passed through Paterson to Pomp-
ton, and so up the valley of the Pequannockto Newfound-
land, and on to Hamburg in Sussex. The corporators
named in the act were Joseph Sharp, John Seward,
Robert Colfax, Martin J. Ryerson, Charles Kinsey,
Abraham Godwin, Abraham Van Houten, John Odie
Ford and Jacob Kanouse.
November 14th 1809 the Parsippany and Rockaway
Turnpike Company was incorporated, Tobias Boudinot,
Israel Crane, Benjamin Smith, Lemuel Cobb, John
Hinchman and Joseph Jackson being the incorporators.
It began at Pine Brook, ran up through the Boudmot
■ Meadows — the dread of all travelers until filled in through
their entire length — Troy, Parsippany, Denville, Rocka-
way, and across the mountain to Mount Pleasant, where
it joined the Union turnpike. July' 22nd 1822 this turn-
pike was abandoned as such and was laid out by survey-
ors of the highway as a public road, and it is still the
main thoroughfare from that part of the country to New-
ark etc.
February nth 181 1 the Newark and Morris Turnpike
Company was chartered, John Doughty, Benjamin Pier-
son, Caleb Campbell, Seth Woodruff, Moses W. Combs
and Jabez Pierson being the incorporators. The road
was to pass through South Orange to Bottle Hill (Madi-
son) or to Morristown.
The Columbia and Walpack Turnpike Company was
incorporated in 1819.
These turnpikes had a great influence in developing
the resources of the county — how great they who live at
the present day of steam railroads can hardly appreciate.
They were not profitable to the incorporators, and the
benefit which accrued from them was to the community
at large.
Some idea can be gotten of the means of communica-
tion in those days by the stage route advertisements.
April 3d 1798 Pruden Ailing and Benjamin Green
advertise the Hanover stage to run from William Par-
rot's to Paulus Hook (Jersey City) every Tuesday,
stopping at Munn's tavern in Orange and William
Broadwell's in Newark, returning the succeeding day.
The fare was one dollar. At the same time Benjamin
Freeman and John Halsey advertised stages to run from
Morristown to New York every Tuesday and Friday,
returning every Wednesday and Saturday. The stage
started from Benjamin Freeman's at 6 in the morning,
stopped at Stephen Halsey's at Bottle Hill and Israel
Day's at Chatham, and from thence to Mr. Roll's, at
Springfield, from whence the stage went to Paulus Hook
by Newark, but passengers desiring to go by Elizabeth-
town Point could have a conveyance furnished. The
fare to the Hook was $1.25, and to Elizabethtown $1.
Ten years after, May 30th 1808, John Halsey adver-'
tised a stage from Morristown to Elizabethtown Point,
to start from his house at Morristown at 6 a. m. Mon-
days, Wednesdays and Fridays, to arrive at the Point for
the first boat and to return each succeeding day. The
fare was ^r. A four-horse stage ran to " Powles Hook"
as usual on Tuesdays and Fridays of each week; and the
next year (April 4th 1809) John Burnet & Co. advertise
a stage to run from Seth Gregory's tavern, on Morris
Plains, through Morristown, Whippany, Hanover, Orange
and Newark, to the " city of Jersey," starting at 6 a. m.
Mondays and Thursdays and returning the succeeding
days. They claimed that the route was shorter than any
other and was on the turnpike nearly all the way. The
fare was §1.50.
In 181 2 William Dalrymple's stages were carrying
people from Lewis Hayden's tavern to Elizabethtown
Point three times a week for §t each, and from the Point
they took steamer to New York. December 22nd of this
year notice is taken of Governor Ogden's beautiful
steamer, just completed, which went from Elizabeth to
Amboy on Friday, December 19th, to take out papers.
Returning she made the distance of thirteen or fourteen
miles in iivo Jwurs. The machinery, " which differs in
many respects from any heretofore built," was made by
Daniel Dod, of Mendham, a very celebrated inventor and
Sixteen years later, April 26th 1828 McCoury, Drake
& Co. advertised a stage "to run through in one day and
by daylight," for §2 fare, from New York to Easton, via
Elizabethport, Morristown and Schooley's Mountain
Springs. Passengers could leave New York by the
steamer " Emerald " at 6 a. m., and returning leave
Easton at 4 a. m. and arrive in New York at 6 p. m.
While this was the through route the Morris and Ne^^'
York mail stages left Morristown ^Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays, and went by way of Hanover and Orange to
Newark, whence passengers were taken to the city by
steamboat. They arrived at New York at 3 p. m., and
returning, at Morristown at 5 p. m. The fare through
was $1.25.
Ten years later the Morris and Essex Railroad was in
operation, and there was an improvement in point of
time and comfort, but, as will be observed, little in the
cost of travel.
The idea of making the Morris Canal was first con-
ceived by George P. McCulloch, of Morristown, while on
a fishing excursion to Lake Hopatcong, well known as
the Great Pond. This lake was 925 feet above the level
of the sea, and originally covered an area of five square
miles. To dam up its outlet and luisband the winter
rains, and then lead the accumulated waters westward
down the valley of the Musconetcong to the Delaware)
and eastward to and down the valleys of the Rockaway
and Passaic to Newark, was the object he thought at-
tainable. The region to be traversed was rich in its
mineral products, and iron was manufactured in abund-
ance in the fifty forges and three furnaces which were
still in existence. Thirty forges and nine furnaces in
this neighborhood had fallen into disuse, principally for
lack of cheap transportation. Mr. McCulloch attempted
to interest the State in his project, and by an act of No-
vember 15th 1822 the Legislature appointed him, with
Charles Kinsey, of Essex, and Thomas Capner, commis-
sioners with authority to employ a scientific engineer and
surveyor to explore, survey and level the most practicable
route for this canal and to make an estimate of the cost
thereof. The commissioners reported in 1823 and re-
ceived the thanks of the Legislature; but the latter could
not be induced to make it a State affair, and left it to
private enterprise.
Mr. McCulloch communicated an account of the
enterprise to Cadwallader D. Colden in 1832, in which
he speaks as follows of Professor Renwick, of New York,
who planned the construction, as well as of others con-
cerned in the business:
" Be it here broadly stated that up to ihe time when
the Morris Canal became a Wall street speculation lie
was considered by every person connected with the en-
terprise as the chief engineer; and that without his zeal,
talent and science it would not within our day and
generation have emerged beyond a scheme transmitted
to a more liberal and enlightened posterity.
"In April 1823 I went to Albany, and with Governor
Clinton's concurrence obtained from the Legislature of
the State of New York a grant of its engineers to join in
the Morris survey. But even this co-operation did not
seem to me sufficient to counteract the apathy of friends
or the prejudices and party spirit of opponents. I there-
fore wrote to Mr. Calhoun, then secretary of war, for the
aid of General Bernard and Colonel Totten, heads of the
U. S. engineer department. This reinforcement, with
the volunteer services of General Swift, constituted a
weight of authority sufficient to overpower cavil, igno-
rance and hostility. From Albany I proceeded with
Judge Wright, chief engineer of the Erie Canal, to
Little Falls, for the purpose of engaging Mr. Beach to
take the levels and survey the route, having previously
conversed with him, and agreed with Professor Renwick
to entrust him with that task.
"The spring and summer of- 1823 were spent by me in
collecting topographical and statistic information, as also
in reconnoitering the various routes, in company with the
inhabitants of their vicinity. Here a singular fact should
be stated, that the plain good sense and local information
of our farmers staked out the most difficult passes of the
boldest canal in existence, and that in every important
point the actual navigation merely pursues the trace thus
indicated. In July 1823 Mr. Beach appeared for the
first time on the scene of action, guided by Mr. Renwick,
to whom the deliberative department was confided."
December 31SI 1824 the "Morris Canal and Banking
Company " was incorporated, with a capital of ^r, 000,000
for the purpose, as stated in the preamble, of constructing
a canal to unite the river Delaware near Easton with the
tide waters of the Passaic. Jacob S. Thompson, of Sus-
sex, Silas Cook, of Morris, John Dow, of Essex, and
Charles Board, of Bergen, were the incorporators named
in the act; and George P. McCulloch and John Scott,
of Morris county, Israel Crane, of Essex, Joseph G.
Swift, Henry Eckford and David B. Ogden, of the city of
New York, were appointed commissioners to receive sub-
scriptions to the stock. The company was also allowed
to do a banking business in connection Avith its canal, and
in proportion to the amount expended on the canal.
Relative to the financial features introduced in the
organization through stock-jobbing influences Mr. Mc-
Culloch speaks as follows:
" It may be well here to remark that, anticipating the
danger of throwing the whole concern into the control of
mere foreign capitalists, the draft of a charter provided
that a certain number of directors should be chosen
resident in each county penetrated by the canal. * * *
Several gentlemen from Wall street had volunteered
their good offices and very kindly took post in the Tren-
ton lobby after my departure. Upon their suggestion
the draft of the charter was transformed into its present
shape, nor did I receive the most distant hint of any
alteration until the bill was finally passed. A company
was formed and myself included in its direction. 'J'he
precarious position of a canal coupled to a bank and
diri;cted by men of operations exclusively financial )vas
obvious. The interests of the country and the develop-
ment of the iron manufacture were merged in a reckless
stock speculation. I did all in my power to arrest this
perversion, but soon found myself a mere cipher, stand-
ing alone, and responsible in public opinion for acts of
extravagant folly, which I alone had strenuously opposed
at the board of directors. * * * l clung to the sinking
ship until every hope of safety had vanished, and then
vacated my seat by selling out, thus saving myself from
ruin, if not from loss. From_ the moment the charter,
altered without my knowledge, was obtained, the whole
affair became a stock-jobbing concern, the canal a mere
pretext; my efforts to recall the institution to its duty
were regarded as an intrusion, and every pains was taken
to force me to retire." * * *
" Not only was the project itself first conceived by me,
but I employed five years in exploring the route and con-
ciliating friends. The newspaper articles, the correspond-
ence to obtain information, the commissioners' report,
and an endless catalogue of literary tasks were from my
hand. I claim to have single-handed achieved the prob-
lem of rendering popular, and accomplishing, a scheme
demanding vast resources and stigmatized as the dream
of a crazed imagination."
The route of the canal was selected and the estimate made
by Major Ephraim Beach, under whose direction the work
was executed. The greatest difficulty experienced was
in the inclined planes, which were not in successful op-
eration until many costly experiments were made. The
first completed was at Rockaway, and passed a boat
loaded with stone, computed to weigh fifteen tons, from
the lower to the upper level, 52 feet, in twelve minutes.
It was not considered complete either in mechanism
or workmanship, and it was not till 1857 that the present
plane was adopted there.
The canal was completed from Easton to Newark, 90
miles, iri August 1831. It was estimated to cost $817,-
000-^it actually cost about ^2,000,000. The canal was
adapted to boats of 25 tons only, whicli in many cases
proved too heavy for the chains of the planes. The pas
sage from Easton to Newark was said to have been per-
formed in less than five days. There were twelve planes
and 17 locks, aggregating an elevation of 914 feet, the
highest planes being those of Drakesville and Boonton
Falls, which were each 80 feet. The continuation of the
canal to Jersey City was not completed until 1836. To
meet the payments in constrticting the canal the company
borrowed in Holland $750,000, which was known as the
" Dutch loan," and secured its indebtedness by a mort-
gage on the canal. This mortgage the company was un-
able to pay, and a sale under foreclosure was had, by which
the regular stockholders lost their stock, the unsecured
creditors their debts, and the State of Indiana, which held
a second mortgage, much of its loan. The canal was bought
in by Benjamin AVilliamson, Asa Whitehead and John J.
Bryant, October 21st 1844, for $1,000, coo. The pur-
chasers reorganized the company under the same name,
and the new company immediately undertook the en-
largement of the capacity of the can:l, which has been
carried on- more or less every year since. While in its
beginning its boats carried loads of 25 or 30 tons, they
now carry loads of 65 and even 70 tons. Its tonnage
(as appears by the reports to the stockholder.s) had in-
creased from 58,259 tons in 1845, when only open part
of the year, and 109,505 in 1846, to 707,572 in 1870.
Its receipts for tolls and other sources in 1845 were
$18,997.45; in 1846 $51,212.39; in 1870 $391,549.76.
On the 4th of May 187 1 the Morris Canal Company
made a perpetual lease of the canal and works to the Le-
high Valley Railroad Company, — a Pennsylvania cor-
poration, that desired it as an outlet to tide water. This
company has since operated and treated the canal as its
The Morris and Essex Railroad Company was incor-
porated by the Legislature of New Jersey January 29th
1835, the incorporators named in the act being James
Cook and William N. AVood, of Morristown, William
Brittin, of Madison, Jeptha B. Munn, of Chatham, Israel
D. Condict, of Milburn, John J. Bryan and Isaac Bald-
win. The capital stock was fixed at $300,000, with
power to increase it to $500,000, and the professed object
of the company was to build a railroad from one or more
places " in the village of Morristown " to intersect the
railroad of the New Jersey Railroad and Transportation
Company at Newark or Elizabethtown. The rate for
freight was limited to six cents per ton for each mile, and
for passengers at six cents for each passenger per mile.
A provision was also inserted in the charter that the
State might take the road at its appraised value fifty
years after its completion. The next year the company
was authorized to build lateral roads to Whippany, Boon-
ton, Denville, Rockaway and Dover, and to increase its
stock $250,000. In 1838 the company was allowed to
borrow money for the jnirposes of its road, and in 1839
to increase the par value of the shares from $50 to $75.
Besides those named in the act of incorporation there
were prominent and active in forwarding this enterprise
from the beginning Hon. Lewis Condict, of Morristown,
Jonathan C. Bonnel, of Chatham, and James Vanderpool,
of Newark (father of Beach Vanderpool, afterward for
so many years treasurer of the road). The difficulties met
with in building the road were numerous and formidable,
and were only overcome by enlisting in its behalf all who
lived upon its proposed route. Changes were made in
its location to gain it friends, and the directors exhausted
every effort to carry the work to a successful termination.
They frequently pledged their individual credit to supply
the necessary funds. The engineer was Captain Ephraira
Beach, who had been the engineer of the Morris Canal.
The track was at first the " strap rail," consisting of a
fiat bar of iron spiked on the edge of timb&rs running
parallel with the road bed, and causing occasional acci-
dents by loose ends curling under the wheels and some-
times going through the bottom of the cars. There was
at the outset no idea of its ever being a " through road "
across the State, or of the immense traffic of the present
day ever passing over it. The engines were small and
two sufficed to do the work. The depot at Morristown
was on De Hart street, the railroad approaching it
through the present Maple avenue — formerly called Rail-
road avenue and, before the time of the railroad, Canfield
street. At Newark the cars were hauled from the depot
on Broad street through Center street to the track of the
New Jersey Railroad at tlie Center street depot.
The business done by the new road was not sufficiently
remunerative to pay for its construction or to induce
capitalists to loan the company money as it needed, and
in 1842 the road with its franchises was sold, chiefly to
pay about $50,000 or $60,000 due its directors for money
advanced by them. The sale was so made, however,
that all the original stockholders had an opportunity to
come in and redeem their stock (a privilege which a ma-
jority availed themselves of) and all the debts of the
company were paid.
A reorganization followed, and the new company at
once proceeded to relay the road with iron rails of more
modern pattern, and to make other and greater improve-
cents. In 1845 the continuation of the road to Dover,
agreeably to the supplement of the charter passed in
1836, was undertaken. There being some doubt as to
the power of the company to build the road after the
lapse of so many years, an act of the Legislature was
obtained in 1846 reaffirming and continuing the com-
pany's priviliges and allowing it to build a road from
Dover to Stanhope. Work was at once begun, and in
July 1848 the road was completed to Dover, an event
which was celebrated by a grand dinner at the latter
place. To get beyond Morristown the road was taken
up from the "Sneden place," below Governor Randolph's
to De Hart street, and laid anew where it still runs. Con-
templating to run from Denville directly to Dover, the
people of Rockaway contracted to give the right of way
from Denville to " Dell's Bridge," where the switch is
now between Rockaway and Dover, if the road was laid
through their place, which agreement was fulfilled.
Dover was the end of the route for a year or two, but
in 1850 the further continuation of the road was begun,
and in 1853 or thereabouts it was finished to Hacketts-
town. Here the work rested until 1861, when the road
was completed across the State to Phillipsburg.
The tedious method of getting through Newark to
the New Jersey Railroad by horse power was submitted
to until 185 1, when the company was authorized to con-
tinue its road to Hoboken. In did not, however, do
this at once, but made an arrangement with the New
Jersey Railroad to run a branch of that road over the
Passaic to the present Morris and Essex depot, so that
trains ran by steam uninterruptedly through Newark and
so on to the New Jersey Railroad, and as formerly to
to Jersey City. It was not until 1863 that the com-
pany built its own road to Hoboken, getting an act
passed in 1864 to enable it to buy the Passaic bridge,
etc., of the New Jersey Railroad.
In 1866 an arrangement was made to lease the road to
the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad Company, and
it was the intention to make it a part of a great through
route to the west; an enterprise which entirely failed,
owing to the failure of Sir Morton Peto or the other
parties interested. December loth 1868 a lease was
made to the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail-
road Company, which is still in force. By it the lessees
agree to operate the road, making it a part of their own
line to tide water, and to guarantee the payment of inter-
est on its funded debt and at least 7 per cent, per annum
dividends on its stock.
Many collateral or branch roads have been built to the
main line. Shortly after the continuation to Hacketts-
town the Sussex Railroad was built from Newton to
Waterloo, hitherto owned and managed by a separate
board of directors and kept entirely distinct from the
main line. In 1864 the people of Boonton were accom-
modated with a branch from Denville to take the place
of the stage line which had previously been their means
of conveyance. This was largely through the influence
of J. C, Lord, half owner of the Boonton Works and a
director in the Morris and Essex. The Chester Railroad
was constructed in 1867, mainly through the efforts of
Major Daniel Budd, by the Chester Railroad Compan)',
an organization distinct in name but in reality an ad-
junct to the Morris and Essex road. Shortly afterward
the Hibernia Railroad, which was built during the war
from Hibernia to the Morris Canal at Rockaway as a
horse road, was extended to the Morris and Essex line
and made a steam road. It is a separate corporation in
every respect, the Morris and Essex not owning or con-
trolling its stock. The Ferromonte Railroad is a spur of
the Chester road built in 1869 to the Dickerson mine.
The Mount Hope Railroad, from Port Oram via the
Richards, Allen and Teabo mines to Mount Hope, was
built just after the war, to carry the immense ore freights
of these mines along its route. It supplanted in use a
tram railway from Mount Hope to the canal at Rocka-
Since the Morris and Essex has been under the con-
trol of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad
Company very great changes have been made in it. The
Paterson branch, beginning at Dell's Bridge over Mill
Brook between Rockaway and Dover, and running
thence with double track to Denville, where it crosses
the main line, thence to Boonton, mostly on the bed of
the old "Boonton branch," and so by way of Paterson to
the tunnel; the new Hoboken tunnel, and the double track-
ing of the old road its whole length except between Mor-
ristown and Rockaway, have been the work of the lessees.
The expense of these improvements and additions has
been charged to the Morris and Essex road, so that,
while its stock and bonds amounted at the time of the
lease to about $12,000,000, they now amount to about
Besides the Morris and Essex Railroad and the
branches mentioned in connection therewith, there are
in the county of Morris the New Jersey Midland
Railroad, which skirts the northern edge of Pequannock,
Jefferson and Rockaway townships; the Greenwood
Lake Railroad, which crosses Pompton Plains; the
Green Pond Railroad, which is a branch of the New
Jersey Midland running from Charlotteburgh to the
Copperas mine; the High Bridge Railroad, a branch of
the Central of New Jersey, running from High Bridge
through German Valley and McCainsville to Port Oram,
with a spur to Chester; the Dover and Rockaway Rail-
road, connecting the High Bridge Railroad at Port Oram
with the Hibernia Railroad at Rockaway; and the Ogden
Mine Railroad, running from the Ogden and Hurd mines
to Lake Hopatcong — all built since the last war, and
which properly come within the province of the histories
of the several townships in which they lie.
JN 1765 there were in the county, according to
the historian Samuel Smith, fourteen houses
of worship. There were nine erected by the
Presbyterians — those of Hanover, organized
in April 1818, and then presided over by Dr.
Jacob Green; Mendham, where Rev. Francis
Peppard preached; Morristown, organized from
Hanover in 1738, and whose pastor was the celebrated
Dr. Timothy Johnes, who began his ministry in 1743
and who maintained his connection with the church till
his death, in 1798; Madison, where Rev. Azariah Hor-
ton was pastor; Parsippany, Rockaway and Chester, at
that time without settled pastors. The other two Pres-
byterian churches were probably at Sucasunna and near
Basking Ridge. The Evangelical Lutherans at German
Valley had erected a church there in 1745. The Baptists
had built a church at Morristown in 1752, and the Con-
gregationalists a church at Chester in 1747. The Quaker
meeting-house about a mile south of Dover, erected at
that time, is still standing. The Rogerines, a peculiar,
fanatical sect, had at that time an organization, most of
the members living upon Schoole>'s Mountain. It be-
came extinct before or about the beginning of the Revo-
lutionary war. Not till 1771 did the Dutch Reformed
church of Pompton Plains erect an edifice on the Morris
county side of the riven
Under the leading of Dr. Jacob Green, in 1780, he
with three other ministers withdrew from the Presbytery
of New York and formed what was called the Presbytery
of Morris county. For twelve years it stood alone; but
in 1792 the Westchester Presbytery was formed, and in
1793 the Northern Presbytery, and the name "Associ-
ated " was adopted. They were properly Congregational
bodies, not holding the authority of synod and being
Presbyterians in little but in their name. One of the first
ministers ordained by this Morris County Presbytery (in
1783) was Joshua Spalding, said by Dr. Johnson, of New-
burgh, to have been the means of converting more souls
than any other man since Whitefield's day. Rev. Albert
Brundage, who was taken under care of the presbytery
in 1715, was one of the last. In 1830 the Presbytery of
Westchester, the last of this group of Associated presby-
teries, ceased to exist. Their history has been only par-
tially preserved; but enough remains to show that they
were instrumental in doing a great amount of good in a
region which required a class of ministers who were
willing to endure hardship, and whose work was quite as
acceptable although their education had been not of the
best. These men were ordained by these Associated
■presbyteries, and this was one cause of their separation
from the synod.
In Alden's "New Jersey Register" of 1812 it is said
that the churches and pastors of that day were as follows:
Presbyterian — Black River or Chester, Rev. Lemuel
Fordham; Hanover, Rev. Aaron Condict; Mendham,
Rev. Amzi Armstrong; Morristown, Rev. Samuel Fisher-
Rockaway, Rev. Barnabas King; Pleasant Grove and
Hackettstown, Rev. Joseph Campbell; Boonlon and
Pompton, vacant.
Baptist — Morris and Randolph, vacant.
Methodist — Asbury charge, which embraced a part of
this county, had as ministers James Moore, Charles Reed
and John Van Schaick.
Congregational — Split Rock and Newfoundland, Rev.
Jacob Bostedo; Chester and Schooley's Mountain, Rev.
Stephen Overton.
The Society of Friends held meetings at Mendham.
The history of these various churches and of those
which were afterward organized will be found in more or
less detail in the sketches of the different townships.
The following is a list of all the churches at present in
the county, and the names of their respective pastors:
Presbyterian — Morristown, First church, Rev. Rufus S.
Green (now resigned); Morristown, South street. church.
Rev. Albert Erdman, D. D.; Chatham, vacant; Dover,
Rev. W. W. Holloway; Boonton, Rev. Thomas Carter;
Madison, Rev. Robert Aikman, D. D.; Whippany, Rev.
David M. Bardwell; New Vernon, Rev. Nathaniel Conk-
lin; Parsippany, vacant; Succasunna, Rev. Elijah W.
Stoddard, D. D.; Chester, Rev. Jaines F. Brewster;
Mendham, First church. Rev. I. W. Cochran; Mendham,
Second church, Rev. James M. Huntting jr.; German
Valley, Rev. E. P. Linnell; Mt. Freedom, Rev. W. W.
Holloway sen.; Flanders, Rev. Daniel W. Fox; Hanover
Rev. James A. Ferguson; Mt. Olive, Rev. O. H. Perry
Deyo; Rockaway, Rev. Jaraes O. Averill; Pleasant Grove,
Rev. Burtis C. Megie, D. D.
Methodist Episcopal — Rev. J. H. Knowles, presiding
elder; Morristown, Rev. S. L.Bowman, D. D.; Rockaway,
Rev. E. H. Conklin; Dover, First church, Rev. H. D.
Opdyke; Dover, Second church, Rev. William H. Mc-
Cormick; Dover, free church. Rev. Mr. Tamblyn;
Walnut Grove and Mill Brook, Rev. C. L. Banghart;
Port Oram and Teabo, Rev. J. B. McCauIey; Mount
Hope, Rev. C. W. McCormick; Succasunna, Rev. J.
Thomas; Flanders and Drakestown, Rev. D. E. Frambes;
Mendham, Rev. J. R. Wright; Hibernia, Rev. G. T.
Jackson; Denville and Rockaway Valley, Rev. W. Cham-
berlain; Boonton, Rev. J. A. Kingsbury; Parsippany snd
Whippany, Rev. John Faull; Madison, Rev. W. I. Gill.
Protestant Episcopal — St. Peter's, Morristown, Rev.
Robert N. Merritt; Church of the, Morris-
town, Rev. George H. Chadwell; St. John's, Dover,
Rev. David D. Bishop; St. John's, Boonton, Rev. John
P. Appleton; Grace, Madison, Rev. Robert C. Rogers;
St. Mark's, Mendham, Rev. Levi Johnston.
Roman Catholic — Church of the Assumption, Morris-
town, Rev. Joseph M. Flynn; St. Vincent's, Madison,
Rt. Rev. W. M. Wigger, D. D., Rlv. Joseph Rolando;
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Boonton, Rev. Patrick F.
Downes; St. Mary's, Dover, Rev. James Hanly; St.
Joseph's, Mendham, Rev. James P. Poels; St. Elizabeth's
Convent, Madison, Rev. Dennis McCartie; St. Cecilia's,
Rockaway, Rev. Father Kennealy; St. Bernard's, Mt.
Hope, Patrick A. McGahon.
Baptist — Morristown, Rev. Addison Parker; Drakes-
town, no pastor; Millington, Rev. Peter Sibb; Schooley's
Mountain, Rev. M. M. Fogg.
Reformed — Boonton, Rev. O. H. Walser; Montville,
Rev. James Kemlo; Pompton Plains, Rev. J. H. White-
Congregational — Chester, Rev. Frank A. Johnson;
Stanley, Rev. Rollin G, Stone; Morristown, Rev. Mr.
Pan n ell.
Lutheran — German Valley, vacant.
African Methodist Episcopal — Morristown, Rev. A. H.
The Morris County Sabbath-School Association was
organized about twenty years ago, and held its nineteenth
annual meeting at Rockaway on October 5th 1881.
The following are its officers; President, Hon. Nathan-
iel Niles, Madison; vice-presidents. Rev. T. H. Landon,
Succasunna; Hon. A. M. Treadwcll, Madison; Rev. F. A.
Johnson, Chester; Robert N. Cornish, Esq., Gillette;
Rev. R. S. Green, Morristown; Rev. J. H. Whitehead,
Pompton Plains; Rev. A. Hiller, German Valley. Sec-
retary and treasurer, George E. Righter, Parsippany.
Recording secretary, George W. Howell, Littleton. Town-
ship secretaries — Boonton, George D. Meeker, Boonton;
Chatham, F. A. Bruen, Madison; Chester, P. J. Crater,
Chester; Hanover, Joseph D. Doty, Littleton; Jefferson,
J. S. Buck, Woodport; Mendham, Rev. I. W. Cochran,
Mendham; Montville, Richard Duryea, Boonton; Morris,
Walter A. Searing, Morristown; Mount Olive, D. A.
Nicholas, Flanders; Passaic, John S. Tunis, New Vernon;
Pequannock, John F. Post, Pompton; Randolph, D. S.
Allen, Dover; Rockaway, E. P. Beach, Rockaway; Rox-
bury, L. F. Corwin, Succasunna; Washington, Rev. E. P.
Linnell, German Valley. The executive committee con-
sists of the above named officers and township secretaries,
the county secretary being chairman.
The repoits of the township secretaries for the year
1880 are summarized as follows. All but seven of the
schools are held throughout the year.
Montville ...
Mount Olive
liandulpb —
■3 a
C i
a CO
0 c
0 =
£ 2
g c a
7 00
5 50
5 00
24 00
7 CO
8 50
2 75
18 30
4 00
14 91
In every neighborhood in the county there is evidence
of private schools having been established at the same
time that churches were organized; and two high schools
were established in Morristown before 1800. An account
of these schools and of the progress in education in each
township must be looked for in the local histories. A
few words will suffice for such matters as pertain to the
county at large.
On the 29th of October 1799 tliere was a meeting of
the citizens of the county at the hotel of George O'Hara,
in Morristown, for the purpose of drawing up a petition
or adopting some means to solicit of tlie Legislature then
in session "the all important object, the establishment
of public schools by law through the State."
In 1817 an act was passed creating a fund for the sup-
port of public schools, which act was modified by subse-
quent enactments during the next ten years. The friends
of education held a public meeting at the Slate-house in
Trenton November nth 1828, which directed the appoint-
ment of committees to thoroughly examine the public
schools of this State. Charles Ewing, John N. Simpson
and Theodore Frelinghuysen formed the central commit-
tee, and made an elaborate and extensive report of the
result of their investigations. Of Morris county the
committee reported:
" The committee have received an interesting report of
the state of education in this county, from its active and
zealous central committee. This report is complete as
regards Morris, Hanover, Chatham, Jefferson, Roxbury,
Washington, Chester and Mendham; deficient as it re-
spects Randolph, and partial with regard to Pequannock
townships. It is probable that this county more richly
enjoys the advantages and blessings of education tlian
any other in the State. Sixty-nhie schools and 2,411
scholars are reported, and making a probable estimate
for the parts not reported there are about 82 schools and
2,800 scholars in the co.unty. Many of these schools are
kept up during the winter only. Female teachers are in
many places employed to instruct small children in Ihe
summer. The price of tuition varies from $1.50 to $2
per quarter. Reading, writing and arithmetic are taught
in the common schools; the languages and the higher
branches of English education are taught in several
academies, which are included in the above number.
The character of the teachers is generally good. * *
* Their qualifications are in too many instances not so
good as might be wished, but it is not often that they are
grossly deficient."
"With respect to the number of children not educated,
the committee are not able to state anything definite. In
some townships there are said to be very few who are
not sent to school a part of the year; in one about 30
are mentioned who are destitute of instruction, in another
120, many of whose parents are not able to give them
such an education as would be proper in their station in
life. A neighborhood in one of the townships, having
about 25 children, is represented as destitute. In another
township nearly 150 were ascertained who were not at-
tending schools. The population of this county was
21,368 at the last census. If we allow that one-fifth of
this population ought to go to school at least a part of
the year (in New York it is estimated that one-fourth of
the whole population go to school a part of the year],
then there ought to be more than 4,000 scholars instead
of 2.800 above mentioned. The committee feel inclined
to believe that tliey do not exceed the boundaries of
probabih'ty when they estimate that there are at least 600
children in the county destitute of adequate means and
opportunities of receiving any valuable amount of edu-
As a result of this movement the first general common
school act was passed, February 24th 1829, directing the
trustees of the school fund to make appropriations among
the several counties and ordering a division of the town-
ships into districts and the appointment of three trustees
in each district.
This law was altered and amended from time to time,
and education in each township was left almost entirely
to the people of that township until, in 1867, the act pro-
viding for a general system of public instruction was
passed. Under this act county superintendents were ap-
pointed, with a State board of education, and a more
uniform system and practice were adopted. This law,
modified by subsequent enactments, is still in force. Un-
der it the first county superintendent for this county was
Robert De Hart. He was succeeded by Remus Robin-
son, and he by John R. Runyon. His successor was
Lewis G. Thurber, who was appointed in 1875 and is
the present incumbent. Mr. Thurber furnishes us the
following statistics. of the public schools for the year:
Number of school-houses owned, no, rented, 2, total
IJ2: number of school rooms, 155; children from 5 to
t8, inclusive, 14,120; value of school property, 1224,900;
amount of money appropriated for schools for the year
beginning September ist, 1881, $61,368.44; amount of dis-
trict tax in 1881, $22,484.40; total amount appropriated
and raised by tax, $83,852.84.
HEN the Federal party lost its influence in
the nation through the unpopular measures
of the Adams administration, Morris coun-
ty went with the current. In 1798 Abraham
Kitchel was elected to the Council on the
Republican ticket over Mark Thompson, the
Federal candidate, by a vote of r,7S4 to 302, and
the parties maintained about the same relative strength
for a number of years. In 1808, on the Congressional
ticket, the Republicans polled 2,412 votes and the Fed-
eralists 487. In 1820 there was no Federal ticket in the
field. Jesse Upson was elected to the Council without
opposition, and the candidates for Assembly were all
Republicans. What was called the "farmers' ticket" for
Assembly succeeded, and the "convention ticket" for
Congress was elected.
When the contest arose between Jackson and Clay
and the Republican party divided, Morris county at first
sided against Jackson; but in the Congressional election
of January 1831, when the State went " Republican " by
r,ooo majority, the county gave the Jackson candidate
40 majority. The Jackson townships were Morris,
Washington, Roxbury, Jefferson, Randolph and Chester.
The townships of Chatham,^ Hanover, Pequannock and
Mendham were anti-Jackson. In the fifty years which
have since elapsed the political complexion of these
townships has changed but little. The strength of the
Democratic party has been as a general thing in the
townships which voted for Jackson in 1831, and the
Whig and. afterward the Republican party have been
strongest in the others. In 1832, when the State gave
374 Jackson majority, Morris county gave 131. The fol-
lowing was the vote (N. R. represents National Repub-
lican; Jackson is designated by J.): Mendham — N. R.
171, J. 70; Jefferson — N. R. 78, J. 170; Hanover — N. R.
409, J. 216; Morris — N. R. 255, J. 303; Pequannock —
N. R. 478, J. 209; Roxbury — N. R. 106, J. 221; Chester
— N. R. 63, J. 183; Randolph— N. R. 98, J. 141; Chat-
ham— N. R. 174, J. 104; Washington — N. R. 114, J. 191;
total — N. R. 1,947, J. 1,811. Four years afterward the
county gave 170 Whig majority.
In.the "hard cider" campaign of 1840 the county went
strong for Harrison. The townships in his favor gave
the following majorities: Mendham 64, Chatham 131,
Morris 118, Hanover 155, Pequannock 327 — total 795.
For Van Buren Chester gave 74, Randolph 42, Jefferson
77, Roxbury 155 and Washington 83— total 43T majority.
When Clay ran against Polk in 1844 the county voted
for Clay. The Whig majorities were: In Mendham loi,
Chatham no, Morris 53, Hanover 203, Pequannock 298,
Randolph 3 and Rockaway 96— total 865. The Demo-
cratic majorities were: In Chester 97, Jefferson 67,
Washington 72 and Roxbury 187— total 433. In the
presidential campaign of 1848 the county gave 2,889
votes for the Taylor electors, and 2,425 for his opponent.
In 1852 the Pierce electors received 2,800 votes in the
county and the Scott electors 2,548. George Vail for
Congress received 2,822, and William A. Coursen, the
Whig candidate, 2,515.
In 1856 the Buchanan electors received 3,008 votes,
Fillmore 696 and Fremont 2,309. William Alexander
(Democratic) received 3,062, and William A. Newell (A.
and R.) 2,961; George T. Cobb (Democratic) was
elected senator by 184 majority.
In i860, it will be remembered, there were four elect-
oral tickets in the field. The Republicans had seven
electors, who received 3,484 votes. There were four
Democratic electors who were supported by all those
opposed to the Republican ticket and who voted a fus-
ion ticket, who received 3,304 votes. The three "straight
Democratic" electors not on the fusion ticket received
585 votes, and the fusion electors supported only by the
fusionists received 2,735 votes. Edsall (Republican) for
Congress received 3,480 votes against 3,315 for George
T. Cobb (Democratic). The latter was, however, elected
by the vote of the remainder of the district.
During the war the county almost always was Dem-
ocratic. In 1862 Governor Joel Parker received 3,359
votes, and Marcus L. Ward 2,938. In 1863 William
McCarty (Democratic) received 3,179 votes for clerk,
against 2,742 for his antagonist, Richard Speer. In 1864
the McCIellan electors received 3,587 votes and the
Lincoln electors 3,222.
In 1865 Marcus L. Ward, Republican candidate for
governor, received 3,702, and Theodore Runyon (Dem-
ocratic) 3,506; George T. Cobb (Republican) was elected
senator over Milliard by 243 majority.
In 1866 Hon. John Hill ran against Andrew Jackson
Rogers for Congress, and was elected, Morris county
giving him 652 majority.
In 1867 the only officers running through the county
besides the coroners were the candidates for sheriff. The
Democrats elected their men — James W. Briant sheriff
by 430 majority, and James W. Ballentine surrogate by
548 majority.
In the presidential election of 1868 the Grant electors
received 4,283 votes and the Seymour electors 3,974.
John I. Blair (Republican) received 141 majority for
governor, Hill 355 majority for Congress over Rafferty,
and George T.Cobb was elected senator by 425 majority.
In 1870 there was an election for State senator to till
the vacancy caused by the death of George T. Cobb. Dr.
Columbus Beach was elected, receiving 4,844 votes, and
his antagonist, j. W. Searing, 3,751. John Hiil for Con-
gress beat Rafferty in the county by 1,355 majority.
In 187 1 there were dissensions in the Republican
party — the party dividing into the two factions of
" Heavy Weights " and " Light Weights " — and the Dem-
ocrats carried the county. Walsh, the Republican candi-
date for Congress, carried the county by 38 majority,
while Cutler (Democratic) was elected State senator by
530 majority.
In 1872 Grant carried the county against Greeley by
1,387 majority; Phelps for Congress beat Woodruff by
1,336 majority, but Charles A. Gillen (Democratic) was
elected surrogate by 334 majority.
In 1873 the only county officers running besides the
coroners were the candidates for sheriff and clerk. Hoff-
man (Dem.) for sheriff received 3,444 votes, and Phoenix
(Rep.) 2,997; McCarty (Dem.) for clerk 3,523, and
Nicholas (Rep.) 2,905.
In 1874 George A. Halsey (Rep.) received 4,571 votes
for governor, and Judge Bedle (Dem.) received 4,505.
At the same timeHon. Augustus W. Cutler had 40 majority
in the county over W. Walter Phelps, the Republican
candidate for Congress, and John Hill (Rep.) was elected
State senator.
In 1875 there was no senator or congressman to elect,
and Pierson A. Freeman (Rep.) was elected sheriff by a
vote of 3,710 against 3,225 for Charles A. Harden (Dem.)
In 1876 President Hayes received 64 majority in the
county; but Augustus W. Cutler carried it for Congress
by a majority of 115.
In 1877 the Democrats carried the county for Gov-
ernor McCIellan by 342 majority, and for Canfield, State
senator, by 412.
In 1878 the tide was reversed, Voorhees (Rep.) for
Congress carrying the county by 693 majority.
In 1879 there were no county officers voted for. Of
the assemblymen two Republicans and one Democrat
were elected, as has been the case for the past ten years
and more.
In 1880 there was a very active campaign, there being
a president, governor, congressman and State senator to
elect. Garfield received 682 majority; Potts for gov-
ernor, 693 majority; Hill for Congress, 593 majority,
and Youngblood for State senator, 551 majority — all
This is the proper point at which to introduce lists of
the officers of the county and its representatives in State
and national legislative bodies. They are as follows
with the year of appointment or election:
Sheriffs. — Prior to the Revolution sheriffs were ap-
pointed by the governor and held their office during his
pleasure. The appointments, so far as they can now be
ascertained, were as follows:
Thomas Clark, 1739; Elijah Gillett, 1744; Caleb
Fairchild (filed bond), 1748; John Kinney, 1749; John
Ford, 1752; Daniel Cooper jr., removed April 1761;
Samuel Tuthill, wV^ Cooper, 1761; Daniel Cooper jr.,
1767; Jonathan Stiles (in office), 177 1; Thomas Kinney,
1773; Thomas Millage, 1776. (The constitution adopted
July 2nd 1776 provided for an annual election of sheriffs
and coroners, but they were to be ineligible for re-election
after three years; the following each served one or more
series of three years, beginning with the year given.)
Alexander Carmichael, 1776; Richard Johnson, 1779;
Jacob Arnold, 1780, 1786; William Leddel, 1783; Pruderi
Ailing, 1789; John Cobb, 1792; Hiram Smith, 1794;
William Campfield, 1796; Israel Canfield, 1799; Lewis
Condict, 1801; Edward Condict, 1804; David Car-
michael, 1807; David Mills, 18 10; Samuel Halliday,
1813; David Mills, 1816, Jacob Wilson, 1819, 1825;
Elijah Ward, 1822; Joseph M. Lindsley, 1827; Elijah
Ward, 1828; George H. Ludlow, 183 1; Colin Robertson,
1834; Benjamin McCoury, 1837; Jeremiah M. De Camp,
1840; Thomas L. King, 1843; Henry D. Farrand, 1846;
Abraham Tapi)en, 1849; William W. Fairchild, 1852;
William H. Anderson, 1855; Samuel Vanness, 1858;
Garrett De Mott, 1861; Joseph W. Coe, 1864; James W.
Briant, 1867; James Vanderveer, 1870; Jesse Hoffman,
1873 (under the amended constitution sheriffs were
elected after 1874 for three years); Pierson A. Freeman,
1875; William H. McDavit, 1878; William H. Howell,
County Clerks. — Samuel Governeur appears by the
minutes to have been clerk from the formation of the
county, in 1739, to 1765. He was appointed clerk of
Morris county by Governor Hardy February 2nd 1762,
to serve during good behavior. Augustus Moore was
deputy clerk "in 1765 and to September 1766. Samuel
Tuthill was clerk from September 1766 to October 1776.
After the adoption of the constitution in 1776 the county
clerks were appointed by joint meeting in the years men-
tioned below:
Silas Condict, 1776, 1781; Joseph Lewis, 1782; Caleb
Russel, 1787, 1792, 1797, 1802; John McCarter, 1805;
Edward Condict, 1808; Robert McCarter, 1813; Robert
H. McCarter, 1818; Zephaniah Drake, 1823; David Day,
1828; Joseph Dalrymple, 1833; David B. Hurd, 1838;
George H. Ludlow, 1843.
The constitution of 1844 provided for the election of
the county clerks by the people every five years. Clerks
were so elected as follows:
Albert Stanburrough, 1848, 1853; Samuel Swayze,
1858; William McCarty, 1863; Richard Speer, 1868;
William McCarty, 1873; Melvin S. Condit, 1878.
Surrogates. — Prior to 1784 surrogates were appointed
by the governor acting as surrogate general, who named
as many for the office as he saw fit, they being really his
clerks. The appointments so far as can be ascertained
were as follows: Uzal Ogden, surrogate of Morris and
Essex, 1746; Jeremiah Condy Russell, Morris and Essex,
1753; Richard Kemble and Abraham Ogden, surrogates
of Morris county, 1768; Joseph Lewis, to 1785.
By an act approved December i6th 1784 it was directed
that the ordinary should appoint but one deputy or sur-
rogate in each county. Under this act Jabez Canipfield
served from 1785 to 1803; John McCarter 1803 to 1807;
David Thompson 1807 to 1822. November 28th 1822 an
act was passed directing that the surrogates should be
elected in joint meeting, and should hold their office for
five years. Under this act there were appointed: David
Thompson jr., 1822 (resigned November 9th 1826);
James C. Canfield, 1826; Jacob Wilson, 1827; William
N. Wood, 1833, 1838, 1843. The constitution of 1844
provided for an election of surrogates by the people, to
hold their office for five years. They have been elected
as follows: Jeremiah M. De Camp, 1847; Frederick
Dellicker, 1852, 1857; Joseph W. Ballantine, 1862, 1867;
Edwin E. Willis, 1872; Charles A. Gillen, 1877.
Prosecutors of the Pleas.— Btiore 1824 the attorney
general appears to have acted for the State, and in his
absence the court appointed some lawyer of the county
to act temporarily for him. After 1824 they were ap-
pointed as follows:
George K. Drake, Dec. 20 1824 and Dec, 7 1825;
Jacob W. Miller, Dec. 27 1826; Henry A. Ford, March
14 1832; James A. Scofield, Oct. 27 1837, Oct. 28 1842
and Feb. 4 1847; Vancleve Dalrymple, March 12 1852;
Augustus W. Cutler, March 17 1857; Henry C. Pitney,
Feb. 6 1862; Alfred Mills, Feb. 6 1867; Frederick A.
De Mott, Feb. 6 1872 and Feb. 21 1877; George W. For-
syth, Jan. 27 1880.
County Judges. — Prior to the adoption of the consti-
tution of 1776 justices of the peace were appointed by
the governor and acted also as county judges, a commis-
sion being issued to them or some of them from time to
time to hold courts of oyer and terminer. They held
office during life or until superseded. From the record
of their appointment or of their acting as judges we get
the following list:
March 25 1740, John Budd, Jacob Ford, Abraham
Kitchel, John Lindley jr., Timothy Tuttle, Samuel Swe-
sey; Sept. 16 1740, Gershom Mott, Daniel Cooper, Isaac
Vandine, Ephriam Price, Abraham Vanacken; Sept. 20
1743, John Anderson, Henry Stewart, David Luce;
March 26 1745, James Stewart; March 24 1747, Abra-
ham Van Campen; April 28 1749, Ebenezer Byram,
Robert Gould, Benjamin Hathaway, John Pettet, Jo-
seph Kitchel, William Henry; Sept. 17 1751, Samuel
Smith; March 26 1754, Joseph Tuttle, Robert Goble;
Dec. 21 1756, Joseph Hynds; March 11 1760, Samuel
Tuthill, Lemuel Bowers, Thomas Day, John Carle, Jo-
seph Beach, Israel Younglove; March 8 1763, Benjamin
Day; Sept. 25 1764, Josiah Broadwell.
The commission issued April 30 1768 seems to include
all the above who were still acting, and was as follows:
Joseph Tuttle, Daniel Cooper (superseded Aug. 18
1774), Robert Goble, Samuel Tuthill, Robert Gould, Jo-
seph Kitchel, Jacob Ford, David Luce, Samuel Bowers,
John Carle jr., Benjamin Day, Josiah Broadwell, Sam-
uel Wells; Benjamin Cooper (superseded Jan. 22 1774),
William Kelly, Samuel Grandine, Moses Tuttle, Jacob
Ford, jr.; Aug. 26 1768, Peter Kemble, Lord Stirling;
March 29 1770, David Thompson, Samuel Ogden; Feb.
15 i77r. Constant King; March 24 1773, Robert Ers-
kine, John Jacob Faesch, Henry Mandeville; March 19
1774, Johathan Stiles; March 18 1775, Philip Van Cort-
land; April 28 1775, Abraham Ogden; May 31 1775,
Thomas Eckley, Thomas Millige; July 27 1775, Daniel
Cooper jr.
Under the constitution of 1776 the county judges were
to be appointed in joint meeting and to hold their offices
for five years. In 1844 the number for each county was
restricted to five, and in 1855 to three. The following
are the appointments after 1776:
Jacob Ford, 1776; Samuel Tuthill, 1776, 1788, 1793,
1798; Joseph Kitchell, 1776; John Carle, 1776, 1781,
1786, 1791; David Thomjjson, 1776, 1779, 1789, 1794,
1796, 1797; Benjamin Halsey, 1776, 1781 (resigned in
1785); Samuel Roberts, 1777; Jonathan Stiles, 1782;
Abraham Kitchel, 1782, 1797, 1803; William WoodhuU,
1782, 1788, 1793, 1798, 1803, 1808, 1813, 1818; Silas
Condict, 1785, 1790, 1799; Aaron Kitchel, 1785; John
Jacob Faesch, 1786, 1791, 1796; Ellis Cook, 1793, 1795;
John Doughty, 1795, 1800, 1805, 1812; David Welsh,
1798, 1801, 1804, 1809, 1814, 1819; Robert Colfax, 1799,
1812, 1818, 1822; Joseph Lewis, 1800; Hiram Smith,
1800; John Cobb, 1803; Benjamin Ludlow, 1803; Jon-
athan Ogden, 1805, 1812; Silas Cook, 1806, 1812, 1817,
1821, 1826, 1833, 1838, 1843; Cornelius Voorhees, 1807;
Edward Condict, 1807, 1824, 1829, 1834, 1839; William
Munro, 1808, 1813, 1818, 1822, 1824, 1829, 1831, 1836,
JesseUpson, 1808, 1813, 1818, 1823,1828; Benjamin Smith,
1808, 1813, 1818, 1820; Mahlon Dickerson, 1811; Eb-
enezer Coe, 1812; Benjamin Pierson, 1812; Israel Can-
field, 1812; John G. Cooper, 1812, 1817, 1822; Eb-
enezer H. Pierson, 1813; Joseph Jackson, 1813, 1818,
1822, 1827, 1829, 1831, 1836, 1841; Henry W.
Phillips, 1813; Lemuel Cobb, 1813, 1822, 1827; Lot
Dixon, 181 5; Lewis Condict, i8r8; Joseph Hedges,
1820; William B. Patterson, 1820; David Mills,
1822; Daniel Horton, 1822, 1827; Cornelius Lud-
low, 1823; - James Wood, 1825, 1830, 1837;
David Thompson, 1828; Daniel Hopping, 1828, 1832,
1837, 1842; Lemuel Neighbour, 1828; William Logan,
1829, 1834, 1843; Silas Lindsey, 1829, 1836; William
Brittin, 1829, 1833, 1839, 1845, 1850; Stephen Vail, 1829,
1834; Isaac Quimby, 1829, 1834, 1836; Joseph Smith,
1829, 1833, 1839; Thomas Dickerson, 1832; Benjamin
Crane, 1832, 1850, 1854; Ephraim Marsh, 1832, 1837,
1842; John Hunt, 1833, 1838, 1843; Andrew B. Cobb,
1833, 1838, 1843; William Jackson, 1833; Francis Child
jr., 1833, 1843, 1851; Stephen Congar, 1833, 1838, 1843;
Charles Ford, 1833, 1838, 1843; Silas Condict, 1833,
1838, 1843; Ebenezer F. Smith, 1833, 1839; David W.
Miller, (833, 1838, 1843; Benjamin Roome, 1833; Jeptha
B. Munn, 1833, 1843; William Dellecker, 1834; Nicholas
Arrowsmith jr., 1835; John A. Bleecker, 1836, 1843;
William Babbit, 1837, 1842; Stephen Salmon, 1839;
Peter A. Johnson, 1839; John J. Young, 1840; Aaron
Doty, 1840; Benjamin P. Lum, 1840; Samuel Hilts,
1840; George R. Colfax, 1841; Joseph Lovell, 1841;
Archer Stephens, 1843; Jacob Welch, 1843; Henry P.
Green, 1843; Richard W. Stites, 1843; John F. Smith
and Jacob Hann, 1843; Lawrence Hagar, Squier Lum
and Nathan A. Cooper, 1844; Stephen Clark, Jacob
Wilson, Joseph C. Righter and Cornelius W. Mandeville,
1844; Samuel B. Halsey, 1846; William A. Duer, 1847;
Calvin Howell, 1848; Robert F. Wilson, 1849; Joseph
Dalrymple, 1852, 1857; Cummings McCarty, 1853; Sam-
uel O. Breant, 1858; Ira C. Whitehead, 1859; James H.
Fancher, 1862; John W. Hancock, 1864; Lewis B. Cobb,
1867; James S. Fancher, 1868; David W. Dellecker,
1869, 1877; John L. Kanouse, 1872; Benjamin O. Can-
field, 1873; Freeman Wood, 1874, 1879.
By an act of the Legislature February 26th 1878 ope
of the three judges of the court of common pleas was to
be thereafter a counselor at law, to be the president judge
of the court and to hold his office for five years. Under
this act Hon. Francis Child was appointed February 26th
Justices of the Peace. — From 1776 to 1844 the justices
of the peace of each county were appointed in joint
meeting, to hold their office for five years, and were con-
sidered county officers. Besides those who were also
judges, and whose names appear as such, there were ap-
pointed for Morris county the following:
Robert Gould, 1776; Aaron Stark, 1776, 1777; Samuel
Wills, 1776; John Waldruff, 1775; Moses Tuttle, 1776;
Jacob Doley, 1776; Constant King, 1776; Henry Mande-
ville jr., 1776, 1777, 1781, 1783; Matthew Burnet, 1776;
John Brookfield, 1776, 1781; Jonathan Stiles (resigned
January loth 1779), 1776, 1781; David Brewin, 1776;
Daniel Cooper jr., 1876, 1781; Benjamin Howell, 1776,
1781; John Jacob Faesch, 1776, 1781; Elijah Horton,
1776, 1782; Jacob Gould, 1777, 1782, 1787; Stephen
Day, 1777, 1782; John Cobb (resigned October 2nd 1778),
1777; William Young, 1777, 1782 (resigned August 13th
1784); Aaron Kitchel, 1777, 1782; Seth Babbitt, 1777,
1782; William Ross, 1778; William Woodhull, 1780,
1790, 179s, 1803, 1806, 1808; David Thompson, 1781;
Jacob Minton, 1781; Abraham Kitchel, 1782; Benjamin
Lindsley (resigned August 3tst 1784), 1782; Joseph
Wood, 1782; John Stark, 1783, 1789, 1794, 1799; Ebene-
zer Tuttle (resigned June ist 1786), 1783; Eleazer Linds-
ley, 1783; Daniel Cook, 1784, 1789; John Riggs, 1784;
Jacob Shuiler, 1786; William Logan, 1786; Cornelius
Voorhees, 1787; Caleb Russell, 1787; Hiram Smith,
1788; Moses Tuttle (resigned November 23d 1790), 1788;
David Welsh jr., 1789, 1794, 1799, 1804, 1809, 1814, 1819;
Alexander Carmichael, 1790, 1795; Enos Ward, 1791;
Nathaniel Terry, 1791; John Debow, 1791; John Salter,
1791, 1796; Stephen Jackson, 1791; Artemas Day, 1791;
William Corwine, 1792, 1797, 1803, 1808, 1813; John
Kitchel, 1792; Abraham Fairchild, 1792, i797>
1803; Ellis Cook, 1793; Ebenezer Cae, 1793, 1798,
1804, 1809, 1814, 1819, 1824; Jabez Campfield,
i793> 1798; Hiram Smith, 1793; Simeon Broad-
well, 1793; George Bockover, 1794, 1799; John
Cobb, 1794, 1799, 1803; Joseph Lewis, 1796;
Benjamin Beach, 1796, 1801, 1806, 1811; Robert Colfax,
1796, 1812, 1818, 1822; Ebenezer Drake, 1796, 1801;
John De Camp, 1796, 1801, 1806, 1812, 1817; Joshua
Jennings, 1797; Aaron Ball, 1798, 1803; Nicholas Em-
mons, 1798, 1803, 1808; Ziba Hazen, 1799; Nicholas
Mandeville, 1799, 1803, 1808, 1813, 1818; Nicholas
Neighbour, 1799, 1804, 1809, 1814; Israel Lum, 1799,
1804; Daniel Horton, 1801, 1806, 1812, 1816, 1821, 1826;
Joseph Hedges, 1801, 1806, 1812; Abraham Kitchel,
1803; Benjamin Ludlow, 1803; Richard Johnson, 1803,
1808, 1813, 1818; Jesse Upson, 1803, 1808, 1813, 1818,
1823, 1828; William Munro, 1803, 1808, 1818, 1822, 1824,
1833, 1834 (resigned 1835); Benjamin Condit, 1803, 1808,
1813, 1818, 1823, 1828; Daniel Hurd, 1803, 1808; Ben-
jamin Lamson, 1803, 1808, 1813; Jacob Miller, 1804;
John Doughty, 1805, 1812; Jonathan Ogden, 1805, 1812;
David Pier, 1805, 1810; Silas Cook, 1805, 1812, 1817,
1826, 1833, 1838, 1843; Peter Smith, 1805, 181 t; Daniel
Hopping, 1805, 1810, 1816, 1820, 1825, 1832; Benjamin
Smith, 1806, 1811, 1813, 1816, 1818, 1819 (resigned 1820);
Preserve RigRS, 1806, 1811; Isaac Lindsley, 1806, 1811;
Cornelius Voorhees, 1807; Edward Condict, 1807, 1812,
1817, 1822, 1824, 1827, 1829, 1834; Lot Dixon, 1807,
1812, 1817; Joseph Halsey, 1807; David S. Bates,
1807; Ezekiel Kitchel, 1808; Philip Schuyler,
1808; John Kelso, 1808; Henry Cooper jr., 1808,
1813, 1818; William Spencer, 1809, 1813 (resigned 1814);
Benjamin Pierson, 1809, 1814, 1819; Mahlon Dickerson,
181 1 ; Thomas Van Winkle, 181 1, 1816, 1820, 1825, 1832,
1837; Thomas Parrot, 1811, 1818; Thomas Logan jr.,
i8i2, T817, 1821; Stephen Dickerson, 1812, 1817, 1821,
1826, 1831, 1836; John Smith, 1812, 1817, 1820; Israel
Canfield, 1812; John G. Cooper, 1812, 1817, 1822;
Ebenezer H. Pierson, 1813; Joseph Jackson, 1813,
1818, 1822, 1827; Henry W. Phillips, 1813; Lemuel
Cobb, 1813. 1818, 1822, 1827; John Stark "3d, 1813;
Cornelius Davenport, 1813; Lawrence Henn, 1813;
Jacob B. Drake, 1813; William Woodhull, 1813,
1818; Elijah Ward, 1814, 1818, 1835, 1844;
Leonard Neighbour, 1814, 1819, 1824; Obadiah Crane,
1814, 1819; David Mills, 1814, 1818 (resigned 1819),
1822; Silas Lindsley, 1815, 1820, 1825, 1830; Jacob
Drake jr., 1815, 1820; Jacob Demouth, 1815, 1820, 1826,
1832; Jonathan Miller, 1815, 1820, 1825, 1838, 1843;
Lambert Bowman, 1815; William Babbit, 1815, 1820,
1825, 1831, 1837, 1842; Samuel S. Beach, 1816; Aaron
Ball, 1816; Paul Drake, 1816, 1825; Squier Lum, 1816,
1821, 1826, 1831, 1836, 1842; David Miller, 1817; David
Day, 1817, 1821, 1826, 1836, 1842; Abraham Cook, 1817
Jacob Weise, 1817; Lewis Condit,i8i8; John Sharp 3d
1818, 1824, 1829, 1834; Gabrier Johnson, 1819, 1823
1828; Joseph Hedges, 1819; William Dellecker, 1819,
1823, 1828, 1833; Ephraim P. Stiles, 1818; Joseph Smith
1819, 1824, 1829, 1839; Ebenezer Smith, 1820; Robert
"-Staght, 1820; Nicholas Arrowsmith jr., 1821, 1826, 1836
John Smith of Roxbury, 182 1; Richard Grey, 182 1
1826, 1830 (resigned); Benjamin P. Lum, 1822, 1827
1832, 1837, 1841, 1842; Samuel Weise, 1822; Cornelius
Ludlow, 1822, 1827; Benjamin Crane, 1822, 1827, 1832
"Stephen Congar, 1822, 1827, 1832, 1837, 1842; Aaron
Kitchel, 1822, 1827; William Logan, 1822, 1827, 1832
David Thorp, 1822, 1827; John Hunt, 1823, 1828, 1837
1842; Peter Kemple, 1823, 1828, 1833, 1839; Aaron Sal-
mon, 1823, 1832, 1837, 1842; Isaac Quimby, 1824, 1829
1834; William Thompson, 1824; Ebenezer F. Smith
1824, 1829, 1833, 1834; Thomas Dickerson, 1824, 1829
Samuel Sayre of Roxbury, 1825; James Wood
1825, 1830, 1837; Azariah Carter, 1825, 1830
1836, 1843; Benjamin Rome jr., 1825, 1833; Peter
Freeman, 1825, 1830; Sylvanus Cooper, 1826, 1831; John
Sherman, 1826, 1836; John F. Smith, 1826, 1831, 1832
David Thompson, 1828; Lemuel Neighbour, 1828; George
H. Ludlow, 1828; Daniel L. Tuttle, 1828; Zephaniah
Drake, 1829; Matthias Kitchel, 1829, 1834, 1839; Wil-
liam De Hart, of Pequannock, 1829; Andrew Pearce,
1829; William Brittin, 1829, 1834; Nathaniel Corwin,
1829, 1834; Jacob Welsh of Washington township, 1829,
1834, 1839; Alexander Dickerson, 1829, 1834, 1839;
Stephen Vail, 1829, 1834; John A. Bleecker, 1829, 1834;
-Charles Freeman, 1829; Joseph Dalrymple, 1829; Robert
K. Tuttle, 1829, 1834, 1843; Daniel Thompson jr., 1829;
Simeon Lindsley, 1830, 1835, 1844; Henry Stephens,
1830; Peter A. Johnson, 1830, 1835, 1840; George R.
•Colfax, 1830, 1833, 1836, 1840; Moses Beach, 1831; John
Righter, 1831, 1836; Isaac ISeach jr., 1831; John W.
Hancock, 1831; George Trimmer jr., 1831, 1836; Daniel
McCorraick, 1831; David Horton, 1831; Michael Arrow-
smith, 1831; Joseph Jackson, 1831, 1836, 1841; Andrew
Fleck, 1831; Nelson, Howell, 1832; Morris Hager, 1832;
James M. Fleming, 1832, 1838; Cornelius Mandeville,
1832; Isaac Whitehead, 1832; Robert Hand, 1832; Isaac
Ball, 1832; Ephraim Marsh, T832; Stephen Salmon, 1833,
1838, 1843; John Debow, 1833, 1838; Silas C. Clark,
1833, 1838; Jacob Johnson, 1833; Daniel Runyon, 1833,
1838, 1843; Francis Stickle, 1833; Samuel Sayre of Mor-
ris, 1833; William Headley, 1833; Stephen O. Guerin,
1833; John Welsh, 1833; Robert C. Stephens, 1833, 1838,
1843; William O. Ford, 1833, 1838, 1839, 1843; Calvin
Dixon, 1833, 1838; Loammi Moore, 1833, 1838; Francis
Child jr., 1833; Silas Condict, 1833, 1843; Samuel Hilts,
1833, 1838, 1843; Calvin Thompson, 1833; David W.
Miller, 1833, 1843; Stephen R. Haines, 1833; William
Jackson, 1833; John Seward jr., 1833, 1838; William
Spriggs, 1833; Isaac Mead, 1833; John Mott jr., 1833;
Nathan A. Cooper, 1834; John Hardy, 1834; Daniel P.
Merchant, 1834; Calvin D. Smith, 1834; John S. Ballen-
tine, 1834; Jeptha B. Munn, 1834; Jonathan Thompson,
1835, 1843; Rheace Nicholas, 1835, 1843; James Ely, 1835;
Samuel Hedges, 1835, 1843; John M. Losey, 1835; Moses
A. Brookfield, 1836, 1843; Henry Kennedy, 1836; Mah-
lon Pitney jr., 1836, 1841; Samuel C. Caskey, 1836, 1844;
David Burnet jr., 1836; Josiah P. Knapp, 1836; Elisha
Bard, 1836; John Garrigus jr., 1836, 1841; Henry Ste-
vens, 1837, 1842; John T. Young, 1837; William Allen,
1837; Nathaniel F. Douglass, 1837, 1842; Archer Ste-
phens, 1837; 1842; Isaac Bird, 1838, 1843; Henry Cole,
1838, 1843; Aaron Doty, 1838, 1843; Charles Ford,
1838,1843; DavidT. Cooper, 1838, 1843; Henry J. Hoff-
man, 1839; Calvin Howell, 1839; Martin S. Moore, 1839;
Morris Sharp, 1839; Samuel Swayze, 1839; Robert Al-
bright, 1839, 1844; Enos Davenport, 1839; John Dal-
rymple, 1839; Silas L. Condict, 1839; James F. Hopping,
1839; Benjamin L. Condict, 1840; David Crater jr., 1840;
Jared Howell, 1840; William B. La Fever, 1840; Elisha
B. Mott, 1840; Moses Cherry, 1840; Jacob Holloway,
1840; Joseph C. Harvey, Abraham C. Canfield, Hubbard
S. Stickle, John Wells, William Nichols and William P.
Brittin, 1841; John J. Youngs, Andrew Flock, James R.
Dennison, 1842; William M. Clark, 1843, resigned 1845;
Wickliff H. Genung, John Seward jr., David Sandford,
David Burnet, James Ely, John J. Ballentine, Jacob
Swackhamer, Thomas Coe, Thomas Landron, Cummins
McCarty, William Little, Michael McLane, Joseph Cole-
man, David S. De Camp, Gilman T. Cummings, William
B. Johnson, Josiah B. Knapp and William H. Dickerson,
1843; Henry Kennedy, Cornelius W. Mandeville, Eli-
phalet Drake, Moses Beam, John Gray, Alfred Vanduyne,
Jacob Powers, William T. Munroe, Jacob Drake, Stephen
W. T. Meeker, David Allen and Timothy Southard, 1844.
The constitution of 1844 provided for the election of
justices of the peace by the people of each township.
Members of the Council (elected annually under the
first constitution). — Silas Condict, 1776-80; John Carle,
1781-84; John Cleves Symmes, 1785; Abraham Kitchel,
1786-88, 1793, 1794, 1798-1800; William Woodhull, 1789,
1790; Ellis Cook, 1791, 1792, 179s; David Welsh, 1801-6;
Benjamin Ludlow, 1807-14; Jesse Upson, 1815-22 (vice-
president 1818-22; Silas Cook, 1823-27 (vice-president
in 1827); Edward Condict, 1828-30; James Wood, 1831,
1832, 1840, 1841; Mahlon Dickerson, 1833; William
Munro, 1834; Jeptha B. Munn, 1835, 1836; William Brit-
tin, 1837, 1838; Jacob W. Miller, 1839; Ezekiel B.
Gaines, 1842; John H. Stanburrough, 1843.
State Senators. — John B. Johnes, 1845-47; Ephraim
Marsh, 1848-50 (president in 1849 and 1850); John A.
Bleeker, 1851-53; Alexander Robertson, 1854-56; An-
drew B. Cobb, 1857-59; Daniel Budd, 1860-62; Lyman
A. Chandler, 1863-65; George T. Cobb, 1866-70; Colum-
bus Beach, 1871; Augustus W. Cutler, 1872-74; John
Hill, 1875-77; Augustus C. Canfield, 1878-80; James C.
Youngblood, 1881.
Assemblymen. — Under the first constitution, adopted
July 2nd 1776, each county was entitled to three assem-
blymen, who were elected on the second Tuesday of
October, the Assembly convening on the second Tues-
day thereafter. In 1815 Morris county was authorized
to elect four members of Assembly, but the number
three was restored in i860. The county was first dis-
tricted in 1852, Chatham and Morris townships com-
posing the first district, Hanover and Pequannock the
second, Jefferson, Rockaway and Roxbury the third, and
Chester, Mendham, Randolph and Washington the fourth.
In i860 the county was redistricted, to conform to the
reduced representation, as follows: ist district, Chatham,
Chester, Mendham and Morris; 2nd, Hanover, Pequannock
and Rockaway; 3d, Jefferson, Randolph and Roxbury. The
subsequent arrangement of districts has been as follows:
1867 — ist district, Chatham, Hanover, Morris and Pas-
saic; 2nd, Jefferson, Pequannock, Randolph and Rock-
away; 3d, Chester, Mendham, Roxbury and Washing-
ton. 1868 — ist district, Chatham, Hanover, Mendham,
Morris and Passaic; 2nd, Boonton, Jefferson and Rock-
away; 3d, Chester, Randolph, Roxbury and Washington,
1871 — ist district, Chathann, Hanover, Montville and
Morris; 2nd, Boonton, Jefferson, Pequannock and Rock-
away; 3d, Chester, Mendham, Passaic, Randolph, Rox-
bury and Washington. An act redistricting the county
as follows in 1878 was repealed in 1879 — 1st district,
Chatham, Chester, Mendham, Morris and Passaic; 2nd,
Boonton, Hanover, Montville, Pequannock and Rocka-
way; 3d, Jefferson, Mt. Olive, Randolph, Roxbury and
Washington. By an act of March 21st 1881 Mt. Olive
and Roxbury were attached to the 2nd district. In the
following list of members of Assembly from Morris county
the district represented by the ■ member is indicated by
its .number following his name, and the territory repre-
sented can be ascertained by reference to the dates
Jacob Drake, 1776-78; Ellis Cook, 1776, 1777, 1779,
1781-92; William Woodhull, 1776, 1777; Abraham
Kitchel, 1778, 1779; David Thompson, 1778, 1795;
Alexander Carmichael, 1779; William Winds, 1780; John
Carle, 1780; Eleazer Lindsley, 1780; Aaron Kitchel,
1781, 1782, 1784, 1786-90, 1793, 1794, 1797, 1801-04, 1809;
John Starke, 1781-83, 1785-88, 1791, 1795; Jonathan
Dickerson, 1783; Jacob Arnold, 1784, 1785, 1789, 1790;
Hiram Smith, 1791, 1792; Silas Condict, 1791-94, 1796-
98, 1800 (speaker 1792-94, 1797); John Wurts, 1792;
David Welsh, 1783, 1784, 1786, 1797, 1800; John Debow,
1795; John Cobb, 1796; William Corwin, 1798, 1799,
1801-03; Cornelius Voorheese, 179,8, 1800; William Camp-
field, 1799; Jonathan Ogden, 1802-04; Jesse Upson, 1804-
06; Lewis Condict, 1805-09 (speaker 1808, 1809); George
Tucker, 1805; Nicholas Neighbour, i8o6-c8; Stephen
Dod, 1807-12; Jeptha B. Munn, 1810-12, 1814; Nicholas
Mandeville, 1810, 1813-15; Mahlon Dickerson, 1811-13;
Leonard Neighbour, 1813, 1831; David Thompson jr.,
1814-22 (speaker 1818-22); Benjamin Condit, 1815, 1816,
i8ig; Ezekiel Kitchel, 1815, 1816; Samuel Halliday,
1816-18; John S. Darcy, 1817, 1818; Benjamin Mc-
Curry, 1817, 1821, 1822, 1824; William Brittin,
1818, 1819-24, 1832; Silas Cook, 1819, 1820; Wil-
liam Munro, 1820, 1821, 1823, 1828-30; Benja-
min Smith, 1820, 1822, 1823; George K. Drake,
1823-26 (speaker 1825, 1826); John Scott, 1824;
Ebenezer F. Smith, 1825; Joseph Dickerson, 1825, 1826;
Ephraim Marsh, 1825- 27; John D. Jackson, 1826; David
Mills, 1827; Stephen Thompson, 1827; Walter Kirkpat-
rick, 1827; Joseph Jackson, 1828-30; Charles Hillard,
1828-30; John Hancock, 1828-30; Elijah Ward, 1831;
Thomas Muir, 1831, 1833, 1834; James Cook, 1831, 1835;
Samuel Beach, 1832; Jacob W. Miller, 1832; Joseph
Smith, 1832; Joseph Dickerson jr., 1833, 1834; Henry
Hillard, 1833-35; Silas Lindsley, 1833, 1834; Isaac
Quimby, 1835; John D. Jackson, 1835; John A. Bleeker,
1836; William Dellicker, 1836; Alexander Dickerson,
1836; William Logan, 1836; Lewis Condict, 1837, 1838
(speaker); Silas Tuttle, 1837, 1838; Robert C. Stephens,
1837, 1838; Ezekiel B. Gaines, 1837, 1838; Abraham
Brittin, 1839, 1840; Ebenezer F. Smith, 1839, 1840; Jacob
Weise, 1839; Paul B. Debow, 1839, 1840; James W.
Drake, 1840, 1841; Samuel B. Halsey, 1841, 1842
(speaker 1842); William Stephens, 1841, 1842; Thomas
C.Willis, 1841; David T. Cooper, 1842, 1848, 1849;
James Clark, 1842, 1843; John M. Losey, 1843; Samuel
Willett, 1843; George Vail, 1843; Timothy Kitchel,
1845; Matthias Kitchel, 1845, 1846; Henry Seward, 1845,
1846; George H. Thompson, 1845, 1846; Calvin Howell,
1846, 1847; Richard Lewis, 1847; Charles McFarland,
1847; Samuel Hilts, 1847; Samuel Van Ness, 1848, 1849;
Edward W. Whelpley, 1848, 1849 (speaker 1849); An-
drew J. Smith, 1848, 1849; John L. Kanouse, 1850, 1854;
Andrew B. Cobb, 2, 1850, 1854; Freeman Wood, 1850;
George H. Thompson, 1850; Cornelius B. Doremus,
1851, 1852; Horace Chamberlain, 1851; Jonathan P.
Bartley, 1851; Josiah Meeker, 1851; John D. Jackson,
3, 1852, 1853; Cornelius S. Dickerson, 1852, 1853; Robert
Albright, 1, 1852, 1853; William P. Conkling, i, 1854,
1855; William Logan, 3, 1854, 1855; Aaron Pitney,
4, 1854, 1855; Edward Howell, 2, 1855, 1856; Wil-
liam M. Muchmore, i, 1856; William A. Carr,
3, 1856, 1857; Daniel Budd, 4, 1856, 1857; Benja-
min M. Felch, 1, 1857; Richard Speer, 2, 1857, 1858;
Lyman A. Chandler, 3, 1858; John Naughright, 4, 1858;
1858, 1859; A. H. Stanburrough, 1, 1859; James H. Ball,
2,1859, i860; Eugene Ayers, i, i860; Nelson H. Drake,
3, 1860-62; Nathan Horton. 4, i860, 1861; William W.
Beach, i, 1861; John Hill, 2, 1861, 1862, 1866 (speaker);
Jacob Vanatta, 1, 1862, 1863; William J. Wood, 2, 1863;
Jesse Hoffman, 3, 1863-65, Henry C. Sanders, i, 1864;
John Bates, 2, 1864, 1865; Alfred M. Treadwell, 1, 1865,
James C. Yawger, 1, 1866, 1867; Elias.M. White, 3, 1866;
1867; Lewis Estler, 2, 1867; Daniel Coghlan, i, 1868;
George Gage, 2, 1868; Jesse M. Sharp, 3, 1868-70;
Theo. W. Phoenix, i, 1869, 1870; Columbus Beach, 2,
1869, 1870; Nathaniel Niles, 1, 1871, 1872 (speaker);
William B. Lefevre, 2, 1871, 1872; Aug. C. Canfield, 3,
1871-73; William H. Howell, 1, 1873, 1874; Jacob Z.
Budd, 2, 1873, 1874; Elias M. Skellenger, 3, 1874-76;
J. C. Youngblood, 1, 1875, 1876; Edmund D. Halsey, 2,
1875, 1876; A. C. Van Duyne, i, 1877; C. O. Cooper, 2,
1877, 1878; C. P. Garrabrant, 3, 1877, 1878; Joshua S.
Salmon, 2, 1878; Charles F. Axtell, i, 1879, 1880; James
H. Bruen, 2, 1879, 1880; Holloway W. Hunt, 3, 1879,
1880; William C. Johnson, 1, 1881, 1882; John F. Post^
2, i88r, 1882; Oscar Lindsley, 3, 1881, 1882.
United States Senators. — Aaron Kitchel, son of Joseph
and Rachel Kitchel, born in Hanover in 1744, died June
25th 1820. For a sketch of his life see Rev. H. D.
Kitchel's history of Robert Kitchel and his descendants.
Mahlon Dickerson, son of Jonathan and Mary Dicker-
son, born April 17th 1770, died October 4th 1853; sena-
tor from March 4th 1817 to March 3d 1833.
Jacob W. Miller, born in 1802, died September 30th
1862; senator from March 4th 1841 to March 4th 1853.
Theodore F. Randolph, born in New Brunswick, June
24th 1826; senator from March 4th 1871; to March ^d
1881. ^
Congressmen. — Silas Condict, 1781-84; born March 7tb
1738, died September 18th 1801.
Aaron Kitchel, 1791-93, 1794-97. 1799-1801; also-
United States senator.
Lewis Condict, 1811-17, 1821-33; speaker of the
House; born March 1773, died May 26th 1862.
Bernard Smith, son of Bernard Smith, of Rockaway,.
1819-21; died at Little Rock, Ark., July i6th 1835, aged
George Vail, born in 1803, died May 23d 1875; repre-
sentative 1853-57 (33d and 34th Congresses).
George T. Cobb, born October 13th 1813, killed by a
railroad accident near White Sulphur Springs Va.
August 6th 1870; representative 1861-63 (37th Congress)'
Augustus W. Cutler, born 1829; representative 1875-
79 (44th and 45th Congresses).
John Hill, born 1821; representative 1867-73, 1881-85
(40th, 41st, 42nd and 47th Congresses).
The militia of Morris county after the Revolutionary
war was organized in four regiments of infantry, each
commanded by one lieutenant colonel and two majors,
to form one brigade, to be commanded by a brigadier
general; and one squadron of cavalry to form, with a
squadron from Essex county, one regiment, to be com-
manded by a lieutenant colonel. June 5th 1793 the field
officers of these regiments were all appointed in joint
meeting — some of the appointments being no doubt re-
appointments. In 1799 the militia act seems to have
been revised, but the same number of field officers were
The following is a roster* of the militia as far as can
be ascertained. Immediately following the name is the
date of commission; "res." stands for resigned and
" prom." for promoted.
Brigadier Generals. — John Doughty, res. Oct. 30 1800.
Pruden Ailing, Nov. 13 1800; res. 1806. Benjamin Lud-
low, Mch. 12 1806; prom. maj. gen. 2nd div. Nov. 25
i8og. John Darcy, Nov. 25 1809; res. Feb. 17 1815.
Solomon Doughty, Feb. 17 1815. John Smith, Feb. 13
1818; res. Dec. 9 1823. John S. Darcy, Dec. 9 1823.
Cornelius W. Mandeville, Jan. 24 1834.
Colonels. — Charles T. Day, Oct. 31 1833. Jabez Beers,
Mch. 10 1836.
Lieutenant Colonels. — Jacob Arnold, June 5 1793; res.
Oct. 31 1806. Nehemiah Losey, Nov. 25 1806; res. Nov.
2 1809. Silas Axtell, Nov. 25 1809; res. Feb. 17 1815.
Solomon Boyle, Feb. 17 1815; res. Feb. ri 1818. Wil-
liam Brittin, Feb. 13 1818; res. Mch. i 1828. Stephen
D. Hunting, Mch. i 1828; res. Nov. 8 1828. James W.
Drake, Feb. 20 1828.
Majors 1st Battalion. — Benjamin Ludlow, June 5
1763; promoted Mch. 12 1806. David Lindsley, Mch.
12 1806; res. Nov. 2, 1809. Solomon Boyle, Nov. 25,
1809; prom. Feb. 17 1815. William Brittin, Feb. 17,
1809; prom. Feb. 13, 1818. Halsey Miller, Feb. 17
1819; res. Mch. i 1820. Charles Freeman, Mch. i 1820.
Stephen D. Hunting, Dec. 20 1824; prom. Mch. i 1828.
John S. Budd, Mch. i 1828; res. Feb. 20 1829. Wil-
liam W. Clark, Feb. 20 1829. William R. Bradley, Mch.
4 1835. Benj. R.Robinson. Mch. 10 1836.
Majors 2nd Battalion. — John Kinney, June 5 1793;
res. 1804. Nehemiah Losey, Nov. 29 1804; prom. Nov.
25 1806. Silas Axtell, Nov. 25 1806; prom. Nov. 25
1809. Grover Youngs, Nov. 25 1809; res. Feb. 6 1817.
Samuel Halliday, Feb. 6 1817; res. Nov. 21 1820. Lewis
Loree, Nov. 21 1820; res. Nov. 23 1822. Silas Miller,
Nov. 23 1822; res. Oct. 26 1827. James W. Drake, Oct.
26 1827; prom. Feb. 20 1828. Daniel C. Martin, Feb.
20 1829; prom. Feb. 27 1830 to cavalry regiment. Wil-
liam Tuttle jr., Feb. 27 1830. Samuel L. Axtell, Oct.
31 1834. Philip Riley, Mch. 10 1836.
Colonels.— V)z.v\& W. Miller, Feb. 28 1838; res. Mch.
12 1839. Henry Halsey, Mch. 12 1839.
Lieutenant-Colonels.— ]d^r\ Stark; res. May 23 1782.
Nathan Luse, June 21 1782. Amos Stark, June 5 1793.
James Cook, res. Nov. 2 1809. John Budd, Nov. 25
* The author acknowledges valuable services rendered in compiling
these lists by James S. MoDanolds, State librarian; Adjutant General
WUliam S. Stryker, Assistant Adjutant General James D. Kiger, and
Hon. Henry C. Kelsey, secretary of State.
1809; res. Nov. 2 1811. John Smith, Nov. 2 i8ii;prom.
Feb. 13 1818. Benjamin McCoury, Feb. 13 1818; res.
Nov. 23 1822. Nathan Horton jr., Nov. 23 1822; res.
Oct. 28 1825. Hugh Bartley, Dec. 27 1825; res. Feb.
26 1830. Charles Hilliard, Feb. 27 1830.
Majors xst Battalion. — David Welsh, June 5 1793; res.
Oct. 25 1793. David Miller, Feb. ig 1794; res. Oct. 30
1799. Leonard Neighbour, Oct. 30 1799; res. Nov. 2
1809. Benjamin McCoury, Nov. 25 1809; prom. Feb. 13
r8i8. Nathaniel Horton, Feb. 13 1818; prom. Nov. 23
1822. Elijah Horton, Dec. 9 1823; res. Mch. i 1828.
Henry Kennedy, Mch. i 1828.
Majors 2nd Battalion. — James Cook, June 5 1793.
John Smith, Nov. 25 1809; prom. Nov. 2 181 1. Cad-
wallader Smith, Nov. 2 1811; res. Mch. i 1820. Joseph
Budd, Mch. I 1820; res. Dec. 9 1823. Hugh Bartley,
Dec. 9 1823; prom. Dec. 27 1825. Charles Hilliard,
Dec. 27 1825; prom. Feb. 27 1830. Thomas Landon,
Feb. 27 1830; res. Feb. 15 1831. Arthur Valentine, res.
Mch. 4 1833. John Caskey, Mch. 4 1835.
Lieutenant- Colonels. — Chilion Ford, June 5 1793; died.
Kbenezer H. Pierson, Feb. 26 1801; res. Nov. i 1804.
Joseph Jackson, Nov. 29 1804; res. Feb. 6 1817. John
Scott, Feb. 6 1817; res. Nov. 15 1820. Samuel S. Beach,
Nov. 15 1820; res. Dec. 9 1823. John H. Stanburrough,
Dec. 9 1813; res. Oct. 28 1825. John C. Doughty, Dec.
7 1825; res. Nov. 8 1828. Thomas Muir, Nov. 8 1828.
Thomas Coe, Mch. 4 1835. Nathaniel Mott, Feb. 28
Majors ist Battalion. — Samuel Minthorn, June 5 1793;
Benjamin Jackson, Nov. 23 1795; res. Joseph Jackson,
Feb. 26 1801; prom. Nov. 29 1804. William Lee, Mch.
12 1806; res. Feb. 19 1813. John Hinchman, Feb. 19
1813. Samuel S. Beach, Feb. 6 1817; prom. Nov. 15
1820. John P. Cook, Nov. 15 1820. Frederick De
Mouth, Dec. 7 1825; res. Nov. 6 1829. Joseph Hinch-
man, Feb. 27 1830. Peter Coe, Feb. 15 1831.
Majors 2nd Battalion. — Cornelius Hoagland, June 5
1793; removed. Joshua Jennings; Feb. 26 1801; res.
Nov. 3 1803. Joseph Hurd, Nov. 3 1803. Joseph Hop-
ping, Feb. 9 1814. John Lewis, res. Oct. 31 1816. Mo-
ses Hopper, res. Nov. 15 1820. John H. Stanburrough,
Nov. 15 1820; prom. Dec. 9 1823. John C. Doughty,
Dec. 9 1823; prom. Dec. 7 1825. Thomas Muir, Dec.
7 1825; prom. Nov. 8 1828. William Minton, Jan. 30
1829; res. Mch. 4 1835. Rober: Muir, Feb. 27 1840.
Lieutenant-Colonels. — Pruden Ailing, June 5 1793;
prom. Nov. 13 1800. Hiram Smith, Nov. 13 1800; res.
Feb. 26 1801. John Darcy, Feb. 26 1801; prom. Nov.
25 1809. Lemuel Cobb, Nov. 25 1809; res. Feb. 17 1815.
John S. Darcy, Feb. 17 1815; prom. Dec. 9 1823. Eze-
kiel B. Gaines, Dec. 9 1823; res. Dec. 20 1824.. James
Quiraby, Dec. 20 1824. Cornelius W. Mandeville, Mch.
1 1828; Francis Nafee, Feb. 26 1834. Samuel Demo-
rest, Feb. 28 1838.
Majors 1st Battalion. — Hiram Smith, June 5 1793;
prom. Nov. 13 1800. Lemuel Cobb, Feb. 26 tSoo;
prom. Nov. 25 1809. Wm. A. Mandeville, Feb. 19 i8ri.
Ezekiel B. Gaines, Mch. i 1820; prom. Dec. 9 1823.
Cornelius' W. Mandeville, Dec. 9 1823; prom. Mch. i
1828. Francis Neafer (or Nafee), Mch. i 1828; prom.
Feb. 26 1834. Samuel F. Righter, Feb. 28 1838.
Majors 2nd Battalion. — Evert Van Gilder, June 5 1793;
res. Feb. 26 1801. Luke Miller, Feb. 26, 1801; res. Oct.
30 1805. Daniel Farrand, Mch. 12 1806; res. Feb. 10
1816. Josiah Winds, Feb. 6 1817. James Quimby,
Nov. 23 1821; prom. Dec. 20 1824. Stephen Young,
Dec. 7 1825; res. Feb. 15 1831. David F. Halsey, Feb.
28 1838.
Lieutenant-Colonels. — Morris and Sussex: Abram Kin-
ney. Abraham Shaver, Nov. 24 1801; res. Oct. 31 1806.
William Campfield, Dec. 2 1807.
Colonels ^ih New Jersey Cavalry. — Joseph Cutler, Feb.
13 1818; prom, general of cavalry Feb. 23 1843. Nathan
A. Cooper, Feb. 23 1843; pi'om. Daniel Budd, Sept. 8
1857- .
Majors of Squadron. — William Campfield, Oct. 30
1799; prom. Dec. 2 1807. Isaac Campfield, Dec. 2 1807;
res. Feb. 3 1811. David Mills, Feb. 3 1811; res. Feb. 11
1818. William W. Miller, Nov. 23 1822. Timothy Con-
diet, Dec. 9 1823. Daniel C. Martin, Feb. 27th 1830;
res. Jan. 24 1834. Nathan A. Cooper, Jan. 24 1834;
prom. Feb. 23 1843. Daniel Budd jr., Nov. 10 1843;
prom. Sept. 8 1857.
At the breaking out of the civil war there was a re-
vival of the militia system, and the following appoint-
ments were made in what was called the First regiment:
George D.Brewster, lieutenant-colonel, Aug. 2 i86i;res.
Richard M. Stites, major May 18 1863; colonel Mch. 2
1862; res. Joseph B. De Camara, lieutenant-colonel
April 12 1862; res. John R. Runyon, major Apr. 12
1862; lieutenant-colonel Sept. 25 1862. James M.
Brown, colonel May 18 1863; res. Edwin Bishop, col-
onel Aug. 29 1863.
r^J-'SN the war of the Rebellion Morris county con
tributed her full share. When Sumter was
fired upon there were but three uniformed
militia companies in the county — the Na-
tional Guards of Boonton, Captain Edwin K.
Bishop; the Morris Greys, Captain William Dun-
can, and the Ringgold Artillery, Captain Richard M.
Stites. The militia system had fallen into disuse, and
the parade of one of these companies was a novelty.
On Monday evening, April 22nd 1861, three days after
the Baltimore riot, a mass meeting was held in Washing-
ton Hall, Morristown, at which Hon. George T. Cobb
presided. Speeches were made by Hon. Jacob W.
Miller, Jacob Vanatta, Theodore Little, Rev. G. D. Brew-
erton and Colonel Samuel F. Headley. Patriotic res-
olutions of the most decided character were proposed
and unanimously carried. Unqualified support was
promised to the administration, and a committee consist-
ing of AVilliam C. Baker, Dr. Ebenezer B. Woodruff and
Jacob Vanatta was appointed to receive contributions of
money to aid in equipping volunteers and providing for
their families. Over $2,600 was subscribed on the spot.
This meeting was the first of many held throughout the
county. In every village mass meetings were held and
flags were raised. A flag was raised upon Morris green
May 31st 1861, when the companies of Captains Bishop,
Duncan and Stites paraded together. They soon after
disbanded. Many of the men had become impatient,
and in squads had enlisted in companies which were
going to the front. Captain Bishop with part of his
company went from Newark with Company H of the 2nd
New Jersey.
For some reason no sufficient effort was made to raise
a company within the county, and its young men enlisted
as volunteers in companies organizing in Newton, Plain-
field, Newark and New York. On Tuesday, May 21st,
Captain Ryerson's Company B, from the 2nd New Jersey
volunteers, passed through Morristown on its way from
Newton to Trenton. In it and in Company I 3d New
Jersey volunteers there vi'ere 32 Morris county men.
Others had gone in Companies D of the 3d New Jersey,
H of the 2nd New Jersey, the Excelsior brigade of New
York, etc. The following partial list is taken from the
papers of that time:
Company B 2nd N. J. — F. D. Sturtevant, Joseph G.
Sturges, Charles H. Carroll, Silas R. Roff, Charles H.
Stephens, James Armstrong, John W. Armstrong, Thomas
F. Anderson, George McKee (wounded in July 1862),
Isaac I. Tompkins, Albert W. Thompson (died), Edward
Snow, David Hart.
Company H 2nd N. J. — Emery A. Wheeler, Daniel
W. Tunis, John S. Sutton, Theodore A. Baldwin, Daniel
Company D ^d N. J. — John H. Smith, George Blanch-
ard, W. Scott McGowan, Anthony Perrv, Elijah Sharp,
W. H. Cole (killed September 7 1861), Sergeant William
S. Earles (afterward in the 15th N. J.).
There had also gone to other companies or regiments:
W. H. Alexander, W. Beers and Lewis B. Baldwin,
Company K 2nd N. J.; W. H. Willis, Company I 3d N.
J.; Mahlon M. Stage and Noah C. Haggerty, Company
G ist N. J.; Isaac King, James M. Stone, John Ford jr.,
Daniel Guard, David Johnson, William Hedden, James
Dolan, Edward Totten, Hampton Babbitt, James Quim-
by, William Valentine; Excelsior brigade — John Starr
Jabez Wingate, Peter H. Flick, W. H. Stickle, Charles
H. Till, D. M. Farrand, Andrew Hand, Augustus C.
Stickle (afterward adjutant 3d N. J. cavalry). Sergeant
Sylvester L. Lynn, Co. C 8th N. J.; died Dec. 15 '64 of
wounds received Nov. 5 '64.
A Soldiers' Aid Society was organized by the ladies of
Morristown, of which Mrs. Nelson Wood was president,
Mrs. Sherman Broadwell vice-president, Mrs. Vancleve
Dalrymple treasurer, and Miss Robinson secretary. The
society throughout the war labored incessantly in making
clothing etc. for the soldiers and raising money and com-
forts for the sick in hospital. Similar societies, and al-
most if not quite as efficient, were organized in all the
other principal towns in the county.
May 2nd 186 1 a home guard was raised at Morristown,
consisting of some of the principal citizens, many of them
exempt from military service.
July nth 1861 a number of youth organized them-
selves into a company called the Ellsworth Light Infantry
and chose the following officers: Captain, Rev. G. Doug.
las Brewerton; ist lieutenant, Robert S. Turner; 2nd
lieutenant, John R. McCauley (afterward of the i^th
N. J.).
Among officers from Morris county during the Rebel-
lion whose records do not appear in the rolls below were
Lindley H. Miller, major 46th infantry U. S. C. T.; S.
G. I. De Camp, major and surgeon, retired from active
service August 27th 1862; General Ranald S. Mackenzie,
regular army, and Lieutenant Commander Henry W,
Miller, U. S. navy; Alexander S. Mackenzie, lieutenant
U. S. N.; Captain (afterward Commodore) John De
Camp, U. S. N.; Captain W. L. Gamble, U. S. N.; Major
Thomas T. Gamble, U. S. Vols. There were also many
enlisted men scattered among organizations of which no
account is here given. Admirals C. R. P. Rodgers and
William Radford, U. S. N. were residents of Morris
county previous to the war.
N July 24th 186 1 the President made his sec-
ond call for three-years men, and the quota
allotted to this State was four regiments.
Under this ■ call Captain James M. Brown
raised Company K of the 7th N. J., the first
distinctively Morris county company. In the
first week 64 men were enlisted, and the company
soon had its full complement. The first colonel of the
7th was Joseph W. Revere; he was promoted brigadier
general October 2Sth 1862, and was succeeded as colonel
by Lewis R. Francine, and the latter in July 1863 by
Francis Price jr., Colonel Francine having been killed at
Gettysburg, where Colonel Price was severely wounded.
The latter was brevetted brigadier-general. Timothy D.
Burroughs, sergeant in Company D, was commissioned
quartermaster sergeant September 6th 1864.
The men were first together as a company at the First
Presbyterian Church, Morristown, on the evening of
October ist, when Captain James M. Brown was pre-
sented with sword, sash and pistol, by Alfred Mills, Esq.;
and Rev. David Irving presented each member with a
copy of the New Testament and Psalms, in behalf of the
Morris County Bible Society. The church was filled
with the largest audience ever compressed within its
walls, while hundreds left the doors of the building,
unable to obtain standing room.
The next morning the company started for Trenton,
being escorted to the depot by Fairchild's drum corps
and by No. 3 Fire Engine Company. A large assemblage
was gathered to see the company off. It was mustered
at Trenton the next day and left the same evening for
Washington. There the 7th lay encamped at Meridian
Hill till December 1861, when it joined General Hooker's
force near Budd's Ferry, Md., and was assigned to the
3d brigade of his division.
The winter was spent in drilling and watching the
enemy on the opposite side of the Potomac, with the
monotony broken by frequent artillery duels. April 5th
Hooker's division broke camp and took transports to the
peninsula. April 23d found this brigade throwing up
earthworks under fire of the enemy's artillery at York-
town. May 5th the company fought at Williamsburg, in
a drenching rain, where the men stood their ground after
their ammunition was used up, taking more from the
dead and wounded. They were under fire five hours
without getting relieved. Captain Brown was very
severely wounded; Corporal Joseph S. Watkins was
mortally wounded, dying May 31st following. Several
others were wounded. In the Excelsior brigade Jabez
C. Wingate, Peter H. Flick and W. H. Stickle were killed,
and four other Morris county men wounded. The
company took part in the battle of Fair Oaks and the
Seven Days' fight. After lying at Harrison's Landing
until August isth the division retraced its steps to
Yorktown and took transports, arriving at Alexandria
August 24th. August 26th the 7th went by rail to War-
renton Junction. Hooker's division marched the next
morning down the Orange and Alexandria railroad to
Bristow Station, attacked Ewell's division of Jackson's
command, drove him toward Bull Run and captured his
baggage. August 29th and 30th the 7th took part in the
second battle of Bull Run, and September ist in the
battle of Chantilly, where General Phil. Kearney was
killed. After this the company did guard duty along the
Orange and Alexandria railroad until November 28th,
when it started for Falmouth, reaching that place some
two weeks before the battle of Fredericksburg, and
taking part in it.
At Chancellorsville, May 5th 1863, the 7th regiment
captured five colors and three hundred prisoners from
the enemy. The flags were taken from the 1st Louisiana,
2 ist Virginia, 2nd and i8th North Carolina and an
Alabama regiment. The 2nd North Carolina regiment
was captured almost entire.
The next move for Company K was the long march to
Gettysburg, and on July 2nd the regiment, supported a
battery near the peach orchard, when the enemy charged
on the 3d corps, of which the 7th was a part. Company
K lost 15 men wounded (three mortally), and two taken
prisoners, on the first day of the battle. The captain
and both lieutenants were wounded. With a second ser-
geant in command the company was in the fight of the
next day.
The next engagement in which the 7th took part was
at Manassas Gap, Virginia, and after that it was engaged
at McLean's Ford in the Bull Run River, with some
mounted infantry. Next came the battle of Mine Run,
and then winter quarters at Brandy Station. The New
Jersey brigade was now in the 2nd army corps.
May 4th 1864 the troops broke camp, and on May 5lh,
6th and 7th we find Company K fighting in the Wilder-
History of morris county.
ness, a densely wooded tract of table-land stretching
from the Rapidan almost to Spottsylvania Court-house.
May 8th the regiment moved to a spot near Todd's
Tavern, where it remained until the loth, when (our
army having cleared the Wilderness and concentrated
around Spottsylvania Court-house) it took a position
on the right. On the nth the company was under
heavy fire, and at dawn of the 12th of May the
2nd corps charged the enemy, capturing 30 cannon
and Johnson's rebel division. In this battle — the
severest of the war — the 7th New Jersey met with
severe loss in officers and men. The regiment
aided in hauling off the captured guns, and Captain
Crane, of Company C, of Morris county, with a squad of
his men, succeeded in manning one of the captured
guns and training it on the enemy. For hours the fight
raged with unexampled fury, and it was not until mid-
night that General Lee left the victors in possession of
the works captured. On the 15th the brigade was called
upon to repel an attack on our pickets, and met with
some loss. May i6th, at North Anna River, the company
was again under fire, a division of Longstreet's corps
having possession of both sides of Chesterfield bridge.
On May 26th the regiment took part in the flank move-
ment toward Richmond, skirmishing along the Tolopoto-
my and reaching Cold Harbor, where, on June 3d, it
participated in the assault upon the enemy's main line.
On the 7th of June the brigade was entrenched at Baker's
Mills, and from this point it moved swiftly to the James,
crossed the river June 14th, and arrived before Peters-
burg the following day, supporting Smith's corps of
Butler's army. On the 16th General Grant delivered an
assault with all his forces. The fight was desperate, and
the loss to the 7th N. J. was very severe. On the i8th
General Grant ordered another assault, when the enemy's
lines were pushed back three quarters of a mile. Later
in the day the brigade charged again in front of the
Hare House, but was swept back by a withering fire, leav-
ing its dead and wounded between tlie two lines. Hun-
dreds of the wounded died in sight and hearing of their
comrades, crying out for help and for water; they could
not be reached, the enemy refusing a flag of truce.
June 23d, General Grant having determined to turn
the enemy's right, the corps advanced through a wooded
country, and, as it failed to make connection with the
6th corps, the enemy got in the rear, capturing eight
prisoners from Company K. The corps fell back and
established a line a little further to the rear. The brig-
ade remained in the trenches until July 12th. On the
26th it crossed the James to Deep Bottom, where the
corps attacked the enemy and captured four cannon. It
then quietly returned to Petersburg, and held the front
line of works when the mine was exploded, July 30th.
August 1 2th the corps moved again to Deep Bottom,
with more or less skirmishing and fighting. This was a
feint to try to make the rebel authorities recall their
troops from before Washington. August i8th the New
Jersey 7th, with the rest of the corps, returned to the
August 2Sth the regiment was moved to Ream's Sta-
tion to help the remainder of the corps, which was en-
gaged there. The next affair in which the 7th took part
was the advance of the picket lines about i o'clock a. m.
of September loth. The picket duty was dangerous here.
The regiment when not on picket was quartered in Fort
Davis, on the Jerusalem plank road, but even there
stray balls would come into the tents at night, wound-
ing men oftentimes while sleeping.
October 7th Lieutenant Gaines and the old members
of Company K — about eight in number — who did not re-
enlist, were mustered out of service at Trenton, and,
honorably discharged, returned to their homes.
With Colonel Price still commanding, the regiment
took part in the battle of Hatcher's Run, and in the last
campaign, culminating in the surrender of General Lee,
April gth 1865.
During the war this company took part in the follow-
ing engagements, all in Virginia excepting Gettysburg:
Siege of Yorktown, April and May 1862; Williams-
burg, May 5th 1862; Fair Oaks, June ist and 2nd 1862;
Seven Pines, June 25th 1862; Savage Station, June 29th
1862; Glendale, June 3olh 1862; Malvern Hill, July ist
and August 5th 1862; Bristow Station, August 27th
1862; Bull Run (second), August 29th and 30th 1862;
Chantilly, September ist 1862; Centreville, September
2nd 1862; Fredericksburg, December 13th and 14th
1862; Chancellorsville, May 3d and 4th 1863; Gettys-
burg, July 2nd and 3d 1863; Wapping Heights, July 24th
1863; McLean's Ford, October 15th 1863; Mine Run,
November 29th and 30th and December ist 1863; Wil-
derness, May 5th-7th 1864; Spottsylvania, May 8th-i8th
1864; North Anna River, May 23d and 24th 1864; To-
lopotomy Creek, May 30th and 31st 1864; Cold Harbor,
June ist-5th 1864; Before Petersburg, June i6th-23d
and July 30th 1864; Deep Bottom, July 26th and 27th
1864; North Bank of James River, August isth-i8th
1864; Fort Sedgwick, September loth 1864; Poplar
Spring Church, October 2nd 1864; Boydton Plank Road
(capture of Petersburg), April 2nd 1865; Amelia Springs,
April 6th 1865; Farmville, April 6th and 7th 1865; Ap-
pomattox, April 9th 1865.
In the following record of the officers of Company K
the first date given is that of commission or enrollment.
If another immediately follows it is the date of muster.
Where but one is given the two date were the same. The
period for which the officer entered the service was three
years, when not otherwise mentioned.
Cfl/to«.f.— James M. Brown, Oct. 3 '61; wounded at
Williamsburg and Fredericksburg; prom, major icth
reg. July 21 '62. William R. Hillyer, July 21 '62 Jan
13 '63; appointed ist lieut. Oct. 3 '61; dis. Sept. 9 '64 for
wounds. Sylvester W. Nafew, Mar. 28 '65, Apr 20 '6<-
m. o. July 17 '65. i' 3'
First Lieutenants.— Michatl Mullery, July 21 '62 Jan
13 '63; appointed 2nd lieut. Oct. 3 '61; captain Company
1 July 24 63; wounded at Gettysburg; killed at Peters-
* In all these lists the following abbreviations are used, besides tho=e
which will be recognized as denoting the different ranks and arms of
the service: pro., promoted; v.r. c, veteran reserve corps; die, dis-
charged ; m. o., mustered out ; dr., drafted : tr., transferred.
burg. Stanley Gaines, Aug. i '63, Mar. 31 '64; ap-
appointed ist sergt. Sept. 15 '6j; 2nd lieut. July 21 '62;
wounded at Gettysburg; m. o. Oct. 7 '64. Henry W.
Baldwin, Apr. 29 '65, May 19th '65; m. o. July 22 '65.
Second Lieutenants. — Ellis T. Armstrong, Dec. 21 '63,
Mar. 31 '64; appointed sergt. Sept. 15 '61; ist sergt. July
21 '62; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64; dis. Aug. 17 '64 for
wounds. George H. Millen, Mar. 28 '65, Apr. 14 '65;
m. o. July 17 '65.
First Sergeants. — Napoleon B. Post, Aug. 22 '61; m.o.
July 22 '65.
Sergeants. — Merritt Bruen, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61;
pro. Q. M. sergt. Nov. 22 '61; quartermaster June 27 '64;
died at Petersburg. Ira W. Corey, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2
'61; pro. capt. Co. H nth reg. Aug. 15 '62. Samuel R.
Connett, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61; pro. 2nd lieut. Co. C
TSth reg. Aug. 12 '62; wounded at Williamsburg.
Stephen H. Bruen, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61 ;• pro.
com. sergt. Sept. i '62; quartermaster Aug. 26 '64.
Timothy D. Burroughs, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61; re-
enlisted Jan. 4 '64; pro. Q. M. sergt. Sept. 6 '64. Con-
rad F. Smith, Mar. 2 '65, i year; m. o. July 17 '65.
Julius B. Bartlett, Mar. 2 '65, i year; m. o. July 10 '65.
Eugene Pollard, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61; appointed cnrp.
Aug. 4 '62; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64; prom. com. sergt. Oct.
2 '64; wounded at Gettysburg and Chesterfield Bridge.
Corporals. — Calvin T. Stickle, Mar. 4 '65, i year; tn. o.
July 17 '65. John P. Smith, Mar. 2 '65, i year; m. o.
July 17 '65. Peter Fisher, Mar. 2 '65, i year; m. o. July
17 '65. Patrick Cavanaugh, Mar. i '65, i year; m. o.
July 17 '65. James E. Babbitt.
JDischarged. — (These, as also those transferred and
deceased, were all three-years men, and were commis-
sioned or enrolled Sept. 15, and mustered Oct. 2, 1861.)
Sergt. Joseph D. Marsh jr.; dis. Oct. 13 '62, for dis-
ability. Corporals: George Kingsland; dis. Mar. 24 '63,
for disability. Theodore W. Bruen; dis. Jan. 12 '63, for
disability. John J. Gruber; dis. Feb. 5 '63, to join
regular army; appointed corp. Aug. 4 '62. Musician
James M. Woodruff; dis. Nov. 30 '61, for disability.
Wagoner Charles B. Trelease; dis. June 15 '62, for dis-
Transferred. — Sergeants: William McKee; to v. r. c,
Sept. 30 'dy, dis. therefrom Oct. i '64; wounded at
Chancellorsville. Joseph Ward; to Co. C, Oct. i '64;
re-enlisted Jan. 2 '64. Edwin Hall; to Co. C; re-
enlisted Jan. 4 '64. Sylvester L. Lynn; to Co. C; re-
enlisted Jan. 4 '64;' killed before Petersburg. George
H. Millen; to Co. C; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64. Cor-
porals: Theodore P. Bayles; to v. r. c, Sept. 30 '63;
dis. therefrom Nov. 24 '65. George W. Derrickson; to
v. r. c, Sept. 30 '63; re-enlisted Sept. 3 '64; dis. as sergt.
July 6 '65. B. W. Dempsey; to Co. C, Oct. i '64; re-
enlisted Jan. 4 '64; prisoner at Andersonville. John L.
Denton; to v. r. c, Mar. 31 '64; dis. Oct. 3 '64; wounded
at Gettysburg. Abel Gruber; to Co. C; wounded at
Gettysburg; captured before Gettysburg; confined at
Andersonville. Musician A. L. D. Miller; to 5th reg.
ZlzVi/.— Corporals : Joseph S. Watkins; at Fortress
Monroe, Va., May 31 '62, of wounds. Andrew C.
Halsey; at Washington, June 20 '64, of wounds; re-
enlisted Jan. 4 '64; appointed corp. Feb. 6 '64. Joseph
O. Spencer; killed before Petersburg, Va., June 16 '64;
appointed corp. Mar. i '()z; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64. Mu-
.sician George W. Cranraer; at Budd's Ferry, Md., June
24 '62, of typhoid fever.
In the following list the figure following the name indi-
cates the number of years for which the man enlisted.
Where not otherwise noted those who enlisted for three
years were enrolled Sept. 15th and mustered in Oct. 2nd
1861 and mustered out Oct. 7th 1864; and those who
enlisted for one year were enrolled and mustered in the
first week of March 1865 and mustered out July 17th
Henry Angleman. Andrew Anderson, i; m. o, June
13 '65. Leo Bachtold, i. J. C. Ballentine, 3; pro. com.
sergt. Nov. i '62. William Bassell, i. Henry Baum, i.
William W. Brant, 3. Austin Brown, i. John N. and T.
W. Bruen, 3. Stephen A. Cannon, 3. Joseph Carmon.
David Cargill, i; m. o. July 14 '65. Waldemar Chris-
tianson, i. John Cronin, i. George Curtis, musician, i.
Christian Doublin, i. W. H. Dutcher. Hey ward G.
Emmel, 3; wounded at Chancellorsville. Henry Feeder,
i; m. o. July 22 '65. Charles Fischer, i. George
Flandrow, i. Augustus I. FoUiot. John Gamble, i.
Abraham Garrabrant, i. Christopher Gerhardt, i. Emile
Grell, I. Edward Gross, i. Jacob Haider, i. John
H. Haley, 3. William Harrison, i. Samuel Hess, i.
Lewis Herman, i; enrolled and mustered in
Aug. 29 '64; m. o. June 30 '65. George Hiller, i.
Wesley D. Hopping. Daniel Jackson, 3. Jacob James,
i; enrolled and mustered in Feb. 28 '65. Jacob John,
i; m. o. Aug. 11 '65. John G. Kaut, i. Peter B.
Kelly. Christopher Killian, i. William Killian, i.
Jacob Koch, I. John Lay, i. William Lehman, i;
m. o. Aug. 30 '65. James Lord, i. Andrew Mack, i.
John McCasey, i. Lewis H. McClintock, i. Frederick
Miller, i. J. L. Miller. John Murphy, i. Thomas
R. Murray, x. John Narin, i. Charles W. Nelson, mu-
sician, I. Loren Nichols, i. Calvin Nix, 3; wounded
at Williamsburg. George Norton, i; m. o. June 5 '65.
Joseph Parker, i. John Partenfielder, i. August Par-
tushcky, I. Adolph Pineus, i. Francis A. Pollard, 3;
appointed sergt. Sept. 13 '61; deserted Jan. 30 '63; re-
turned Mar. 20; private Feb. i '63. Henry Roberts, i.
Hugh P. Roden, musician, 3. Samuel Rushton, i. John
Rutan, 3. August Sauer, i. Matthias Schmidt, i.
George Schnabel, i. Frederick Schroder, i. Daniel
Settler, i. Charles Smith, i. Gilbert Smith, i; enrolled
and mustered in Feb. 28 '65. James Smith, i. William
T. Spencer, 3; prom, sergt. maj. Nov. 5 '63. David
Thompson, i. John Thompson, i. Headly Thompson;
captured before Petersburg. William Till, 3. Charles
Tucker, 3. John Wander, i; enrolled and mustered in
Feb. 27 '65. Mark White, i. Joseph Ward; captured
at Gettysburg. Henry Wilson, i; enrolled and mus-
tered in Feb. 25 '65 for 2 years; m. o. May 31 '65. John
Wolf, I. George Yetter, i; enrolled and mustered in
Feb. 28 '65; m. o. June 5 '65.
Discharged. — (These were all three-years men, and
most of them were enrolled Sept. 15 and mustered in
Oct. 2 '61; any other date of enrollment or muster is
given after the name. The cause of discharge if not
otherwise stated was disability). Isaac N. Abrams; dis.
May 20 '62. Isaac J. Archer, Feb. 8 '62; dis. Oct. 9 '62.
Nicholas Atkins; dis. June 9 '62. Charles Conklin; dis.
Aug. 18 '62. William Cook, Aug. 19 '62; dis. Feb. 9*63.
Alexander Davenport; dis. June g '62. George Dunster.
Andrew W. Gary; dis. Nov. 5 '62. Orlando K. Guerin;
dis. Oct. 13 '62. George Hedden; dis. June 13 '62.
John Hunton, Apr. 12 '64; dis. May 28 '64. Charles
Johnson; dis. Mar. 4 '63; wounded at Bristow Station.
Hiram Kayhart; dis. June 13 '62. John F. Kent;
dis. June 25 '62. John Knapp ; dis. June 13
'62. Thomas Lynch; dis. Nov. 5 '62, from wounds
received at Williamsburg, Va. James L. Marsh;
dis. June 9 '62. Aaron Parsons; dis. Dec. 29 '62;
wounded at Williamsburg. Theodore Searing, Aug. 18
'62; dis. Nov. 20 '63; wounded at Gettysburg. Thomas
Seeley, Feb. 22 '64; dis. Apr. 2 '64. Henry Smith; dis.
Nov. 30 '61. John C. Smith; dis. Sept. 2 '62; prom, lieut.
33d N. J. Alonzo Tompkins; dis. Feb. 5 '63, to join
regular army. Anthony Van Order; dis. June 23 '62.
John H. Webb, Feb. 3 '64; dis. Apr. 2 '64. James
Wright; dis. Dec. 12 '61.
Transferred. — (The date immediately following the
name in this list is that of enrollment; the second date,
if any, is that of muster in; where but one is given they
were the same. The figure following the date indicates
the number of years for which the man enlisted. In
most cases the transfer was to Co. C, Oct. i '64, and that
will be understood to be the case where not otherwise
stated). Lemuel Adams, Feb. 17 '62, 3. George F.
Bayles, Dec. 11 '61, 3; to v. r. c; dis. Dec. 12 '64;
wounded. Gilbert D. Blanchard, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2
'61, 3; died at Andersonville. Loran L. Bodeli, Aug.
19 '63, Aug. 20 '63, 3; to V. r. c, Jan. 15 '64; cjis. as corp.
July 25 '65. Elijah D. Bruen, Jan. 23 '62, 3; to Co. C,
Oct. I '64; re-enlisted Feb. 14 '64; died at Ander-
sonville. Nathan Buell, Oct. 7 '63, Oct. 8 '63,
3. Orson T. Crane, June 15 '64, 3; to Co.
C. John Cusick, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61, 3;
re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64. Charles H. Davis, Aug. 18 '62,
Aug. 19 '62, 3. Augustus De Forrest, Sept. 15 '61, Oct.
2 '61, 3; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64. Aaron S. Degroot, Jan.
28 '64, 3; wounded near Cold Harbor. James Dona-
hue, Feb. 3 '64, 3. Joseph J. Dunn, Jan. 28 '64, 3.
Matthias Everson, Jan. 28 '64, 3. John Farrell, Dec. 29
'63, Dec. 30 '63, 3. Abraham K. Ferris, Sept. 15 '5i,
Oct. 2 '61, 3; to v. r. c. Mar. 31 '64; re-enlisted May 6
'64; dis. Oct. 27 '66; appointed corp. Sept. 15 '61; private
Nov. I '63. William J. Flanagan, Dec. 30 '63, Dec. 31
'63, 3. Arthur Ford, Feb. 3 '64, 3; died at Andersonville.
Daniel Frazier, Dec. 28 '63, 3. James Haley, Feb. 5 '64,
]''eb. 6 '64, 3. Stephen D. Hall, Jan. 21 '64, 3. Daniel
Hand, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '6r, 3; re-enlisted -Mar. 10*64;
wounded before Petersburg. James Hart, Sept. 3 '64,
I. Ansemas Helbert, Jan. 23 '64, Jan. 26 '64, 3. Theo-
dore Jacobus, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. '61, 3; to v. r. c; dis.
Oct. 5 '64. Peter M. Kane, Oct. 6 '62, 3; wounded at
Gettysburg and Spottsylvania. Farrand S. Kitchel, Jan. 4
'64, 3. John Landigan, Feb. i '64, 3. William E. Loper,
Feb. 8 '64, 3. John L. Loree, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61, 3; re-
enlisted Jan. 4 '64. William Loughran, Mar.i6 '65,1; to Co.
A. George T. Lynch, Dec. 30 '63, 3; to Co. B. Thomas
Mack, Apr. 8 '65, 3; to Co. B.' James Maher, Apr. 8
'65, i; to Co. G. James McKenzie, Mar. i '65, i; to
Co. G. Thomas McKnight, Feb. 15 '64, 3; to Co. C.
John Moran, Sept. 5 '64, 1; to Co. K, 12th reg. Pat-
rick Murphy, Mar. 4 '65, i; to Co. D. Benjamin Norton,
Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61, 3; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64. Wil-
liam E." Phipps, Feb. 23 '64, 3. John J. Provost, Feb. 11
'64, 3; to Co. H. John A. Recanio, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2
'61, 3; captured at Gettysburg; died in Belle Isle
prison. John Sergeant, Feb. 2 '64, 3. Thomas K. Sex-
ton, Feb. 22, '64, 3. Richard Shannon, Apr. 11 '65, i;
to Co. G. Lionel Sheldon, Sept. 29 '63, Sept. 30 '63, 3.
George Shipman, Nov. 7 '62, 3; to v. r. c. Feb. 15 '64;
deserted Oct. 7 '64. John Slingerland, Sept. 15 '61,
Oct. 2 '61; wounded at Williamsburg; deserted
Nov. I '62 ; returned to duty Apr. 7 '63 ; re-
enlisted Jan. 4 '64. Theodore F. Smith, Sept. 15 '61,
Oct. 2 '61, 3; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64. John Speer, Dec.
31 '63, 3- Isaac Steelman, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61, 3;
to V. r. c. Jan. 15 '64; dis. Oct. i '64. Chilion Thomp-
son, Jan. 21 '64," 3. David H. Thompson, Sept. 15 '61,
Oct. 2 '61, 3. John W. Till, Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61, 3;
re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64. De Witt Van Order, Sept. 15 '61,
Oct. 2 '61, 3; appointed corp. Aug. 3 62; private May
15 '63; re-enlisted Jan. 4 '64. Jacob C. Vanderhoof,
Sept. 15 '61, Oct. 2 '61, 3; to V. r. c. Sept. i '63; dis. Oct.
10 '64, Theodore Van Pelt, Jan. 27 '64, Jan. 28 '64, 3.
Jacob F. Welsh, Apr. 8*65, i; to Co. E. John W.
Wilday, Jan. 27 '64, 3. James H. Woodruff, Jan. 18 '64,
3. John W. Wright, Feb. 2 '64, 3.
Died. — (These, with two exceptions, which are indi-
cated, were three-years men. The date immediately
following the name is that of enrollment and muster in.
When this is omitted the man was enrolled Sept. 15 and
mustered Oct. 2 '61.) Theron A. Allen, of fever, at Jer-
sey City, June 7 '62. Drake Aumick, Dec. 31 '63; died
at Washington, D. C, June 24 '64. Edgar Barber, Dec.
22 '63; killed at Wilderness, Va., May 5 '64. Charles Y.
Beers, Aug. 18 '62; died at Gettysburg, Pa., July 6 '63,
of wounds. Jabez Beers, Jan, 28 '64; killed before
Petersburg, Va., June 16 '64. Moses A. Berry, of pneu-
monia, at camp on lower Potomac, Md., Jan. 29 '62.
George W. Blakely, at New York, July 28 '62. Cyrus
Carter, of disease, at Alexandria, Va., Dec. 6 '62. Albert
T. Emory, Feb. i '64; died at Washington, D. C, July i
'64. Jacob S. Hopping, at Gettysburg, Pa., July i6 '62,,
of wounds received there. Robert L. Jolly; appointed
corp. Sept. 15 '61; sergt. Aug. 4*62; private May 15 '63;
died at Gettysburg, July 22 '(>i, of wounds received
there. Hendrick Kinklin, Mar. 2 '65, i year; died of
dysentery at Alexandria, Va., July 3 '65. William Long,
at Fairfax Court-house, Va., Aug. 31 '62. John R. Lyon,
Sept. 3 '62, of wounds received at Bull Run, Va. Lemuel
A. Marshall, Mar. 22 '62; died at Washington, D. C,
Nov. I '62. John McDonough, Dec. 22 'by, died at
Washington, May 26 '64, of wounds received at Spott-
sylvania, Va. Charles B. Molt; killed at Chancellors-
ville, Va., May 3 '63. George W. Peer, at'Yorktown,
Va., May 13 '62, of typhoid fever. Allen H. Pierson,
near Petersburg, Va., June 19 '64, of wounds received
before Petersburg June 17; re-enlisted Mar. 10 '64.
Spafford Sanders, of typhoid fever, at Budd's Ferry, Md.,
Apr. 19 '62. John H. Tillotson, of typhoid fever, at
Budd's Ferry, Md., Apr. 28 '62. Jacob Wilse)', Mar. i
'65, I year; died at Alexandria, July 6 '65. Joseph C.
Spencer; killed before Petersburg. James M. Woodruff;
killed at Mine Run.
The next company to leave the county was that of
Major (then Lieutenant) H. M. Dalrymple, who raised a
part of Captain Southard's company for the 8th engineer
corps — Company K of the ist regiment of New York
engineers. The company was entirely made up of New
Jersey men. Its captain, Henry L. Southard, was a Jer-
seyman by birth and son of the late Senator Southard of
this State. He was killed while on duty at Bermuda
Hundred, Va., in May 1864. Lieutenant Henry M. Dal-
rymple, also adjutant of the regiment, succeeded to the
command and retained it during the operations in front
of Petersburg and Richmond, until mustered out of ser-
vice in December 1864, at the expiration of his term of
three years' service.
The company served with the regiment in the Depart-
ment of the South, engaging in all the various operations
under Generals Sherman, Hunter, Mitchell and Gilmore.
It participated in the siege of Pulaski, the battle of
Pocataligo, the expedition to Charleston under Hunter,
and the siege of Fort Sumter and Charleston under Gen-
eral Gilmore, erecting the famous Swamp Angel battery,
which threw the first messengers of death into Charles-
Early in the spring of 1864 the regiment was ordered
to the Army of the James at Fortress Monroe and Ber-
muda Hundred, and did hard work under General Grant
in his operations in front of Petersburg and Rich-
The following is a list of names of the Morris county
volunteers who entered this company:
Henry M. Dalrymple, Frederic B. Dalrymple, John
Franks, Samuel McNair, William H. Lounsbury, Hiram
Tharp, Joseph Scudder, Wellinpiton Bryant, Amadee B.
Pruden, Edward De Camp, Wesley Chidester, Mahlon
Parsons, William H. Porter, Thomas M. Palmer, John
Wright, Charles J. Pownall, William G. Denman, George
W. Skillborn, Charles Stevens, Edward Tucker, William
Thompson, John W. Mills, Elijah W. Grandin, Benja-
min C. Durham, William Tuttle, Jacob B. Willis, Alvah
Handville, John Oliver, Daniel Brown, William S. Can-
non, Edward Cobbett, Edward W. Cobbett, Moses Corby,
James K. Dalrymple, Caleb M. Emmons, Alonzo Edgar,
Evans Jones, Abram Kinnecutt, Ira Lewis, George W.
Lewis, George Lindsley, Thomas Levigs, Joseph Miller,
James McCormick, William McQuaid, Theodore Nun-
gesser, John N. Nungesser, Thomas N. Nichols, William
H. Tucker, Edward Tester, James Tyms, Charles M.
Thomas, Samuel Tebo, George Vanderhoof, Lewis Weise,
John Powers, George L. Valentine, James C. Vale,
Thomas E. Wolfe, Edward Wolfe, Charles Lewis, Manuel
Captain William Duncan, of the Morris Greys, being
unable to get his company accepted in a New Jersey
regiment, raised one for the District of Columbia volun-
teers, to be attached to the President's guard. On the
28th day of January 1862 he left Morristown with 70
men of whom 42 were from Boonton. On their departure
they were addressed by the Rev. Mr. Ellison and Rev.
Mr. Irving. A large concourse was assembled to see
them off. The following is the roll of the company:
Captain, William Duncan; first lieutenant, George
"Willenbucher; sergeants — Theodore Riley (ist), W. W.
Carroll, Abram Kingsland, Elias Millen, Joseph Smith;
corporals — Jacob R. Peer, Jesse Jennings, Anthony
Adams, John Moreland, Sam Brooks, Josiah Davison,
Barney McMackin, A. M. Halliday; privates — W. M.
Atkins, Daniel Benjamin, Aaron E. Bonnell, William Bab-
cock, William R. Bishop, William Bryan. Henry Bronson,
James Burk, Charles Conklin, Daniel Carey, Patrick
Clark, John Conley, Daniel S. Cravet, James Daley, Ar-
thur Drew, Franklin Eghan, Horace Elmer, Charles
Evans, Henry C. Fedes, Charles Grinder, Abraham Gu-
lick, William Gray, Nicholas Hill, William Hopler, S. B.
Harrison, Samuel Horner, Robert Hudson, Joseph Hart-
man, Henry D. lanson, John Jennings, Joshua Jenkins,
Michael Kennedy, John W. Kelley, John Lovvery, James
List, Cornelius Miller, G. B. Phineas Meyers, Thomas
Murphy, Thomas E. Miller, David Marston, James Mc-
Coy, Peter McFarland, James McNulty, George Oliver,
Peter Peer, Nelson Peer, Merinus Peer, George W. Pier-
son, Timothy L. Palmer, Mitchel Robear, Elias J. Roff,
Harry Reese, George Sharp, Edward J. Smith, Garret
Smith, Whitaker Taylor, Jacob N. Thatcher, Ira Van
Orden, John Vanduyne, James T. Vanduyne, George
Weir, George M. Whitehead, Frank Wildeman, James
^\'■hit'ten, Theodore Wilkins, William Young.
?N May 1862 the governor, in anticipation of
™j( the call for 300,000 three-years men which
VM^^ was made July 7th, authorized the recruiting
S^^^i °^ ™^" for the nth New Jersey volunteers.
Captain Dorastus B. Logan at once cora-
ls ^ menced raising a company, afterward mustered as
" Company H of that regiment. On the i8th of June
he took 29 men to the rendezvous. Camp Olden at Trenton.
When the call came from the governor, July 8th, in pur-
suance of the President's call of the day before, for four
regiments, this company was rapidly filled. At the same
time Thomas J. Halsey of Dover began the raising of
Company E for the same regiment. He was commis-
sioned major September 14th 1863. Robert McAllister
was colonel. The i ith was mustered into the United States
service Aug. i8th and left Trenton for Washington Aug
25th. After remaining near Washington till Nov. i6th the
regiment was attached to Gen. Carr's brigade, Sickles's
division Army of the Potomac. It served through the
war, participating in the following engagements, all in
Virginia excepting Gettysburg:
Fredericksburg, December 13th and 14th 1862; Chan-
cellorsville, May 3d and 4th 1863; Gettysburg, Pa., July
2nd and 3d 1863; Wapping Heights, July 24th 1863;
Kelly's Ford, November 8th 1863; Locust Grove, Nov.
27th 1863; Mine Run, November 29th 1863; Wilderness,
May 5th-7th 1864; Spottsylvania, May 8th-i8th 1864;
North Anna River, May 23d and 24th 1864; Tolopotomy
Creek, May 30th and 31st 1864; Cold Harbor, June ist-
■5th 1864; Baker's Mills, June loth 1864; before Peters-
burg, June i6th-23d and July 30th 1864; Deep Bottom,
July 26th and 27th 1864; North Bank of James River,
Aug. I4th-i8th 1864; Ream's Station, Aug. 25th 1864;
Fort Sedgwick, September i8th 1864; Poplar Spring
Church, Oct. 2nd 1864; Boydon Plank Road (capture of
Petersburg), April 2nd 1865; Amelia Springs, April 6th
1865; Farmville, April 6th and 7th 1865; Appomattox,
April gth 1865.
Following are the records of the Morris county com-
panies in the nth regiment;
The following ofificers were commissioned or enrolled
at the dates immediately following their names, and all
but one of them for the period of three years. Where but
one date is given it was also that of muster-in. Where
two are given the last is the date of muster-in. The date
of muster-out, where not otherwise indicated, was June
6th 1865:
Captains. — Thomas J. Halsey, Aug. 19 '62; prom,
major Sept. 14 '6-i,. Edward E. S. Newberry, Nov. 17
'63, Jan. 7 '64; enlisted as private Co. D 3d N, J.; prom,
ist iieut. Aug. 19 '62; resigned captaincy Jan. 28 '64 to
accept commission in veteran reserve corps. Charles F.
Gage, June 26 '64, July 20 '64; appointed ist lieut. Co.
G Dec. 5 '63; brevet major Apr. g '65.
First Lieutenants. — William H. Egan, Oct. 5 '63, Oct.
3t '63; appointed ist sergt. July 22 '62; ist lieut. Co. H
Oct. 5 '63; transferred from Co. H Jan. i '64; killed at
Spottsylvania Court-house, Va., May 12 '64. Cyprian H.
Rossiter, Oct. 25 '64, Nov. 19 '64; appointed 2nd lieut.
Co. B Sept. 18 '64; commissioned captain Co. F June 13
'65; not mustered.
Second Lieutenants — Silas W. Volk, Aug. 19 '62; re-
signed Dec. 10 '6t^. Joseph C. Baldwin, Feb. 18 '63,
Mar. i6, '63; transferred from Co F Apr. 16 '64; killed
at Spottsylvania Court-house, Va., May 12 '64. Charles
A. Oliver, June 26 '64, July 20 '64; formerly sergt. Co. I;
pro. ist lieut. Co. K Oct. 23 '64. Titus Berry jr., Oct.
23 '64, Nov. 19 '64; appointed corp. Aug. 9 '62; sergt.
Sept. I '63; commissioned adj. June 18 '65; not mus-
tered. »
First ^i?r^i?a/?/.— Augustus Tucker, sergt. Aug. 18 '62;
ist sergt. Nov. i '63.
Sergeants. — Amos H. Schoonover, Sept. 13 '64, for i
year; pro. 2nd lieut. Co. C Sept. 18 '64. Alpheus Iliff,
Corp. July 15 '62; sergt. July i 'by, commissioned 2nd
lieut. Co. B May 22 '65 and ist lieut. Co. H June 13 '65,
but not mustered. Thomas D. Marbacker, July 19 '62;
appointed corp. Aug. 20 '63; sergt. Nov. i '63. Edward
J. Kinney, Aug. i6 '62; appointed corp. Aug. 20 '63;
sergt. Sept. 8 '64; dis. May 3 '65.
Corporals. — Morris L. Ackerman, Aug. 18 '62; dis.
May 3 '65. Absalom S. Talmadge, Aug. 18 '62; dis.
May 3 '65. George Zindle, Aug. 18 '65; appointed corp.
July I '64; dis. May 3 '65. Leonard V. Gillen, Aug. 16
'62; appointed corp. July i '64. James Brannin, Aug. 18
'62; corp. Oct. I '64. Bishop W. Mainis, July 28 '62,
July 29 '62; corp. Oct. 6 '64; dis. May 3 '65. Charles
H. Johnson jr., Aug. 18 '62; corp. Nov. i '64. Frederick
Cook, Aug. 16 '62; corp. Nov. i '64.
Died. — Sergeants: Charles Brandt, Aug. 5 '62; died of
scurvy at Andersonville, Ga., Oct. 31 '64; appointed
corp. Aug. 5 '62; sergt. Aug. i '53. James McDavitt,
Aug. 16 '62; killed at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3 '63.
Eliphalet Sturdevant, August 18 '62; died in hospital at
Gettysburg, Pa., July 13 'b^,, of wounds received there.
The date of enrollment and muster-in and the number
of years for which the man enlisted follow the name; the
date of muster-out was June 6 '65 if nothing appears to
the contrary.
Charles H. Aber, Aug. 18 '62, 3. Joseph H. Berry,
Aug. 18 '62, 3. Sarhuel Bozegar, Sept. 27*64, i; dr.
Holmes Brittin, Sept. 26 '64, i; dr.; dis. May 3 '65.
Oliver Bruch, Aug. 12 '64, 3. Thomas Bush, Sept. i '64,
I. Lewis A. De Camp, Aug. 18 '62, 3. Patrick Gal-
lagher, Aug. 14 '62, 3. Jacob Genther, July 22 '62; 3.
John H. Gilbert, July 25 '62, 3. Charles E. Guard, Aug.
18 '62, 3. Matthias and Peter Henderson, Sept. 21 '64,
3; dr. Charles Hulse, Sept. 27 '64, i; dr. Philip Jayne,
Aug. 18 '62, 3. Joseph C. Johnson, Sept. 27 '64, i; dr.
Robert and Zacharinh Johnson, Sept. 28 '64, 1; dr. Ben-
jamin H. Joiner, sergt. July 22 '62, 3; private Sept. i' 62.
Jonathan C. Knowles, Aug. 2 '62, 3. John Litz, Aug. 8
'64, i; dis. May 30 '65. Lewis M. Lorey, Aug. 30 '64, i.
William Lowery, Sept. 27 '64, i; dr. Albert P. Lyon,
Aug. 16 '62, 3. David Marley, Sept. i '64, i; m. o. Aug.
13 '65. Joseph McNear, Sept. 5 '64, i; tr. from Co. G.
George M. Merritt, musician, Aug. 18 '62. James P.
Myers, July ig '62, 3. John O'Dell, Aug. 18 '62, 3. E.
W. Philhower, wagoner, July 25 '62. Albert T. Phillips,
Aug. 29 '64, I. Richard J. Porter, Sept. 26 '64, i; dr.
Henry Rinkler, Mar. 2 '65, 3. Samuel Robinson, Aug.
18 '62, 3; dis. May 3 '65. Samuel Rose, Sept. 27 '64, i;
dr.; dis. May 3 '65. Alonzo B. Searing, Aug. 18 '62, 3.
Lambert Sharp, July 23 '62, 3. Frank E. Shilstone,
Aug. 16 '64, i; dis. May 3 '65. George Smith, Sept. 27
'64, i; dr. James Smith, Sept. 21 '64, i; dr. Solomon
Soper, Sept. 27 '64, i; dr.; dis. May 3 '65. William
Throckmorton and Joseph E. Wainwright, Sept. 27 '64,
I ; dr. Joseph W. Walton, Aug. 18 '62, 3; dis. May 3 '65.
William Wood, Aug. 16 '62, 3. Gilbert D. Young, Aug.
16 '62. 3. William Young, Aug. 16 '64, i.
Discharged (for disability where no other cause is
given). — George Apgar, July 29 '62, 3; dis. Dec. 28 '63.
Henry C. Cook, Aug. 11 '62, 3; dis. Dec. 29 '62. Jacob
Egerter, July 29 '62, 3; dis. Apr. 4 '64. James M. Ford,
Aug. 16 '62, 3; dis. Sept. 25 '63. Marcus S. Ford, Aug.
16 '62, 3; dis. Oct. 13 '63. James Henderson, Aug. 18
'62, 3; dis. Mar. 19 '63. Louis Lambert, Sept. 27 '64, i;
dis. Sept. 8 '64 to accept commission in 20th N. Y.
Stephen Lefifler, Aug. 16 '62, 3; dis. Feb. 2 '()i. William
Minton, Aug. 18 '62, 3; dis. Dec. 15 '64. Steinzilo
Monice, Aug, 18 '62, 3; dis. Feb. 19 '63. William A.
Murphy, Aug. 13 '63, 3; dis. Jan. 6 '64. Octavus L.
Pruden, Aug. 16, '62, 3; dis. October 23 '63 to join reg-
ular army. Richard Shauger, Aug. 18 '62, 3; dis. Nov.
29 '62. Zadoc Sperry, Aug. 18 '62, 3; dis. Aug. 14 '63.
John Talmadge, Aug. 18 '62, 3; dis. Jan. 15 '63. John
H. Wilson, Aug. 16 '62, 3; dis. Apr. 14 '64. Joseph
Zindle, Aug. 18 '62, 3; dis. Feb. 28 '63.
Transferred. — David B. Alpaugh, Jan. 28 '64, 3; to v.
r. c. Apr. 27 '65; dis. June ig '65. Elias H. Blanchard,
Aug. 16 '62, 3; to V. r. c. Mar. 15 '64. Charles Bow-
man, Aug. 5 '62, 3; to V. r. c. July i '64; dis. June 29
'65. John Burk, Aug. 14 '63, 3; to v. r. c. Feb. 15 '64;
dis. Aug. 14 '65. William Burns, Oct. 8 '64, i; to Co. B
12th N. J. Charles Davis, Oct. 10 '64, i; to Co. I 12th
N. J. John Farnum, Aug. 16 '64, 3; to Co. B 12th N.
J. John W. Ford, Aug. 16 '62, 3; to v. r. c. Aug. i '63;
dis. Nov. 12 '63. William F. Hogbin, Aug. 12 '64, 3; to
Co. B 1 2th N. J.; dr. James Howden, June 15 '64, 3; to
Co. B i2th N. J. Thomas Kelly, June 13 '64, 3; to Co.
B i2th N. J. James King, Aug. 16 '62, 3; to v. r. c.
Sept. I 'bT^. William King, June 16 '64, 3; to Co. B 12th
N. J. Charles A. Kinney, Aug. 18 '62, 3; to v. r. c. Aug.
10 '64; dis. June 29 '65. Joseph H. Lee, July 19 '64, 3;
to Co. B i2th N. J.; dr. David Lundy, June 16 '64, 3;
to Co. B 1 2th N. J. Henry McLane, Sept. i '64, i; to
Co. B 12th N. J. Waldemar M. Melchert, June 11 '64,
3; to Co. B i2th N. J. William Osborn, Aug. 18 '62, 3;
to V. r. c. Sept. 30 '64; dis. July 13 '65. Armstrong
Powell, Aug. 15 '64, 3; to Co. B 12th N. J.; dr. William
Reiser, Feb. 24 '65, i; to Co. A 12th N. J. James Riley,
Oct. 7 '64, i; to Co. B 12th N. J. Thomas Scattergood,
Mar. 31 '63, 3; to V. r. c. Sept. 30 '64; dis. July 24 '65.
George Schoonover, Feb. 25 '65, i; to Co. B 12th N. J.
Killian Schulze, Sept. 2 '64, i ; to Bat. A. John Smith,
Oct. 8 '64, i; to Co. B 12th N. J.; dr. John Sullivan,
Aug. 16 '64, 3; to Co. A. John F. Sullivan, June 15 '64,
3; to Co. B i2th N. J. Mahlon D. Talmadge, Aug. 16
'62, 3; to V. r. c. Sept. I '63; dis. June 29 '65. Reuben
E. Talmadge, Aug. 16 '62, 3; to v. r. c. March 15 '64;
dis. June 30 '65. Samuel Taylor, May 10 '64, 3; to Co.
B 1 2th N. J.; dr. Alva S. Valentine, Sept. i '64, i; to
Co. M 3d N. J. cav. James J. Van Orden, Aug. 18 '62,
3; to v. r. c. April 26 '65; dis. Jane 2g '65. Isaac Wool-
verton, June 17 '62, 3; to v. r. c. Mar. 23 '64; dis. June
23 '65; appointed sergt. June 17 '62; private Sept. i 'dj,.
James'K. Youmans, Aug. 18 '62, 3; to v. r. c. Jan. 15
'64; dis. July 3 '65.
Died. — (With the exception of Mr. Atkinson these men
entered the service for three years; the date of enroll-
ment and muster-in follows the name). James Atkinson,
Sept. 27 '64; dr. for i year; missing at Boydton Plank
Road, Va., Oct. 27 '64. Joshua Beach, Aug. 18 '62; died
of scurvy at Andersonville, Ga., Aug. i '64. John Cook,
July 23 '62; killed at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3 '63
David Daley, June 17 '62; missing at Gettysburg, Pa ,
July 3 '63. James F. Gibson, July 24 '62; died of
chronic diarrhoea at Trenton, N. J., Mar. 4 '65, while on
a furlough. Peter Hann, Aug. 12 '62; killed at Chancel-
lorsville, Va., May 3 '63. William W. Hoffman, July 29
'62; died of disease at Richmond, Va., Apr. 12 '64.
William Horton, Aug. 18 '62; killed at Chancellorsville,
Va., May 3 '63. Charles Mann, Aug. 5 '62; killed at
Locust Grove, Va., Nov. 27 '63. John Mann, Aug. 12
'62; died at Chancellorsville, Va., May 11 '6^, of wounds
received there. Jacob Miller, Aug. 18 '62; missing at
Gettysburg, Pa., July 3 '63. Thomas Murray, June 17
'62; died at Washington, May 28 '63, of wounds received
at Chancellorsville. Riley O'Brien, June 17 '62; killed
at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3 '63." Isaac O'Dell, Aug.
16 '62; died of chronic diarrhoea near Falmouth Va.,
Mar. 9 '63. Daniel H. Palmer, Aug. 16 '62; died at
Washington, June 23 '63, of wounds received at Chancel-
lorsville. William B. Phillips, Aug. 12 '62; captured b_e-
fore Petersburg, Va., June 22 '64; died at Florence, S.
C, Nov. 15 '64. James Ridgeway, Aug. 10 '64; dr.;
died of chronic diarrhoea, at New^ York, Nov. 9 '64.
Elihu F. Rose, corp., Aug. 18 '62; killed at Spottsylvania,
Va., May 10 '64. C. M. Shauger, Aug. 18 '62; died of
typhoid fever near Falmouth, Va., March 29 '63. James
W. Smith, July 29 '62; died of intermittent fever near
Alexandria, Va., Nov. 26 '62. William H. Sweet, Aug.
18 '62; missing at Chancellorsville, May 3 '63. Cyrus
L. Talmadge, Aug. 18 '62; died at Andersonville, Ga.,
Sept. 2 '64. Thomas Tinney, Aug. 16 '62; killed at Get-
tysburg, Pa., July 2 '63. Gilbert Young, July 16 '62;
died of smallpox, at Washington, Dec. 8 '62.
The following were commissioned or enrolled, and
mustered in for three years' service, at the dates follow-
ing their names:
Captains. — Dorastus B. Logan, Aug. 13 '62, Aug. 14
'62; killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2 %j,. Ira W. Cory,
July 3 '63, Oct. 23 '63; appointed sergt. Co. K 7th N.
J.; ist lieut. Aug. 13 '62; on detached service at draft
rendezvous, Trenton; m. o. June 5 '65.
First Lieutenants. — William H. Egan, Oct. 5 '()t„ Oct.
31 '63; appointed ist sergt. Co. E; tr. to that company
Jan. I '64. Alexander Cummings, Nov. 13 '63, Nov. 24
'62,\ appointed ist sergt. June 17 '62; 2nd lieut. Sept. 20
'63; tr. from Co. K Jan. i '64; dismissed May 8 '65.
Second Lieutenant — William E. Axtell, Aug. 13 '62,
Aug. 14 '62; resigned Sept. 29 '63, from wounds received
at Gettysburg; commissioned ist lieut. July 2 '63; not
First Sergeants. — Alonzo M. Merritt, sergt., July 26
'62; ist sergt. Jan. i '64; sergt. major May 13 '64. Wat-
son P. Tuttle, corp. June 17 '62; ist sergt. June i '64;
sergt. major Sept. i '64. Michael J. Southard, July 5
'62; pro. corp. May 4 'by, ist sergt. Oct. i '64; captured
and paroled; dis. Apr. 28 '65.
Sergeants.— '^\\X\2iXa. S. Stout, June 17 '6z; appointed
corp. Sept. I '63; sergt. Jan. i '64; m. o. June 6 '65.
Peter Stone, Aug. 6 '62; appointed corp. Jan. i '64;
sergt. Sept. i '64; commissioned 2nd lieut. Co. B June 13
'65; not mustered. George W. Hedden, June 26 '62;
pro. corp. Feb. i '63; sergt. Oct. i '64; m. o. June 6
Corporals. — Nathaniel Clark, July 21 '62; pro. corp.
May 4 '63; m. o. June 6 '65. Lambert Riker, June 17
'62; pro. corp. Sept. i '63; m. o, June 6 '65. John J.
Sites, July 5 '62; pro. corp. Aug. i '63; dis. May 3 '65.
George A. Stevens, June 17 '62; m. o. June 6 '65. Wil-
liam S. Goarkee, July 9 '62; pro. corp. Oct. i '64; m. o.
June 6 '65.
Musician. — William Y. Kelly, July 5 '62; m. o. June 6
Discharged. — Sergeant Thomas S. Mitchell, enrolled
and mustered June 17 '62; dis. Mar. 19 '63 for disability.
Musician William H. Egbert, enrolled and mustered Aug.
14 '62; dis. for disability Jan. t6 '63. Wagoner David
H. Thomas, enrolled and mustered June 17 '62; dis. Jan.
9 '63 for disability.
Transferred {dait of enrollment and muster following
the name). — Sergeants: Silas C. Todd, June 17 '62; to
v. r. c. Aug. 6 '64; dis. June 17 '65. Henry C. Wood-
ruff, July 21 '62; to V. r. c. Sept. 30 '64; dis. July 6 '65;
appointed corp. July 21 '62; sergt. Apr. i '6^,. Corporals:
Erastus H. Rorick, Aug. 6 '62; to v. r. c. July i '63; dis.
Aug. 19 '64; prom. corp. Sept. i '62. Oliver Ayres, July
5 '62; to V. r. c. Dec. 7 '63; dis. Oct. 3 '64; prom. corp.
Jan. I '63.
Died. — John V. Lanterman, ist sergt., enrolled and
mustered June 17 '62; killed at Spottsylvania Court-
house, Va., May 12 '64. Daniel Bender, sergt., enrolled
and mustered June 17 '62; killed at Chancellorsville,Va.,
May 3 '63. Charles W. Buck, corp.; enrolled and mus-
tered July 30 62, died of debility, on furlough, at Wash-
ington, Mar. 13 '63. John S. Harden, corp., enrolled and
mustered July 14 '62; died of congestion of the brain
near Fort Ellsworth, Va., Oct. 9 '62. John Fleming,
Corp., enrolled and mustered July 9 '62.; appointed corp.
Oct. 9 '62; killed in action near Petersburg, Va., June
16 '64.
The date immediately following these names is that of
enrollment and muster. The figure 1 after the date
shows that the man entered the service for one year; in
other cases the term of enlistment was three years. The
date of muster-out was June 6 1865, where nothing ap-
pears to the contrary.
John Anderson, June 24 '62. Albert L. Axtell, July
5 62. Solomon G. Cannon, June 17 '62; captured and
paroled; dis. May 12 '65. John Caspar, Sept. i '64, i;
dis. May 3 '65. Jacob S. Clawson, Aug. i '62. Christian
Clevel, Aug. 17 '64; dis. June 12*65. Joseph L. Decker,
July 19 '62. Timothy Furl, July 9 '62. Daniel C. Hig-
gins, June 16 '64; dis. Apr. 8 '65. John Hoffman, Sept.
I '64; dis. Apr" 28 '65. George Horton, July 5 '62.
Joseph R. Mackey, July 5 '62; dis. May 3 '65. Lewis
N. McPeake, Aug. 15 '62; dis. May 3 '65. Morris Myers,
Sept. 28 '64, I. John Motti, Sept. 26 '64, i. George
Murphy, corp. June 17 '62; private Jan. i '63: dis. May
3 '65. Hans T. Olson, Sept. 28 '64, i. Bartley Owen,
July 23 '62; captured and paroled; dis. May 12 '65.
Michael Raiter, Sept. 28 '64, i. Jacob Schneider, Sept.
28 '64, I. William Southard, July 5 '62. Antoine Stael,
Sept. 28 '64, I, Henry Stibling, Sept. 26 '64, i. John
Stone, Sept. 28 '64, i. John V. Stout, June 17 '62.
James Sweeney, June 20 '62. Thomas Welsh, Sept. 26
'64, I.
Discharged. — (The date of enrollment and muster fol-
lows the name. All but one were three-years men. The
cause of discharge was physical disability where no other
is given). Joshua Barber, July 30 '62; dis. Oct. 20 '64.
for wounds received at Spnttsylvania. Henry Bayard,
June II '64; dis. May 30 '65, for woimds received at
Boydton Plank Road, Va., Oct. 27 '64. George Brown,
Sept. I '64; dishonorably discharged Mar. i '65. Dennis
Crater, July 16 '62; dis. May 3 '65, for wounds at Spott-
sylvania. Edward Emerson, Sept. 28 '64, i year; dis.
July 12 '65, for wounds at Fort Morton, Va., Nov. 5 '64.
George W. Jackson, June 17 '62; dis. Jan 14 '63. James
N. Jarvis, June 26 '62; dis. Dec. 30 '62. Constant V.
King, Aug. I '62; dis. Aug. 27 '63. Patrick King, July
26 '62; dis. Dec. 3 'd^x,, for wounds at Gettysburg. Mar-
shall Love, Aug. 14 '62; dis. July 21 '63. -George H.
McDougall, June 17 '62; dis. Jan. 23 '63. Reuben
O'Dell, June 28 '62; dis. Mar. 25 '65. Robert D. Owen,
July 21 '62; dis. Jan. 9 '63. Timothy K. Pruden, June
17 '62; dis. Dec. 15 'b^, for wounds at Gettysburg. Ed-
ward Rich, July 5 '62; dis. Apr. 25 '63. David A.
Riker, July 24 '62; dis. Dec. 24 '62. William Rowley,
July 5 '62; dis. April 25 '63. William Shack, July 30
'62; dis. Jan. 5 '63. William Sullivan, July 2 '62; dis.
Jan. 5 '(iT,. John Wright, June 24 '62; dis. Aug. 15 '64.
Theodore F. Wolfe, June 17 '62; dis. Jan. 5 'Qi2>-
Died (The date of enlistment and muster follows the
name. The period of enlistment was three years, except
in a single case). — Levi P. Baird, July 5 '62; killed near
Chancellorsville, May 3 '6^. Edward Barber; Aug. i '62;
killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2 '63. Simeon Brooks,
July 2 '62; died of chronic diarrhoea near Falmouth, Va.,
Feb. I '63. Bingham Cartwright, Aug. i '61; died of
debility near Falmouth, Va,, Jan. 18 'd^. Levi Cart-
wright, Aug. T '62; died of diphtheria near Alexandria,
Va., Dec. 15 '62. Timothy Cummings, Aug. 14 '62; died of
dysentery near Fort Ellsworth, Va., Oct. 27 '62. Daniel
Decker, June 28 '62; died- of typhoid fever near Falmouth,
Va., Feb. 7 '62- William A. Decker, Aug. 6 '62; died at
Washington May 30 '63, of wounds received at Chancel-
lors-ville; prom. corp. May 4 '63. William De Groat, July
5 '62; died of inflammation of the bowels near Falmouth,
Va., Dec. 25 '62. Edward Dorsay, July 5 '62; died of in-
flammation of the bowels near Fort Ellsworth, Va., Oct.
16 '62. William Halsey, July 5 '62; missing at Gettys-
burg, Pa., July 2 '63. Francis M. Hendershot, July 18
'62; died of chronic diarrhoea Sept. 26 '64, on James
River. Peter Hendershot, July 5 '62; died of debility
near Falmouth, Va., Jan. 2 '63. Richard Henderson,
Aug. 6 '62; died of inflammation of the lungs near Fal-
mouth, Dec. 30 '62. John Henry Klein, Oct. 10 '64, i
year; missing at Boydton Plank Road, Va., Oct. 27 '64;
died of fever at Salisbury, N. C, Feb. 7 '65. Ferdinand
Martin, June 15 '64; died at City Point, Va., Dec. 4 '64,
of woimds near Petersburg. William Potts, June 17 '62;
died of chronic diarrhoea at Washington, Oct. i '63.
Charles W. Prickett, June 28 '62; died of chronic diar-
rhoea at Washington, May 18 '65. Joseph P. Robare,
July 31 '61; died at Potomac Creek hospital, Va., May
3 '6^, of wounds at Chancellorsville. John C. Sharp,
June 17 '62; died of heart disease near Fort Ellsworth,
Va., Nov. 18 '62. Henry South, July 2 '62; killed at
Chancellorsville, Va., May 3 '6;^. David Talmadge, July
30 '62; missing near Petersburg, Va., June 22 '64. Wil-
liam W. Tuttle, July 26 '62; died of typhoid fever near
Fort Ellsworth, Va.. Nov. 6 '62. James AI. Woodruff,
Tune 17 '62; killed at Locust Grove, Va., Nov. 27
HE 15th regiment of New Jersey volunteer
infantry was raised in the summer of 1862,
in the northwestern part of the State, three
companies going from Sussex county, two
each from Morris, Hunterdon and Warren
and one from Somerset. The men were of a high
grade of character and intelligence, and were dis-
ciplined by veteran officers. The colonels of the regi-
ment at different times were Samuel Fowler, A. C. M.
Pennington jr. (never mustered) and William H. Pen-
rose. Edmund D. Halsey was commissioned adjutant
January ist 1864, having been first lieutenant of Com-
pany D, second lieutenant of Company F, sergeant
major, and private in Company K.
The regiment was mustered in on the 25th of August
1862 and immediately went to the front. Its first duty
was building fortifications at Tenaliytown, Md., Lee be-
ing then on his northern march which was stopped by
the battle of Antietara. At the end of September the
15th joined the army of the Potomac, and from this lime
to the close of the war it shared the hard work, the de-
feats and the victories of that great army, being attached
to the first brigade, first division, sixth corps.
The regiment was first under fire at Fredericksburg,
December 13th 1862, having crossed the Rappahannock
below the town and occupied a ravine, behaving admira-
bly under a cannonade by which several were wounded.
The next mornmg, before daylight, the isth was de-
ployed as skirmishers, within hearing of the voices of the
enemy. At sunrise the skirmish line opened fire. In the
bloody battle thus introduced the Morris county com-
panies fared less hardly than some portions of the line,
but Sergeant Major Fowler and Alexander S. Sergeant
of Company F were killed and several were severely
wounded. The next morning the regiment was relieved
by the 121st New York.
The tedious "' mud march " which followed the Fred-
ericksburg disaster preluded a dismal winter in camp at
White Oak Church, typhoid fever prevailing and making
sad inroads upon the companies from Morris, who were
thereafter notably fortunate in the matter of health.
The next fighting was the Chancellorsville campaign.
This took the 15th across the Rappahannock River be-
low Fredericksburg as before, the regiment forming the
extreme left of the sixth corps in the action of May 3d,
supporting a battery and aiding to prevent the enemy
from turning the left flank of Hooker's army. In this
service the 15th suffered considerable loss. Advancing
in the afternoon to Salem Church this regiment drove
the enemy by a gallant charge, and held its ground till
ordered back at night. It is believed that after this" en-
counter few regiments besides tlie isth New Jersey suc-
ceeded in bringing off all their wounded. This noble
achievement in the case of the 15th is largely credited to
the brave and tireless exertions of the chaplain. The
next day the army began its retreat to the old camp.
In the movement at Fredericksburg in June to divert
the attention of the enemy the 15th covered the crossing
of the Rappahannock River, removing the pontoon bridge
in the face of the enemy and in a driving rain. It fought
at Gettysburg, and participated in the advances and re-
treats that consumed the latter part of 1863.
The following winter was passed in camp at Brandy
Station, Va., in picket and fatigue duty, interrupted by
an expedition of the brigade to Madison Court-house,
which involved no fighting. A log church edifice was
built in the camp, in which literary as well as religious
exercises were held; a "church" of 130 members was
organized, to which 46 were added by conversion.
The regiment broke camp on the 4th of May 1864,
and immediately plunged into the terrible Wilderness
campaign. On the 8th, with the 3d N. J., the 15th made
a splendid charge at Spottsylvunia Court-house, to
develop the position and strength of the rebel force. It
was repulsed with terrible loss, loi men being killed or
wounded. The next day the 15th and the ist had a
sharp encounter with the rebel skirmishers in a movement
on the enemy's right flank. On the loth these regiments
drove in the rebel skirmish line, but were stopped by the
fortifications at the " bloody angle." They were re-
inforced and renewed the attack, but were again repulsed,
the entrenchments of the enemy at this point being one
of the strongest field works ever attacked by the army.
On the same day the sixth corps carried a part of the
enemy's line, but had to abandon it and many prisoners,
on account of the repulse of the other troops, attacking
on either hand. The two regiments mentioned, however,
held the ground taken by them till relieved after dark.
On the 1 2th the 6th corps assaulted the "bloody
angle," with the islh regiment on the extreme right of
the front line. Charging through a murderous fire, this
regiment broke through the strong line of the enemy,
capturing prisoners and a stand of colors. Unsupported,
and enfiladed from neighboring works not taken, the
brave little Union force was compelled to retire, having
lost more than one-half of the rank and file and seven of
its best officers. " Out of 429 men and 14 line officers,
who crossed the Rapidan on the 4th, only 122 men and
four line officers remained."
The isth shared in the advance to Petersburg which
followed the retreat of the rebels from Spottsylvania, and
afterward fought under Sheridan in the Shenandoah
Valley. At Hanover Court-house the decimated ranks
were in part filled with the re-enlisted veterans of the
2nd, and at Cold Harbor the re- enlisted veterans of the
3d were added, the original term of service of those or-
ganizations having expired. On the 17th of August this
regiment so stubbornly held in check the army of Early
and Longstreet that the latter actually formed for an
attack in the belief that Sheridan's whole force was be-
fore them. One confederate brigade was enough to
scatter the thin skirmish line of the Jerseymen, but the
latter yielded only with the most stubborn resistance,
some of the 15th holding their ground so long as to be
surrounded and captured.
At the battle of Opequan, on the 19th of September
1864, this regiment, in the opinion of a division com-
mander, saved the day by holding a hill and checking
the advance of the enemy during a temporary reverse to
the Union line, after which Sheridan's men rallied to one
of the most important victories of the war.
At Fisher's Hill, September 22nd, the ist New Jersey
brigade, by a most brilliant charge, carried a rebel
stronghold, capturing a num.ber o( guns; and at Cedar
Creek on the 19th of October occupied the most advanced
and difficult position, one of the field officers of the 15th
being killed and the other two wounded, while the rank
and file suffered severely. After this battle the regiment
rejoined the army before Petersburg, and participated in
the capture of that city and Richmond and other closing
events of the war. It was present at the surrender of
Lee at Appomattox, April 9th, and was mustered out at
Hall's Hill, Va., June 22nd 1865. One of the field offi-
cers of the 15th, from whom we have derived the fore-
going facts, summarizes the brilliant record of the regi-
ment as follows:
" In the death grapples of army with army, from 1862
to 1865, it bore the stars and stripes with honor and dis-
tinction. No regiment fought with more tenacious cour-
age, or presented a more steady and unbroken front to
the foe. Where the fire was hottest, the charge most im-
petuous, the resistance most stubborn, the carnage most
fearful, it was found. It was never ordered to take a po-
sition that it did not reach it. It was never required to
hold a post that it did not hold it. It never assaulted a
line of the enemy that it did not drive it. It never
charged a rebel work that it did not reach it. * * *
Such a record must be traced in blood. When the roll
is called, three hundred and sixty-one times it must be
answered — ' Dead on the field of honor.' "
The statistics of this regiment are as follows:
Officers at muster-in, 38; enlisted men ditto, 909;
officers gained, 72; enlisted men gained, 852; total
strength, 1,871; officers mustered out, 18; enlisted men
mustered out, 398; died of disease, 99; died of wounds,
247; died in prison, 15; total deaths, 361.
The engagements in which the regiment participated
were the following, all in Virginia where not otherwise
Fredericksburg, December 13th and 14th 1862 and
May 3d 1863; Salem Heights, May 3d and 4th 1863;
Franklin's Crossing, June 6th-i4th 1863; Gettysburg,
Pa., July 2nd and 3d 1863; Fairfield, Pa., Jnly 5th
1863; Funktown, Md., July loth 1863; Rappahannock
Station, October 12th and November 7th 1863; Mine
Run, November 30th 1863; Wilderness, May 5th-7th
1864; Spottsylvania, May 8th-i6th 1864; North and
South Anna River, May 24th 1864; Hanover Court-
house, May 29th 1864; Tolopotomy Creek, May 30th
and 31st 1864; Cold Harbor, June ist-iith 1864; Before
Petersburg, J Lin& i6th-22nd 1864; Weldon Railroad, June
23d 1864; Snicker's Gap, July i8th 1864; Strasburg,
August 15th 1864; Winchester, August 17th 1864;
I Charlestown, August 21st 1864; Opequan September 19th
1864; Fisher's Hill, September 21st and 22nd 1864;
New Market, September 24th 1864; Mount Jackson,
September 2Sth 1864; Cedar Creek and Middletown, Oc-
tober 19th 1864; Hatcher's Run, February sth 1865;
Fort Stedman, March 2Sth 1865; capture of Petersburg,
April 2nd 1865; Sailor's Creek, April 6th 1865; Farni-
ville, April 7 th 1865.
Below are rolls of the Morris county companies in the
iSth regiment:
These men entered the service for three years. Imme-
diately following the name is the date of commission or
enrollment; the date of muster-in was August 25th 1862,
where no second date is given; and the date of muster-
out- June 22nd 1865, if not otherwise stated.
Captains. — Ira J. Lindsley, Aug. 15 '62; killed at Salem
Heights, Va., May 3 '63. Lewis Van Blarcom, June 19
'63, July I '63; appointed ist lieut. Co. D Aug. 15 '62.
and captain May 8 '64; dis. Dec. 15 '64, for wounds,
Herman Lipfert, Sept. 14 '62, Oct. 3 '62; tr. from Co E.
2nd N. J. May 29 '64; dis. Aug. 10 '64, as supernumer-
ary. James H. Comings, Dec. 31 '64, Jan. 26 '65; ap-
pointed ist lieut. Co. A July 3 '64; brevet major Apr. 2 '65.
First Lieutenants. — Erastus H. Taylor, Aug. 15 '62;
dis. July 22 '63, for disability. William W. Van Voy,
Nov. 4 'i>2,\ appointed 2nd lieut. Co. I Aug, 15 '62;
killed at Spottsylvania Court-house, Va., May 12 '64.
Second Lieutenants. — Samuel R. Connett, Aug. 12 '62;
appointed sergt. Co. K 7th N. J.; ist lieut. Co. A Apr.
7 '63; resigned June 20 '63. George Martin, Apr. 7 '63,
Apr. 24 '63; formerly ist sergt. Co. B; dismissed Oct. 5
'63. Henry R. Merrill, July 3 '64, Dec. 1 '64; formerly
ist sergt. Co. H.
First Sergeant. — Andrew J. Brannin; corp. Aug. 8
'62; ist sergt. Jan. i '65; died Aug. 19 '73.
Sergeants. — John P. Crater, July 10 '62; pro. 2nd lieut.
Co. D Mar. 18 '63; wounded May 3 '63; pro. ist lieut.
Co. E Nov. 4 '63; capt. Co. K, July 3 '64; brevet major
April 2 '65. William F. Parrish, July 10 '62; wounded
at Salem Heights May 3 '63; pro. sergt. major Apr. i '65.
Menrath Weyer jr., corp. Aug. 7, '62; sergt. Apr. 9 '63;
ist lieut. Co. F July 3 '64. John Efner, July 10 '62;
corp. July I '63; sergt. Nov. i '64. Robert Lyon, July
31 '62; wounded at Salem Heights May 3 '63; sergt.
Jan. I '65. Charles H. Guerin, July 29 '62. , George
Hull, Aug. 9 '62; wounded at Spottsylvania, May '64;
sergt. May i '65. Israel D. Lum, wounded at Spottsyl-
vania, May 9 '64.
Corporals. — Augustus S. Hopping, Aug. 13 '62; pro.
corp. Apr. 9 '63. Lewis L. Davis, Aug. 9 '62; wounded
at Spottsylvania, May '64; pro. corp. May i '65. Charles
W. White, July 19 '62; dis. May 3 '65. Manuel Johnson,
Aug. II '62; wounded May 12 '64; pro. corp. Jan. i '(it,;
dis. June 28 '65. Cyrus Estill, Aug. 9 '62; pro. corp.
May I '65. George F. Wardell, Aug. 14 '62; pro. corp.
May I '65. John A. Clift, Aug. 11 '62; wounded at
Opequan, Sept. 19 '64; pro. corp. May 12 '65; m. o.
May 31 '65. Edwin A. Doughty; wounded at Salem
Heights, May 3 '63.
Discharged. — William Beers, corp. Aug. 9 '62; dis.
Nov. 20 '63, for wounds received May 3 '63; arm am-
putated. Thomas E. Bennett, musician, July 26 '62; dis.
Jan. 14 '64. Albert C. Dildine, musician, July 30 '62;
dis. Jan. 4 '64.
Transferred. — John A. Brown, ist sergt., July 10 '62;
wounded May 3 'di; tr. to v. r. c. Mar. 15 '64; dis. June
30 '65. Samuel Rubadow, corp., Aug. 2 '62, to Co. H;
sergt. Nov. 5 '63; color sergt.; killed at Spottsylvania,
May 9 '64. David W. Kithcart, corp., Jan. 4 '64; from
Co. D; appointed corp. Nov. i '64; tr. to Co. D 2nd N.
J. June 21 '65.
Died.—]Q\\x\ P. Van Houten, ist sergt., July 10 '62;
killed at Spottsylvania Court-house, Va.,,May 12 '64;
appointed ist sergt. Mar. i '64. Oscar Brokaw, corp.,
Aug. 7 '62; killed at Salem Heights, Va., May 3 '63.
Lee Chardavayne, corp., Aug. 20 '61; killed at Cold
Harbor, Va., June 3 '64; tr. from Co. E 2nd N. J. Wil-
liam Trelease, Aug. 7 '62; missing (probably killed) at
Laurel Hill, Va., May 8 '64; appointed corp. May i '64.
With a few exceptions, which are noted, these men en-
listed for three years, in the latter part of July or early in
August 1862: were mustered in August 25th following,
and mustered out June 2nd 1865:
William B. Bailey, missing at Spottsylvania May '64.
Ezra T. Baldwin, appointed corp. Aug. 9 '62; private
Jan. I '63. Emanuel Barton; wounded at Salem Heights
May 3 '(^2,. William T. Boyd. John H. Brundage; dis.
Aug. 24 '65. George P: Condict; on detailed service.
John S. Cook. Edwin A. Doty; appointed corp. July
30 '62; private Apr. 30 '64- William Efner. Silas P.
Genung. Silas J. Guerin; dis. May 3 '61. James H.
Hathaway. Dennis Heffern; wounded at Spottsylvania
May '64. George W. Hiler. Hugh H. Layton. Charles
H. Lewis. Israel D. Lum; appointed sergt. Aug. 7 '62;
private Oct. 9 '64. Jacob L. Mattox. John R. Mc-
Cauley jr., prom. com. sergt. Jan. i '64; ist lieut. Co. D
Feb. 9 '65; brevet capt. Apr. 2 '65. Robert T. McGowan.
James H. Mills. Jacob L. Morrison. Patrick B. Murphy,
musician; wounded at Salem Heights, May 3 '63. John
N. Naylor; dr.; mustered Mar. 21 '65 for one year; tr.
from Co. D; dis. May 17 '65. Albert B. Nicholas.
Henry Rose, enlisted and mustered July 8 '61; tr. from
Co. K 3d N. J.; m. o. Aug. 10 '64. William Scott.
Stephen Smith, wagoner. Silas Trowbridge; wounded
at Spottsylvania, May '64. Lewis Turner; wounded at
Spottsylvania, May '64. Samuel Tyler; enlisted and mus-
tered Sept. 25 '61; tr. from Co. G 3d N. J.; m. o. Sept.
25 '64. Henry A. Westfall; wounded at Strasburg, Va.,
Aug. 15 '64; dis. May 3 '65. Albert W. Whitehead.
John B. Wilson, enlisted and mustered Aug. 26 '61; tr.
from Co. E 2nd N. J. May 29 '64; m. o. Sept. 12 '64.
Discharged (for physical disability if not otherwise
stated). — Lorenzo Anderson; dis. Apr. 20 '63; died Apr.
20 '63. Benjamin Booth, enlisted and mustered Dec. 31
'63; tr. from Co. A; dis. Mar. 29 '64. Halsey Brannin,
wounded at Salem Heights, May 3 '63; dis. Dec. 29 '64.
James H. Cyphers; dis. May 4 '64. Mulford B. Day;
dis. Apr. 28 '63. Robert Gray, enlisted and mustered
Jan. 4 '64; tr. from Co. D; dis. Mar. 29 '64. Alfred
Hopler; dis. Mar. 24 '63, from wounds at Fredericks-
burg, Va., Dec. 13 '62. Cornelius ■ Hull, enlisted and
mustered Jan. 4 '64; tr. from Co. D; dis. Mar. 29 '64.
Joseph D. King; dis. Jan. 19 '63. Charles Maxfield;
dis. Dec. 26 '62. Daniel A. Porter, enlisted and mus-
tered Jan. 4 '64; tr. fromCo. D; dis. Mar. 29 '64. Erastus
Rynearson; dis. Mar. 8 '64. Abraham Sawyer; dis. Jan.
19 '63- John W. Thompson; dis. Apr. 22 '64. George
Van Houten; dis. Jan. 19 '63. Robert Whitham; lost
an arm at Fredericksburg May 3 '63; dis. Sept. 23 '63,
Transferred. — (In this paragraph the dates of enlist-
ment and muster immediately follow the name; in most
cases they were the same. Next follows the number of
years for which the man entered the service. The trans-
fer was to Co. D 2nd N. J., June 21 '65, where not
otherwise mentioned). Alfred M. Armstrong, July 29 '62,
Aug. 25 '62, 3; wounded at Spottsylvania, May '61; tr!
to V. r. c, Sept. 30 '64; dis. July 8 '65. George Baker,
Mar. 24 '65, I. George Barnes, Mar. i '65, i; tr. from
Co. K. Luke Barton, May 11 '64, 3. Frederick Bauer,
Apr. 5 '65, i; tr. from Co. H. Robert Blair, Apr. 7 '65,
3. Owen Boehen, Apr. 8 '65, i. William B. Brown,
Mar. I '65, i; tr. from Co. K. James H. Bruen, Oct. 10
'64, I. George Campbell, Sept. 21 '64, i; to Co. K.
Albert Chaffer, Mar. i '65, i; tr. from Co. K. Nelson
Cook, Aug. 13 '62, Aug. 25 '62, 3; to V. r. c, Jan. 15 '64;
dis. June 24 '65. William Cook, Feb. 6 '65, i; tr. from
Co. B. Aaron R. Corson, Apr. 3 '65, i; tr. from Co. B.
Jacob D. Dalrymple, Aug. 25 '64; to Co. H. Samuel D.
Doty, July 21 '62, Aug. 25 '62, 3; wounded at Spottsyl-
vania. May '64; tr. to v. r. c, Jan. i '65; dis. Aug. 15 '65.
Alonzo Dow, Aug. 25 '64, 3; to Co. H. Edward Flan-
nery. Mar, i '65, i; tr. from Co. K. Jacob Fooze, Sept.
3 '64, i; to Co. K. Corydon C. Force, Aug. 7 '62, Aug.
25 '62, 3; to V. r. c, Jan. 7 '65; dis. July 21 '65. Clem-
ens Gansz, Mar. 27 '65, i; tr. from Co. H. Michael
Herwick, Apr. 5 '65, i; tr. from Co. K. John Hynes,
Apr. 8 '65, I. David P. Ingle, Jan. 4 64, 3; tr. from Co.
A. Patrick Kelly, Mar. 25 '61, i. Frederick Koblenz,
Mar. 24 '65, i. Jacob Kramer, Mar. 24 '65, 3. Henry
Laugers, George Lauf and Louis Long, Mar. 25 '65.
George Mahoney, Apr. 8 '65, i. John J. Mason, Oct. 10
'64, I. John McDowell, Mar. 23 '65. William B.
McGill, Apr. 6 '65, i; to Co. G. Thomas McGovern,
Mar. 24 '65. John McGraw, Apr. 7' 65, 3. John Miller,
Feb. 14 '65, I. John H. Nicholas, Aug. 7 '62, 3; to v.
r. c. Nov. 15 '63; dis. July 27 '65. Joseph Noe, Mar. 24
'65, I. George H. Percy, Aug. 12 '62, Aug. 25 '62, 3;
wounded at Salem Heights May 3 '63; tr. to v. r. c. Jan.
15 '64; dis. July 13 '65. John Pettit, Apr. 8 '65, i.
Patrick Roach, Mar. 25 '65, i. John M. Ryde, Mar. 24
'65, I. David Sand and Lewis D. Sandborn, Mar. 25
'65, I. Charles Schmidt, Mar. 24 '65, i. Francis
Sheldon and Thomas A. Shipps, Mar. 25 '65, i. Walter
A. Sidener, Jan. 4 '64, 3; tr. from Co. B. Stephen
Smack, Aug. 5 '62, 3; to v. r. c. Apr. i '65; wounded
May 3 '63, in hand; dis. June 21 '65. Sidney Stout,
Aug. 25 '64, i; to Co. H. Crosby Sweeten, Mar. 22 '65,
i; dr. John Tyson, Aug. 7 '62, Aug. 25 '62, 3; wounded
May 3 '63; tr. to v. r. c. June 15 '64; dis. Sept. 26 '64.
John Van Eren, Jan. 2 '64, 4; tr. from Co. A. Christian
Wagner, Mar. 24 '65, i.
Died. — (These men entered the service for three years,
and in nearly all cases were enrolled in July or August
1862 and mustered August 25th 1862. Where the dates
were otherwise they are given). William B. Briggs;
missing at Spottsylvania, Va., May 8 '64; probably
killed. Franklin Camp; died of typhoid fever, near
White Oak Church, Va., Dec. 24 '62. I'rancis Cunning-
ham; died of typhoid fever, near White Oak Church,
Va. Dec. 16 '62. Edward M. Day; killed at Cold Har-
bor' Va., June i '64. Randolph Earles; died at Wash-
ington, b. C, Dec. '22 '62, of wounds at Fredericksburg,
Dec. 13 '62. Daniel Estill; died of typhoid fever near
Brandy Station, Va., Dec. 28 '63. George Fenner, May
29 '61; missing at Winchester, Va., Aug. 17 '64; tr. from
Co. G 3d N. J. Edgar S. Farrand; killed at Spottsyl-
vania Court-house, Va., May 12 '64. Smith C. Gage;
died at Washington, D. C, May 14 '63, of wounds re-
ceived at Salem Heights, Va., May 3 '63. John Gay,
Tan 4 '64; killed at Spottsylvania Court-house, Va., May
12 '64; tr. from Co. D. Andrew J. Genung; killed at
Spottsylvania Court-house, Va., May 12 '64. Qumcy
Grimes; died of disease at Warrenton, Va., Sept. 8
'6^ Theodore Guerin; died of typhoid fever, near
White Oak Church, Va., Feb. 23 '63. Jeremiah Hay-
cock: killed at Spottsylvania, Va., May 8 '64. Otto
Heimelsback, May 28 '61; killed at Cedar Creek, Va.,
Oct 19 '64; tr. from Co. E 2nd N. J. James H. Hiler;
killed at Salem Heights, Va., May 3 '63. Alfred Hopler;
wounded Dec. 13 '62 at Fredericksbutg; died in hospital
in Philadelphia, March 24 'dj, Virgil Howell; died of
typhoid fever, near White Oak Church, Va., Dec. 20 '62.
Moses Laramie; captured at Spottsylvania, May '64;
died of scurvy, at Anderson ville, Ga., Nov. 20 '64. John
Miller; killed at Spottsylvania Court-house, Va., May
12 '64. William Oliver; killed at Cold Harbor, Va.,
June I '64. Thomas Phipps; died of typhoid fever, at
"windmill Point, Va., Jan. 31 '63. Edwin H. Reger, Feb.
27 '64; killed at Spottsylvania Court-house, Va., May 12
'64. William Reynolds; died of fever, near Petersburg,
Va., Feb. 5 '65. John Rutan; killed at Spottsylvania
Court-house, Va., May 12 '64. William M. Shipman;
killed at Salem Heights, Va., May 3 '63. Samuel T.
Sidener; died of typhoid fever, near White Oak Church,
Va., Dec. 26 '62. William E. Simpson; wounded May 3
'63; killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19 '64. Matthias
Sona, Jan. 4 '64; died at Winchester, Va., Sept. 19 '64,
of wounds received at Opequan. William Storms; killed at
Salem Heights, Va., May 3 '63. Peter J. Vanderhoof ; died
of typhoid fever at White Oak Church, Va., Dec. 28 '62.
Captains. — George C. King, mustered Aug. 25 '62; re-
signed April 7 '63, at White Oak Church, Va.; died at
Chester. Thomas P. Stout, pro. April 26 '(^t, from ist
lieut. Co. A; wounded May 3d '63, at Salem Heights,
Va.; tr. to v. r. c. Nov. i '63. Ellis Hamilton, pro. Nov.
4 '63 from ist lieut. Co. E; wounded May 6 '64 in Wil-
derness,. Va.; died of wounds May 27 '64. James W.
Penrose, pro. July 27 '64 from ist lieut.; April i '63
from private U. S. A.
First Lieutenants. — Owen H. Day, pro. Aug. 25 '62
from color sergt. 3d N. J.; pro. capt. Co. I Jan. ig '63.
John H. Vanderveer, mustered as 2nd lieut. Aug. 25 '62;
ist lieut. April 14 '63; resigned July 28 '63. Menrath
Weyer, pro. July 3 '64 from sergt. Co. C; tr. to C(3. E
2nd N. J. June 22 '65.
Second Lieutenants. — Gaston Everit, April 14 '63 from
Co. I 7th N. J.; resigned May 24 '63. Edmund D. Hal-
sey, commissioned June '63; pro. ist lieut. Co. D before
being mustered. James Van Antwerp, pro. from ist
sergt. Co. E Sept. 28 '64; pro. ist lieut. Co. I Feb. 9
'65. Morris S. Hawn jr., sergt. Co. B April 17 '65; tr. to
Co. D 2nd regiment June 21 '65.
Sergeants. — Enos G. Budd; wounded May 9 '64, at
Spottsylvania, Va.; pro. ist. lieut. Co. C July 3 '64; not
mustered; dis. May 3 '65. Manning F. McDougal, killed
June I '64 at Cold Harbor, Va. Phineas H. Skellinger,
wounded at Spottsylvania, Va., May 8 '64; died from
wounds, May 27 '64. Elias H. Carlisle; killed June 4
'64, at Cold Harbor. Andrew F. Salmon, wounded May
12 '64, at Spottysvania, Va.; died of wound May 20 '64,
at Fredericksburg.
Corporals. — Lewis H. Salmon; pro. sergt. April i '63;
wounded May 12 '64 at Spottsylvania. ■ John L. Larri-
son; wounded May 3 '63 at Salem Heights; pro. sergt.
Oct. I '63; captured a rebel flag May 10*64. Alexander
T. Beatty; died Feb. 10 '63, at Washington, D. C, of
disease. John R. McCain; dis. for disability March 23
'64; died of disease in June '64. William H. Bowman;
died June i '63, of fever, at White Oak Church, Va.
John Parliament. George W. Laskie: deserted Nov. 11
'63, from hospital at Gettysburg, Pa. George S. M.
WoodhuU; wounded May 3 '63 at Saleni Heights, Va. ;
pro. sergt. Oct. i '64.
Musicians. — William H. Smith and Theodore F. Swayze,
drummers; dis. Feb. 17 '64, at Brandy Station, by special
order of the War Department.
Lewis Ammerman; died of disease at White Oak
Church, Va., Mch. 3r, '63. Joseph Anthony; wounded
May 12 '64 at Spotlsylvania, Va. Amos G. Bali; tr. to
V. r. c. Jan. 13 '65. John P. Bean; dis. Jan. 3 '63 at White
Oak Church, for disability. Henry H. Berry; wounded
May 12 '64, at Spottsylvania, Va. John W. Berry; killed
at Spottsylvania, Va. (Gault House), May 17 '64. Felix
Cash; wounded at Salem Heights, Va., May 3 '63; died
of wounds May 15 '63, at Potomac Creek. Warren N.
Clawson; died at Washington, May 20 '64. Charles
Covert; killed at Spottsylvania, Va., May 8 '64. John
Carlile, wounded June 2 '64, at Cold Harbor, Va.; pro.
Corp. March i '65. Thomas Clark; deserted Mch. 18
'63, at White Oak Church. Henry B. Crampton; on
detailed service. Josejih V. M. Crampton; dis. for dis-
ability June 21 '63, at White Oak Church, Va. Joseph
Crater; pro. corp. April i '6;^; wounded May 8 '64.
Charles Davenport; tr. to v. r. c. March 15 '64. William
Davenport; deserted Sept. 6 '62, from Camp Morris, D. C.
John Dee; teamster. AVilliam H. K. Emmons; pro. corp.
April I '63; tr. to color guard June i '63; wounded in
foot May 12 '64, at Spottsylvania, Va,; returned to the
guard Dec. 26 '64. George D. Foulds; killed at Spott-
sylvania, Va., May 12 '64. Isaiah D. Frutchey; wounded
May 12 '64, at Spottsylvania, Va. Jeremiah Foley; tr.
to v. r. c. Sept. 21 '63. George R. Geddes; wounded
May 3 '63, at SaJem Heights, Va.; pro. corp. Sept. i '64.
William Gulick; dis. for disability A])ril 21, '63, at White
Oak Church, Va.; died Aug. 24 '8r. Jacob Guest;
wounded Sept. 19 '64, at AVinchester, Va. John Grey;
on detailed service. George R. and John Hall; team-
sters. Charles Heck; died at Washington, D. C, March
30 '64, of disease. Zeno A. Hawkins; dis. April 27 '6^,
at White Oak Church, Va., for disability. Alonzo Hed-
den; pro. corp. Dec. 29 '62; wounded May 8 '64, at
Spottsylvania. James Hoover. Anthony Hopler; died
Jan. 5 '63, at White Oak Church, Va., of fever. James
M. Ingle; wounded May 12 '64, at Spottsylvania; dis.
for wounds Jan. 10 '65. Abraham Jacobus; wounded
May 7 2 '64, at Spottsylvania, Va. Benjamin Kane;
wounded May 3 '63, at Salem Heights, Va.; dis. for
wound Oct. 23 '63. W'hitfield Lake; wounded and miss-
ing (probably killed), May 12 '64, at Spottsylvania, Va.
Jacob Lamerson; died Feb. 18 '63, of disease, at White
Oak Church, Va. David C. Lance; wounded May 12
'64, at Spottsylvania. James Laterette; wounded May
12 '64, at Spottsylvania, Va. Daniel Morgan; lost arm
May 3 '63, at Fredericksburg, Va.; dis. Oct. 27 '63.
Charles Milligan; pro. sergt. Sept. i '64 from corp.;
killed Sept. 19 '64, at Winchester, Va. Samuel L.
Meeker; on recruiting service for one year. William W.
Opdycke; wounded May 3 '63, at Salem Heights, Va.;
after return detailed as teamster. Andrew Opdycke;
wounded May 12 '64, at Spottsylvania, Va. Frank H.
O'Neil; wounded and taken prisoner Aug. 17 '64, at
Winchester, Va.; released Mch. 9 '65. Joseph Osborne;
on detailed service. William H. Parliament; deserted
July 10 '63, at Funkstown, Md. Jacob A. Peckwell;
killed at Spottsylvania, Va., May 12 '64, George C.
Reid; slightly wounded Dec. 14 '62; on recruiting duty
one year. William H. Rarick; dis. for rheumatism
March 17 '64, at Newark, N. J. Ezekiel Rarick. William
H. Sergeant; died March 17 '63, at ^Vhite Oak Church,
Va., of disease. Alexander S. Sergeant; killed at Fred-
ericksburg, Va., Dec. 13 '62. James Sprague; killed at
Fredericksburg, Va., in the morning of May 3 '63. John
Scales; on detailed service, quartermaster's department.
Frederick Starr; ambulance corps; died at Rockawaj-,
N. J., April 24 '74. Peter J. Sutton; missing in action
Aug. 17 '64, at Winchester, Va.; died at Lynchburg, Va.,
Oct. 18 '64. John D. Salmon; died March 27 '63, at
White Oak Church, Va., of fever. David Todd; died
March 5 '63, at White Oak Church, Va., of general de-
bility. Peter Van Arsdale; dis. Sept. 5 '63, at Washmg-
ton, D. C, for disability. Isaac Van Arsdale; died Sept.
22 '64, from wounds received Sept. ig '64. Benajah D.
Wear; died May 9 '63, at White Oak Church, Va., of
disease. Lawrence H. Weise; wounded May 12 '64, at
Spottsylvania, Va. Elias Williamson; killed at Spott-
sylvania, May 12 '64. John AVilliamson; dis. Nov. 28
'6;^, for disability.
On Thursday, January 20th 1864, some twenty re-
cruits from Morris county joined the 15th regiment, and
during the winter others from Morris and Sussex. "J"he
following is a list of them and the companies to which
they were assigned:
Wesley M. Ayres, Co. D, Jan. 4 '64; missing in action
May 8 '64. William P. Bryan, Co. A, Feb. 29 '64; tr. to
Co. F 2nd N. J., June 21 '65. Jonathan B. Bowman, Co.
A, Jan. 4 '64;' tr. to Co. D; dis. Mar. 27 '64. Jacob
Beam, Co. A, Jan. 21 64; killed May 8 '64. Benjamin
Booth, Co. A, Dec. 31 '63; tr. to Co. C; dis. Mar. 29 '64.
John Bowman, Co. D, Jan. 19 '64; died June 20 of
wounds received June i '64. David Cantrell, Co. A,
Dec. 15 '63; tr. to Co. I; transferred to Co. E 2nd N. J.,
June 21 '65. Andrew C. Clauson, Co. A; deserted
Aug. 25 '62; returned. William C. Cearfoss, Co. H, Jan.
6 '64; killed May 12 '64. Nelson L. Cole, Co. I, Jan. 4
'64; tr. to Co. K 2nd N. J., June 21 '65. John Card jr.,
Co. K, Feb. 25 '64; tr. to C^o. H 2nd N. J. June 21 '65.
.'Vndrew Deeker, Co. D, Jan. 4 '64; dis. Apr. 13 '64.
David L. Denee, corp., Co. D, Dec. 29 '6;^; tr. to Co. I
2nd N. J. Benjamin Drake, Co. D, Dec. 29 '63; died
Feb. 22 '64 of disease. Levi Deeker, Co. K, Feb. 25 '64;
tr. to Co. H 2nd N. J. June 21 '65. John Evans, Co. A,
May '64; missing May 12 '64. Joseph C. Everett, Co.
A, Jan. 6 '64; killed May 12 '64. Lorenzo D. Fulford,
Co. D, Dec. 29 '63; missing May 8 '64. William Gulick,
Co. A., Feb. 25 '64; tr. to Co. F 2nd N. J. June 21 '65.
Robert Gray, Co. D, Jan. 4 '64; tr. to Co. C; dis. Mar.
29 '64. John Gay, Co. D; tr. to Co. C; killed May 12
'64. John M. Goucher, Co. D, Jan. 4 '64; died Mar. 24
'64 of disease. Van Meter P. Hammitt, Co. A, Nov. 12
'63; tr. to Co. G 2nd N. J. June 21 '65. Abraham Hen-
dershot, Co. A, Dec. 17 '63; tr. to Co. D; died in rebel
prison in Danville Jan. 6 '65. John Hopkins, Co. A, Nov.
19 '63; tr. to Co. D; died June 18 '64 of wounds received
May 12 Charles Hand, Co. B, Jan. 4 '64; dis. June 17
'65. Cornelius Hull, Co. D, Jan. 4 '64; tr. to Co. B;
dis. Mar. 29 '64 for disease. Gustave Hartwig; tr. from
Co. E 2nd. Stephen Hawkins, Co. D, Jan. 4 '64; tr. to v. r.
c. Jan. I '65. Patrick Hughes, Co. D, Dec. 30 '63;
killed May 8 '64. Lemuel Hardick, Co. I Jan. 4 '64; tr.
to Co. E 2nd N. J. June 21 '65. Uriah Hardick, Co. I,
Dec. 29 '63; tr. to Co. E 2nd N. J. June 21 '65. George
Heaney, Co. G, Jan. 2 '64; tr. to Co. G 2nd N. J. June
21 '65. Henry J. Hendershot, Co. G Jan. 18 '64; tr. to
Co. E 2nd N. J. June 21 '65. David P. Ingle, Co. A
Jan. 4 '64; tr. to Co. C; tr. to Co. D 2nd N. J. June 21
'65. Alfred B. Jackson, Co. A, Jan. 2 '64; tr. to Co. D;
killed May 8 '64. Abram Johnson jr., Co. A, Nov. 19
'63; tr. to Co. D; killed May 8 '64. Bernard Johnson,
Co. A, Dec. 31 '6y, tr. to Co. D; died May 20 '64 of
wounds received May 8. James M. Jervis, Co. D, Jan.
2 '64; dis. at Camp Parole Apr. 28 '64. James Johnson,
Co. D, Dec. 28 '63; died July 6 '64 of typhoidfever, at
Philadelphia. Daniel W. Kithcart, corp. Co. D, Jan. 4
'64; tr. to Co. C; tr. to Co. D 2nd N. J. June 2 '65.
Amos C. Keepers, Co. C, Jan. 4 '64; dis. Mar. 27 '64.
John Knapp, Co. K, Dec. 22 '63; deserted May 10 '64 at
Spottsylvania. William H. List, Co. I, Dec. 29 '63;
killed June i '64. Joseph Langdon, Co. A, Dec. 14 '63;
tr. to Co. I; tr. to U. S. N. Apr. 8 '64. Jacob Lawson,
Corp., Co. I, Jan. 4 '64; tr. to Co. E 2nd N. J. June 21
'65. Peter Langdon, Co. D, Feb. 12 '64; died June 25
'64 of wounds received May 12; tr. from Co. C 2nd N. J.
John Moser, Co. A, Feb. 24 '64; dis. June 7 '65 for
wounds received May 12 '64. Thomas McGarvey, Co.
A, Dec. 19 '63; tr. to Co. D; dis. Apr. 13 '64 by medical
board. Patrick Mullens, Co. A, Nov. 19 '63; tr. to Co.
D; killed May 12 '64. John H. Mott, Co. 13, Jan. 5 '64;
dis. Dec. 24 '64 for disease. John Moran, Co. D, Dec.
31 '63; killed May 12 '64. Mordecai Mott, Co. D, Dec.
29 '63; died of consumption June 9 '64, on furlough.
William Myers, Co. I, Jan. 2 '64; died of disease at Ciiy
Point, July I '64. John Ozenbaugh, Co. I, Dec. 29 '63;
dis. Mar. 27 '64 for disease. Daniel A. Porter, Co. D,
Jan. 4 '64; tr. to Co. C; dis. Mar. 29 '64. Isaac Paddock,
Co. K, Feb. 25 '64; tr. to Co. H 2nd N. J.
June 2t '65. John Rouch, Co. A, Feb. 26 '64;
deserted June 3 '64 at Cold Harbor. Edwin H. Reger, Co.
C, Feb. 27 '64; killed May 12 '64. Ezekiel Rarick,
Co. F, Jan. 4 '64; tr. to Co. F 2nd N. J. June 21 '65.
Charles E. Smiley, Co. A, Feb. 24 '64; tr. to Co. F 2nd
N. J. Charles B. Stewart, Co. A, Dec. 16 '63; tr. to Co.
I; tr. to Co. E 2nd N. J. June 21 '65. John C. Staats,
Co. A, Jan. 6 '64; died at Andersonville Sept. 17 '64.
Theodore Stamcts, Co. A, Feb. 24 '64; missing May 6 '64;
supposed killed. Walter A. Sidener, Co. B, Jan. 4 '64;
tr. to Co. C; tr to Co. D 2nd N. J. June 28 '65. William
F. Sidener, Co. B, Jan. 4 '64; killed May 12 '64. Mat-
thias Sona, Co. C, Jan. 4 '64; died Sept. 19 '64, of wounds;
tr. from Co. E 2nd. Samuel S. Str-ifford, Co. D, Dec. 31
'63; dis. Mch. 31 '64, by medical board. Guthrie Strat-
ton, Co. D, Dec. 28 63; tr. to Co. I; dis. Mch. 27 '64.
Lewis Stalter, Co. I, Jan. 4 '64; tr. to Co. E 2nd N. J. June
21 '65. Amzi Straight, Co. K, Feb. 25 '64; tr. to Co. H
2nd N. J. June 2 1 '65. John Van Eiten, Co. A, Jan. 2
'64; tr. to Co. C; tr. to Co. D, 2nd N. J. John White,
Co. A, Feb. 24 '64; dis. June 20 '65. Watson "Wintermuie,
Co. A, Feb. 29 '64; tr. to Co. D; tr. to Co. I 2nd N. J.
June 21 '65. Augustus Whitney, Co. A, Jan. 4 '64; died
June 14 '64, of wounds received May 8 '64; tr. from Co.
E 3d N. J. William A. Ward, Co. D, Dec. 29 '63; killed
May 12 '64. Jacob Wireman, Co. L Jan. 4 '64; tr. to Co.
E 2nd N. J. William Wilson, Co. K, Oct. g '63; died at
Sandy Hook, Md., Sept. 4 '64, of wounds received Aug.
15 '64, at Strasburg, Va. Charles V. Young, Co. D, Jan.
13 '64; died iu ambulance June i '64.
*N accordance with the provisions of the act of
July 22nd 1861 a draft of 10,478 nine-months
men was made August 4th 1862 in this State,
and the allotment for this county was, 650
men. The arrangements for the draft did
not interfere with volunteering, and from Morris
county companies were at once raised in this way
for the 27tli regiment, viz.: Company B, Captain John
T. Alexander, from Randolph and Washington; Com-
pany C, Captain Nelson H. Drake, from Roxbury; Com-
pany E, Captain August D. Blanchet, from Chatham,
Hanover, etc.; Company G, Captain James Plant, from
Pequannock; Company I, Captain Alfred H. Condict,
from Morris and Chester; Company L, Captain Henry
F. Willis, from Rockaway.
George W. Mindel was colonel of the regiment. Au-
gustus D. Blanchet was commissioned major September
23d 1862, being promoted from the captaincy of Com-
pany E. J. Henry Stiger was assistant surgeon of this
regiment, as also of the 33d.
The regiment was mustered September 19th 1862, and
left the State for Washington October loth 1862. On
arriving there it encamped on Capitol Hill, and soon af-
ter at Alexandria, where it was assigned to the 2nd bri-
gade of Casey's division, defending Washington. On the
ist of December it went to the front of the army of the
Potomac, being assigned to the gih corps. In that con-
nection it was engaged at Fredericksburg, December
13th and 14th 1862. In February 1863 the corps went
to Newport News, Va., to meet a threatened movement
of the enemy. In the following month the 27th was de-
tached from the 9th. corps and sent to the west. On its
way home after the expiration of its term it remained in
Pittsburg and Harrisburg ten days to aid if needed in
repelling Lee's invasion of Pennsylvania. The regiment
was mustered out at Newark, N. J., July 2nd 1863.
The principal loss of the regiment occurred May 6lli
1863, as related below substantially in the words of a
member of the regiment, who wrote from near Somerset,
Ky., four days after the affair:
"Last Tuesday we received a lot of tents borrowed
from a cavalry regiment. We had hardly pitched them
when a most bountiful storm visited us, but my tentmates
and myself were prudent men, for we built our house up-
on a rock. The storm had just passed over when our
adjutant ordered tents to be struck and line of march
formed in fifteen minutes. In less than the allotted time
the 27th was in line, ready for the word. The mud in the
road was deep, and, as it is very 'unmilitary' to let down
fences and walk on the sod, we splashed through it until
about 3 o'clock p. m., when we encamped on a hill at
whose foot flowed a splendid stream of clear cold water.
Here Dayton and I fired a mammoth brush heap, by
which we cooked our bacon, boiled our coffee, and dried
our tents and blankets.
" In the morning bright and early we started for the
Cumberland River, a distance of thirteen miles. We
reached its banks at 3 o'clock p. M. The means of
ferrying us over was flat boats — or, rather, coal barges —
thirty feet long. To prevent the boats being washed
down by the current two ropes were stretched across
like a letter V, the two uniting in one on the opposite
shore. The means of propelling us consisted of six men
placed in the bow of the boat, who would grab the rope,
pull, let go and grab sgain. The upper rope was used
by the infantry, while the artillery and transportation
train were carried over by the lower boat. All the com-
panies with the exception of parts of companies C, B, and
L had passed over without accident. Fifty or sixty men
were carried over at each trip. Captain Alexander was
in command of Company L. The boat that contained
these companies had reached within forty feet of the 07-
posite bank when the men at the bow lost hold of the
rope and could not regain it. The boat started down
stream, driven by a rapid current. The men became
panic stricken and rushed to the opposite end of the boat,
which caused it to sink, and in less time than it has taken
me to write this account the whole boat-load was swept
by the lower rope into the rapid Cumberland. Those
who could swim were seized by the death grasp of those
who could not swim. It was an awful sight. May God
spare me from being again a spectator of such a scene.
The men had on their cartridge boxes, filled with sixty
rounds, and were fully armed, and equipped with tents,
overcoats, blankets etc., which hindered many from sav-
ing themselves. I saw Captain Alexander and Orderly
Sergeant Wiggins go down. Company B lost three men.
Company C nine and Companies L and A twenty.
"After the accident we remained on the bank a day for
the purpose of recovering the bodies that might float to
our side of the river, as the rebels held the otber side."
The following are rolls of the Morris county com-
panies in the 27th. The men named entered the service
for nine months, and as a rule were enrolled or com-
missioned September 3d and mustered in September 19th
1862, and mustered out July 2nd 1863. The exceptions
are indicated.
Captains. — John T. Alexander, commissioned Sept. 6
'62, mustered Sept. 19 '62; drowned in Cumberland
River, near Somerset, Ky., May 6 '63. Nathaniel K.
Bray, commissioned and rnustered May 7 '63; appointed
ist lieut. Co. D Sept. 3 '62.
First Lieutenant. — Jacob M. Stewart, commissioned
Sept. 6 '62; mustered Sept. 19 '62.
Second Lieutenant. — George Hance, commissioned Sept.
6 '62; mustered Sept. ig '62.
First Sergeant. — Theodore McEachron; appointed
sergt. Sept. 3 '62; ist sergt. May 12 '63.
Sergeants. — Morris H. Taylor, Jan. i '63; corp. Sept. 20
'62. Isaac Clark, Sept. 20 '62; corp. Sept. 3 '62. Frank
Merchant, Jan. i '63; corp. Sept. 3 '62. Charles Min-
gus. May 12 '63; corp. Sept. 3 '62.
Corporals (with date of commission as such). — Samuel
Smith, Sylvester C. Hulbert and Daniel K. Henderson,
Sept. 20 '62. Henry B. Allen, Nov. 15 '62; mustered in
Oct. 16 '62. Joseph Hiler and William H. Ort, Feb. 7
'62,- John Johnson, March 2 '63. Alexander L. Mott,
May 12 '63.
Died. — Albert D. Wiggins, ist sergt.; drowned in
Cumberland River, near Somerset, Ky., May 6 '63.
Jacob Abers (musician). Peter K Abers (wagoner).
Henry B. Anthony. Moses Beach. Theodore Beam.
George Bolton; mustered in Oct. 16 '62. William Bon-
nell. Joseph and William Bournan. Thomas S. Boyd.
Samuel P. Broadwell. Isaac H. Burnett. Francis Cain.
Johnson Clark. Charles Conrad. James Convey; must-
ered in Oct. 16 '62. Charles Y. and Lewis H. Cook.
David E. and Ira C. Cooper. John B Crane and Peter
Cruyse; mustered in Oct. 16 '62. David Davenport.
Cyrus and Martin Dixon. Patrick Donahue; mustered
in Oct. 16 '62. David Eagles. Ezekiel A. Frace. Hud-
son H. Gillen. Henry Hann. Joseph S. Hart. An-
drew Hockenbury. Lemuel and Mannus Hoffman.
Leonard N. Howell. George W. Hulburt; appointed
sergt. Sept. 3 '62; private Jan. i '63. John H. Kaun-
miller. Nathaniel Lawrence. George D. and James H.
Losey. Andrew J. and James H. Miller. F. P. and
Thomas A. Moore. Theodore F. Mott; appointed sergt.
Sept. 3 '62; private Jan. i '6^,. Alfred and Samuel
Nunn. Daniel Parks. David L. Powers. George W.
Sayre, musician. John and William Schuyler. James
Seguine. John Shawger; mustered in Oct. 16 '62.
Erastus H. Sofield. Jacob B. Swayze; mustered in Oct.
16 '62. Jacob J. Tallman. David A. Trowbridge.
Garrett Vandroof. Peter Vanderveer; mustered in Oct.
16 '62. Whitfield H. Voorhees. Leonard F. Wack.
George H. Wolfe. Samuel A. Wolfe; mustered in Oct.
16 '62. Hiram C. Woods. George H. and Ira W. Young.
Discharged (for disability). — James Nunn; dis. Mar.
16 '63; appointed corp. Sept. 3 '62; private Nov. i '62.
William Pulis, mustered in Oct. 16 '62; dis. Feb. 2 '63.
George W. Shaffer, mustered in Oct. 16 '62; dis. Mar.
27 '63. David Squires; dis. Nov. 16 '62. James L.
Talmadge; dis. Jan. 17 '()t,. Gabriel Tebo, mustered in
Oct. t6 '62; dis. Jan. 5 '63.
Died. — Erastus Brant, mustered in Oct. 16 '62; drowned
in Cumberland River, near Somerset, Ky., May 6 '63.
William Daly; at Newport News, Va., Feb. 20 '63. Wil-
liam D. Hopler; of typhoid fever, at Aquia Creek, Va.,
II '63. Daniel D. Tuttle; of typhoid fever, at Washing-
ton, D. C, Mar. i 'G^.
Captains. — Nelson H. Drake, commissioned Sept. 6
and mustered Sept. 19 '62; resigned Oct. 13 '(it,. David
S. Allen, commissioned Oct. 14 and mustered Oct. 24
'62; appointed 2nd lieut. Sept. 6 '62.
First Lieutenant. — Ferdinand V. Wolfe, commissioned
Sept. 6 and mustered Sept. 19 '62.
Second Lieutenants. — Robert W. Simpson, commissioned
Oct. 14 and mustered Oct. 24 '62; formerly sergt. Co. H
2nd N. J.; pro. ist lieut. Co. K Dec. 23 '62. Henry
A. McLaughlin, commissioned and mustered Dec. 23 '62;
ist sergt. 3 '62; resigned Mar. 9 '(st,. Isaac Bonnell jr.,
commissioned Mar. 10 '63; formerly ist sergt. Co. D;
prom, ist lieut. Co. D May 7 '63. George W. Price,
commissioned and mustered May 7 '63; formerly ist
sergt. Co. D.
First Sergeant. — Thomas Ripley, appointed Jan. 1 '63;
sergt. Sept. 3 '62.
SergeantsX^-nxoWt^ Sept. 3 and mustered Sept. 19 '62).
— Thomas L. King. Abram Skinner, appointed sergt.
Apr. 24 '63. Thomas Canar, sergt. Jan. i '63; previously
corp. Abram Magee, sergt. Jan. i '63; tr. from Co. F.
Theodore Neighbour, appointed corp. Dec. i '62; sergt.
Jan. I '63; pro. sergt. major Apr. 20 '63.
Corporals (enrolled Sept. 3 and mustered Sept. 19 '62;
appointed corp. at the date following their names).—
Daniel Van Fleet, Apr. 24 '63. Marcus R. Meeker.
Joseph Allen. Sherwood Culver, May 7 '()t,. William
K. Caskey. David W. Welsh. Henry Salmon, Jan. i
'63. Arthur Edner, Apr. 16 '62.
i?/!?^.— Corporal Augustus W. Salmon, of direase, at
Fairfax Seminary, Va., Nov. 30 '62. Corporal Charles
Stephens, drowned in Cumberland River, Ky., May 6' 63.
Morris Aider. John L. Allen. Daniel P. Apgar. Edward
S. Apgar. Jacob Appleget. James Arnet. David and Philip
Beam. Peter Bird jr. Robert H. and William Blair. Mi-
chael Brisland, mustered in Oct. 16 '62. Henry Case
wagoner. Frederick S. Clawson. D. Judson Cook; pro!
hospital steward Jan. i '63. Morris Coss; tr. from Com-
pany A. Joseph K. Davis. Lee Davis; appointed sergt.
Sept. 3 '62; private Jan. i '63. Marcus R. De Camp.
John M. Dickerson. Zachariah D. Drake. Louis
Fancher. David Fhike. Nathan C. French. Jacob
Gess. Benjamin P. Jackson. John W. Jackson. Joseph
W. Jones. George A. Lawrence. George R. Leport.
Eliphalet Lyon. Robert McPhersop. Jesse Miller.
Henry Niper. Thomas Patterson. Patrick Pepper.
Stephen Pierson. Ezekiel Rarick. Thomas Reed.
Edwin H. and Elisha E. Reger. Samuel M. Rheinhart.
Jetur A. Riggs, corp. Sept. 3 '62; private Oct. 16 '62.
Samuel Sharp. Charles and John Spencer. Elias H.
Stephens. Peter Stump. David W. Thomas. George
S. Trimmer. William Weire. Thomas Wilson. Alexander
S. and John C. Woodruff. Charles Woolverton. Jacob
W. Yauger.
Discharged for Disalii/ity.^Anthony Hayward, at
New York, Feb. 18 '63. John Hilts, at Washington,
Mar. 10 '63. Elijah Niper, at New York, Jan. 9 '63...
Died (where not otherwise stated, drowned in the
Cumberland River, as related on page 93). — Joseph R.
Arch, of disease, at Washington, Feb. 9 '63. Frederick
Cratsley, of disease, at Somerset, Ky., May 31 '63. Ed-
ward Dolen. Alonzo J. Jackson, of laryngitis, at Wash-
ington, Mar. 17 '63. John B. McPeak. George W.
Sovereign, of typhoid fever, at Washington, Jan. 27 '63.
Amos G. Stephens. Benjamin Stoney. Andrew J.
Willetts. Martin V. B. Williamson, of disease, at Wash-
ington, Mar. 7 '63. Matthias Williamson, of disease, at
Wheeling, West Va., June 19 '63. Andrew J. Youngs.
Captains. — Augustus D. Blanchet, commissioned Sept.
3 and mustered Sept. 19 '62; pro. major Sept. 23 '62.
Hudson Kitchel, commissioned Oct. i and mustered Oct.
16 '62; 2nd lieut. Sep. 3 '62; resigned Nov. 12 '62.
George W. Crane, commissioned and mustered Nov. 11
'62; ist lieut. Sept. 4 '62.
First Lieutenants. — Edward S. Baldwin, Nov. 11*62;
pro. capt. Co. K Dec. 23 '62; 2nd lieut. Co. K Sept. 13
'62. James Peters, Dec. 23 '^2; 2nd lieut. Co. F Sept.
II '62.
Second Lieutenants.— Hzy'iA B. Muchmore, commis-
sioned Oct. I and mustered Oct. 16 '62; dis. March i
"63, for disability; ist sergt. Sept. 3 '62. Edward W.
Schofield, Mar. i '6y, sergt. Sept. 3 '62; ist sergt. Oct.
16 '62.
First Sergeant.— K. H. Mulford, Mar. i '6y, sergt.
Sept 3 '62.
Sergeants. — Robert A. Halliday, Oct. 16*62; previously
corp. John W. Brown. Philip M. Thompson. James
Vannia, Mar. i '63; previously corp.
Corporals. — Elias H. Carter. William H. Hyland.
Thomas Woods; appointed Oct. 16 '62. Matthias Bur-
nett. George M. Tuttle, Michael Cummings and Charles
Noonan, appointed March i '63, Albert T. Tappan, dis.
for disability, at Portsmouth Grove, R. I., March 19 '63.
John H. Eldridge, dis. for disability, at Philadelphia,
Jan. 29 '63.
John Ahrens; mustered in Oct. i6 '62. Louis Bassett.
John M. Beach. Daniel Berry. Samuel J. Betts.
Charles Brant. Manning C. Broadwell. Joseph L.
Bryan. David Burr. Harman Ciscoe. Henry S. Clark.
John Daily. Thomas Doyle. John Eakley. Hercules
Edwards. Lewis Etsell. Theodore F. Garrison. Wil-
liam Garrison. Barnabas C. Goucher. Lewis F. Greg-
ory. Ezra P. Gulick. Bruno Hagg. Samuel L. Hop-
kins. Moses W. Johnson. Warren S. Kelly. William
Kincaid. Jared L. Kitchel, musician. Thomas Knowles.
Lemuel Lawrence; died of typhoid fever, at Newport
News, Va., March 19 '63. William Lockwood. John A
Lyon. Samuel Magee. Daniel Maher. John McNeal.
Michael Mohair. Benjamin C. Morris. Jared C. Morris.
Sylvester W. Morris. James Noonan. John O'Brien.
William H. O'Neill. Jacob Ortell. Samuel Par-
sons, wagoner. Jacob Phoenix; corp. Sept. 3 '62;
private Oct. i '62. Ion Rawlins. William H. Rick-
ley. Philip Ryan. Ralph G. Schenck. George W.
Shelly. Patrick Sheridan. Robert Smith. Elijah
T. Squier. Aranon M. Stanford. Frederick Stein-
hauser. Andrew J. Taylor. John M. Taylor. Henry
D. Todd. Theodore D. Tompkins. David E.
Totten. Charles H. Tunis; corp. Sept. 3 '62; private
Oct. I '62. Harvey Tunis. Alexander Vandonia, mu-
sician. Edmond Van Orden. Joseph H. Vreeland.
James, John and Patrick Walsh. Luther T. Ward. John
H. Whitehead. Lewis C. Wood. Charles Young.
Discharged for Disability. — Nathaniel Haycock, at
Washington, Feb. 27 '63. Ebenezer F. Lockwood, at
Portsmouth Grove, R. L, March 19 '63. Peter Rawson,
at Fairfax Seminary, Va., Dec. i '62. Hugh Wylie, at
Washington, Jan. 26 '63.
Captain. — James Plant, commissioned Sept. i '62.
First Lieutenant. — George S. Esten, commissioned
Sept. I '62.
Second Lieutenants. — George Anthony, commissioned
Sept. I '62; resigned Dec. 22 '62. Joseph A. Proctor;
commissioned and mustered Dec. 23 '62; sergt. Sept. 3 '62.
First Sergeants. — George Forbes; pro. 2nd lieut. Co.
F Dec. 23 '62. Emmett L. Ellithorp; sergt. Sept. 3 '62;
ist sergt. Dec. 23 '62; 2nd lieut. Co. K Jan. 15 '63.
George Carlough; Jan. 15 '63; sergt. Sept. 3 *62.
Sergeants (all but the last appointed corporals Sept. 3
'63). — George W. D. Courter and Obadiah S. Parker,
Dec. 23 '62. Charles Brezette, Feb. i *63. David
Corpo)-als. — Thomas T. Richards. Gabriel Parrott.
Elijah B. Hamma. James H. Doremus. Cornelius H.
Van Ness. George Gleason and Paul H. Mandeville,
appointed corp. Dec. 23 '62. Thomas H. Northwood;
prom. corp. Feb. i '63'
Joseph Bajoe. S. Y. Baldwin. Charles E. Blowers.
Dennis Brown. Stephen Carman. David E. and Ed-
ward Conklin. Asa, George S. and James H. Cook.
Stephen A' Cooper. John W. Crane, musician. George
B. Cummins. John K. Darrah. Hudson Davenport,
Eli B. Dawson, musician. Peter Dempsey. Jeremiah
Doremus. James Dwyer. Mark Evarts jr. Erastus
Fields. John Filleo, John W. Fredericks. Robert
Galloway. Peter J. and William Gould. John Grady.
Henry J. Hill. Joseph and Joshua Hillas. Daniel
Hines. James Holly. William Husk. A. R. and Gar-
rett Jacobus. Cornelius H. and William H. Kayhart.
Napolean Laflam, wagoner. John Lepard. Conrad
Lines. Charles E. Looker. Lyman Mandeville. Edward
McConnell. George McNeal. George and John Morgan,
John, John H. and Joseph H. Myers. Louis Paradise.
William P. Parrott. Joseph Peare. Peter Pero. Abra-
ham Pierson. John J. Provost. Samuel Reeves. George
Richardson. Michael Schaaf. Henry Shinehouse. John
Stillwell. John and Thompson Taylor. Eugene Valley.
George G., Henry G., Martin B. and Richard H, Van
Duyne. Henry J. Vanness. John H. Van Riper. John
Walley. John and William Whitten. William Worman.
John M. Yatman.
Discharged. — William H. Conklin, May 28 '63, for dis-
ability. William H. Davenport, April 10 '63, for chronic
rheumatism. John U. Jacobus, March 12 '63, for disa-
Died. — Abraham Cooper, of consumption, at Washing-
ton, Jan. 3 '63. Richard C. Hyler, of consumption, near
Stanford, Ky., April 25 '63. Alfred Miller, of inflamma-
tion of the lungs, at Fairfax Seminary, Va., Nov. 8 '62.
Louis Robere, of consumption, at Fortress Monroe, Va.,
April 6 '63.
Captain. — Alfred H. Condict; commissioned Sept. 4
First Lieutenants. — Peter Churchfield; commissioned
Sept. 4 '62; resigned April 19 '63. David H. Ayres;
commissioned and mustered April 20 '63; 2nd lieut.
Sept. 4 '62.
Second Lieutenant. — John H. Medcraft; commissioned
and mustered April 20 'dy, sergt. major Sept. 19 '62.
First Sergeant. — J. Warren Kitchel.
Sergeants. — Charles T. Borland. David R. Emmons
jr. William Van Houten. Stephen Pierson; mustered
in Oct. 16 '62; Corp. Sept. 3 '62; sergt. Nov. i '62; 2nd
lieut. Co. D March 4 '63.
Corporals. — Jacob W. Searing. Amzi A. Beach.
Walter Condict; pro. corp. Nov. 15 '62. James L. Willi-
son. Charles A. Sutton. Theodore L. Cory. George L.
Peter Ammerman. David Baird. Lewis A. and Wil-
liam A. Bedell. James Booth. Thomas Bowman. Jo-
seph G. Carpenter. Peter Carroll. Martin T. Clawson.
Charles L. Clement; mustered in Oct. 16 '62. John
Cody. Stephen Cooper. Henry H. Corwin. Caleb A.
Cory. A. L. De Hart. Henry H. Emmons. Benjamin
P. Ford. Chileon Goble. Lucius P Harmas, musician.
William L. Hathaway. John G. Hempstead, wagoner.
William Hodgson. William K. Hoffman. John T. Hor-
ton. George P. Howard. William F. Jacobus; mustered
in Oct. 16 '62. Lewis Johnson. Edward C. Jolly.
Abraham M. Langes. Charles G. Loree. Cyrus Lyons.
Patrick Maloney. Simon Marcell; mustered in Oct. 16
'62. Frank H. McGoldrich. Newton A. Merritt. Wil-
liam Moneypenny. Samuel and William H. Moore.
William Morland. David Paul. William H. Percy.
Eben N. and George H. Pierson. Amos and Edw'ard
W. Pruden. Aaron Ralph. George W. Redding.
Theodore F. Reeve; mustered in Oct. 16 '62. John
Sanders. Thomas Scudder. James S. Skellenger.
Samuel K. Smack. C. F. Smack; musician. Amos and
Philip Smith. James S. and Seymour Teets. William
Thomas. John H. and Stephen Totten. Joseph Trow-
bridge. William J. Turner. Elijah Van Duyne. H.
L. and Samuel E. Whitenack. Charles Williams. George
N. Willis. Henry Witkoff. William Wortman. John
D. Wyckoff. John Zimmerman.
Discharged (for disability). — Theodore H. Egbert,
June 19 'd'i. Gershom W. Gillum, Mar. 17 '63. John
A. Hopkins, Feb. 6 'dT,. Andrew Morris, June ig '63.
John T. Reed, Feb. 23 'dT,. Theodore L. Van Dorn,
May 22 'dT,. Peter B. Whitenack, Nov. 30 '62.
Died. — John Cogan, of apoplexy, March 23 'd-^, at
Baltimore. Stephen Doty, of small pox, at Washington,
Apr. 17 '63. W. H. H. Hames, of typhoid fever, at Fortress
Monroe, Va., Mar. 7 'dj,. Harvey G. Howell, of bron-
chitis, at Washington, Feb. 16 '63. William Sargeant, of
congestion of the brain, at Portsmouth Grove, R. I.,
Feb. 28, '63.
Captains. — Henry F. Willis; commissioned Sept. 2, '62;
mustered Sept. 22 '62; pro. major May i '63. Jacob
McConnell; commissioned and mustered May i '63;
appointed 2nd lieut. Co. K, Nov. 11 '62; ist lieut. Jan.
IS '63.
First Lieutenants. — Stephen H. Marsh; commissioned
Sept. 2 '62; mustered Sept. 22 '62; pro. capt. Co. F,
Jan. 15, '63. Joseph C. Bower; commissioned and mus-
tered May I '63; 2nd lieut. Sept. 2 '62.
Second Lieutenant. — Henry Lumsden ; enrolled and
mustered May i 'dy, ist sergt. Sept. 3 '62.
First Sergeant. — Lemuel C. Smith, May i '63; sergt.
Sept. 3 '62.
Sergeants (all but the first appointed corporal Sept. 3
'62). — Barnabas K. Hall. Thomas A. Zeak, Jan. 20 'dy
William G. Mitchell, May i '63. John D. Allison, June
Corporals. — David H. Gardner. Jacob H. Blanchard,
Mar. I '63. George R. Todd. David Degraw, Mar. 15
'63. Morris H. Shauger, Apr. 8 '63. William H. Daven-
port, May I '63. Miller Smith and Wilmot D. Wear,
June 8 '63.
Discharged. — Jacob Van Winkle, corp., for disability.
Mar. 10 'dT,.
Died. — James M. Freeman, sergt., of typhoid fever, at
Hickman's Bridge, Ky., June 8 '63. William Howell,
Corp., of typhoid fever, at Baltimore, Apr. 1 1 '63.
Manning Blanchard. Jonathan Brannin. James Col-
ligan. Owen Conley, mustered in Oct. 16 '62. James
H. Crane. Edward Davenport. David Davis. James
Gallagher. Abram L. Gordon. John Hamilton. Lewis
Hamilton, mustered in Oct. 16 '62. C. H. Hopping,
wagoner. Frederick F. Hulmes. Benjamin F. Knapp.
Theodore H. Marsh. Edwin P. Merritt, musician.
William C. Mills. John W. Morgan. Harrison Morse.
Phineas B. Myers. John Partington. Calvin, Hezekiah
and Peter Peer. Manning R. Roll. John Rowe. Wil-
liam H. Savacool. Amos Sayre, musician. Thaddeus
B. Schofield. William Scribner. William W. Shauger.
Moses E. Smith, mustered in Oct. 16 '62. Thomas D.
Smith. John Spear. Levi R. Stickle. Jacob Switzer!
Andrew J. Tuers. John Vanderbilt jr. Anthony Van
Orden. Lewis Ward. Charles W. Winget.
Discharged {lor disability). — Abner Bastedo, Apr. 7 '63.
Cyrus Demouth, Mar. 2 '63. James D. Kitchel, Dec. i
'62. Nicholas Lash, June 19 '63. Anthony F. Snover,
Feb. 22 '63. Caleb Winget, June 19 '63. Gilbert Zeak,
Dec. I '61.
Died. — Gideon Bastedo and Joseph Class, drowned in
Cumberland River, Ky., May 6 '63. James H. Collard,
of typhoid fever, at Washington, Jan. 8 '63. Joseph
Degraw, of dysentery, near Stanford, Ky., May 2 '63.
Lemuel Degraw and Jesse Demouth, drowned in Cum-
berland River, Ky., May 6 'dy Thomas Demouth, of
typhoid fever, at Washington, Jan. 26 'dy William
Demouth, of chronic diarrhoea, near Newport News Va.
Mar. I '63. John Denike, of pneumonia, at Fortress
Monroe, Va., Mar. 31 '63. James H. Fuller and Levi O.
Green, drowned in Cumberland River, Ky., May 6 '6^.
William Haycock, of chronic diarrhea, near Newport
News, Va., Mar 15 '63. Henry Kanouse, of pleurisy,
near Stanford, Ky., Mar. 20 '63. John McCloskey.
Barnabas K. Miller, Edward Nichols, William Ockobock,
Thomas Odell, James O'Neil, Rolson Peer, Wilson Pit-
tenger, Eliakim Sanders, George Shauger, James Shaw,
Samuel H. Smith, and William H. Weaver, drowned in
Cumberland River, Ky., May 6 '63.
'UGUST 15th 1863 there was an allotment
made of the draft; 3,026 white and loi
colored men were required in the county.
Some changes and credits were afterward
made, and the number finally drawn was
611, divided as follows: Morris 44, Pequan-
nock 45, Chatham 64, Hanover 86, Randolph 4,
Mendham 21, Chester 14, Jefferson 45, Roxbury 91,
Washington 74, Rockaway 123.
In February 1865 there were 333 men to be drafted
for, but before the draft was completed the victory
before Petersburg caused the order of April 13th that
drafting should cease.
March 26th 1864 Captain D. H. Ayers, who had
served in the 27th and had been recruiting for the 33d,
had filled a company for the 5th N. J. to the minimum
number. He was mustered as captain in that regiment,
April 13 th 1864.
May 2nd 1864 a new company of "home guards" was
organized at Morristown— Captain Fred. Dellicker, First
Lieutenant Horace Ayers, Second Lieutenant D. D.
June 15th 1863, the rebel army having invaded Mary-
land, and then threatening Harrisburgh, Governor Cur-
tin of Pennsylvania called upon the governors of the
the neighboring States for aid. June 17th Governor
Parker called for volunteers from this State, and ten
companies of 30-day men volunteered for the " Pennsyl-
vania emergency.'' A company was raised in Morris
county, known as Company E N. J. militia. Captain
George Gage, which was enrolled and mustered June
27th and discharged July 24th. It went to Harrisburgh
and remained there until the victory of Gettysburg ren-
dered its stay no longer necessary.
The following is a roll of the company:
George Gage, captain; William A. Halstead, first lieu-
tenant; J. E. Parker, second lieutenant; James L. Marsh,
first sergeant; D. W. Tunis, John T. Kent, John C.
Smith and John W. Phoenix, sergeants; James M. Bon-
sall, Charles F. Axtell, George McKee, Joseph H. Tillyer,
George Vanhouten, L. D. Babbitt, James Allen and
Lyman B. Dellicker, corporals ; Elwyn Bentley and
Charles H. Green, musicians; Erastus D. Allen, George
W. Anthony, George F. Ballentine, Jabez Beers, Andrew
Bennett, D. W. Bowdisb, Edward P. Brewster, George
Brewster, Charles Burns, E. F. Cavanagh, Francis Childs,
William Cook, S. B. Cooper, Marcus F. Crane, John S.
and John N. De Hart, Aaron S. Degroot, Galin Egbert,
William C. Emmett, Barnard Finegan, Arthur Ford,
Edwin D. and Robert Green, Charles M. HoUoway,
George H. Hutchinson, David Lewis, John Ross, James
D. Stevenson, George E. Voorhees, George H. Welch-
man, Robert Wighton, C. H. Wilson, Job Wright, James
C. Youngblood.
While Captain Gage's company of militia was absent
in Pennsylvania a " peace meeting " was held on Morris
green, which was addressed by Chauncey Burr and others.
During the speaking news of the victories of Vicksburg
and Gettysburg arrived, and the meeting dispersed in
confusion. A large loyal meeting was held in the same
place the same evening to celebrate the victories of the
eastern and western armies.
The same month two companies were recruited for the
ist N. J., then in the field — Company G (Captain Ed-
ward Bishop, First Lieutenant Daniel Dillen, Second
Lieutenant Daniel L. Hutt) and Company H (Captain
Richard Foster, First Lieutenant George Carlough, Sec-
ond Lieutenant William Miller). As separate companies
these men did not enter the service, but from them a new
company was formed, under Captain Foster, which
joined the ist N. J. as Company K in January 1864, in
time to serve honorably and suffer severely in the " bat-
tle summer," and to be in at the death. The company
organization was disbanded at Cold Harbor, June 4th
1864, and the men were transferred to Companies K and
F 4th N. J. The following is the muster roll of the
Captain. — Richard Foster; wounded at Spottsylvania,
Va., May 12 '64; died in hospital at Washington, June
^5 '64-
First Lieutenant. — William Muir; honorably m. o. Aug.
9 '64.
Second Lieutenant. — William Milnor; wounded at Cold
Harbor, June 2 '64; dis. for disability.
Sergeants. — Jacob L. Hutt (ist); tr. and reduced to the
ranks in Co. K 4th N. J., June 4 '64; pro. ist lieut. Co.
C 4th N. J., and assigned command of the ist bat.; pro.
Capt. Co. A ist bat.; m. o. June 29 '65. William O.
Smith; tr. and reduced to the ranks in Company K 4th
N. J., June 4 '64. Samuel M. Mattox; in general hos-
pital from Mar. 25 '64; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. and re-
duced to the ranks. Samuel J. Nixon; missing at Spott-
sylvania, Va., May 12 '64. Robert Galloway; tr. and re-
duced to the ranks in Co. K 4th N. J.
Corporals. — Richard H. Van Duyne (ist); wounded at
Spottsylvania May 12 '64; died in hospital. William
Jones; wounded at the Wilderness May 6 '64. John
Whitten; killed at Spottsylvania May 12 '64. John B.
Magee; wounded in the Wilderness May 5 '64. James
McGory; killed in Wilderness May 6 '64. Anton Hubler;
dis. for disability Mar. 18. John A. Peer; wounded in
the Wilderness May 5 '64. Edward McConnel; tr. to
Co. K 4th N. J.
John Agen; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. James H. R. Ap-
gar; missing at the Wilderness, May 6 '64. Ebenezer
Apgar; wounded at Cold Harbor, June i '64. George
Adair and Joseph Anson; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. Jeter
R. Auey; missing at the Wilderness, May 6 '64. Thomas
Beddon, com. clerk, and Dennis Brown, missing; wounded
at Spottsylvania, May 9 '64. John Bowers; wounded at
Spottsylvania, May 10 '64. Robert Beam; wounded at
Cold Harbor, June 2 '64. John H. Beaman; wounded
at Spottsylvania, May 12 '64. Jacob Z. Berry; rejected
by examining board at Woolford Ford, Va. Edward
Carty; wounded at the Wilderness, May 5 '64. Patrick
Carey; killed at the Wilderness, May 6 '64. James Casey;
detailed in ambulance corps. Abraham C. Conover;
wounded at Spottsylvania, May 10 '64. John E. and
Thomas H. Cook; wounded at the Wilderness, May 6
'64; latter died. James H. Crane; killed at the Wilder-
ness, May 5 '64. John W. Crane, drummer; absent,
sick, from May 4 '64. George Crawford; killed at the
Wilderness, May 5 '64. Peter Cassidy, Michael Cum-
mings, Horace Dodd and William Drenner, tr. to Co. K
4th N. J. Thomas G. Davis; killed at the Wilderness,
May 5 '64. Samuel N. Ellsworth and Samuel T. Ellicks;
tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. Henry Fitzinger; wounded at
the Wilderness, May 6 '64. Michael Fitzimmonds and
John W. Ford; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. William W.
Gearey; wounded at the Wilderness, May 6 '64. Mil-
berry Grandon and George Hilbert; deserted at Camp
Perrin, Trenton, N. J., Feb. i '64. Jacob H. Hamma;
tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. Thomas Headland; wounded at
Cold Harbor, June i '64. Ezra H. Hile; wounded at
Spottsylvania, May 12 '64. Charles A. Hughson; wounded
at Spottsylvania, May 12 '64; died in general hospital.
Leonard N. Howell; wounded at Spottsylvania, May 12
'64. James W. Howell; missing at the Wilderness, May
6 '64. Patrick Healey; wounded at the Wilderness,
May 6 '64. Emmanuel Holman and Peter Jackson; tr.
to Co. K 4th N. J. John Kelley; missing at Spottsyl-
vania, May 12 '64. Daniel Knott; wounded at Cold
Harbor, June 2 '64. Jacob S. Kunckle; tr. to Co. K
4th N. J. Jonathan P. Loree; wounded at Spott-
sylvania, May 12 '64; died of wounds May 30 '64.
Charles Munn; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. James Milner;
missing at the Wilderness, May 6 '64. Henry Maynard;
wounded at the Wilderness, May 6 '64. Daniel Mc-
Henry; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. James McLucky;
wounded at Cold Harbor, June 4 '64. Thomas Murphy;
wounded at the Wilderness, May 6 '64. John Miller;
missing at Spottsylvania, May 9 '64; died in Anderson-
ville prison. George Nix; wounded at the Wilderness,
May 5 '64; died in general hospital. Peter O'Conner
and Jaremiah Oliver; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. Clifton
Peer; absent, sick, from March 26 '64. Thomas Ryan;
wounded at the Wilderness, May 5 '64. Peter Rawson;
absent, sick, from March 25 '64. Bernard Riley; wound-
ed at the Wilderness, May 6 '64. Anthony Robertson;
tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. Mortimer Roberts; wounded and
taken prisoner at the Wilderness, May 6 '64; died in
prison. Martin Siver; wounded at the Wilderness, May
6 '64. Hiram Siver; wounded at Cold Harbor, June 2
'64. Patrick Sheridan; wounded at Spottsylvania, May
12 '64. Michael Slam; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J.; killed
at Winchester, Aug. 17 '64. Garret C. Smith; detailed
in pioneer corps. Robert Smith; wounded at Spottsyl-
vania, May 12 '64. John L. Stagg; tr. to Co. K 4th
N. J. Garret Speer; absent, sick, in general hospital.
Fordham 0. Schuyler; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. Charles
Schuyler; missing at the Wilderness, May 5 '64. John
Smith ; deserted at Woodford's Ford, Va., Feb. 19.
Nelson Teets; wounded at the Wilderness, May 6 '64.
John Tice; absent, sick, from March i. Patrick Toole
and John H. Tucker; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. Peter Tur-
ner and Ward Vanderhoof; absent, sick, from May 4.
William S. Van Fleet; wounded at Spottsylvania, May
12 '64; died of wounds in general hospital. Cornelius R.
Van Voorhees; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. Richard Vincent;
missing at the Wilderness, May 6 '64. John Van Ordeh;
absent, sick, from May 4. Manning Wear and Henry
Whitten; tr. to Co. K 4th N. J. William A. Wright;
absent, sick, from May 5.
Killed in action, 7; died from wounds, 12; wounded
and survived, 30; missing in action, 8; absent, sick,
10; discharged for disability, i; deserted, 3; total, 71.
Commissioned officers, 3; enlisted men, 99; total, 102;
deduct 71; total for duty, 31.
The following is a list of battles in which this company
was engaged. All were fought in Virginia, and all before
Hatcher's Run in 1864:
Wilderness, May 5-7; Spottsylvania, May 8-10; Spott-
sylvania Court-house, May 12-16; North and South Anna
River, May 24; Hanover Court-house, May 29; Tolo-
potomy Creek, May 30; Cold Harbor, June i-io: Before
Petersburg (" Weldon Railroad"), June 23; Snicker's
Gap, July 18; Strasburg, Aug. 15; Winchester, Aug. 17;
Charlestown, Aug. 21; Opequan Creek, Sept. 19; Fisher's
Hill, Sept. 21, 22; New Market, Sept. 24; Mount Jack-
son, Sept. 25; Cedar Creek and Middletown, Oct. 19;
Hatcher's Run, Feb. 5; Fort Steedman, Mar. 25; Cap-
ture of Petersburg, Apr. 2; Sailor's Creek, Apr. 6; Farm-
villc, Apr. 7; Lee's surrender, Appomattox, Apr. 9.
volunteer infantry was chiefly composed of Morris
county men. The colonel was George W. Mindel. Wil-
liam H. Lambert was adjutant for about six months from
July 13th 1863, and was succeeded by Stephen Pierson.
The regiment was mustered in at Newark, by com-
panies, in August and September 1863, for three years or
the war, and left the State September 8th for Washington.
It soon marched into Virginia, and encamped at Warren-
ton. Here it was assigned to the nth corps, and re-
mained until September 25th, when the corps started for
the west, to become a part of the Army of the Cumber-
land. It 1864 it went " marching through Georgia" with
Sherman. The engagements in which it took part were
as follows:
Chattanooga, Tenn., November 23d 1863; Mission
Ridge, Tenn., November 24th and 25th 1863; Mill Creek
Gap, Ga., May 8th 1864; Resaca, Ga., May 15th and 16th
1864; New Hope Church, Ga., May 2Sth to June ist 1864;
Pine Knob, Ga., June 15th and i6th 1864; Muddy
Creek, Ga., June 17th and i8th 1864; Gulp's Farm, Ga.,
June 22nd 1864; Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 27th
1864; Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20th 1864; Siege of
Atlanta, Ga., July 22nd to September 2nd 1864; Siege
of Savannah, Ga., December iith-2ist 1864; Averys-
boro, N. C, March i6th 1865; Bentonville, S. C, March
i8th-2oth 1865.
The following is a roll of Company I:
Where not otherwise mentioned in the following para-
graphs the officers of Company I were enrolled or com-
missioned at the dates immediately following their names;
mustered in August 29th 1863, for three years' service,
and mustered out July 7th 1865.
Captain. — Samuel F. Waldron, Aug. 29 '63; killed at
Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. 23 '63. Nathaniel K. Bray;
commissioned Dec. 20 '63; mustered Jan. i '64; pro.
major April'4 '65. Joseph P. Couse, commissioned April
4 '65; mustered April 29 '65; appointed ist lieut. Co. A
Sept 25 '64.
First Lieutenant. — J. Warren Kitchel; commissioned
Aug. 22 '63.
Second Lieutenants. — Francis Child; wounded July 20
'64; pro. ist lieut. Co. B Sept. 25 '64. Orlando K.
Guerin; commissioned Nov. i '64; mustered Jan. 26 '65;
appointed Q. M. sergt. Sept. 5 '63; transferred to Com-
pany C; died in 1881. William L. Geary; commissioned
May 16 '65; not mustered; brevetted capt. U. S. Mar.
13 '65-
First Sergeants. — John C. Smith, Aug. 13 '63; pro.
ist lieut. Co. AJune6 '64. Theodore Manee, Jan. i'65;
sergt. Aug. 24 '63.
Sergeants. — James Connor, July i '64; corp. Aug. 20
'6-3. Thomas Shephard, Apr. i '65; previously corp.;
dis. May 3 '65. George Hager, Apr. i '65; corp. Aug.
18 '63. Peter Dienen, May i '65; corp. Aug. 24 '63.
Levi Smith, enrolled Feb.i6 '64; corp.; sergt. Jan. i '65;
dis. May 3 '65.
Corporals. — Edward Blake, Aug. 22 '63. Martin Dol-
phin, Aug. 25 '63. John Phillips; enrolled Aug, 27 '63;
corp. Apr. i '65. Michael Stager; enrolled Aug. 28 '6y,
corp. May i '65. Frederick W. Studdiford; enrolled
May 4 '64; corp. May i '65; tr. from Co. K. John M.
Bennett; enrolled Aug. 22 '63; corp. May i '65. James
A. Burr, Sept. 6 '64, for i year; corp. Jan. i '65; dis.
Apr. 28 '65.
Discharged. — William R. Frazer, sergt.; enrolled Aug.
27 '63; dis. Mar. 31 '65, for disbility.
Transferred. — Theodore F. Rogers, sergt.; enrolled
Aug. 10 '63; tr. to V. r. c. Mar. 15 '65; dis. July 18 '65.
Charles Fengar; enrolled Aug. 23 '63; tr. to v. r. c.
Died. — David Russell, sergt.; enrolled Aug. 4 '63;
died of disease at Annapolis, Md., Dec. 8 '64. John
McArdle, corp.; enrolled Aug. 18 'by, killed at Pine
Knob, Ga., June 16 '64.
The first date following these names is the date of en-
rollment; the second, if any, that of muster-in; in most
cases they were the same. The figure following the date
indicates the number of years for which the man enlisted.
The men were mustered out in June or July 1865.
William R. Adams, musician, Aug. 10 '63, 3. James
Allen, Aug. 12 '62,, 3; Aug. 23 '63; prom. com. sergt.
Sept. 5 '6t,. John Anys, Jan. 9 '64, 3; Jan. 11 '64; dis.
May 3 '65. George F. Ballentine, Aug. 10 '67,, 3; Aug.
29 '63. William Bannon, Aug. 4 '6t„ Aug. 29 '63; dis.
May 12 '65. Lawrence Bergen, corp., Aug. 26 '63, 3;
private June 25 '65. Daniel Berry, Sept. 6 '64, i; dis.
Apr. 28 '65. Charles Bird, Oct. 27 '64, i. George
Bowen, Apr. 13 '65, i; dr.; dis. May 3 '65. Lionel
Brooks, May 4 '64, 3. Milton Brooks, Feb. 8 '64, 3.
Jefferson Brutzman, Oct. 11 '64, i; tr. from Co. B.
J. A. Burr. C. H. Chapman, Sept. 7 '64, i; dis. Apr. 28 '65.
Samuel D. Coombs, Aug. 21 '63, Aug. 29 '63, 3; dis. May
3 '65. Samuel P. Davis; Apr. 11 '65, i. Peter Degraw;
Dec. 29 '63, 3; tr. from Co. E. Christopher Devine,
corp.; Aug. 25 '63; private June 28 '65. Thomas Dough-
erty; Aug. 29 '63. Evan B. Edmunds; Apr. 12 '65, i;
dis. May 3 '65. Horace B. Fletcher; Sept. 13 '64, i; dis.
Apr. 28 '65. Mark Fobs, Aug. 28 '6y 3; musician.
Barnabas C. Goucher; Nov. 24 '6y, Dec. 5 '6t„ 3; dis;
May 4 '65. John W. Green, Aug. 25 '63, Aug. 29 '62,, 3;
dis. May 3 '65. Michael Haggerty; Aug. 22 '62,, 3;
dis. May 3 '65. Thomas Hayden; Aug. 29 '63, 3.
dis. May 3 '65. Hugh Hefferman; Feb. 21 '65, i;
transferred from Co. B. FredericK Holland; Aug.
25 '63, Aug. 29 '63, 3. James Johnson, Sept.
23 '64, i; dis. April 28 '65. Henry F. Jones; Aug. 26
'63, 3; dis. May 3 '65. William Kaine; Jan. 17 '65, i.
Nathaniel Kiser; Sept. 7 '64, i; dis. April 28 '65. Jo-
seph Lang; Oct. 15 '64, i; dis. May 3 '65. John Lein-
inger; Oct. 18 '64, i; dis. May 3 '65. Abraham Lynn;
Aug. 1 8 '63, Aug. 29 '6y 3. Adolphe Machowof; April
14 '65, 3; dis. May 3 '65; tr. from Co. K. Anthony
Mares; June 15 '64,3; dis. May 3 '65. Andrew McCain;
Aug. 20 '63, Aug. 29 '62, 3; dis. May 12 '65. John Mc-
Donald; Aug. 18 '63, 3. Bernard McManus; Aug. 24
'63, 3; dis. May 3 '65. William McNeil; Aug. 24 '63, 3;
dis. May 3 '65. John L. Megill, musician; Aug. 15 '63.
Ernst H. Meyers; Oct. 15 '64, i. Charles Miller; April
13 '65, i; dis. May 3 '65. William Miller; April 7 '65,
I. Nicholas Moore; Aug. 8 '6^, Aug. 29 '6^, 3. Josiah
Mullen; March 29 '65, i; dis. May 3 '65. James Murchie;
Oct. 15 '64, I. James Murtough; Oct. 19 '64, i; dis.
May 3 '65. Gottlieb Prob; Aug. 28 '63, 3; m. o. July
27 '65. John G. Propst; Aug. 27 '63, 3; dis. May 3 '65.
Philip Y. Redding; Aug. 18 '63; wounded at Peach
Tree Creek, Georgia, July 20, '64. Jacob Riker; Sept. 23
'64, i; tr. from Co. E 35 th N. J. William Ryan; Oct.
15 '64, I. Moody A. Sandburn; Sept. 21 '64, i; dis.
April 28 '65. Valentine Sealand; Sept. 22 '64, i; dis.
April 28; tr. from Co. D. Herman Seibert; April 6 '65,
I. William Shiell; Oct. 15 '64, i. Edward Smith; Aug.
19 '63, Aug. 29 '62,, 3; tr. to v. r. c, May 3 '64; returned
to Co. March 2 '6.s. Richard D. Soden; corp. Aug. 25
'63, Aug. 29 '63, 3; private May i '65; dis. May 3 '65.
Lewis Stage; Jan. 30 '65, i; dis. May 3 '65; tr. from Co.
C. William R. Stelling; Oct. 11 '64, i; dis. May 3 '65.
Michael Taggart; April 12 '65, i; dis. May 3 '65. John
Weiderberger; Oct. 19 '64, i. Joseph Weil; Aug. 12 '63,
3. Peter Wendel; Oct. 21 '64, 1. Wilbur Wetsel; Aug.
10 '63, Aug. 29 '63, 3; dis. May 12 '65. James Wood;
Jan. 6 '65, i; dis. May 3 '65; tr. from Co. A.
Discharged (for disability). — William Fagan; enrolled
Aug. 17 '63; dis. June 14 '64. William Herbert; en-
rolled Aug. II '63; dis. Aug. 3 '64. William H. Kelly;
enrolled Aug. 10 '63; dis. April 2 '65.
Transferred. — (The date of enlistment and muster and
the number of years for which the man enlisted follow
the name. The transfer was to Company C where not
otherwise stated.) Joseph Aspinwall; Sept. 7 '64, i.
Abraham Benjamin; Dec. 29 '63, 3; from Co. E and to
V. r. c. Abner B. and Charles Bishop, i. Richard C.
Burris,. I. Ambi and Lewis Conklin. Michael Conlon;
Mar. 31 '65, i; to Co. A. Horace Davis; Sept. 7 '64, r.
Erastus Degraw; Sept. 23 '64, i; to Co. H. William
Drew; Sept. 7 '64, i. George Ely; Feb. 28 '65, 3; to
Bat. E. John Fuller; April 4 '65, i. Michael Galey;
Sept. 14 '64, i; to Co. A. Robert J. Harrison; Aug. 24
'64, 3; to V. r. c, April i '65; dis. July 20 '65. William
Healey; Sept. 28 '64, i; to Co. K. John Heusefall;
Sept. 7 '64, i; to Co. K. John Kennedy; Oct. 11 '64, i;
to Co. K. William Margeson; Sept. 7 '64, i. William
Masker; Aug. 20 '63, 3; to v. r. c. Mar. 20 '65. Ernst
Mayer; Sept. 9 '64, i; to Co. F 35th N. J. Charles E.
Mayo; April 4 '65, i. Nathan Parliament; Sept. 7 '64, i.
Charles Ryerson; Aug. 26 '63, 3; wounded June 23 '64,
at Kenesaw Mountain; tr. to v. r. c, Jan. 16 '65; dis!
July 25 '65. Charles H. Wood; Mar. 7 '65, i; to Co. d!
Died. — (Enrolled and mustered in August 1863 when
not otherwise stated, and for three years.) Charles
Anys; Jan. 9 '64; died at Andersonville, Ga., Feb. 13
'65, of wounds received at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July
20 '64. John Braan; Jan. 7 '64; died of disease, at
Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 18 '64. Martin Braan; Jan. 7
'64; killed at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20 '64. James
Butler; of disease, at Hilton Head, S. C., Mar. 29 '65.
Frederick Ehrnest; Dec. 29 '63; killed at Peach Tree
Creek, Ga„ July 20 '64. Thomas Farrell; at Chattanooga,
Tenn., July 12 '64, of wounds received at Pine Knob,
Ga., June t6 '64. Andrew Folt; of typhoid fever, Jan.
9 '64. Joel Jones; of chronic diarrhea, at Bridgeport,
Ala., Nov. 5 '63. Martin Krom; of disease, at Nash-
ville, Tenn., Mar. 12 '64; Edmund Leaver; of typhoid
fever, at Lookout Valley, Ga., Jan. 23, '64. John Per-
sonett; of disease, at Chattanooga, Tenn., June 17 '64.
August Shawagar; of wound, at Newark, N. J., Sept. 17
'63. Abraham Vanderhoof; killed at Pine Knob, Ga.,
June 16 '64. Thomas Williams; enrolled Nev. 27 '63;
killed at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20 '64. Arazi
Willis; Jan. 5 '64; died of dropsy, at Andersonville, Ga.,
Sept. I '64. Louis Witte; drowned in Tennessee River,
Nov. '6^.
1 HIS regiment was raised in the month of Sep-
tember 1864, the rendezvous being Camp
Frelinghuysen, Newark, and was principally
recruited in Essex county. Company K was
raised in Morris county, recruited and commanded
by Captain D. S. Allen. Although he was the
last to obtain a recruiting commission, and labored
under the disadvantages of distance from rendezvous, his
was the first company of the command mustered into the
United States service, having recruited its full quota in
about fifteen days. Company K with four other com-
panies, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel James
Close, went to the " front " in October, encamping at
City Point, Va., and in about two weeks these were
joined by the remaining five companies of the regiment.
They remained here working on entrenchments for about
two weeks. A. C. Wildrick of the United States army
came and took command as colonel, and William T.
Cornish, formerly of the 15th N. J. volunteers, as major
of the regiment.
The force changed camp about November ist and
went to Poplar Grove Spring, near Petersburg, where
the 39th was assigned to the 9th army corps. There
being at this time continuous picket firing and skirmish-
ing the men got their first smell of gunpowder very soon,
and listened to the roaring of artillery and musketry
alternating with frequent calls of the long roll. Company
K was in a few days called to support an engagement a
short distance to the left; it was not called into action,
but had an opportunity of witnessing the effects of an
engagement, as many of the wounded were carried past
the ranks.
About the first of December the company moved into
and took charge of Fort Davis, in front of Petersburg,
the rebels shelling it "pretty lively." Here the men did
picket duty in the entrenchments and drilled in the rear
of the fort. They remained in this fort, with very little
occurring except the regular incidents of camp life, and
occasionally a man wounded on the picket line, until the
2nd day of April 1865, when the final long roll was
beaten, and the regiment marched out of the fort about
1 1 o'clock at night to take its position for the attack on
Petersburg the following morning. A detail of ten men
from each company, making 100 men, under Captain D.
S. Allen, preceded this movement and went forward to
the skirmish line. Although it was dark a sharp engage-
ment took place on the skirmish line, in which Captain
Allen was disabled, and Lieutenant Mason, of Company
H, was killed; this occurred about 2 o'clock in the morn-
ing. The brigade containing the 39th made a short de-
tour to the right, and in the general attack of that mem-
orable morning planted the colors of the 39th N. J. on
the rebel fort in its front. Company K had the position
of honor, being the color company of the regiment by
choice. After Captain Allen was detached and sent for-
ward with the special detail to the skirmish line the
command of Company K devolved upon First Lieuten-
ant Jacob McConnell, who proved himself a worthy suc-
cessor. In this two-days engagement Company K lost
its share of killed and wounded.
Although this regiment was recruited during the time
of paying large bounties it can be said to the credit of
Company K that there only three deserters, and Com-
pany K reported a stronger and heartier lot of men and
consequently more fit for duty than any other company
in the regiment, being made up of hardy Morris county
men. In recalling the career of this fine company Cap-
tain Allen says:
"Although seventeen years have passed away I have
not forgotten the kindly feelings toward me entertained
by the men of Company K, many of whom have answered
the last roll call; I shall ever hold in grateful remem-
brance all of this little band, and my devout wish is that
we may all be registered on the roll of the Great Com-
Below is a roll of
The ofificers of Company K were mustered in as well
as commissioned or enrolled in September 1864, for one
year, and with one or two exceptions were mustered out
in June 1865.
Captain. — David S. Allen.
First Lieutenant. — Jacob McConnell.
Second Lieutenant. — John Shippee.
First Sergeant. — Francis D. Sturtevant.
Sergeants.— ^o\iTi. N. Young. Edward Y. Trowbridge.
George W. Harris. Caleb J. Broadwell.
C<7;-/»w/y.— James H. De Poe. Daniel Matthews.
Morgan R. Davies George Burtt; dis. May 3 '65.
Charles H. Emmons. John W. Nichols; dis. May 3
Henry Parsons. Bernard J. Storms.
The following enlisted in September 1864, for one
year's service, were mustered in September 23d 1864,
and were mustered out in June or July 1865; with a few
exceptions, which are noted.
EstillBeatty; dis. May 3'6s. William J. Belcher. Wil-
liam Bishop. John W.Blake; mustered Oct. i '64. Joseph
C. Bower; dis. May 3 '65. Terrence Brannin. R. H.
Brientnall; prom. Q. M. sergt. Oct. 11 '64. William
Bugbee. John E. Burres. George Carey. Lewis H.
Cook. William J. Cook. J. V. P. Coonrod
Corby. John M. Crain. Jacob and Joseph Crum.
Rinehart H. Davis; dis. Apr. 28 '65. David M. De
Camp; dis. Apr. 28 '65. William Degraw. Isaiah De-
mont. Cornet Deinouth; enlisted and mustered Jan. 5
'65; dis. Apr. 28 '65. Amos J. and Edward L. Emmons.
Albert C, Jacob H. and Joseph W. Fichter. Daniel S.
Force. A. B. Ford; dis. Apr. 28 '65. John Gervin.
Nathaniel Gillum; mustered in Oct. i '64. WilKam P.
Hart. William Henyon. William S. Hulme. David
Huyler. William H. Jones. Abiather L. Kynor.
Marcus Lamison. Samuel Larue; mustered in Oct. i
'64. Joshua A. Lobdell; mustered in Oct. i '64; prom,
com. sergt. Oct. 11 '64. George D. Losey. John A. Love;
dis. May 3 '65. Marshall Love. Charles L. Love,
wagoner. Henry and William H. Marlatt. Charles W.,
Mahlon J. and William C. Mills. John More. John W.
Morgan. James Morrison. John Morrison; dis. May 3
'65. Joseph Morse jr. Joseph J. Nichols. Charles
Nixon; dis. Apr. 28 '65. Silas H. Olmsted; dis. May 3
'65. David Palmer. Isaac N. Pruden. Asher T. Quier.
George W. Scripture. David S. Searing. Samuel Sharp.
James Snyder. Charles Taylor. William Tillyer, mu-
sician; dis. May 3 '65. George D. Totten. Israel Van
Norwick. James S., Samuel and Silas B. Van Orden.
.Horace F. Wallace. Henry Whitehead. William H.
Williams. Hiram C. Wood. David and James O. Wright.
Trans/erred (first date that of enlistment and muster).
— John J. and Winfield S. Carter, Apr. 10 '65; from Co.
A, and to 33d N. J. June 15 '65. John R. Cutting. Apr.
8 '65; to Co. G. Theodore Demouth, Jan. 26 '65; to
33d N. J. June IS '65. George Farling, Apr. 8 '65; to
Co. G. Robert McNabb; Apr. 10 '65; to Co. H. John
F. Reiley and Philip Ryan; Apr. 8 '65; to Co. C. Daniel
Shawger, Feb. 9 '65 ; to Co. B. Leonard Sous, Apr. 8 '65 ;
to Co. F. Aaron A. Tebo, Apr. 13 '65; to 33d N. J.
, Jnne 15 '65.
Died (these were one year's men, and, excepting the first,
were enlisted and mustered in September 1864). — Noah
O. Baldwin, enrolled Jan. 5 '65; killed before Petersburg,
Va., Apr. 2 '65. John Conklin; died at Alexandria, Va.,
Apr. 10 '65, of wounds received before Petersburg Apr.
2 '65. Abram Earl; died at Alexandria, Va.. May 6 '65,
of wounds received before Petersburg. Thomas Plum-
stead; killed before Petersburg, Va., Apr. 2 '65.
Besides the casualties noted in the foregoing records
we are furnished with the following partial list of the
soldiers of Morris county who died in the service-
Seventh Regiment.— (Most of these men were from
Morristown, and that fact is indicated by the letter M
following their names. All but two were members of
Company K.) Erastus J. Ackley; died at Georgetown,
1861. Theron A. Allen, M.; died 1862. Charles Y.
Beers, M.; killed at Gettysburg.' Jabez Beers, M.;
killed at Petersburg, 1864. Merrit Bruen, Madison;
died at City Point, Va., 1864. Moses Berry; died in
Maryland, 1861. Cyrus Carter, 1862. James Brown, M.
(Company C); killed at Gettysburg. John Dempsy
(Company H); killed at Gettysburg. John Dougherty,
Wilderness, 1864. Arthur Ford, M.; died in Anderson-
ville prison, 1864. Andrew Halsey, M.; died at Peters-
burg, Va., 1864. Jacob Hopping, Hanover; killed at
Gettysburg. Robert Jolly, M.; killed at Gettysburg.
Sylvester Lynn, Mendham; died at Petersburg, 1864.
John R. Lyon, Bull Run, Va., 1862. William Long,
New Vernon; died near Fairfax Court-house, Va., 1862.
Charles B. Mott, M.; Chancellorsville, Va., 1863. Lemuel
Caleb-| Marshall, 1862. J. Miller, killed at Chesterfield Bridge,
Va., 1864. Allen Pierson, M ; Petersburg, 1864. George
Pier, 1862. John A. Recanio, M.; Belle Isle prison,
1862. Spafford Sanders, 1862. Joseph L. Spencer,
Chatham; killed at Petersburg, 1864. John Tillotson,
1862. Joseph Watkins, M.; died of wounds, Williams-
burg, Va., 1862. J. Wright; died Sept. 8 1864, in An-
dersonville prison.
Fifteenth Regiment (Company F if not otherwise indi-
cated).— John W. Berry, Flanders; killed at Spottsyl-
vania, 1864. William Broad well, Co. B; lost arm at
Salem Heights, Va., May 3 1863. EHas H. Carlile,
Chester; killed at Cold Harbor, 1864. Felix Cash,
Chester; died of wounds, Potomac Creek, 1864. War-
ren N. Clausen, Flanders; died at Washington, 1864.
Charles Covert, Fox Hill; killed at Spottsylvania, 1864.
George D. Foulds, Roxbury; killed at Spottsylvania,
1864. Charles Heck, German Valley; died at Washing-
ton, 1864. Anthony Hoppler, German Valley; died at
White Oak Church,' 1863. Whitefield Lake, Schooley's
Mountain; Spottsylvania, 1864. Ira Lindsley, Morris-
town, Company C; killed at Chancellorsville, Va., 1865.
Manning F. McDougall, Chester; killed at Cold Harbor,
1864. John R. McKain, Mount Olive, 1864. Charles
Milligan; killed at Winchester, 1864. Jacob A. Peck-
well, Flanders; killed at Spottsylvania, 1864. John D.
Salmon, Flanders; died at White Oak Church, 1863.
Andrew F. Salmon, Flanders ; Spottsylvania, 1864.
Phineas F. Skellinger, Chester ; Spottsylvania, 1864.
William H. Sergeant, Budd's Lake; died at White Oak
Church, 1863. Alexander S. Sergeant, Budd's Lake;
killed at Fredericksburg, 1863. James W. Sprague,
Flanders; killed at Fredericksburg, 1863. Peter J. Sut-
ton, Fox Hill; died in prison, 1863. David Todd, Lesser
Cross Roads; died at White Oak Church, 1863. Isaac
Vanarsdale, Lesser Cross Roads; died of wounds, 1864.
John Van Houghton, Morristown, Company C; killed at
Spottsylvania, 1864. Benjamin D. Wear, White Oak
Church, 1863. Elias Williamson, Flanders; killed at
Spottsylvania, 1864. Edward A. Simpson, Company C;
Shenandoah, 1864. Lewis Aramerman, Chester; died at
White Oak Church. Oscar Brokaw, Chatham, Company
C; Chancellorsville. Alexander Beatty; died at Wash-
ington, 1863. William Bowman, Ralstontown; Spottsyl-
vania, 1864. Franklin Camp, Whippany, Company C;
White Oak Church, 1863. Jacob Lamerson, Flanders;
White Oak Church, 1863. Edward Day, Chatham, Com-
pany C; killed at Cold Harbor, Va., 1864. Andrew
Genung, Chatham, Company C; killed in 1864. James
Hiler, Company C; Chancellorsville, 1863. Jeremiah
Haycock, Mine Hill, Company C; killed at Cold Harbor,
1864. Frank Cunningham and Virgil Howell, Company
C; died at White Oak Church, 1863. Jonathan Loree;
killed in the Wilderness, 1864. Thomas Phipps, Com-
pany C; died at White Oak Church, Va., 1863. William
Storms, Company C; killed at Chancellorsville, 1863.
Twenty-Seventh Regiment. — Stephen Doty, Morristown,
Company I, 1863. Samuel Smith, Company K. and Al-
bert Wiggins, Company B; drowned in Cumberland River,
May 6 1863. W. H. H. Haines and John Cronan, New
Vernon, Company I; died at Newport News. Louis
Gregory, Hanover, Company E. Robert Lee. Lemuel
Lawrence, Mendham, Company E. Augustus Salmon,
Flanders, Company C; died at Washington 1863.
Miscellaneous. — James M. Woodruff, Mendham, nth
N. J.; killed at Mine Run, Va., 1864. D. B. Logan,
Succasunna, nth N. J.; killed at Gettysburg. William
Potts, Morristown, nth N. J.; died in hospital, 1862.
John D. Evans, Morristown, Company G 8th N. J,; killed
ai Cold Harbor. David Cooper, 8th N. J.; killed at
Gettysburg. Isaac D. Dickerson, Malapardis, Company
E i2oth N. Y; died near Bealton, Ya., Sept. 9 1863.
Theodore Cooper, Morristown, 6th N. J.; killed at Fort
Pickens, Fla., in Dec. 1861. Captain Charles W. Can-
field, Morristown, 2nd U. S. cavalry, killed in Virginia.
Alfred Axtell, Morristown, Company D i6th Mich.;
killed at Petersburg, 1864. Charles Carrell, Morristown,
Company B 2nd N. J.; died in hospital. Edward F.
Cavanaugh, Morristown, Company B 2nd N. J.; died at
Columbus, Kas. William Cole, Morristown, 3d N. J.;
killed in 1861. J. L. Doty, Morristown, ist N. J. cavalry;
died after leaving Belle Isle prison. Theodore Edwards.
Morristown, ist N. J. cavalry; died in Belle Isle prison,
James L. Freeman, Morristown, 2nd D. C. volunteers;
died in 1862. John M. Lewis, Morristown, 9th N. J.;
hospital steward; died at Beaufort, S. C, Nov. 7 1862.
Willie Morehouse, Morristown, 37th N. J.; killed at
Petersburg, Va. Lindsley H. Miller, Morristown, U. S.
C. T., 1864. Patrick McShane, Company E 4th N. Y.
cavalry. Samuel McNair, Morristown, Company K ist
N. Y. engineers; died in South Carolina. John O'Don-
nell, Morristown, Company B 2nd N. J.; killed at Salem
Heights, Va. George A. Perrine, Morristown, Company
B 162nd N. Y.; died in Louisiana, 1862. George B.
Wear, Morristown, Company B 2nd N. J. cavalry; died
Feb. 25 1864, from hardship in prison. Spencer Wood,
Morristown, 4th N. J. cavalry; killed at Petersburg, 1864.
Michael Cummings, Morris Plains, ist N. J. artillery;
killed. James Mathews, Company B ist artillery. A. W.
Thompson, Company B 2nd N. J.; died at White Oak
Church, 1863. William Wottman, Chester, Company A
5th N. J.; killed at Petersburg, 1864. William Wear,
Company A sth N. J.; died in 1864. Albert Collins,
Company B ist artillery; died at Fortress Monroe. Job
De Hart, Morristown, N. Y. regiment; died at New Or-
leans, 1864. Stephen D. Fairchild, 17th Wis.; died at
Washington. Philip Keller, 3d N. J. cavalry. Moses
Miller, Company A 32nd U. S. C. T.; died in hospital.
Abram Earl, Company K 39th N. J.; died at Alexandria,
Va., May 7 1865. Hampton Whitehead, 9th N. J.; killed
Mar. 14 1862, near Newbern, N. C. John M. Powers,
Company G ist Pa. reserve corps; killed at South Moun-
tain, Sept. 14 1862. Corporal Ezra S. Day, 30th N. J.;
died Feb. 21 186^, at Belle Plain.
By F. a. CANiaJEtD.
HIS county is located in what is known as the
Highlands of New Jersey. The surface is
quite irregular, varying from 175 feet above
the sea level in the southeastern part to over
1,200 feet in the northern.
Commencing at the southeasterly boundary, the
^ change in elevation of the surface is gradual
until the bases of the mountain ranges running near Mor-
ristown and Boonton are reached, beyond which the sur-
face is very much broken. The distinction is drawn be-
tween the terms " mountains " and "' mountain ranges,"
the " ranges " being made up of a series of partially de-
tached mountains. The ranges run generally in a north-
easterly and southwesterly direction, while the mountains
themselves follow a more northerly course. The moun--
tains are peculiar in the fact that they rise gradually at
the northeastern end, and, running with undulating crests,
fall abruptly at the southwestern extremity.
In point of size the chief mountain ranges are School-
ey's and Green Pond, but by far the most important in
an economic point of view is the range of hills that lies
next to and to the southeast of the Green Pond mountain
range. This belt bears nearly all the iron ore deposits
of the county. A few deposits are worked in the moun-
tains immediately west of the Green Pond range, of which
the Hurd and Ford mines are the most important.
The geological structure is not very complicated; for,
while the different formations are divided by great periods
of time, the members of the geological column are but
few, as many of the intervening groups have no represent-
atives among the rocks of this county. The greater por-
tion of the county is underlain by rocks that belong to
the oldest geological formation known in the world.
This formation is termed the " Azoic " — meaning " ab-
sence of life " — and includes all the syenites, gneiss, or
granitic rocks, the crystalline limestones, and the magnetic
iron ores. The magnetic iron ores constitute but an ex-
tremely small percentage of the Azoic rocks, yet they are
the most important member of the group, and occur in
beds that are truly conformable to the inclosing rocks.
These bodies of ore are not veins, according to the
modern definition of the term, but are of sedimentary
origin. Generally they are lenticular in shape. They are
not continuous horizontally, and their extent vertically is
uncertain. Considerable difference of opinion has long
existed as to the origin of these deposits. Some experts
believe that the beds are true veins of igneous origin,
having been formed by the injection of mineral matter,
while in a melted condition, between the walls of gneiss.
It is true that there are evidences of the action of heat,
but most geologists at the present day hold that these
ores are as sedimentary in origin as the rocks in which
they are found.
A brief description of the probable process by which
these ore beds were formed will not be without interest.
Protoxide of iron exists in many rocks, and when brought
in contact with carbonic acid or some organic acid it
combines with it, forming what chemists call proto-salts
of iron. These salts are readily soluble in water, which
by leaching them out carries them to some pond hole
where the current of the stream is checked. Continued
exposure of these salts to the atmosphere causes them by
chemical affinity to take up or combine with more oxy-
gen, forming sesqui-oxide of iron, which is insoluble in
water. This action takes place at the surface of the
water and betrays its presence by a metallic film, show-
ing the prismatic colors, which floats until the accumula-
tion becomes so great as to sink to the bottom in the
form of a yellow precipitate of sesqui-oxide of iron or,
commonly speaking, iron rust. An ironmaster would
call it bog ore or brown hematite; a mineralogist, limon-
ite. Chemically pure limonite consists of 59.92 per cent,
metallic iron, 25.68 per cent, oxygen, and 14.40 per cent,
water. As soon as a film of sesqui-oxide of iron settles
another begins to form, and this action goes on continu-
ally. After this product the description of the process
must necessarily become somewhat hypothetical. It is
supposed that a great mass of this limonite has been de-
posited on the bottom of some large sheet of water, and
through some action of nature such as a subsidence of
the surface, or an elevation of the surrounding country,
or violent storms, the process of deposition ceases and an
influx of mud and sand takes place, covering the limonite
with material many feet in thickness. The weight of
this covering would solidify the ore and force the greater
part of the free water from it. Limonite in this condi-
tion occurs at Beattystown, N. J.
The 14.40 per cent, of water that is in chemical com-
bination with the iron cannot be expelled by pressure
alone, but another agent now acts in concert with pres-
sure, namely heat. The source of this heat is uncertain,
but its presence is proven by the products of fusion,
found with the ore. Pressure and heat together expel
the last traces of water from the limonite, and leave a
residue that is an anhydrous sesqui-oxide of iron. This
is true hematite, and if pure consists of 70 per cent, of
metallic iron and 30 per cent, of oxygen. It is an im-
portant ore, but is not found in this county in paying
quantities. If while the ore is subjected to the above
mentioned agencies some element like carbon — having a
greater affinity for oxygen than the iron has — be present,
a partial reduction takes place; the ore yields a small
percentage of its oxygen to the carbon, becoming richer
in metallic iron, and is then called magnetic iron ore, or
magnetite — a name given on account of the property it
has of influencing a magnetic needle or compass. Pure
magnetite can contain but 72.4 per cent, of metallic iron
ore and 27.6 per cent, of oxygen.
The extent and importance of this ore to this county
will be treated under a special heading.
While all of the above mentioned reactions and trans-
formations are taking place, the mud and sand that were
above and below the ore have been subjected to the in-
fluence of the same agencies, and what once existed in
layers of soft material becomes a hard stratified rock.
The cooling of the earth causes it to shrink, and the
crust, being hardened by more rapid cooling, cannot
contract sufficiently without forming wrinkles or folds on
the surface. This throws the horizontal strata of rock
and ore up on edge or in a partially inclined position, so
that what once formed the bottom of a lake may have be-
come a hill or mountain.
The Azoic rocks of this county are almost without ex-
ception stratified, with a general strike from the north-
east to the southwest, and generally with a dip to the
southeast, the dip varying from horizontal to perpendic-
ular. The term " strike " means the direction of the
edges of the strata with reference to the points of the
compass, and in most cases it corresponds with the axes
of the mountains. The term "dip" is applied to the
vertical angle formed by the plane of the strata with a
horizontal plane, and is always taken at right angles to
the strike. The southeastern boundary of the Azoic
rocks, after keeping a very direct course from the Hudson
River, crosses Passaic county nearly on the line of the
Ramapo River, and enters Morris county near Pompton;
keeping the same course, it passes just east of Boonton
and west of Morris Plains. A short distance west of the
latter place the line makes a short turn to the east, the.n
runs due south until it reaches Morristown, where it
bends to the southwest and, resuming its general course,
passes into Somerset county in the direction of Bernards-
ville. A description of this boundary is necessarily
somewhat inaccurate, and the line appears more regular
than it probably is; in fact it is but a description of the
bases of the mountains and hills on the eastern border of
the formation. This indefiniteness exists because of the
great burden of earth that covers the lower part of this
Following the line between the counties of Morris and
Somerset in a westerly direction from the point where the
eastern border of the gneiss leaves the county, no break
in the formation occurs until a small patch of the mag-
nesian limestone and a spur of Triassic sandstone are
reached near the stream that flows through Peapack.
This gap is a little more than two miles in width. On
the west side the gneiss appears again, and may be fol-
lowed continuously on the line between Morris and
Hunterdon counties almost to the Warren county line,
with the single exception of a bed of limestone, about
half a mile in width, lying immediately west of the foot
of Fox Hill, in German Valley. The Musconetcong
River forms the boundary between Morris and Warren
counties from a point just south of Stephensburg to Wat-
erloo, and runs the entire distance on a narrow belt of
blue limestone, which separates the county line from the
northwestern border of the Azoic rocks by a fraction of
a mile. The line between Morris and Sussex counties is
formed by the Musconetcong River from Waterloo to
Lake Hopatcong, and by the lake to Woodport, from
which place an arbitrary line runs straight to a point near
Snufftown, where it meets the head waters of the Pequan-
nock River. This entire distance is underlain by Azoic
rocks. The Pequannock River forms the division line
between Morris and Passaic counties, and flows in a
southeasterly direction. For a short distance after it
becomes the county line the river passes over Azoic rocks,
and then crosses a belt of more modern rcicks that be-
long to the Lower Silurian period. These are known as
Potsdam sandstone or Green Pond Mountain rock and
Hudson River slate. This belt of Paleozoic rocks is
about four miles wide. The stream leaves the sandstone
just north of Charlotteburgh and, continuing its south-
easterly course, flows over gneissic rocks until it reaches
their eastern boundary near Pompton. The territory in-
cluded in the boundaries that have just been described
covers nearly three quarters of the total area of the county,
and, after excepting a few deposits all of which are com-
paratively small, the entire surface is underlain with
gneiss or syenite.
The last member of the Azoic rocks is the white lirne-
stone, which occurs sparingly in two places. One deposit
is near Montville, where it is associated with asbestos,
fibrous (chysotile) and massive serpentine. This bed is
worked by the Boonton Iron Company for limestone for
the company's furnaces. The other deposit is on the
Sanders farm near Mendham.
Rising in the geological column, the next period repre
sented by the rocks of this county is the Lower Silurian,
which includes the Potsdam sandstone, the Hudson
River slate and all of the remaining limestones.
The sandstones, being the lowest, should be considered
first. This material varies greatly in structure and tex-
ture. In some places it consists of an extremely hard
conglomerate made up of large pebbles, giving it a beau-
tiful mottled appearance, and would make a fine building
stone if it were less difficult to dress. Sometimes it oc-
curs in large thin slabs, with fine grain and free from
pebbles, and makes a fair substitute for rough flagging.
This rock is also found in the form of sand. This for-
mation, rising near Cornwall, Orange county, N. Y., runs
in a southwesterly direction across that county, enters
New Jersey just west of Greenwood Lake, crosses Pas-
saic county, and passes into Morris county at Newfound-
land. At this point the formation is about two miles
wide and of low elevation, being crossed by the Pequan-
nock River. The formation rises rapidly as it proceeds
toward the southwest. Three miles from Newfoundland
it forms two high ridges known as Green Pond Mountain
and Copperas Mountain. The latter is parallel to and
east of the former. Green Pond lies between tliem, at
an elevation of 1,069 ^^^^ above sea level.
Copperas Mountain rises just west of Charlotteburgh
and runs about six miles, to Denmark, where it falls pre-
cipitously^ allowing the passage of Green Pond Brook.
The sides of the mountain are very steep, being often
perpendicular cliffs or ledges of rock. It takes its name
from the iron mines near its base, which were formerly
worked for copperas — a sulphate of iron. Green Pond
Mountain rises near Newfoundland, and continues with-
out interruption until it reaches Baker's Mill, where it
disappears below the level of the valley of the Rockaway
River, which crosses the formation at this place. The
west side of this mountain is very steep, being impassable
in places. At Petersburg and Milton there is a ppur or
offshoot of conglomerate on the west side of the valley.
This forms what is known as Bowling Green Mountain,
and is separated on the surface from Green Pond Moun-
tain by a bed of slate, under which the formation is con-
tinuous. South of the Rockaway River at Baker's Mill
the sandstones are found in four isolated deposits. The
first deposit makes its appearance between Duck Pond
and the bridge where the Chester Railroad crosses the
Morris Canal, extends in a southerly direction, and
gradually rising forms a low hill, steep toward the east
and sloping gently westward. The Morris Canal and
the public highway follow the base of the hill closely
as far as McCainsville, where the formation
falls suddenly below the plain, allowing the passage
of the Morris Carial, Black River, and a branch
of the Longwood Valley Railroad. At this extremity
the stratification is strongly marked, and quarries yield-
ing good building stones have been opened. Fine spec-
imens of curved slabs, formed by the folding of the rocks,
are found here. To the northwest of the first deposit
lies the second, on the foot of Brookland Mountain. The
Morris and Essex Railroad crosses it a short distance ber
low the Drakesville depot, by an excavation commorily
known as the " White Rock cut," the name being sugr.
gested by the color of the stone. At this place the rock
appears as a typical sandstone, being fine-grained and
friable. The third deposit forms the hill which rises near
the canal, west of McCainsville. It forms the western
boundary of Succasunna Plains, to a point a short dis-
tance south of the road leading to Drakesville, and here
it is lost under a heavy burden of earth. About a mile
further south it reappears, forming the fourth deposit,
the outlines of which are traced with great difficulty, ss
the outcrops are rare. The fourth deposit stops at
Flanders, and is the last of this series that is found in
the county. In this deposit the last traces of a rocky
texture have disappeared, and the material occurs in the
form of white sand. Large quantities have been dug
and sent away by the Boonton Iron Company and by
private individuals, to be used as a lining for furnaces, as
it is very refractory.
Boulders of Potsdam sandstone occur near German
Valley, and, although never found in situ, it may exist
underneath the limestones of the valley.
All of these deposits may be connected with one an-
other, but the burden of earth which divides the outcrops
is so great that the question of the continuity of the for^
mation will always be an open one.
Mount Paul, near Mendham, is an isolated peak of this
Immediately above the Potsdam sandstone comes the
Magnesian limestone — a name given on account of an
important constituent, it being nearly half carbonate of
magnesia, pure limestone containing carbonate of lime
only. The magnesian limestones of this county are gen-
erally hard, compact and fine-grained, and are free from
fossils. Their color varies from almost black to gray;
generally it is of a bluish tint. The color is due to the
presence of organic matter, as the limestone burns white.
The largest deposit in the county is in German Valley,
which place it underlies from the foot of Fox Hill to the
foot of Schooley's Mountain. This bed is elongated,
with an axis parallel to and nearly coincident with the
prolonged axis of the Potsdam sandstones just described.
It extends from about a mile northeast of Naughright-
vilk to about a mile southwest of California in Hunter-
don county, crossing the county line at Middle Valley.
The extremities are about nine miles apart; its greatest
width is about half a mile. It is extensively worked for
lime for farming purposes, and considerable quantities
are used in the blast furnaces at Chester and Boonton.
The second bed of this variety of limestone in point of
size is part of a large deposit which extends from south-
west of Bloomsbury, in Hunterdon county, to Waterloo
in Sussex county, a distance of some twenty-five miles
along the valley of the Musconetcong River. The part
which is in Morris county lies between the river and the
foot of Schooley's Mountain. The brown hematite
mined at Beattystown is found in this formation.
The next in the scale of importance is the deposit that,
rising a short distance south of Peapack, in Somerset
county, runs northerly and enters the county just west of
the line between Mendham and Chester townships. In
crossing the county line it bends suddenly to the north-
east, occupies the valley east of Mount Paul, skirts along
the base of the mountain, crosses the valley of Indian
Brook, and disappears about three-fourths of a mile
northwest of the village of Mendham. The greatest
length of the deposit is about six miles — four and a half
&f which are in this county — and the greatest breadth
about half a mile. It is partially bounded on the west
and northwest by Triassic shales and Potsdam sandstones,
while the remaining boundaries are gneiss. Quarries on
this deposit have yielded large quantities of lime for fer-
tilizing and building purposes.
The remaining deposits are those at Middle Forge.
Two of these have been worked; both are small and lie
on the conglomerate. One is near the forge pond, on
>the side next the Green Pond Mountain, and is about
450 feet long. The other, farther south, lies at the foot
of the same mountain, near the place where the highway
from Berkshire Valley to Mount Hope turns to the east
to cross the valley. These quarries were the source of
the limestone used in the furnaces that were formerly
operated at Mount Hope. The small deposit of magne-
sian limestone lying on the west side of the road leading
-from Stanhope to Budd's Lake is not in place, but is
merely a boulder.
Fossiliferous limestone lies above the magnesian lime-
stone and below the Hudson River slate, and, while ex-
isting in large deposits in other parts of New Jersey, it
occurs but sparingly in this county. Its presence is
worthy of note, as it is a member of the rocks of this
period. The only deposits are found scattered along the
western base of the Green Pond Mountain, from Upper
Longwood to Woodstock, and along the eastern base
between Newfoundland and Green Pond. The rock is
very friable and full of indistinct fossils, and is generally
too impure to be of much economic value.
Hudson River slate is another rock noteworthy only
on account of its representing a formation that has
greater importance elsewhere in the State. Instead of
appearing as a typical slate, valuable for roofing purposes,
it occurs as a hard, dark colored rock, with crooked
seams, which cause it to break in irregular masses. It is
refractory, and resists the action of time to a great de-
gree. The sole deposit of slate in Morris county rises at
the State line, between Greenwood Lake and Bearfort
Mountain; runs parallel to the mountain side, contracting
on its approach to the town of West Milford; and thence
gradually expanding to near the county line, spreads out
and divides about the north end of the Green Pond
Mountain formation. The eastern branch is narrow, and
after crossing the county line ends, after following for
about a mile the valley of the stream that rises near
Green Pond and flows into the Pequannock River. The
western branch is also narrow until it passes Newfound-
land, when it suddenly expands to the west and enters
the county with a width of about two miles. It holds
this width as far as Russia, and then commences to di-
minish in breadth; at Milton its western boundary jumps
suddenly to the east, being crowded over by the sand-
stone of Bowling Green Mountain, until it is only half a
mile wide. From Petersburg it follows the valley of the
Rockaway River, gradually growing narrower and dis-
appearing at Upper Longwood. The eastern boundary
is nearly straight, being formed by the foot of Green
Pond Mountain, on which this deposit lies.
A great break in the geological column now presents
itself. None of the rocks belonging to the Upper Si-
lurian, to the Devonian or Old Red Sandstone, to the
Carboniferous with its coal measures, nor to the Permian
period, have been found in the county. The next for-
mation to be considered is the Triassic or New Red
Sandstone. This is the age in which reptiles first made
their appearance, fishes being the highest order of life
that had existed heretofore. This name is given to the
period because in Germany this formation is composed
of three kinds of rock, viz.: Bunter Sandstein, Muschel-
kalk and Keuper.
In geographical extent the Triassic rocks of the county
are exceeded only by those of the Azoic period. The
northwestern border of the formation crosses Passaic
county nearly on the line of the Ramapo River, and
enters Morris county at Pompton; thence running on a
very direct southwesterly course it passes through the
city of Boonton, and on to Morris Plains; there it turns
to the south and swings around the foot of Trowbridge
Mountain, resumes at Morristown its former course, and
follows the road to Bernardsville until it crosses the
county line. This it will be seen is the eastern boundary
of the gneiss. The sandstones lie upon the older rocks
throughout the entire distance. There are no other boun-
daries to this formation in the county, as the county line
cuts off but a fragment, as it were, of a belt of sandstone
which is from twenty to twenty-five miles wide, and
which, rising near Cornwall, N. Y., crosses New Jersey,
and passes into Pennsylvania. The materials composing
this formation are either red shales or red sandstones,
the latter being largely used for building purposes under
the name of " freestone." A black shale is found at
Boonton, which furnishes fine specimens of fossil fish,
and small layers of bituminous matter resembling coal.
Below the town and near the river slabs of rock may be
obtained bearing tracks or the imprints of the feet of ex-
tinct reptiles. These remains correspond exactly with
those found in the Triassic rocks of Connecticut.
Trap rocks in the form of dykes or ridges are char-
acteristic of the Triassic formation. The largest out-
crop of this material found in the county is the ridge
which rises near the village of Chatham, runs south-
westerly to Myersville, where it turns more to the west-
ward, crosses the county line near Millington, and disap-
pears at Liberty Corner. This ridge is known as " Long
Hill." Its length is about eleven miles (eight of which
are in this county) and the average width is about one-
third of a mile.
The outcrop of trap second in importance is part of a
formation which rises near Pine Brook, and running
north forms Hook Mountain; keeps this course for four
miles, then turns with a large sweep to the east, and
leaves the county at Mead's Basin.
The only other deposits are two short ridges located
in the southwestern part of the county; the larger, ris-
ing near Green Village, runs northwesterly for a short
distance, then turns due west and, widening gradually for
two miles to about half a mile in breadth, continues on
the same course for about another mile, widens rapidly to
one and a half miles and then disappears. The other
outcrop runs northerly from the same town for three
miles; the southerly half is about half a mile in width,
the other part swings to the west and narrows rapidly
until it disappears.
This ends the description of the fixed rocks, as none of
the rocks of the later geological periods are found in this
The remaining feature to be described is the structure
of the surface, and in preparing this part of the geology
of Morris county liberal drafts have been made on the
State Geological Report for the year 1880. This report
describes the results of glacial action throughout the en-
tire State, and treats of the subject exhaustively. It is
highly recommended to the reader who may desire a
more detailed account than the following.
Disregarding the ledges or outcrops of a rocky nature,
the surface is made up of earth, clays, sands, gravels, and
boulders. The earths may be the result of the decompo-
sition and disintegration of the rocks lying in place under-
neath, and such earths can readily be distinguished by the
presence of rocky fragments having rough surfaces and
sharp edges; or they are made up from materials brought
from a distance and redeposited through the agency of
water and ice.
It is impossible to determine the time when the decom-
position began from which the earths now in place are
derived; probably as soon as the rocks were thrown into
their present positions. The action of air, water and
frost has never ceased, but goes on continually, and it is
to this feature that the sustained fertility of the soil is
greatly due. Certain elements essential to plant life are
constantly set free and offered to the plant in such a con-
dition that they may be readily absorbed. These earths
may be termed " native," and are found only where the
surface was not exposed to glacial action.
The transported materials belong to what is known as
the glacial period, and are included in the term "drift."
During the glacial period the ice field now found in the
extreme northern latitudes extended southward until it
covered the northern part of New Jersey to a depth of
nearly one thousand feet, but leaving the highest moun-
tains bare. Farther north it reached a depth of several
thousand feet. This field of ice moved from north to
south with a creeping motion, the front part constantly
melting away as it was pushed forward by the mass of
material behind, and any movable object was irresistably
carried along by the flow. By this means a vast quantity
of rock was torn from its place and transported greater
or less distances, often many miles. The action being a
grinding one the corners and edges of the rocks were
soon broken and worn off, forming boulders, and the
fragments exposed to the same influence were ground
into pebbles, gravels or sands. The surface of the rocks
in situ suffered accordingly, and in many places in the
county the summits of the mountains are worn and
rounded, often showing grooves and scratches as evidences
of the grinding action. The term " glacial drift " may
be applied to all the debris resulting from the glacial
action, but for convenience its use is confined to such
materials as are thoroughly intermingled, while the term
" modified glacial drift " is used to denote such mate-
rials as have been subjected to the action of water, and
by it have been rearranged in the form of stratified beds.
There is no distinction made in regard to the materials
composing the two kinds of drift; sometimes the two
formations lie side by side.
As the glacier melted away at the south and retreated
northward it left the materials that it carried or pushed
forward, depositing them somewhat as they had been
grouped on or under the ice. The southern limit of the
drift deposits is marked by a line of ridges, heaps, or
mounds, which is known as the " terminal moraine."
The most southerly point of the terminal moraine found
in New Jersey is at Perth Amboy, from whence it takes
a north-northwesterly course to the trap ridges near
Scotch Plains; there it turns to the northeast, and keeps
this course as far as Summit; turns at this point to the
west and northwest, and crossing the Passaic River
enters this county at Stanley. Hugging the northeastern
end of Long Hill it now swings to the northwest, turns
at Morristown to the north, and follows the line of the
gneiss and red sandstone as far as Morris Plains; thence
it runs on the west side and near the track of the Morris
and Essex Railroad as far as Denville. At Denville the
line is broken, but from deposits of drift found near
Ninkey and Shongum it would appear that the glacier
had extended up the valley of Den Brook for several
miles. From Denville to Dover the line of drift follows
the contours of the hills, but not connectedly, the deposits
being isolated in many cases. At Dover the formation
is shown in the little tableland on which the Orchard
street cemetery is located. Rounding the high hill west
of Dover the line of drift follows up the valley of Jack-
son Brook from the silk mill to the lower part of Iron-
dale, and from here again turns to the north and swings
by Port Oram and around Dunham's Hill as far as the
Scrub Oak mine; thence runs across the north end of
Succasunna Plains to a point near where the Chester
Railroad crosses the canal, and thence swinging around
by Duck Pond passes on to a point near the Drakesville
depot. From here the course of the moraine passes by a
tortuous route by Budd's Lake to Hackettstown, and
there leaves the county.
The limits of this article are too confined to allow more
than a brief notice of the more striking features of this
formation. The ridge from Long Hill to Morristown is
quite level on top, and being of a light, porous soil, free
from large rocks, it is well suited for building sites. These
advantages have already attracted a large amount of
wealth. Morristown and Madison are partly on this
ridge. It forms the divide between the watersheds of
the Whippany and the west branch of the Passaic River.
Its average height above sea level is about 375 feet.
Mount Tabor is also composed of drift material. The
gravel pit at the intersection of Clinton and McFarlan
streets in the city of Dover affords a fine section of drift.
The tableland west of Dover on which St. Mary's church
is built belongs to this formation. The moraine hill
which extends from Dunham's hill toward Duck Pond
forms the divide between the head waters of the Passaic
and Raritan Rivers. The finest examples of moraine
hills are found in Berkshire Valley.
A noteworthy feature of the effect of glacial action on
the topography of the county is seen in the changes that
it has made in the drainage of the streams by reversing
the direction of the flow. The original Green Pond
Brook ran northeast to the Pequannock River, but a
glacial dam prevents this and forces the water to make
its escape at the opposite end of the lake. The natural
outlet of Lake Hopatcong was through the Raritan
River, but a bed of drift near Hopatcong station
closed this channel and raised the water till it found an
exit by the way of the Musconetcong Valley to the Dela-
ware. Canfield Island was formed at the same time.
The original outlet of Budd's Lake fed a stream which
ran into the Musconetcong near Stanhope; a dam of
drift shut this passage, and now the surplus water escapes
to the Raritan. The drainage of Succasunna Plains was
in pre-glacial times to the northeast to the Rockaway
River, but the moraine above referred to turned the
water in-to the Raritan. Burnt Meadow Brook once
flowed into the Rockaway near Baker's Mill, but, being
turned by a mass of drift, it passes over the lowest part
of the dam at Mount Pleasant and meets the same river
below Port Oram.
This reversal of the water courses is easily explained
when the condition of things during the glacial epoch is
understood. The flow of the ice fields came from the
north, and on reaching a river acted as a dam, and back-
ing the water up forced it to find a passage in some
other direction, which was necessarily to the southwest,
the mountain ranges preventing its escape elsewhere.
As the ice retreated it left behind the vast deposits of
drift, which, though smaller than the glaciers, were
sufficient to control the flow of the streams, and in
many cases made permanent the changes effected by the
Morris county is well supplied with water; three of the
largest streams in the State find their sources here, and
with their tributaries so subdivide the surface that there
are no large areas unprovided for. The system of water-
courses may be divided into three parts, viz.: the water-
sheds of the Musconetcong, the Raritan and the Passaic
The Musconetcong rises near the Ford mine, in Jeffer-
son township, and there bears the name of Weldon
Brook. It flows into Lake Hopatcong, and thus be-
comes a feeder to the Morris Canal, which draws its
supply from this lake. The Musconetcong receives the
drainage of the west slope of Brookland and Schooley's
Mountains, flows to the southwest and empties into the
The Raritan is split into three parts, viz.: the "south
branch," Black or Lamington River, and the " north
branch." The first flows through Flanders and German
Valley; the second, or middle branch, flows through
Succasunna Plains and Hacklebarney; and the third, or
north branch, rising near Mount Freedom, flows through
Calais and Roxiticus. All of these streams leave the
county before they come together.
The third system is that of the Passaic River, which
may be divided into the Passaic River proper, the
Whippany, the Rockaway and the Pequannock Rivers.
The Passaic rises near Mendham, flows south for about
two miles to the county line, which it forms from this
point to Two Bridges, a distance of over forty miles, and
receives directly all the drainage south of Morristown
and as far east as Madison. The country north and east
of Morristown forms the watershed of the Whippany,
which, rising near Mount Freedom, flows through Brook-
side, Morristown and Whippany, drains the Troy Mead-
ows and empties into the Rockaway River at Hanover
Neck. The Rockaway rises in Sussex county, enters
this county near Hopewell, flows southwest through
Longwood and Berkshire Valleys, following the west
base ot Green Pond Mountain, around which it turns
at Baker's Mill, and taking a isoutheasterly course
fempties into the Passaic River at Hanover Neck. It re
ceives the Burnt Meadow Brook and Jackson Brook near
Dover, and the Whippany River about half a rriile
from its junction with the Passaic, and flows through
Dover, Rockaway, Powerville and Bobnton, furnishing
valuable water power at these places. The Pequannock
River rises in the Waywayanda Mountains, in Sussex
county^ and does not enter Morris county, but forms the
boundary line from a point near Snufftown to Two
Bridges, where it meets the Passaic, a distance of nearly
thirty miles. This river receives the drainage of all the
northeastern part of the county, and is largely used
for manufacturing purposes at Bloomingdale and
The soils of this county are generally very productive,
especially on the hills that furnish native earth, as this
material seefns to have the power of resuscitating itself if
allowed to test from time to time, and properly worked
in the meantime. The yield of the limestone soils will
compare favorably with that of any other part of the
State. The open and porous soils are more easily ex-
hausted, and require the renewal of fertilizers from year
to year, which if furnished render the soil very pro-
By Bbv. Rubus S. Geeen.
^ORRISTOWN*, the county seat of Morris
county, is, like Zion of old, " beautiful for
situation." It nestles among tlje hills, of
which no less than five ranges furnish most
charming building-sites. The drives about
the city are unsurpassed in variety and
loveliness. Add to its natural beauty
purity of air and water, and freedom from, debt, and
we have the causes which have dotted these hills with
elegant villas, and which are attracting rnore and more
the wealth and culture of neighboring cities. The death
rate is less than 15 for 1,000 inhabitants. The town
lies thirty miles due west from New York city. The
Green is 371 feet above the ocean level.
The population of Morris township, with Morristown,
has grown pretty steadily during the period of census
returns. These have been as follows: 1810,3,753; 1820,
3,524; 1830, 3,536; 1840, 4,006; 1850, 4,997; i860, 5,-
985 (182 colored); 1870, 5,673 (239 colored); 1875, 6,-
950 (285 colored); 1880, 6,837 (Morristown, 5,418).
The statistics of property, taxation, etc., in 1881 were
as follows: Acres in the township, 9,125; valuation of
real estate, $4,360,000; personal property, $1,365,000;
debt, $325,000; polls, 1,570; State school tax, $13,751;
county tax, $12,832.42; road tax, $7,000; poor tax, $300.
On the 29th of March 1684 David Barclay, Arthur
Forbes and Gawen Lawrie wrote to the Scots proprie-
tors respecting this part of the country: " There are also
hills up in the country, but how much ground they take
up we know not; they are said to be stony, and coverefj
* In preparing the folio-wing pages for '.the " Illustrated History
of Morris pounty " the compiler desires first of all to thank the many
■who have cheerfully aided him. Without this aid it would have been
impossible for him, burdened with the care of a large church
ai}4 parish, to have performed $he work. He has made free use of the
materials placed in his han^i "o* hesitating to adopt the language,
where it suited his purpose, as well as to record the facts furnished.
Tp stste this is due as much to himself as tp the friends who have as-
sisted him. He will venture to say that, from the time and care he has
expended, as well as from the trustworthy character of the materials
he has had ^it his disposal, he hopes f ev., if any. iijf portant errors will be
discovered. He has oonabi^ntiously sought to ma^e these pages a reli-
able history.
with wood, and beyond them is said to be excellent land."
This would indicate that this region was at that tirrie
ierra incognita.
But little definite information can be obtained concern-
ing the first settlers of the township of Morris. They
probably came from Newark, Elizabeth, Long Island and
New England. This much the names which first meet
us would seem to indicate. The same uncertainty at-
taches to the date of their settlement. In the year 1767
the Rev. Jacob Green, third pastor of the Presbyterian
church of Hanover, wrote a history of that church, which
still survives in manuscript, in the preface of which he
says that "about the year 17 10 a few families removed
from Newark and Elizabeth, &c., and settled on the west
side of the Passaic River, in that which is now Morris
county." In the East Jersey Records, Liber F 3, p. 28,
at Trenton, there appears the copy of a deed of a tract
of land within the bounds of this township, consisting of
967 37 acres, which was conveyed on the ist of June
1769 by "the Right Hon. William, Earl of Sterling, and
Lady Sarah, Countess of Stirling," for the sum of ^^2,902
to Colonel Staats Long Morris, of New York. The deed
says this tract was originally surveyed in 17 15.
In the same year the land on which Morristown is
built was surveyed to Joseph Helby, Thomas Stephenson
and John Keys or Kay. The last named had 2,000 acres,
and each of the others 1,250 acres. Keys's claim em-
braced the land now occupied by the park. That of
Helby ran from George W. Johnes's toward Speedwell,
and southwest to the former residence of General
Doughty. That of Stephenson included the Revere and
neighboring farms. We append the deed to Kay:
" By virtue of a warrant from ye Council of Proprietors,
bearing date ye tenth day of march last past, I have sur-
veyed this Tract or Lott of land unto John Kay within
ye VVestern Division of ye Province of New Jersey, in ye
Last indian purchases made of ye Indians by ye said
Proprietors; Situate upon & near a Branch of Passamisfe
River Called whipene. beginning at a small hickory
corner standing near a Black oak marked K, ten cha:
distance from a corner of Wm. Pens Lands; thence Nortji
west one hundred sixty & fiva cha: crossing ye said
Whipene to a corner white oak marked also K; thence
South west one hundred twenty and seven cha: & twenty
five link to a poast for a corner under ye side of a hill
called mine mountain; from thence Southeast one hun-
dred sixty & five cha: to a poast; then North East one
hundred twenty seven cha: & twenty five links, & by
ye bound of Govn. Pens land to ye place of beginning;
Containing Two thousand acres of Land besides one
hundred acres allowance for Highways; surveyed April ye
28th 1 7 15 pr me R Bull Survy.
"Ye 22 of August 1715 Inspected & approved of by
ye Council of Prbprs. and ordered to be Entered upon
" Tests, John Wills clerk."
We cannot be far out of the way in placing the date of
the first settlement of Morristown back nearly or quite
to 1 7 10, as found in the manuscript history of the Rev.
Jacob Green.
We know not when, where, or by whom the first house
was built. It stood, no doubt, near the bank of the
Whippany, where the grist-mill, the saw-mill and the
forge were soon erected. The Indians had not then
disappeared from the region ; while game abounded
along the streams, and bears, wolves and panthers
roamed through the forests.
The motive which led to the settlement of the place
by these early pioneers was probably the betterment of
their temporal prospects^many of them being drawn
hither by the iron in which the mountains abounded.
To their praise be it said, however, that they were a
God-fearing people. Religion had a controlling voice in
all their movements. It was the religious element that
led the New Englanders and the Scotch and the Irish to
this province, whose fundamental condition guaranteed
the largest liberty of conscience to all settlers; it was
here that many came to be freed from the spiritual des-
potism which galled them at home, and to certain locali-
ties some repaired to test their favorite scheme of a pure
church and a godly government in which power was to
be exercised only by those who were members of the
church, and where everything in active antagonism with
this principle was to be removed. On this basis Newark
and a few other towns were founded. Those who came
into this region from older settlements where religion
was deemed vital to the best interests of the people
brought with them the sacred love of liberty and of
truth, and the highest regard for religious institutions,
which was operative here as elsewhere in honoring the
Sabbath and the sanctuary and in regulating social and
domestic life.
Among the regulations made by the Duke of York for
settlers in this province, under which regulations Morris-
town was probably settled, we find the following, respect-
ing the support of the gospel: " Every township is obliged
to pay their own minister, according to such agreement as
they shall make with him, and no man to refuse his own
proportion; the minister being elected by the major part
of the householders and inhabitants in the town."
Such being the character of the people, we are not
surprised to find a church established as early as 17 18.
This was in Hanover — the church of which the Rev.
James A. Ferguson is the pi-esent pastor. To this house
of worship the people of West Hanover (Morristown)
resorted until the year 1733. By that time, the number
of inhabitants having largely increased and the distance
being so great, the desire became general to have a
church of their own, which was accomplished a few
years later, when the First Presbyterian church began its
long career.
In 1738 the village, if it might be so named, was cen-
tered mainly in Water street, though Morris street might
boast of an occasional hut, and perhaps two or three
might be found amidst the clearings of the Green. Else-
where the forest trees were standing, and what is now the
park could boast of the giant oak, the chestnut and other
noble specimens of growth. The woods around were
visited by the panther and the bear, while wolves in great
numbers answered each other from the neighboring hills.
The sheep and -cattle were brought into pens for the
night. Roads were scarcely known. The bridle path or
Indian trail was all that conducted the occasional trav-
eler to Mendham, who saw on his way thither a mill, a
blacksmith's shop and two dwellings — in three separate
clearings. There was scarcely a better path to Basking
Ridge. There were no postal routes, no newspapers and
but few books to instruct and amuse. Life was then a
reality. In the new settlement every one had to be busy
in order to procure such comforts and necessaries as were
required. Frugal habits and simple manners distinguished
their every day life; and their domestic relations partook
more of the patriarchal and less of the commercial, for
worldly prosperity had not been sufficient to create that
jealous distinction of rank with which we are so often
charged as a community. Religion had a moulding in-
fluence upon the household, and from dearth of news
often formed the principal topic of converse between
neighbors. The Sabbath was rigidly kept, and the church
was regularly frequented.
One church, as yet without a pastor, two public houses,
a grist and saw-mill, a forge, a few scattered houses, an
almost endless forest wherein still lingered the Indian
and wild beast, a law-abiding and God-fearing people —
these are the known conditions of that early time.
We come now to the second period of our history, —
from the formation of the township to [|the beginning of
the war of the Revolution.
The original name of Morristown was West Hanover.
This appears from]the minutes, of .the Synod ^,of Phila-
delphia, to which we shall have occasion again to refer.
As late as 1738 this name occurs in the synod's minutes.
It was also called New Hanover, as appears from the
licenses granted by the county court to keep public
houses. A record in the first volume of minutes of the
court of common pleas for Morris county, which is
printed on page 21, fixes the date of the adoption of the
present name of the township as March 25th 1740.
Of this period between the formation of the township
and the war of the Revolution little more need be said.
The town grew but slowly. Some improvements were
made. A Baptist church was organized and built and a
court-house erected. A steeple was added to the Pres-
byterian church and a bell placed in it.
The needs of the people were few, and their mode of
living was simple. Indications are not wanting, however,
of the presence and gradual increase of families of wealth
and culture, who gave to the town a reputation, which it
still retains, of being " aristocratic."
Sunday was the great day of the week.. Good Pastor
Johnes, of the First Presbyterian Church, could see his
congregation coming through the forest from the neigh-
boring farms, not riding in wagons, but (if the distance
was too great to walk) on horseback, the wife behind her
husband on the pillion, while the children managed to
cling on them as best they could. The women were
clothed in homespun, from the fruits of that industry
which has given the name of " spinster " to the unmar-
ried daughters of the family, showing their constant oc-
cupation. In the winter they brought their footstoves,
filled with live coals, to put under their feet during ser-
vice, while the men disdained such an approach to ef-
feminacy. If there was an evening service each family
brought one or two candles, and persons sat holding
them during the meeting; for even candlesticks on the
walls and pillars were not then provided. But though
the men could bravely sit with cold feet in the winter,
they did not hesitate to take off their coats in the heat of
summer, and if sleep seemed likely to overpower them
they would stand up and thus remain until the inclination
to drowsiness had passed. The men sat together upon
one side of the house, and the women and children upon
the other side, separated from each other by the broad
aisle. The young people occupied the galleries, the
young men and boys upon one side of the church, the young
ladies and girls upon the other. This necessitated the
appointment of certain men of grave and staid aspect to
sit m the galleries to preserve order.
There is one item of history, however, which falls
within this period, which can scarcely be passed over,
and which we may place under the head of
It is not surprising that there should be at least one
blot upon the fair history of Morristown. We would fain
pass it by, but truth is inexorable, and the historian has
no choice. The following account is for the most part
a condensation from two articles, to which the reader is
referred for fuller details — one by William A. Whitehead,
on " The Robbery of the Treasury in 1768 " {Proceedings
of the New Jersey Historical Society, Vol. V.,p. 49), and
the other by Rev. Joseph F. Tuttle, D. D., on the
" Early History of Morris County " {Proceedings of the
New Jersey Historical Society, Second Series, Vol. II.,
P- is)-
Samuel Ford was the leader of a notorious gang of
counterfeiters, who infested this region just previous to
the war of the Revolution. He was the grandson of
widow Elizabeth Lindsley, the mother of Colonel Jacob
Ford. His father's name was also Samuel. His mother
was Grace, the daughter of Abraham Kitchel, of Han-
over, and sister of Aaron, the Congressman. Her great-
grandfather was Rev. Abraham Pierson sen., of Newark.
His family connections were therefore of the best and
most respectable. Most of his companions in villainy
also stood high in society. These were Benjamin
Cooper, of Hibernia, son of Judge Cooper, before whom
he was afterward tried for his crime; Dr. Bern Budd, a
leading physician in Morristown, and a prominent mem-
ber in its society; Samuel Haynes, and one Ayres, of
Sussex county, both, as was also Cooper, justices of the
peace; David Reynolds, a common man with no strong
social connections; and others whose names will appear
as we proceed.
Ford had followed the business of counterfeiting,
which he pleasantly called a "money-making affair," for
a number of years before he began operations in this
vicinity. In 1768 he was arrested by the authorities of
New York on a charge of uttering false New Jersey bills
of credit; but we cannot find that he was ever brought
to trial. Shortly after this he went to Ireland to improve
himself in his profession, this being his second trans-
atlantic trip in the prosecution of his business. Ireland
was reputed to furnish at this time the most skillful
counterfeiters in the world. Here Ford became, it is
said, " a perfect master of the business." He returned
to this country in 1772, and at once set to work on an
extensive scale. He established himself about midway
between Morristown and Hanover, in a swamp island on
the Hammock. For the greater part of the year the sur-
rounding water was a foot deep. Through this swamp
Ford was obliged to creep on his hands and knees to get
to his work. He would leave his house at daylight v/ith
his gun, as if in pursuit of game, and thus unwatched
would attain his secret resort; for this practice was so
.much in accordance with the idle life he had apparently
always led that it excited neither surprise nor remark.
Still it was difficult for people to understand how a man
whose only ostensible means of livelihood were a few
acres of swampy land, the cultivation of which moreover
was sadly neglected, could wear the aspect of a thriving
farmer with plenty of money. In one way and another
suspicion was aroused; and at last, on the i6th of July
1773, Ford was arrested and lodged in the county jail.
That very night, however, or the day following, he suc-
ceeded in effecting his escape, being aided by a confed-
erate by the name of John King, who in all probability
was the same " John King" who was " late under-sheriff
of Morris county." His position gave him, of course,
every facility to aid his companion in crime. Nor did
Sheriff Kinney escape the charge of implication in this
matter. He was afterward indicted for remissness of
duty in allowing the escape of so dangerous a prisoner.
The privy council regarded him as "blamable for neg-
ligence in his office, respecting the escape of Ford," and
advised the governor " to prosecute the said indictment
at the next court."
Ford first fled to a lonely spot on the mountain, be-
tween Mount Hope and Hibernia, and hid himself in a
deserted colliery, called " Smultz's Cabin." Sheriff Kin-
ney with a posse of men sought him there, but so leisure-
ly that when he reached the cabin the bird had flown.
From Hibernia Ford fled southward, boldly paying his
way with his spurious Jersey bills and counterfeit coin.
At last he reached Green Briar county, among the moun-
tains of Virginia, where he settled and assumed the name
of Baldwin. Here he followed the trade of a silversmith,
forming a partnership with another man. During a se-
vere illness he disclosed his real history to his partner's
wife, who so sympathized with him that after his recov-
ery and the death of her husband she married him, and
thus became his third living wife. His first wife, as we
have seen, was Grace Kitchel, of Hanover. While in
Ireland, perfecting himself in his " profession," he mar-
ried an Irish girl, with whom he is said to have received
considerable money. She came to this country with him,
and was well nigh crazed on finding that he already had
a wife and children. She is said afterward to have mar-
ried an Irishman, and lived for many years in Whippany.
The pursuit of Ford was not of a very diligent charac-
ter. When his whereabouts became known in the course
of time it does not appear that he was molested. His
oldest son, William Ford, and Stephen Halsey (son of
Ananias) visited him in Virginia,- where they found him
with "a great property," a new wife, and some promising
young Baldwins; and thus the possible ancestor, so the
historian suggests of the Virginia Baldwins who have
figured in public life. To his son and Mr. Halsey he
seemed to be a " most melancholy man." He professed
to them a deep penitence for his sins, and a grace which
led to a religious life; the sincerity of which we may how-
ever be permitted to doubt, as it did not lead him to
abandon his adulterous relations and do justice to the
excellent woman in New Jersey whom he had left to support
herself and his family without a farthing's aid from him.
At the time of Ford's arrest and escape several other
persons were taken up on suspicion of being connected
with him in his " money-making scheme." On the 4th
of August 1773 ^ special term of oyer and terminer was
held for the purpose of eliciting information respecting
the parties implicated and the extent of their guilt. On
the 14th one of those concerned, that he might mitigate
his own punishment, made a partial confession, and was
followed by another who gave a full and explicit state-
ment of all the details. The swamp was examined and
the press found, together with a set of plates for printing
the bills of Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York and New
Jersey; a quantity of type and other materials, and a
leather wrapper in which the money was kept. The late
Sheriff Robertson of Morris county became the owner of
the house in which Ford lived, on the Hammock, and in
repairing it found some of Ford's counterfeiting tools in
the walls, where many years before he had secreted them.
But the confessions of which we have spoken led to
other results than the discovery of the counterfeiters'
paraphernalia. Men who occupied high positions in so-
ciety were arrested. Their names have already been
given — Cooper, Budd, Haynes, Reynolds and Ayers.
The last was of Sussex, and was tried in that county.
The other four were arraigned in the old court-house at
Morristown on the 19th of August 1773. A thousand
people were thought to be within its walls, and among
them all scarcely an eye could be found which did not
exhibit some tokens of sympathetic sorrow. Having
pleaded guilty, the sentence was now to be pronounced
upon them, viz. that upon the 17th of September follow-
ing they should expiate their crime upon the gallows.
One of the magistrates before whom the case was tried,
was father of one of the culprits. The best families and
society in the county had representatives in the number
of the condemned. But the sentence thus faithfully pro-
nounced was not to be as faithfully executed. The re-
spectability of the culprits and their influential connec-
tions were made to bear with great effect upon the par-
doning power. The day fixed for their execution ar-
rived, and Reynolds, who seems to have been really the
least guilty of the lot, but who alone unfortunately for
himself had no influential friends, suffered the ignomini-
ous death to which he had been sentenced; while the
other three were remanded, and finally in December,
after a number of respites, Governor Franklin gave them
a full pardon.
Dr. Budd continued to live in Morristown until his
death, from putrid fever, December 14th 1777, at the
age of thirty-nine. So great was his reputed skill in the
practice of his profession that he still found many ready
to employ him. One of his patients, a very inquisitive
woman, the first time she had occasion for his services
after his pardon, asked him very naively " how he kind
of felt when he came so near being hanged." His answer
is not recorded.
This " money-making scheme " of Ford and his com-
panions has a wider than local interest from its con-
nection with the robbery of the treasury of East Jersey
at Perth Amboy, on the night of the 21st of July 1768,'
in which ^^6,570 9s. 4d. in coin and bills were stolen.
Cooper, Haynes and Budd, under sentence of death for
counterfeiting, as above narrated, made confessions
which pointed to Ford as the planner and prime mover
of this bold and successful villainy, the first of whom
admitted having received ^300 of the stolen money.
Ford strenuously denied the charge; but his denial could
scarcely counterbalance the confessions just noticed. He
was never tried for the crime, having fled, as already seen,
beyond the reach of the law before the confessions were
The career of this bad man is the one foul blot upon
our local history, bringing disgrace to the town, and sor-
row of heart to the estimable family of which he was a
most unworthy representative.
The period of the war of the Revolution forms a chapter
by itself in the local history of Morristown, a chapter to
which the leading historians of those eventful years have
paid too little attention. This neglect will justify a
somewhat full account of this memorable period. Rev.
Samuel L. Tuttle, pastor of the Presbyterian church of
Madison from 1854 to 1862, and Rev. Joseph F. Tuttle,
D. D., pastor of the Presbyterian church of Rockaway
from 1848 to 1862, and since that time president of
Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind., have done much
to preserve the revolutionary history of this region.
Valuable articles from their pens upon this subject may
be found in The Historical Magazine, published at Mor-
risania, N. Y., by Henry B. Dawson, in the numbers for
March, May and June 1871. To these articles we are
largely indebted in the preparation of this sketch.
When the war of the Revolution began the village of
Morristown numbered, it is said, about 250 inhabitants,
while in the redion about was a thriving and somewhat
populous farming community. From the rolls of the
church, which good Pastor Johnes so carefully kept, and
from the records of the court, we are able to determine
pretty fully these early names. Colonel Jacob Ford sen.,
Colonel Jacob Ford jr., Dr. Jabez Campfield, Major Jo-
seph Lindsley, Jacob Johnson, Silas Condict, Rev.
Timothy Johnes and John Doughty were among the
leading citizens, while the names of Prudden, Pierson,
Fairchild, Freeman, Howell, Allen, Day, Dickerson,
King, Wood, Lum, Cutler, Beach, Tichenor, Hathaway,
Frost, Blatchley, Crane, Coe, Munson, etc., are of fre-
quent occurrence.
The Hathaway and Johnes families owned and oc-
cupied property to the north of the town, the Ford fam-
ily to the east. General John Doughty to the south, and
Silas Condict and his brothers to the west. Colonel
Jacob Arnold, of " Light Horse " fame, was keeping tav-
ern on the west side of the park, in the building now
owned by P. H. Hoffman; while Colonel Jacob Ford
had just built the mansion in which Washington passed
a winter, and which is now known as the " Head-
The financial condition of the people at that time was
far from prosperous, but they were none the less zealous
in their attachment to the cause of freedom and desire
for the prosecution of the war. While the great mass of
the inhabitants were Whigs, there were nevertheless a
few tories. An amusing incident is told of "an English
immigrant," residing in Hanover, " a man of considerable
property and not a little hauteur, who had drunk deeply
into toryisra," who held " many an ardent controversy "
with " Parson Green " on the subject of American inde-
pendence. Ashbel Green, the parson's son, heard the
talk and afterward saw this tory standing up in the church
on a Sunday, while the minister read his confession of
the sin of toryism; being earnestly moved thereto by the
rumor that some of the hot bloods of Morristown had
threatened him with a coat of tar and feathers. This
was in the forenoon; in the afternoon the culprit rode
rapidly to the said " neighboring town " to get Dr. Johnes
to read for him the same confession there, which the
doctor at last convinced him was unnecessary. The
courts were less forbearing to tories, from the records of
which it appears they had either to " repent or perish."
On the nth of January 1775 the Legislature met at
Perth Amboy. The representatives from Morris county
were Jacob Ford and William Winds. It is quite
evident from the proceedings that the Assembly and the
governor were by no means in accord. In fact their
views were as wide apart as the poles. Cortland Skinner,
of Perth Amboy, was speaker. On the 13th of January
the governor addressed the Assembly; his speech was
short, but was pointed and filled with suggestive warn-
ings of the fatal consequences of treason. The speech
was read twice after its delivery and then "'committed"
to a committee of the whole house. Before this action a
" committee of grievances," consisting of ten members,
was appointed, Jacob Ford, from Morris county, being a
member. This committee or any three of them were
authorized to meet at such times and places as they
might think proper to appoint, either during the sitting
of the Assembly or at any other time. The address of
the governor had given the Assembly much trouble, as
that body in a committee of the whole house had spent
several days considering it and in preparation of a reply.
In his rejoinder the governor declined further, argument.
The following resolution, passed at a meeting of the
county committee of observation held in Hanover, Feb-
ruary 15th 1775, 's but the prelude to the drama of sacri-
fice and suffering so soon to be enacted:
^^ Resolved unanimously, that this committee will, after
the first day of March next, esteem it a violation of the
seventh article of said association if any person or per-
sons should kill any sheep until it is four years old, or
sell any such sheep to any person who he or they may
have cause to suspect will kill them or carry them to
market; and further that they will esteem it a breach of
said article if any inhabitant of this township should sell
any sheep of any kind whatsoever to any person dwelling
out of this county, or to any person who they may have
cause to suspect will carry them out of this county, with-
out leave first obtained of this committee."
No toothsome lamb to tickle the palates of these stout-
hearted patriots, while the wool from the backs of the
live animals was needed to make the necessary garments
for themselves and their families. No woolen fabrics
for them from the looms and factories of their oppressors,
while they could shear and children could pick and wives
and daughters could card and spin and weave the wool
of the native sheep into cloth. No linen or cordage from
across the water if they could raise hemp and flax. The
same committee at the same meeting also provided pro-
tection of a certain sort for the consumer of domestic
manufactures. While they urged the care and growth of
fabrics for home consumption and placed the tariff of
public opinion most strongly on the wares of their great
enemy, they protected the consumer from exorbitant
prices. So they resolved that " if any manufacturer of
any article made for home consumption or any vender of
goods or merchandise in this township shall take advan-
tage of the necessities of his country, by selling at an
unusual price, such person shall be considered an enemy
to his country; and do recommend it to the inhabitants
of this township to remember that after the ist of March
next no East India tea is to be used in any case whatso-
At the beginning of the war one of the most enterpris-
ing of Morristown's " leading citizens " was Colonel Jacob
Ford. The past and present prominence of the Ford
family in local history warrants the insertion of the fol-
lowing genealogical note. In the diary of the late Hon.
Gabriel H. Ford, son of Colonel Jacob Ford jr., was
found the following entry:
Thursday, 22sf Jicne 1849. — ^ census was taken in the
years 177T and 1772 in the British provinces of America,
and deposited, after the Revolution, as public archives,
at Washington; but their room becoming much wanted,
those of each province were delivered to the members of
Congress from it, to cull what they chose, preparatory to
a burning of the rest. General Mahlon Dickerson, then
a member from New Jersey, selected some from the
county of Morris, and sent rae yesterday a copy verbatim
of one entry, as follows; "Widow Elizabeth Lindsley,
mother of Colonel Jacob Ford, was born in the city of
Axford, in old England; came into Philadelphia when
there was but one house in it; and into this province
when she was but one year and a half old. Deceased April
2rst 1772, aged 91 years and one month." I always un-
derstood in the family by tradition from her (whose short
stature and slender, bent person, I clearly recall, having
lived in the same house with her and with my parents, in
my grandfather's family, at her death and before it) that
her father fled from England when there was a universal
dread of returning popery and persecution, three years
before the death of Charles the Second, A. D. 1682, and
two years before the accession of James the Second, in
1684; that while landing his goods at Philadelphia he
fell from a plank into the Delaware river and was
drowned between the ship and the shore, leaving a
family of young children in the wilderness. That
she had several children by her first husband, whose
name was Ford, but none by her second husband,
whose name was Lindsley; at whose death she was taken
into the family of her son, Colonel Jacob Ford sen., and
treated with filial tenderness the remaining years of her
life, which were many. I am in the 85th year (since Jan-
uary last) of my age, being born in 1765, and was 7 years
old at her death.
Her son. Colonel Jacob Ford sen., was, as we have
seen, one of the judges of " the inferior court of common
pleas for Morris county" in 1740, and for many years
thereafter he appears to have delivered the charges to
the grand jury, and was not infrequently a member of
the lower house in the Provincial Assembly. His second
son and namesake was not less prominent than his hon-
ored father. Though a young man he had been previous
to the war intrusted with difficult missions by the State,
which he had faithfully executed. But his name comes
into special prominence as the builder of an important
powder-mill, on the Whippany River, near Morristown,
the exact location of which we regret we have been un-
able to ascertain. Early in the year 1776, as may be
gathered from the Boteler papers in the New Jersey his-
torical library, he " offered to erect a powder-mill in the
county of Morris, for the making of gunpowder, an article
so essential at the present time "; and the Provincial
Congress agreed to lend him ;^2,ooo of the public money
for one year, without interest, on his giving " satisfactory
security for the same to be repaid within the time of one
year in good merchantable powder "; the first installment
" of one ton of good merchantable powder " to be paid
" on first of July next, and one ton per month thereafter
till the sum of ^2,000 be paid." This " good merchant-
able powder " did excellent service in many a battle
thereafter, and wasone of the main reasons of the re-
peated but fruitless attempts of the enemy to reach Mor-
ristown. That the brilliant services of Colonel Ford
were appreciated at the time may be seen by reference to
the American Archives, Vol. III., 1,259, 1,278 and r,4ig.
Such an attempt was made but a few months after the
powder-mill was put into operation. But the man who
was capable of making " good merchantable powder "
was capable of using it and thus defending his invaluable
mill. On the fourteenth of December 1776 the enemy
reached Springfield, where they were met by Colonel
Ford's militia, numbering seven hundred, with such
spirit that they were glad to relinquish their design of
reaching Morristown, and retreat the next day, under
General Leslie, " toward Spank-Town." On the 13th of
the same month, the day before the engagement at
Springfield, a company of British dragoons had pene-
trated as far as Basking Ridge, where they captured Gen-
eral Charles Lee.
These incidents lead to a correction of the prevalent
mistake that no portion of the American army was
in camp in this vicinity until after the battle of Prince-
ton. On the 20th of December 1776 Washington wrote
to the president of Congress that he had " directed the
three regiments from Ticonderoga to halt at Morristown,
in Jersey (where I understand about eight hundred militia
had collected), in order to inspirit the inhabitants, and,
as far as possible, to cover that part of the country."
These were " eastern regiments," and were led hither
under the command of Colonel Vose. They were:
" Greaton's regiment, about 250 men; Bond's do., 100;
Porter's do., 170; in all 520 men." In a letterof General
McDougall to Washington, bearing date December 19th
1776, he says he came to Morristown the day after Gen-
eral Lee was captured at Basking Ridge, and that Vose
arrived at Morristown " day before yesterday," which
was therefore the 17th of December. General Washing-
ton did not reach Morristown until the 7th of the follow-
ing month. The importance of Colonel Ford's powder-
mill in the estimation of both friend and foe was doubt-
less the main reason why Washington ordered these
eastern regiments to remain in Morristown at a time
when he so greatly needed them. The absence of a Morris
county regiment in the- north, who were in the regular
service under the command of Colonel William Winds, it
should be said, had largely diminished the local means of
defense, and rendered necessary the presence of these
eastern regiments. Colonel Ford's militia doubtless re-
mained under arms until the- arrival of Washington. On
the 22nd of December he led them home from Chatham,
where they had remained to watch the movements of
the enemy. On the 31st of the same month they were
on parade, only a week before the arrival of Morristown's,
greater guest. It is not probable that they had disbanded
before that time.
Washington's first winter in morristown.
Washington reached Morristown January 7th 1777.
The memorable campaign which had just closed; the re-
treat through New Jersey, known as "the mud rounds;"
the brilliant victories of Trenton and Princeton, need not
be here related. On the 4th of January the battle of
Princeton was' fought, and three days afterward the
American army went into winter quarters at Morristown
and vicinity... Washington himself located at the Arnold
tavern. This historic building is still standing, though
considerably altered since it sheltered its illustrious
guest. It is situated on the west side of the Green, or
what is now called Park place, and is occupied on the
first floor by the grocery store of Adams & Fairchild, the
clothing store of P. H. Hoffman and jewelry store of F.
J. Crowell, At that time it was a two-storied house.
The first floor was divided into four rooms, with a hall
running through the center from front to rear. Wash-
ington, according to Mr. Tuttle, occupied the two rooms
on the south side, where is now the grocery store, using
the front room as a general office and sitting room and
the back for a sleeping apartment.
The present owner of the building, P. H. Hoffman,
says Washington slept in the front room over his store;
where the grocery store is was only one room — the par-
lor. The hall through which the great man was wont to
pass was recently fitted up as a store, and is now occu-
pied by the jeweler above mentioned. Among the tradi-
tions concerning the occupancy of this house by Wash-
ington is one that he was initiated into the mysteries of
freemasonry in this building, though some accounts say
it was in a different building but occurred while his
headquarters were in this one. This tradition will, how-
ever, appear further on to have no foundation in fact.
Those were dark days for Washington and his fellow
patriots. He had scarcely settled in his new quarters
before trouble began. Four days after his arrival he was
called to mourn the loss of the brave and noble Colonel
Jacob Ford jr. On the parade of the 31st of December,
to which reference has already been made. Colonel Ford
was seized " with a delirium in his head and was borne
off by a couple of soldiers, after which he never rose
from his bed." He died January nth 1777, at the early
age of nearly thirty-nine years, being born February rgth
Thus died, in the midst of his usefulness and in the
vigor of his manhood, one of the most promising and
brilliant men whom Morristown and Morris county ever
produced. On January 27th 1762 he married Theodo-
cia, daughter of Rev. Timothy Johnes, who afterward
became the hostess of Washington in his second winter
at Morristown, in the house now celebrated as the
" Headquarters." Colonel Ford was buried, by the order
of Washington, with the honors of war. On the igth of
the same month his father. Colonel Jacob Ford sen., died
of fever, at the age of 73, being born April 13th 1704.
Death made fearful inroads that memorable winter,
both in the army and among the citizens. On the nth
of January 1777, the same day the younger Ford died*
the death of Martha, widow of Joshua Ball, from small-
pox, is recorded, the sad forerunner of the darkest year
this community ever saw. There were two more deaths
during the month from the same disease; and then the
roll rapidly increased until in that one year it had reached
68 deaths from smallpox. No age or condition was
spared. The infant, the mother, the father, the youth, the
aged, the bond, the free, were reckoned among its victims.
But smallpox was not the only disease working havoc
in that dread year. Putrid sore throat, dysentery, and
other maladies swelled the death roll of the parish to the
astounding number of 205, exclusive of all who died in
the army.
"An establishment," says Sparks, " for inoculation was
provided near Morristown for the troops in camp; one
at Philadelphia for those coming from the south, another
in Connecticut, another in Providence." Rev. Samuel
L. Tuttle, in his " Sketch of Bottle Hill during the Rev-
olution " [Historical Magazine), however, has clearly
shown that this was not " an establishment," but a series
of inoculating hospitals in the towns of Morris and Han-
over. From him we learn that one of these hospitals
was the house which stood at that time on the farm of
the late John Ogden, about two miles south of Morris-
town. The house was -then owned and occupied by
Elijah Pierson, and for several months it was continually
filled with both soldiers and citizens, who repaired
thither in order to guard themselves, by inoculation,
against the smallpox. " I have been informed," says
Mr. Tuttle, " by some of the Brookfield family, residing
but a little distance from the Lowantica camp ground,
that they received it from their Revolutionary ancestors,
who lived and died on the ground, that during the same
winter there was a small encampment on the hill back of
the Bonsall mansion, a short distance north of the place
last described [Pierson's]; and it has seemed to me not
improbable that there was an arrangement also made for
inoculating the army."
The old First Presbyterian and Baptist churches, the
predecessors of the present buildings, were not exempt
from the necessities of this terrible scourge. They, too,
were turned into smallpox hospitals for soldiers. Under
date of September i6th 1777, when the plague had been
stayed, we find in the trustees' book of the former church
the following minute:
"Agreed that Mr. Conklin, Mr. Tuthill, Mr. Lindsly
& Mr. Stiles or any two of them wait upon some of the
Docts. of the Hospital in Morristown & apply for a
resignation of the meeting house, and if obtained then to
apply to the Commanding Officer at this post to remove
the troops thence; & at their discretion to proceed further
in cleansing and refitting the house for Public Worship
& to make report of their progress in the premises at their
next meeting."
It would appear that the progress made in the premises
was not altogether satisfactory, for under date of July
13th 1778 appears this entry:
"July 13th 1778 the Trustees met at Doer. Tuthill's;
present, Mr. Conklin, Mr. Tuthill, Mr. Stiles, Mr. Linds-
ley, Mr. Mills & the President; agreed that Mr. Tuthill,
Mr. Stiles & Mr. Mills be a committee to wait on Doct.
Draper & inform him of the Law of this State Relative
to Billeting of Soldiers, & that the committee or either
of them be Impowered to prosecute such Person or Per-
sons who may take possession of the meeting house or
other property of the Trustees contrary to the said Law,
& that they make report what they have done in the
premises to this Board at their next meeting."
As the army left here in May 1777 we may infer from
this last minute that the church was retained as a hospital
for those incapacited by sickness from the severities of
active warfare. If this be so the pastor and people were
obliged for a year and a half to worship, as we know
they did a part of the time, in the open air.
An incident of special interest to the ivriter of this
article may be mentioned in this connection. He has
heard his mother relate the old stories which her father,
Nehemiah Smith, told her when a child of his experience
in the Revolutionary war. Although she does not re-
member the name of Morristown, yet these stories are so
circumstantial as to leave no doubt in her mind that he
was a smallpox patient in the old church of which the
writer was lately the pastor. In the work of inoculation,
to which the people seriously objected, Washington was
greatly aided by the influence of the ministry, especially
of Dr. Johnes and Parson Green.
How large the death roll in the army was cannot now
be ascertained, but that hundreds were swept away by
the plague cannot be doubted.
Disease, however, was not the only cause of anxiety to
the guest of the " Arnold tavern." Very soon after
reaching here he wrote the following letter, which reveals
another serious source of alarm:
"Headquarters, Morristown, January 31st 1777.
" The great countenance and protection shown and
given to deserters by persons in the different neighbor-
hoods from whence they originally came has made that
vice so prevalent in the army that, unless some very ef-
fectual measures are fallen upon to prevent it, our new
army will scarcely be raised before it will again dwindle
and waste away from that cause alone.
" I know of no remedy so effectual as for the different
States immediately to pass laws laying a very severe pen-
alty upon those who harbour or fail to give information
against deserters, knowing them to be such, and strictly
enjoining all justices of the peace and officers of the
militia to keep a watchful eye over and apprehend "all
such persons as shall return from the army without a
" In order that this most salutary measure may be car-
ried speedily into execution, I have not only desired
Congress to recommend it to the different States, but
have myself wrote circular letters to them all, pressing
their compliance with my request. Desertion must cease
of course when the offenders find they have no shelter.
" I have the honor to be, gentlemen, your most obe-
dient servant. Go. Washington.
" To the Hon. the representatives of the State of New
Then, too, Washington was not altogether satisfied
with the position of Morristown as a place for. locating
his army. On reaching here he writes: "The situation
is by no means favorable to our views, and as soon as the
purposes are answered for which we came I think to re-
move, though I confess I do not know how we shall pro-
cure covering for our men elsewhere," That he did not
soon remove, and that he returned here for another
winter, would indicate that as he became more familiar
with the topography of the county his early impression
of " the unfavorable situation " was changed.
January 13th, scarcely a week after his arrival here, he
wrote two letters to Lord Howe, on the subject of " the
barbarous usage " our soldiers and sailors were receiving
in New York, " which their emaciated countenances
confirm." " Did he not endeavor to obtain a redress of
their grievances," he writes " he would think himself as
culpable as those who inflict such severities upon them."
The correspondence which passed between these two
distinguished persons during the winter had in the midst
of all its seriousness, if tradition may be believed, an oc-
casional vein of humor. Howe is said to have sent to
Washington, at one time, a copy of Watts's version of
the one hundred and twentieth Psalm, as follows:
" Thou God of love, thou ever blest.
Pity my suffering state ;
When wilt thou set my soul at rest
From lips that love deceit ?
" Hard lot of mine ! my days are cast
Among the sons of strife,
"Whose never ceasing brawlings waste
My golden hours of life.
" O ! might I change my place.
How would I choose to dwell
In some wide, lonesome wilderness.
And leave these gates of hell !"
To this, it is said, Washington returned Watts's version
of the one liundred and first Psalm, entitled " The
Magistrate's Psalm," containing the following pointed
" In vain shall sinners strive to rise
By flattering and malicious lies ;
And while the innocent I guard
The'bold offender sba'nt he spared.
" The impious crew, that factious liand.
Shall hide their heads, or quit the land ;
And all who break the public rest.
Where I have power, shall be supprest."
Rev. Dr. J. F. Tuttle states that he received the above
tradition from two entirely distinct sources.
Still another trouble weighed heavily upon the anxious
heart of Washington. The term of enlistment of many
of his troops was about to expire; and most earnest let-
ters were sent " to the council of safety,'' '" to the presi-
dent of Congress," " to the governors of the thirteen
States," calling for more men and munitions. On the
26th of January he wrote: " Reinforcements come up so
extremely slow that I am afraid I shall be left without
any men before they arrive. The enemy must be igno-
rant of our numbers, or they have not horses to move
their artillery, or they would not suffer us to remain un-
One of the members of " the council of safety " was
Silas Condict, of this town. The following letter of his
is not without interest:
" MoRRiSTOWN, April 7th 1777.
" Dear Sir, — This day I received your favor of the 23d
ult., wherein you acquaint me that I have been appointed
one of the council of safety. I am much concerned that
you have so few members attending at this critical season;
and, although it is extremely difficult at present for me
to leave home (my family being inoculated and not yet
through the smallpox), yet I will come at any time
rather than public business should suffer, on notice being
given me that it is necessary. Colonel De Hart told me
to-day that the battalion had arranged its officers, and
only wanted an opportunity to present it for commission.
The colonel says that he has at General Washington's re-
quest examined several of the prisoners now in jail here,
and that it will be best for the council of safety to sit in
this county soon; and if this is thought proper I think it
will be best to sit either at Mendham or at Captain
Dunn's, in Roxbury, as the army is still at Morristown,
and it will be inconvenient to sit there.
" I am, with great respect, your most obedient and
humble servant,
" Silas Condict.
" His Excellency Gov. Livingston."
The jail, as Mr. Condict's letter informs us, was full of
prisoners. These were spies, tories, and dangerous char-
acters. The i)resence of such persons was another
source of annoyance and anxiety. But their cunning was
not always successful. Dr. Tuttle relates an anecdote
which he had from G. P. McCulloch, who heard it from
General Doughty, a Revolutionary soldier, residing in
Morristown. A certain man was employed by Washing-
ton af a spy, to gain information concerning the enemy,
but it was suspected that he carried the enemy more
news than he brought to those in whose employ he was.
General Greene, who acted as quartermaster-general, oc-
cupied a small office on the southeast corner of the Green,
where the drug store of Geiger & Smith now is. One
day Colonel Hamilton was in this office when the sus-
pected spy made his appearance. The colonel had pre-
pared what purported to be a careful statement of the
condition of the army, both as to numbers and munitions,
making the numbers much more flattering than the actual
facts. Leaving this statement on the table, apparently
by mistake. Colonel Hamilton left the office, saying he
would return in a few minutes. The spy instantly
seized the paper as a very authentic document, and left
with it for parts unknown. It was supposed that this
trick did much to preserve the army from attack that
Still another source of trouble is apparent from the
following " general order:"
" Headquarters, Morristown, 8th May 1777.
" As few vices are attended with more pernicious con-
sequences than gaming — which often brings disgrace and
ruin upon officers, and injury and punishment upon the
soldiery — and reports prevailing (which it is to be feared
are too well founded) that this destructive vice has
spread its baleful influence in the army, and in a peculiar
manner to the prejudice of the recruiting service, the
■commander-in-chief, in the most pointed and explicit
terms, forbids all officers and soldiers playing at cards,
dice, or at any games except those of exercise, for diver-
sion; it being impossible, if the practice be allowed at all,
to d'iscriminate between innocent play for amusement
and criminal gaming for pecuniary and sordid purposes.
" Officers attentive to their duty will find abundant
employment in training and disciplining their men, pro-
viding for them, and seeing that they appear neat, clean
and soldierlike. Nor will anything redound more to their
honor, afford them more solid amusement, or better answer
the end of their appointment, than to devote the vacant
moments they may have to the study of military authors.
" The commanding officer of every corps is strictly en-
joined to have this order frequently read and strongly
impressed upon the minds of those under his command.
Any officer or soldier, or other persons belonging to
or following the army— either in camp, in quarters, on
the recruiting service, or elsewhere— presuming, under
any pretence, to disobey this order, shall be tried by a
general court martial. The general officers in each
division of the army are to pay the strictest attention to
the due exercise thereof.
"The adjutant-general is to transmit copies of this
order to the diff'erent departments of the army. _ Also,
to execute the same to be immediately published in the
gazettes of each State, for the information of officers dis-
persed on the recruiting service.
" By his Excellency's command,
" Morgan Connor, Adj. pro tem."
It is not to be wondered at that under all these depress-
ing circumstances the troubled heart of Washington
turned for support and comfort to the God of all strength,
to the God of nations and of battles. We are not sur-
prised, therefore, that as the time of the communion
drew near, which was then observed semi-annually,
Washington sought good Pastor Johnes, and inquired
of him if membership with the Presbyterian church was
required "as a term of admission to the ordinance."
The doctor's reply was, "Ours is npt the Presbyterian
table, but the Lord's table, and we hence give the Lord's
invitation to all his followers, of whatever name." This
pleased and satisfied the general, and on the coming Sab-
bath, in the cold air, he was present with the congrega-
tion assembled in the orchard in the rear of the parson-
age, the house now occupied by Mrs. Eugene Ayers, on
Morris street; and in the natural basin still found there
he sat down at the table of the Lord, and in the remem-
brance of redeeming love obtained no doubt relief from
the scenes that appalled and the cares that oppressed him.
The common opinion is that the Lord's Supper was ad-
ministered in the church. This is so stated in Sparks's
life of Washington and by other writers, but the true
version is as already given. The church was occupied
by invalid troops till the close of the year 1777, if not till
some time in 1778, as the records of the trustees show.
This was the only time after his entrance upon his public
career that Washington is certainly known to have par-
taken of the Lord's Supper.
(For the proof of this interesting historical incidenl
the reader is referred to The Record ior ]m\t a.x\A Kn-
gust 1880.)
Washington was a frequent attendant upon these open-
air meetings. On one of these occasions, according to
an account handed down by Doctor Johnes, Washington
was sitting in his camp chair, brought in for the occasion.
During the service a woman came into the congregation
with a child in her arms; Washington arose from his
chair and gave it to the woman with the child.
The Rev. O. L. Kirtland, a former pastor in this town,
in a letter to the Fi-esbyterian Magazine, and copied in
The Record ior '^nne 1880, relates the following, which
not only reveals the terrible trials of that winter, but the
character of Washington, and the great secret of his
power over the army:
" Soon after I came to Morristown, in 1837 I think, I
visit'ed ray native place, and met there an old man,
bowed down with a^e, leaning tremblingly upon the top
of his staff. His name was Cook. In my early child-
hood he had been the physician in my father's family.
As the old man met me, he said, ' You are located in
Morristown, are you ?' ' Yes, sir.' ' I was there too,'
said the doctor, once; ' I was under Washington in the
army of the Revolution. It was hard times then — hard
times. There was a time when all our rations were but a
single gill of wheat a day. Washington used to come
round and look into our tents, and he looked so kind,
and he said so tenderly, ' Men, can you bear it ?' ' Yes,
general, yes, we can,' was the reply; 'if you wish us to
act, give us the word, and we are ready.' "
Tradition relates that Washington amidst all his other
troubles during that dreadful winter was not himself ex-
empt from the hand of disease. He had, it is said, a
dangerous attack of quinsy sore throat, so that his friends
felt serious apprehensions about his recovery. In this
fear they asked him to indicate the man best fitted to
succeed him in the command of the army, and without
hesitation he pointed to General Nathaniel Greene.
Thus' that ever- memorable season wore away. The
homes of our citizens vvere filled with the soldiers billeted
upon them, and for whom they had to provide. Suffer-
ing, deprivation, disease and death were upon every
hand. Never were these combinations of evils better
calculated to undermine the courage of all concerned in
the struggle; and yet their faith in God never failed.
Washington was not an unmoved spectator of the griefs
about him, and often might be seen in Hanover and
Lowantica Valley cheering the faith and inspiring the
courage of his suffering men. His labors were very
heavy in the southeast room of the "Arnold tavern:"
urging on Congress the necessity of tendering an oath of
allegiance to all the inhabitants and outlawing those that
refused it; now advising and inspiring his generals —
Benedict Arnold among them, but too base to be elevated
by his communion with the great spirit of the age; now
hurrying forward the enlistment of troops and the col-
lection of munitions; now teaching Lord Howe some
lessons in humanity by the law of retaliation; " although,"
says he, "I shall always be happy to manifest my disin-
clination to any undue severities toward those whom the
fortune of war may chance to throw into my hands."
His situation is extremely trying, for on the 2nd of March
he writes: " General Howe cannot have * * * less
than ten thousand men in the Jerseys. * * * Our
number does not exceed four thousand. His are well
disciplined, well officered and well appointed; ours raw
militia, badly officered and under no government." The
balance sheet thus struck seemed to be against him.
But then Robert Morris, the great finaneier of the
Revolution, did not express himself too strongly in
writing that very winter to Washington: "Heaven no
doubt for the noblest purposes has blessed you with a
firmness of mind, steadiness of countenance, and patience
in sufferings, that give you infinite advantages over other
About the end of May Washington led his army from
Morristown to engage in the campaign of 1777, made
memorable by the bloody reverses of Chad's Ford and
Washington's second winter at morristown.
We pass over fhe intervening time between Washing-
ton's leaving Morristown in May 1777 and his return to
it in December 1779. The duty of selecting the winter
quarters in the latter year had been committed to General
Greene, who had reported two places to the commander-
in-chief, the one at Aquackanock, the other within four
miles of Morristown. Greene preferred the former, but
Washington's preference was the latter. On the 7th of
December 1779 he writes to Governor Livingston from
Morristown that " the main army lies within three or
four miles from this place." And on the 15th he ordered
Generals Greene and Duportail " to examine all the
grounds in the environs of our present encampment for
spots most proper to be occupied in case of any move-
ment of the enemy toward us," the positions to be large
enough for the maneuvers of ten thousand men.
On the ist of December 1779 Washington became the
guest of Mrs. Ford, the widow of Colonel Jacob Ford jr.
and daughter of the Rev. Timothy Johnes.
On the 22nd of January r78o he wrote to Quarter-
master General Greene, whose duty it was to provide for
the comfort of the commander-in-chief: " I have been
at my present quarters since the ist day of December,
and have not a kitchen to cook a dinner in — nor is there
a place at this moment in which a servant can lodge with
the smallest degree of comfort. Eighteen belonging to
my family and all Mrs. Ford's are crowded together in
her kitchen, and scarce one of them able to speak for the
colds they have." Soon a log kitchen was built at the
east end of the house for the use of Washington's family.
At the west end of the house, and but a little distance
from it, another log cabin was built for a general office,
which Washington occupied particularly in the day-time,
with Colonel Alexander Hamilton and Major Tench
Tighlman. This cluster of buildings was guarded night
and day by sentinels. In the field southeast of the house
huts were built for Washington's life guards, of whom
there are said to have been two hundred and fifty, under
command of General Colfax, grandfather of Schuyler
Colfax, late vice-president of the United States.
Several times in the course of the winter false alarms
were given of the approach of the enemy. First a distant
report of a gun would be heard from the most remote
sentinel, and when one nearer, and so on, until the senti-
nels by the house would fire in turn. From them it
would be communicated on toward Morristown, until the
last gun would be heard far to the westward at camp.
Immediately the life guard would rush into the house,
barricade the doors, open the windows, and about five
men would place themselves at each window, with their
muskets brought to a charge, loaded and cocked ready
for defense. There they would remain until the troops
were seen marching, with music, at quick step toward the
mansion. During one of these alarms an amusing inci-
dent occurred tending to show the coolness of Washing-
ton. One evening, about midnight, when some of the
younger ofificers were indulging themselves over their
wine, in the dining-room, an alarm was given. A guest, a
young man from New York, something of a bon vivant,
was in much trepidation, and rushing out into the entry
exclaimed, " Where's the general ? Where's the general?"
Washington, just then coming down stairs, met him, and
in moderate tones said, " Be quiet, young man, be quiet."
Timothy Ford, a son of Washington's hostess, was a
severe sufferer all that winter from the effects of a wound
received in a battle the previous fall; and among other
pleasing courtesies we are told that every morning Wash-
ington knocked at Timothy's door, and asked how the
young soldier had passed the night. There was some-
times scarcity at the headquarters as well as in the camp,
as the following anecdote will show: '' We have nothing
but the rations to cook, sir," said Mrs. Thompson, a very
worthy Irishwoman, and housekeeper, to General Wash-
ington. " Well, Mrs. Thompson, you must cook the ra-
tions, for I have not a farthing to give you." " If you
please, sir, let one of the gentlemen give me an order for
six bushels of salt." "Six bushels of salt; for what?"
" To preserve the fresh beef, sir." One of the aids gave
the order, and next day his excellency's table was amply
provided. Mrs. Thompson was sent for, and told she had
done very wrong to expend her own money, for it was
not known when she could be repaid. " I owe you,"
said his excellency, " too much already to permit the
debt being increased, and our situation is not such as to
induce very sanguine hope." " Dear sir," said the good
old lady, " it is always darkest just before daylight, and
I hope your excellency will forgive me for bartering salt
for the other necessaries now on the table." Salt was
eight dollars a bushel and could always be exchanged
with the country people for articles of provision.
A sketch of Washington now before me, says: "He
(Washington) sometimes smiled, but is not recollected to
have been seen laughing heartily except on one occasion.
This was when he was describing Arnold's escape, and
giving an account of his ludicrous appearance as he gal-
loped from the Robinson House, near West Point, to
embark on board the enemy's vessel." Dr. Tuttle in his
paper on "Washington at Morristown," says:
" The late General John Doughty of Morristown was
an officer in the Revolutionary war, and knew Washing-
ton both winters he spent at Morristown. He often told
his friends that he never heard of Washington's laughing
loud but once during the two winters. The exception
was one that took place in the spring of 1780, when
Washington had purchased a young spirited horse of
great power, but which was not broken to the saddle. A
man in the army, or town, who professed to be a perfect
horseman, and who made loud proclamation of his gifts
in that line, solicited and received permission from the
general to break the horse to the saddle. Immediately
back of Southside, below Market street was a large yard,
to which Washington and his friends went to see the
horse receive his first lesson. After many preliminary
flourishes, the man made a leap to the horse's back, but
no sooner was he seated than the horse made what is
known as a ' stiff leap,' threw down his head and up his
heels, casting the braggart over his head in a sort of
elliptical curve. As Washington looked at the man, un-
hurt but rolling in the dirt, the ludicrous scene overcame
his gravity and he laughed aloud so heartily that the tears
ran down his cheeks."
Count Pulaski frequently exercised his corps of cavalry
in front of the headquarters. He was an expert horse-
man, and performed many feats of skill. He would some-
times while his horse was on full gallop discharge his
pistol, toss it in the air, catch it by the barrels, and throw
it ahead as if at an enemy. With his horse still on a
jump, he would lift one foot out of the stirrup, and with
the other foot in, bend to the ground and recover the
weapon. Some of the best horsemen in the army, be-
longing to the Virginia Light Horse, attempted to imitate
the feat; they would be successful in three or four trials
as far as to catch the pistol; none, however, were able to
pick it up, but in trying they got some severe falls.
An officer who was with the army in Morristown thus
gives his impressions of the commander-in-chief, while
partaking of the hospitalities of his table :
" It is natural to view with keen attention the counten-
ance of an illustrious man, with the secret hope of dis-
covering in his features some peculiar traces of the excel-
lence which distinguishes him from, and elevates him
above, his fellow mortals. These expectations are real-
ized in a peculiar manner in viewing the person of Gen-
eral Washington. His tall, noble stature and just pro-
portions, his fine, cheerful, open countenance, simple and
modest deportment, are all calculated to interest every
beholder in his favor, and to command veneration and
respect. He is feared even when silent, and beloved
even while we are unconscious of the motive. The table
was elegantly furnished and provisions ample, though
not abounding in superfluities. The civilities of the
table were performed by Colonel Hamilton and the other
members of the family, the general and lady being seated
at the side of the table. In conversation his excellency's
expressive countenance is peculiarly interesting and pleas-
ing; a placid smile is seen frequently on his lips, but a
loud laugh, it is said, seldom if ever escapes him. He is
polite and attentive to each individual at table, and re-
tires after the compliments of a few glasses. Mrs. Wash-
ington combines, in an uncommon degree, great dignity
of manner with the most pleasing affability, but possesses
no striking mark of beauty."
Among the letters that were written by Washington
that winter was one to "Major General Arnold" in an-
swer to his letter asking " leave of absence from the army
during the ensuing summer," on account of his health.
Washington wrote, " You have my permission, though it
is my expectation and wish to see you in the field;"
then, alluding to the birth of a son, he says, " Let me
congratulate you on the late happy event. Mrs. Wash-
ington joins me in presenting her wishes for Mrs. Arnold
on the occasion."
How little either of the parties to these felicitations
could forsee the future! Before that infant was six
months older his mother was raving like a maniac over
her husband's infamy, and the name of Arnold had be-
come a stench in the nostrils of every American patriot.
An important incident of that time must not be for-
gotten. We learn that on the i8th of April i78o~the
French minister, Chevalier de la Luzerne, and Don Juan
de Miralles, a distinguished Spanish gentleman, repre-
senting his court before our Congress, arrived at Morris-
town. That was a great day in the Wick farm camp
when these two distinguished foreigners were to be re-
ceived. Even soldiers who had neither shoes nor coats
looked cheerful, as if the good time so long expected was
now at hand. Washington had many plans to lay before
these representatives of two powerful allies, and of
course time did not hang heavily. On the 24th Baron
Steuben, the accomplished disciplinarian to whose severe
training our army owed so much, had completed his
preparations for the review of four battalions. This par-
ade probably took place somewhere in the vicinity of
Morristown. An eye witness makes a large draft on his
stock of adjectives in describing the review. "A large
stage " he says " was erected in the field, which was
crowded with officers, ladies and gentlemen of distinc-
tion from the country, among whom were Governor Liv-
ingston of New Jersey and lady. Our troops exhibited
a truly military appearance, and performed the evolu-
tions in a manner which afforded much satisfaction to
the commander-in-chief, and they were honored with
the approbation of the French minister and all present.
Our enthusiastic witness forgot to say whether Baron
Steuben did or did not bring forward on that brilliant oc-
casion any of the patriots who had no shoes or coats ;
but probably they did duty in camp that day, while those
who were better clothed, but no better disposed, flaunted
before spectators their gayest war-plumage! In the even-
ing General Washington and the French minister at-
tended a ball provided by our principal officers, at which
was present a numerous collection of ladies and gentle-
men of distinguished character. Fireworks were also
exhibited by the officers of the artilery, so that doubt-
less that night of the 24th of April 1780 was a very
merry night : rockets exploded, cannons occasionally
roared like thunder, and some very curious inventions
whirled and snapped to the delight of some thousands
who did not attend the ball. O'Hara's parlors were as
light as they could be made with good tallow candles, re-
quiring to be snuffed.
But while all this was passing where was " that distin-
guished gentleman, Don Juan de Miralles?" We learn
that he visited the Short Hills on the igth or 20th of
April. When Baron Steuben on the 24th of April was
reviewing the four battalions to the delight of Wash-
ington, De la Luzerne, and others, and that night, while
the fireworks were flashing their eccentricities in the
darkness, and the sounds of music and dancing were
heard at O'Hara's, Don Juan de Miralles was tossing
with death fever. Four days afterward he died, and on
Llie 29th of April his funeral took place, in a style never
imitated or equalled in Morristown since. Dr. Thatcher
exhausted all his strong words in expressing his admira-
tion of the scene, and doubtless would have used more
had they been at hand. Hear him:
"I accompanied Dr. Schuyler to headquarters to at-
tend the funeral of M. de Miralles. The deceased was a
gentleman of high rank in Spain, and had been about
one year a resident with our Congress from the Spanish
court. The corpse was dressed in rich state and exposed
to public view, as is customary in Europe. The coffin
was most splendid and stately, lined throughout with fine
cambric, and covered on the outside with rich black
velvet, and ornamented in a superb manner. The^top of
the coffin w^s removed to display the pomp and grandeur
with which the body was decorated. It was a splendid
full dress, consisting of a scarlet suit, embroidered with
rich gold lace, a three-cornered gold-laced hat, a genteel-
cued wig, white silk stockings, large diamond shoe and
knee buckles, a profusion of diamond rings decorated
the fingers, and from a superb gold watch set with dia
raonds several rich seals were suspended. His excel-
lency General Washington, with several other general
officers, and members of the Congress, attended the
funeral solemnities and walked as chief mourners. The
other officers of the army and numerous respectable citi-
zens formed a splendid procession, extending about one
mile. The pall-bearers were six field officers, and the
coffin was borne on the shoulders of four officers of the
artillery in full uniform. Minute-guns were fired during
the procession, which greatly increased the solemnity of
the occasion. A Spanish priest performed service at the
grave in the Roman Catholic form. The coffin was
enclosed in a box of plank, and in all the profusion of
pomp and grandeur was deposited in the silent grave in
the common burying ground near the church at Morris-
town. A guard is placed at the grave lest our soldiers
should be tempted to dig for hidden treasure."
This pompous funeral, so pompously described, was
quite in contrast with the funeral procession which the
previous week entered the same burying ground. The
neighbors and friends of Jacob Johnson, who had been a
bold rider in Arnold's troop of light horse, made a long
procession. Dr. Johnes and the physician led the pro-
cession on horseback, and the only wagon present was
used to convey the coffin to the graveyard. At the house
the pastor drew heavenly consolation for the afflicted
from the word of God, and at the grave dismissed the
people by thanking them for their kindness to the dead.
And had Dr. Johnes officiated at the funeral of General
Washington his services would have been just as simple
and unostentatious. These two funerals made no un-
interesting feature in the social life of Morristown when
Washington spent his last winter there.
No one has. studied more fully, or written more care-
fully, the Revolutionary history of Morristown than the
Rev. Joseph F. Tuttle, D. D., former pastor of the Pres-
byterian church of Rockaway, and now president of
Wabash College. In the interest of our readers we can
not do better than to reproduce here, with his permission,
a portion of an article from his pen, entitled " Washing-
ton in Morris county, New Jersey," published in The
Historical Magazine for June 1871.
On the 30th of November 1779 General Greene, the
quartermaster-general, wrote from Morristown to one of
the quartermasters of New Jersey that " we are yet like
the wandering Jews in search of a Jerusalem, not having
fixt upon a position for hutting the army;" and he says
that he has described two favorable positions to the
commander-in-chief, " the one near Equacanock, the
other near Mr. Kemble's, four miles from this place."
The next day he writes to the same gentleman that " the
general has fixed upon a place for hutting the army near
Mr. Kimball's, within about four miles of this town. His
reasons for this choice are unnecessary to be explained,
but whatever they are they will prove very distressing to
the quartermaster's department. * * * i beg you will
set every wheel in motion that will give dispatch to
business." His predictions concerning the commissary
were fulfilled more literally than he himself dreamed of.
The position actually chosen is one of the finest lo-
calities in Morris county, and can be reached by two
roads. The one principally traveled that winter is the old
road to Mendham, over " Kimball's Hill," as it is called
to this day. The camping ground is about four miles
southwest from Morristown. Following the Basking
Ridge road four miles, through a region famous for its
excellent soil and fine scenery, with the mountain on
your right, you come to the Kimball property, now owned
by H. A. Hoyt, Esq. Here you turn to the right and
ascend the highlands for a mile, and you are on the
ground which must be considered as consecrated by the
unparalleled hardships of the American army. The dif-
ferent camps where were quartered the troops from New
England, the middle and the southern States were on the
lands which then belonged to Mr. Kimball and Mr.
Wick, including some one thousand acres. The house
on the Wick property is still standing, very much as it
was in that winter, and it is worthy of a brief description.
It is on the crown of the hill, whence you descend west-
ward to Mendham and eastward to Morristown. In front
of the house was an old oack locust — cut down in 1870 — at
least two feet and a half in diameter; and at the east
end is the largest red cedar I have ever seen. Both
these trees were standing in 1780. In the immediate
vicinity of the house are several immense black cherry
trees, which belong to the same period. The house
itself is nearly square, and is built in the old style of
New England houses, with a famous large chimney-stack
in the center. The very door which swung then is there
still, hanging on the same substantial strap-hinges, and
ornamented with the same old lion-headed knocker.
Passing through this door, which fronts southward, you
come into a hall some eight feet wide, its width being
just the same as the thickness of the chimney. Turning
to the right, you pass from the hall into the ordinary
family room, and to the left into the parlor. A door
from the family-room and the parlor leads you into the
kitchen, which is about two-thirds the length of the
house. The fire-places of these three rooms all belong
to the one huge stone stack in the center; and every-
thing about them remains as it then was. They would
alarm modern economists by their capacity to take in
wood by the cord. The spaces above the old mantel-
trees are filled up with panel-work, and in the parlor
evidently were once quite fine, especially for that day.
On the north side of the parlor is a door leading into the
spare bedroom, with which is connected an amusing in-
Great difficulty was experienced in the sprmg of 1780
in procuring teams to remove the army stores, and horses
for cavalry. Mr. Wick's daughter, Tempe, owned a
beautiful young horse, which she frequently rode, and
always with skill. She was an admirable and a bold
rider. One day, as the preparations for removing the
army vyere progressing. Miss Wick rode her favorite
horse to the house of her brother-in-law, Mr. Leddel, on
the road to Mendham; and on her return was accosted
by some soldiers, who commanded her to dismount and
let them take the horse. One of them had seized the
bridle-reins. Perfectly self-possessed, she appeared to
submit to her fate, but not without a vain entreaty not to
take her favorite from her. She then told them she was
sorry to part with the animal, but as she must, she would
ask two favors of them; the one was to return him to
her if possible, and the other was, whether they returned
him or not, to treat him well. The soldiers were com-
pletely thrown off their guard, and the reins were re-
leased, they supposing she was about to dismount, than
which nothing was farther from her intentions; for no
sooner was the man's hand loose from the bridle than she
touched her spirited horse with the whip, and he sped from
among them like an arrow. As she was riding away, at
full speed, they fired after her, but probably without in-
tending to hit her; at any rate, she was unharmed. She
urged her horse up the hill, at his highest speed, and
coming round to the kitchen door, on the north side of
the house, she sprang off and led him into the kitchen,
thence into the parlor, and thence into the spare bed-
room, which had but one window, and that on the west
side. This was secured with a shutter. The soldiers
shortly after came up and searched the barn and woods
in vain. Miss Wick saved her horse by keeping him in
that bed-room three weeks, until the last troop was fairly
off. The incident, which is authentic, shows the adroit-
ness and courage of the young lady, who afterwards be-
came the wife of William Tuttle, an officer in the Jersey
brigade during the entire war.
The descriptions of the different camps which are to be
given are quite imperfect, but interesting; and, such as
they are, are derived from the late Captain William Tuttle,
who was stationed with the Jersey troops during that
winter. It cannot be sufficiently regretted that some
friendly pen was not ready to record the conversations of
this fine old soldier, an officer in the Third Jersey regi-
ment and perfectly acquainted with all the localities of
the encampment on Kimball Hill. He was 20 years old
at the time, and from the conclusion of the war until his
death, in 1836, he resided most of the time either on the
Wick farm or in the immediate vicinity. Very often
would he go over the ground, especially with his young
relatives, pointing out the precise spots occupied by the
different troops, and filling up hours with thrilling anec-
dotes connected with that winter; but these conversa-
tions no one was at the pains to record, and now they
are hopelessly gone. He enlisted in the regular service
in 1777, and remained in it until peace was declared.
He suffered the exposures of winter quarters at Middle
Brook, Valley Forge, and Kimball Hill; was in the bat-
tles of Chad's Ford, Germantown, Brandywine, Mon-
mouth, Springfield, and "others of less note;" was with
Lafayette in his Virginia campaign; and was at the siege
of Yorktown; and yet his careless relatives culpably have
suffered his history to be shrunk into the compass of his
own meager but modest affidavit in the pension office.
As good fortune will have it, a former tenant on the
Wick farm occupied it several years before Captain Tut-
tle's death; and, in company with the old gentleman,
frequently passed over the camp grounds. Under Mr.
Mucklow's direction a small party of us passed over the
various points of interest. Taking the old Wick house
as the starting point, we crossed the road, and, following
in a southwest direction, came into a tract of timber on
an easy slope and extending to a living spring brook. In
the upper end of the woods, near the brook, we found
the ruins of several hut-chimneys. Following the side
hill, in the same direction as the stream, that is in a
southeast course, we found quite a large number of these
stone chimneys, and in some of them the stones seem
to be just as the soldiers left them. At qne point we
counted two rows containing forty chimneys; some of
them evidently belonging to double huts. Just below
these we came into a fine level opening, almost bare of
trees, and which may have been grubbed clean of stumps
and roots for a parade ground. A few rods higher up
the side of the hill were other ruins, extending with
some degree of regularity around the face of the hill, in
a curve, until the row was terminated at a brook on the
east side, which puts into the stream already mentioned.
On the crown of the hill is another row of ruins; and
Captain Tuttle informed our guide that the cleared field
on the hill was once covered with similar remains. Thus
far we counted 196 of these and had been over the
ground occupied by the Jersey brigade. Frequently did
Captain Tuttle relate the fact that he had seen the paths
leading from the Jersey camp to the Wick hoifse marked
with blood from the feet of the soldiers without shoes!
On the same side of the road, and near to it, is a
cleared field. In this field a spring brook rises, around
which the hill slopes in the form of a horseshoe. On the
north side of this was a slaughter-house, and a little low-
er down on the same side are the remains of the huts
built for the commissary department, and in the vicinity
of a beautiful spring. On the opposite side of the brook
we found several ruins, which, with those just mentioned,
amounted to 23. On the ground of the slaughter-house
Mr. Mucklow plowed up an old bayonet.
Crossing the road, directly opposite this point we came
into a cleared field, which is in the southern slope of
Fort Hill. Along the road fence is a row of stones
which were in the hut fire-places, and which were drawn
off to clear the ground for plowing; but higher up in
the woods are several remains. East of this lot and lower
down the hill is an open field, in which we saw several
rows, in regular order, containing sixty fire-places; and
thence, following the curve of the hill in a northeast
course, in regular rows, we counted 100 more. We were
informed that the remains are to be seen around the en-
tire hill, but want of time forbade our pursuing the in-
quiry farther.
We now ascend Fort Hill, around the sides of which
we had been walking for some time. It is shaped like a
sugarloaf, and from the northeast to the southeast its
sides are very steep, making the ascent not a little diffi-
cult. I was on this point in the spring, before the leaves
had put out, and the viev/ from it is surpassingly beauti-
ful. Fort Hill is one of the most commanding points in
Morris county. Westward you can see the Schooley's
Mountain range, and, as I fancied, the mountains along
the Delaware. Southward is a fine range of highlands,
in the midst of which is Basking Ridge (where General
Lee was captured), so distinct that with a glass you can
tell what is doing in its streets. Southeast of you Long
Hill and Plainfield Mountain stretch far in the distance,
from the top of which you may see from New York to
New Brunswick, if not to the Delaware. East of you
are the Short Hills, so famous as the watchtower of
freedom during the Revolutionary war, and on which
night and day sentinels were observing the country along
the Hackensack, Passaic and Raritan, and even to New
York and the Narrows. Northeast you can see the two
twin mountains in the vicinity of Ringwood, and beyond
that the blue-tinged mountains toward Newburgh. Be-
tween these prominent points are intervening landscapes
beautiful as the eye ever rested on.
At the east and northeast, on the top of Fort Hill, are
some remains not like those we had previously examined.
They evidently were not the ruins of breastworks, but
seem to have been designed to prepare level places for
the free movements of artillery; and a close inspection
shows that cannon stationed at those two points on the
hill top would sweep the entire face of the hill in case of
an attack. This undoubtedly was the design. In the
immediate vicinity are the remains of quite a number of
chimneys, of huts probably occupied by a detachment of
Passing down the west side of Fort Hill, toward the
old house, we came into what has always been called the
Jockey Hollow road, at a place which tradition points out
as the spot where Captain Billings jvas shot, when the
Pennsylvania troops mutinied, on New Year's day 1781.
The aged mother of Robert K. Tuttle, of Morristown,
pointed out a black oak tree by the roadside as near the
spot where the unfortunate man was shot down and
buried in the road where he was killed. Mrs. Tuttle was
at the time living on a part of the Wick farm, so that
the tradition is undoubtedly true.
We now returned to the house in order to visit Hos-
pital field, as it is still called, and also the Maryland field,
so called because the Maryland troops were there en-
camped during the winter of 177980. These fields are
about half a mile north from the house. Hospital field is
on the slope of a high hill, facing east and southeast; and
at the bottom is a fine spring brook, in the vicinity of
which were huts for the hospitals. Of these there are no
remains, as the plough has long since obliterated them;
but near by is a most interesting place marked by a grove
of locust trees, planted to protect the graves from the
plough. Here are two rows of graves where were buried
:hose who died at the hospitals that winter. A granite
monument ought to be built immediately there, to com-
memorate those unnamed men who died in the service of
their country. The length of space occupied by the
graves, as far as can now be seen, is about one hundred
and seventy feet, thus making a single row of graves
about three hundred and forty feet long. The graves
evidently are near together, so that quite a large number
must have died in the hospitals that winter. Whether
there was any other burying ground used it is impossible
now to determine; but it is very probable that the hill-
sides in the vicinity contain many graves which will re-
main unknown until the morning of the resurrection.
Directly east from Hospital field, on a hill opposite,
the Maryland troops and perhaps the Virginia were
" hutted;" but we were assured that no remains are left,
as the ground has all been ploughed, so that we did not
visit it. In all we had counted three hundred and sixty-
five chimney foundations, marking the sites of as many
huts, besides many which inadvertently we omitted to
count. We must have seen more than four hundred in
all; and I am thus particular in describing their positions
because a few years more may entirely obliterate all traces
of the camps on Kimball Hill.
If we return to the top of Fort Hill, and cast the eye
over the prominent points already mentioned, we shall
perceive how admirably they are adapted for the purpose
of spreading alarm by means of beacon-fires. The
ranges of the Short and Long hills and Plainfield Moun-
tain on the southeast and east, Schooley's Mountain on
the west, the mountains near Ringwood and along the
New York line on the north and northeast, all are as dis-
tinct as light-houses. Very early in the war there was a
beacon station on the Short Hills, near the country resi-
dence of the late Bishop Hobart; but in the winter of
1778-9 Washington communicated to the governor of
New Jersey a plan for establishing these beacons
throughout the State; and in accordance with his re-
quest, on the 9th of April 1779 General Philemon Dick-
erson, one of the most able militia officers in the State,
was instructed to carry the plan into effect. Hitherto no
traces of a written plan have been found, but there can
be no doubt as to some of the locations. That on the
Short Hills is remembered by persons still living [1854]
from whom the Rev. Samuel L. Tuttle derived the
account he gives of the matter. "On that commanding
elevation," writes Mr. Tuttle, in his lecture on Bottle
Hill during the Revolution, " the means were kept for
alarming the inhabitants of the interior in case of any
threatening movement of the enemy in any direction. A
cannon, an eighteen-pounder — called in those times ' the
old sow ' — fired every half hour, answered the object in
the daytime and in very stormy and dark nights; while
an immense fire or beacon light answered the end at all
other times. A log house or two * * * were erected
there for the use of the sentinels, who by relieving one
another at definite intervals kept careful watch day and
night, their eyes continually sweeping over the vast ex-
tent of country that lay stretched out like a map before
them. The beacon light was constructed of dry wood,
piled around a high pole; this was filled with combustible
materials, and a tar-barrel was placed upon the top of
the pole. When the sentinels discovered any movement
of the enemy of a threatening character, or such tidings
were brought them by messengers, either the alarm gun
was fired or the beacon light kindled, so that the tidings
were quickly spread over the whole region. There are
several persons still living in this place who remember to
have heard that dismal alarm gun, and to have seen those
beacon lights sending out their baleful and terrific light
from that high point of observation; and who also re-
member to have seen the inhabitants, armed with their
muskets, making all possible haste to Chatham bridge
and the Short Hills."
That there was a system of beacon lights there can be
no doubt, although, unfortunately, the most of those are
dead who could give us information about it, and there
are no documents describing the various points where
these lights were kindled. Of one we have some knowl-
edge. Seven miles north of Morristown, near the present
railroad depot at Denville, is a mountain which rises
abruptly to a considerable height, from which you can see
the Short Hills. On this point there was a beacon light,
managed by Captain Josiah Hall, whose descendants still
reside in the vicinity. A fire from this point would be
seen from the top of Green Pond Mountain, several
miles farther north; and a fire on that mountain would
probably reach the portion of Sussex county where the
.brave Colonel Seward, grandfather of Senator Seward,
resided. Tradition says that such was the case; and
that often at night the tongue of fire might be seen leap-
ing into the air on the Short Hills, soon to be followed
by brilliant lights on Fort Hill, on the Denville moun-
tain, the Green Pond Mountain, and on the range of
mountains on the Orange county line. To many it has
seemed inexplicable, and it was so to the enemy, that
they could not make a movement toward the hills of
Morris without meeting the yeomen of Morris, armed
and ready to repel them. I have conversed with several
old men who have seen the roads coverging on Morris-
town and Chatham lined with men who were hurrying off
to the Short Hills, to drive back the invaders. The
alarm gun and the beacon light explain the mystery;
and, as an illustration of scenes frequently witnessed, I
may give an incident in the life of an old soldier, by the
name of Bishop, who was living at Mendham. He was
one morning engaged in stacking his wheat, with a hired
man when the alarm gun pealed out its warning. ''I
must go," exclaimed Bishop. "You had better take
care of your wheat," said his man. Again they heard
the dull, heavy sound of the alarm gun; and instantly
Bishop slid down from the stack, exclaiming, "I can't
stand this. Get along with the grain the best way you
can. I 'm off to the rescue ! " Hastily he packed a
small budget of provisions; and, shouldering his musket,
in a few minutes he was on the way to Morristown. He
says that on his way there he found men issuing from
every road, equipped just as they left their fields and
shops, so that by the time he reached town he was one
of a large company. Here they were met by a messenger
who said the enemy was retreating. It was by such
alacrity that it came to be a boast of the Morris county
people that the enemy had never been able to gain a
footing among these hills. They frequently made the
attempt, but never succeeded. Once, as it is said, for
the purpose of exchanging prisoners, a detachment did
reach Chatham bridge, which was guarded by brave
General Winds, to whom the braggart captain sent word
that he proposed to dine next day in Morristown. The
message called out the somewhat expressive reply that if
he dined in Morristown next day he would sup in
(the place infernal) next night !
So far as possible let us now relate the facts which
show the sufferings and heroism of our soldiers on Kim-
ball Hill the winter of 1779-80. On the 9th of December
General Greene wrote: " Our hutting goes on rapidly,
and the troops will be under cover in a few days. The
officers will remain in the open field until the boards
[from Trenton] arrive, and as their sufferings are great
they will be proportionably clamorous." The New Eng-
land troops on the 9th of that month were at Porapton;
and Doctor Thatcher, in his Military Journal, says: " On
the 14th we reached this wilderness, about three miles
from Morristown, where we are to build huts for winter
quarters." The severity of the winter may be inferred
from Doctor Thatcher's description: " The snow on the
ground is about two feet deep and the weather extremely
cold; the soldiers are destitute of both tents and blankets,
and some of them are actually barefooted and almost
naked. Our only defense against the inclemency of the
weather consists of brushwood thrown together. Our
lodging the last night was on the frozen ground. Those
officers who have the privilege of a horse can always
have a blanket at hand. Having removed the snow we
wrapped ourselves in great coats, spread our blankets on
the ground and lay down by the side of each other, five
or six together, with large fires at our feet, leaving orders
with the waiters to keep it well supplied with fuel during
the night. We could procure neither shelter nor forage
for our horses; and the poor animals were tied to the
trees in the woods for twenty-four hours, without food
except the bark which they peeled from the trees."
" The whole army in this department are to be engaged
in building log huts for winter quarters. The ground is
marked, and the soldiers have commenced ;cutting down
the timber of oak and walnut, of which we have great
abundance. Our baggage has at length arrived; the men
find it very difficult to pitch their tents in the frozen
ground; and, notwithstanding large fires, we can scarcely
keep from freezing. In- addition to other sufferings the
whole army has been seven or eight days entirely desti-
tute of the staff of life; our only food is miserable fresh
beef, without bread, salt or vegetables."
The general fact that that winter was one of terrible
severity is well known; but we may obtain more vivid
ideas of this fact by a few details. In the New Jersey
Gazette of February 9th 1780, published at Trenton, the
editor says: " The weather has been so extremely cold
for nearly two months past that sleighs and other car-
riages now pass from this place to Philadelphia on the
Delaware, a circumstance not remembered by the oldest
person among us." As early as the 18th of December
1779 an officer who visited some of the smaller encamp-
ments along the hills in the vicinity writes: " I found the
weather excessively cold." On the 14th of January Lord
Stirling led a detachment against the enemy on Staten
Island; and on the morning of the isth he crossed on
the ice from Elizabethtown Point. The Hudson was so
bridged with ice as to permit foot passengers to cross
from New York to Hoboken and Paulus Hook.
But the unparalleled depth of snow added to the intense
sufferings of the soldiers. On the 14th of December, as
Thatcher says, the " snow was two feet deep." On the
28th of December an officer says in the New Jersey
Gazette, " While I am writing the storm is raging without."
But the great storm of the winter began on the 3d of
January, when the greater part of the array were not
protected by the huts, which were not yet ready for oc-
cupation. Doctor Thatcher thus describes the storm :
" On the 3d inst. we experienced one of the most tre-
mendous snow storms ever remembered; no- man could
endure its violence many minutes without danger to his
life. Several marquees were torn asunder and blown
down over the officers' heads in the night, and some of
the soldiers were actually covered while in their tents
and buried, like sheep, under the snow. My comrades
and myself were roused from sleep by the calls of some
officers for assistance; their marquee had blown down,
and they were almost smothered in the storm before they
could reach our marquee, only a few yards, and their
blankets and baggage were nearly buried in the snow.
We (the officers) are greatly favored in having a supply
of straw for bedding; over this we spread all our blankets,
and with our clothes, and large fires at our feet, while
four or five are crowded together, preserve ourselves
from freezing. But the sufferings of the poor soldiers
can scarcely be described; while on duty they are un-
avoidably exposed to all the inclemency of the storm
and severe cold; at night they now have a bed of straw
on the ground and a single blanket to each man; they
are badly clad and some are destitute of shoes. We have
contrived a kind of stone chimney outside, and an open-
ing at one end of our tents gives us the benefit of the
fire within. The snow is now from four to six feet deep,
which so obstructs the roads as to prevent our receiving
a supply of provisions. For the last ten days we received
but two pounds of meat a man, and we are frequently for
six or eight days entirely destitute of meat and then as
long without bread. The consequence is the soldiers are
so enfeebled from hunger and cold as to be almost un-
able to perform military duty or labor in constructing
their huts. It is well known that General Washington
experiences the greatest solicitude for the sufferings of
his army and is sensible that they in general conduct
with heroic patience and fortitude."
This storm continued for several days, accompanied
with violent winds, which drifted the snow so that the
roads were impassable. So deep was the snow that in
many places it covered the tops of the fences, and teams
could be driven over them. Under date of January 22nd
1780 an officer on Kimball Hill wrote the following lively
description of the condition of the army in consequence
of this storm : "We had a fast lately in camp, by general
constraint, of the whole army; in which we fasted more
sincerely and truly for three days than we ever did from
all the resolutions of Congress put together. This was
occasioned by the severity of the weather and drifting of
the snow, whereby the roads were rendered impassable
and all supplies of provision cut off, until the officers
were obliged to release the soldiers from command and
permit them to go in great numbers together to get pro-
visions where they could find them. The inhabitants of
this part of the country discovered a noble spirit in feed-
ing the soldiers ; and, to the honor of the soldiery, they
received what they got with thankfulness, and did little
or no damage."
The manuscript letters of Joseph Lewis, quartermaster
at Morristown, prove this description to be truthful. On
the 8th of January he wrote : "We are now as distressed
as want of provision and cash can make us. The soldiers
have been reduced to the necessity of robbing the in-
habitants, to save their own lives." On the next day he
wrote : " We are still in distress for want of provisions.
Our magistrates, as well as small detachments from the
army, are busy collecting to relieve our distresses, and I
am told that the troops already experience the good
effects of their industry. We are wishing for more plen-
tiful supplies." And, in real distress, he writes under
the same date: "The sixty million dollars lately collected
by tax must be put into the hands of the superintendent
for the new purchases. You will therefore have but little
chance of getting cash until more is made. If none comes
sooner than by striking new emissions I must run away
from Morris and live with you at Trenton, or some other
place more remote from this, to secure me from the al-
ready enraged multitudes."
On the 8th of January General Washington wrote from
the Ford mansion, the comforts of which mubt have
made the sufferings of his soldiers seem the more awful :
" The present state of the army, with respect to provis-
ions, is the most distressing of any we have experienced
since the beginning of the war. For a fortnight past the
troops, both officers and men, have been almost perishing
for want. They have been alternately without bread or
meat the whole time, with a very scanty allowance.^ of
either, and frequently destitute of both. They have
borne their sufferings with a patience that merits the ap-
probation and ought to excite the sympathy of their
countryman. But they are now reduced to an extremity
no longer to be supported." This letter, which was ad-
dressed to "the magistrates of New Jersey," is one of the
noblest productions of his pen; and right nobly did those
thus feelingly addressed respond to the appeal. And in
this none were superior to the people of Morris county,
on whom of necesssity fell the burden of affording imme-
diate relief, and whose efforts did not cease when this
was effected. On the 20th of January Washington wrote
to Doctor John Witherspoon that " all the counties of
this State that I have heard from have attended to my
requsition for provisions with the most cheerful and com-
mendable zeal; " and to " Elbridge Gerry, in Congress,"
he wrote: "The exertions of the magistrates and inhabi-
tants of this State were great and cheerful for our relief."
Irihis Military Journal (page 182) Doctor Thatcher speaks
with enthusiasm of " the ample supply " of food furnished
by "the magistrates and people of Jersey;" and Isaac
Collins, editor of the New Jersey Gazette, on the 19th of
January says : "With pleasure we inform our readers
that our army, which, from the unexpected inclemency
of the season and the roads becoming almost impassable,
had suffered a few days for want of provisions, are, from
the spirited exertions now making, likely to be well sup-
Provisions came with a right hearty good will from the
farmers in Mendham, Chatham, Hanover, Morris, and
Pequannock ; and not only provisions, but stockings and
shoes, coats and blankets. " Mrs. Parson Johnes " and
" Mrs. Counsellor Condict," with all the noble women in
the town, made the sewing and knitting needles fly on
their mission of mercy. The memory of the Morris
county women of that day is yet as dehghtful as the
"smell of a field which the Lord hath blessed ! " and this
tribute to their worth is not woven up of fictions, but of
facts, gathered from living lips; and therefore never may
those women perish from the memory of their admiring
and grateful descendants.
The generosity of which we have spoken is much en-
hanced by the fact that the people supposed themselves
to be giving, and not selling their provisions. According
to the prices — continental currency — affixed to various
articles by the magistrates of Morris county in January
1780, they gave away thousands of dollars to soldiers at
their tables ; and as for provisions, nominally sold, they
were paid for either in continental bills or certificates,
both of which they considered as nearly worthless. Their
opinion of the bills was not wrong, since after the war
hundreds of thousands of dollars were left on their hands,
which were never redeemed; but many of them made a
serious mistake in their estimate of the certificates,
which were redeemed with interest. Yet many of
these men threw these certificates away as worthless,
and esteemed themselves as doing an unpaid duty to
their country.
It is interesting to ascertain the prices of various arti-
cles used in the camp that winter. On the 27th of Jan-
uary Quartermaster Lewis wrote: "The justices, at
their meeting, established the following prices to be
given for hay and grain throughout the county [of Mor-
ris], from the ist of December 1779 to the ist of Febru-
ary next, or until the regulating act take place. For hay,
ist quality, ;!^ioo per ton; 2nd, ;^8o; 3d, ^50; for one
horse, 24 hours, $6; for one horse, per night, $4; wheat,
per bushel, $50; rye, $35; corn, $30; buckwheat and
oats, $20. This certainly is rather a startling "price
current;" but it was only in keeping with such signficant
advertisements as frequently appeared in the papers of
that day: " one thousand dollars " for the recovery of
"my negro man Toney;" or "thirty Spanish milled
dollars for the recovery of my runaway Mu-
latto fellow Jack." " Forty paper dollars were
worth only one in specie;" and the fact in-
creases our wonder alike at the patriotism of the people
and soldiers, which was sufficient to keep the army from
open mutiny or being entirely disbanded.
To leave this gloomy side of the picture a little while,
it is well to record the fact that on the 28th of December
1779, while the snow " storm was raging," Martha Wash-
ington passed through Trenton, on her way to Morris-
town; and that a troop of gallant Virginians stationed
there were paraded to do her honor, being very proud to
own her as a Virgmian, and her husband also. She
spent New Year's day in Morristown; and now, in the
Ford mansion, you may see the very mirror in which her
dignified form has often been reflected. The wife of the
American commander-in-chief received her company,
did the honors of her family, and even appeared occa-
sionally at the " assembly balls " that winter dressed in
American stuffs. It is a pleasing anecdote which was
once told me by the late Mrs. Abby Vail, daughter of
Uzal and Anna Kitchel. Some of the ladies in Han-
over, and among them " the stately Madame Budd,"
mother of Dr. Bern Budd, dressed in their best, made a
call on Lady Washington, and, as one of them afterward
said, " we were dressed in our most elegant silks and
ruffles, and so were introduced to her ladyship. And
dont you think, we found her with a speckled homespun
apron on, and engaged in knitting a stocking! She re-
ceived us very handsomely, and then resumed her knit-
ting. In the course of her conversation she said very
kindly to us, while she made her needle fly, that Ameri-
can ladies should be patterns of industry to their coun-
trywomen; * * * *" we must become independent
of England .by doing without those articles which we can
make ourselves. Whilst our husbands and brothers are
examples of patriotism, we must be examples of indus-
try!" "I do declare," said one of them afterward, "I
never felt so ashamed and rebuked in my life!"
From documents not very important in themselves we
sometimes derive impressive lessons. The original of
the following subscription for assembly balls in Morris-
town that winter is still in possession of the Biddle family,
on the Delaware: "The subscribers agree to pay the
sums annexed to their respective names and an equal
quota of any further expense which may be incurred in
the promotion and support of a dancing assembly to be
held in Morristown the present winter of 1780. Sub-
scription moneys to be paid into the hands of a treasurer
hereafter to be appointed." The sum paid in each case
was "400 doll's," and the contributors were as follows:
Nath. Greene, H. Knox, John Lawrence, J. Wilkinson,
Clement Biddle, Robt. H. Harrison, R. K. Meade,
Alex. Hamilton, Tench Tighlman, C. Gibbs, Jno. Pierce,
The Baron de Kalb, Jno. Moylan, Le Ch. Dulingsley,
Geo. Washington, R. Clairborne, Lord Stirling, Col.
Hazen, Asa Worthington, Benj. Brown, Major Stagg,
James Thompson, H. Jackson, Col. Thomas Proctor, J.
B. Cutting, Edward Hand, William Little, Thos. Wool-
ford, Geo. Olney, Jas. Abeel, Robert Erskine, Jno.
Cochran, George Draper, J. Burnet.
The amounts thus paid constitute the somewhat im-
posing sum of $13,600 " for the support of a dancing
assembly the present winter of 1780." Now I frankly
confess that this paper produced an uncomfortable sensa-
tion in my mind, by the somewhat harsh contrast between
the dancing of the well-housed officers, at O'Hara's tavern
and the " hungry ruin" at Kimball Hill. The assembly was
not so well set off with gas-lights and fashionable splendor
as many a ball in our day. No doubt it was rather a
plain affair of its kind; and yet it reminds one that, while
these distinguished men were tripping " the light fantas-
tic toe " in well-warmed rooms, there were at that very
time, as Captain William Tuttle often told it, a great
many tents in which there were soldiers without coats and
barefoot, shivering and perishing in the fearful storms
and colds of that same "present wmter of 1780;" and
that there were paths about the camps on Kimball Hill
that were marked with real blood expressed from the
cracked and frozen feet of soldiers who had no shoes!
However, I do not allude to this contrast as peculiar
to that place and those men, for feasting and starvation,
plenty crowned with wreaths of yellow wheat and gaunt
famine wreathed in rags and barefoot, dancing and dying,
are facts put in contrast in other places beside O'Hara's
and Kimball Hill, and at other times than "the present
winter of 1780."
The principal object of introducing the subscription
paper here is to show the kind of currency on which our
Revolution was compelled to rely. Here we find the
leading men in Morristown paying a sum for the dancing
master and landlord, the ministers of a little amusement,
which nominally is large enough for the high figures of
Fifth avenue millionaires; but a closer inspection shows
that the sum $13,000 was not worth as much as three hun-
dred silver dollars. Doctor Thatcher says significantly: "I
have just seen in the newspaper an advertisement offering
for an article forty dollars. This is the trash which is tend-
ed to requite us for our sacrifices, sufferings, and priva-
tions while in the service of our country. It is but a
sordid pittance, even for our common purposes while in-
camp; but those who have families dependent on them at
home are reduced to a deplorable condition." The
officers of the Jersey troops, in their memorial to the
Legislature of New Jersey, declare that " four months'
pay of a soldier would not procure for his family a bush-
el of wheat; that the pay of a colonel would not purchase
oats for his liorse; that a common laborer or express-
rider received four times as much as an American offi-
If such were their circumstances let us rather admire
than condemn these brave men at Morristown, who were
striving to invest the stern severities of that winter with
something of the grayer and more frivolous courtesies of
fashionable life.
As for fighting, there was but little, the principal expe-
dition being the descent of a detachment on Staten Island,
under Lord Stirling. The expectations raised by this
expedition are quite flatteringly told in an unpublished
letter of Joseph Lewis, quartermaster. He writes, un-
der date of "January 15th 1780," that he had orders
from General Greene to procure three hundred sleds to
parade Friday morning at this post and at Mr. Kim-
ble's. * * * * I (iifj not fail to exert myself on the
occasion, and the magistrates gained deserved applause.
About five hundred sleds or sleighs were collected, the
majority of which were loaded with troops, artillery, &c.
These sleds and as many more are to return loaded with
stores from the British magazines on Staten Island, ex-
cept some few that are to be loaded with wounded Brit-
ish prisoners. About 3,000 troops are gone, under the
command of Lord Stirling, with a determination to re-
move all Staten Island, bag and baggage, to Morris-
This expedition failed of realizing its object, because
the enemy,by some means,had been put on his guard. Still,
Collins of the New Jersey Gazette was sure it would
"show the British mercenaries with what zeal and alacrity
the Americans will embrace every opportunity, even in a
very inclement season, to promote the interest of the
country by harassing the enemies to their freedom and
independence." And on the 22nd of that January Quarter-
master Lewis wrote in quite a subdued tone: "I sup-
pose you have heard of the success of our late expedi-
tion to Staten Island. It was expensive but answered no
valuable purpose. It showed the inclination of our in-
habitants to plunder." This expedition was at a time
when " the cold was intense;" about 500 of the soldiers
had their feet frozen.
The enemy, by the way of retaliation, on the 25th of
January crossed to Elizabethtown and burned the town-
house and Presbyterian church. They also "plundered
the house of Jecaniah Smith." The same night another
party " made an excursion to Newark, surprised the
guard there, took Mr. Justice Hedden out of his bed;
and would not suffer him to dress; they also took Mr.
Robert Niel, burnt the academy, and went off with pre-
cipitation." Rivington's Royal Gazette speaks of this
Justice Hedden as " a rebel magistrate remarkable for
his persecuting spirit."
It was marvelous that Hedden survived that march, in
such weather, from Newark to New York; but the tough
man was nerved thereto by his brutal captors.
But have the troops enough to eat? General Greene's
letter to " the colonel of the Morristown malitia " gives
us a most sorrowful answer. " The army," writes Greene
in January, "is upon the point of disbanding for want of
provisions, the poor soldiers having been for several days
without any, and there not being more than a suffi-
ficiency to serve one regiment in the magazine. Pro-
visions are scarce at best, but the late terrible storm, the
depth of the snow, and the drifts in the roads prevent
the little stock from coming forward which is in readiness
at the distant magazines. This is, therefore, to request
you to call upon the militia officers and men of your bat-
talion to turn out their teams and break the roads frorn
between this and Hackettstown, there being a small quan-
tity of provisions there that cannot come until that is
done. The roads must be kept open by the inhabitants,
or the army cannot be subsisted; and unless the good
people immediately lend their assistance to forward sup-
plies the army must disband. The direful consequences
of such an event I will not torture your feelings with a
description of; but remember the surrounding inhab-
itants will experience the first melancholy effects of such
a raging evil."
On the nth of January Greene wrote: "Such weather
as we have had never did I feel," and the snow was
so deep and drifted " that we drive over the tops of
the fences." He then describes the sufferings of the
soldiers, and adds: "They have displayed a degree of
magnanimity under their sufferings which does them the
highest honor." On the loth of March Joseph Lewis tells
his superior officer: " I should be happy to receive about
fifty thousand dollars to persuade the wagoners to stay in
camp until May, which will prevent the troops from suf-
fering." And on the 28th of the same month he again
writes: " I am no longer able to procure a single team to
relieve the distresses of our army, to bring in a supply of
wood, or forward the stores which are absolutely neces-
sary. * * * I wish I could inhabit some kind retreat
from those dreadful complaints, unless I had a house
filled with money and a magazine of forage to guard and
protect me. Good God! where are our resources fled?
We are truly in a most pitiable situation and almost dis-
tracted with calls that it is not in our power to answer."
But there is another fact which adds a deeper shade to
this picture of suffering, since from Thatcher's Military
Journal we have this sentence, in which, with no liftle ex-
ultation, he says: " Having to this late season— February
14th — in our tents experienced the greatest incon-
venience, we have now the satisfaction of taking posses-
sion of the log huts just completed by our soldiers, where
we shall have more comfortable accommodations," and
yet in March he says: " Our soldiers are in a wretched
condition for want of clothes, blankets and shoes, and
these calamitous circumstances are accompanied by a
want of provisions."
From these letters, written by actual witnesses, we are
able to gather enough of facts to aid us in appreciating
the condition of the army.
I may appropriately close this historical monograph
with an original letter of Washington, which has never
yet been published, and which is a very striking com-
mentary on the difficulties of his position the last winter
he was in Morristown. It was found among some old
papers in the possession of Stephen Thompson, Esq., of
Mendham, a son of Captain David Thompson, who is re-
ferred to in this article. It will be remembered that the
great snow storm which caused such distress in camp
began on the 3d of January 1780. The famine which
threatened the army caused Washington to write a letter
"to the magistrates of New Jersey," which is published
in Sparks's edition of the Writings of Washington. A
copy of that letter was inclosed in the letter which is
now published for the fi-rst time. It is a valuable letter,
as showing that Washington's " integrity was most pure,
his justice most inflexible."
Headquarters, Morristown, January 8th 1780.
" Sir, — The present distresses of the army, with which
you are well acquainted, have determined me to call upon
the respective counties of the State for a proportion of
grain and cattle, according to the abilities of each.
" For this purpose I have addressed the magistrates of
every county, to induce them to undertake the business.
This mode I have preferred, as the one least inconvenient
to the inhabitants; but, in case the requisition should not
be coinplied with, we must then raise the supplies our-
selves in the best manner we can. This I have signified
to the magistrates.
"I have pitched upon you to superintend the execu-
tion of this measure in the county of Bergen, which is to
furnish two hundred head of cattle and eight hundred
bushels of grain.
" You will proceed, then, with all dispatch, and call on
the justices; will deliver the inclosed address, enforcing it
with a more particular detail of the sufferings of the
troops, the better to convince them of the necessity of
their exertions. You will, at the same time, let them del-
icately know that you are instructed, in case they do not
take up the business immediately, to begin to impress the
articles called for throughout the county. You will press
for an immediate answer, and govern yourself accordingly.
If it be a compliance, you will concert with them a proper
place for the reception of the articles and the time of the
delivery, which for the whole is to be in four days after
your application to them. The owners will bring their
grain and cattle to this place, where the grain is to be
measured and the cattle estimated by any two of the
magistrates, in -conjunction with the commissary, Mr.
Voorhees, who will be sent to you for the purpose, and
certificates given by the commissary, specifying the quan-
tity of each article and the terms of payment. These
are to be previously settled with the owners, who are to
choose whether they will receive the present market
price — which, if preferred, is to be inserted — or the mar-
ket price at the time of payment. Immediately on re-
ceiving the answer of the magistrates you will send me
word what it is.
" In case of refusal you will begin to impress till you
make up the quantity required. This you will do with
as much tenderness as possible to the inhabitants, having
regard to the stock of each individual, that no family
maybe deprived of its necessary subsistence. Milch cows
are not to be included in the impress. To enable you to
execute this business with more effect and less incon-
venience, you will call upon Colonel Fell and any
other well affected active man in the county, and en-
deavor to engage their advice and assistance. You are
also authorized to impress wagons for the transportation
of the grain.
" If the magistrates undertake the business, which I
should infinitely prefer on every account, you will en-
deavor to prevail upon them to assign mills for the re-
ception and preparation of such grain as the commissary
thinks will not be immediately needful in the camp.
" I have reposed this trust in you from a perfect con-
fidence in your prudence, zeal and respect for the rights
of citizens. While your measures are adapted to the
emergency, and you consult what you owe to the ser-
vice, Jam persuaded that you will not forget that, as we
are compelled by necessity to take the property of cit-
izens for the support of the army, on whom their safety
depends, you should be careful to manifest that we have
a respect for their rights, and wish not to do anything
which that necessity, and even their own good, do not
absolutely require.
" I am, sir, with great respect and esteem,
" Your most obedient servant,
" Go. Washington."
Washington left Morristown in the early part of June.
On the loth of June he was at Springfield, where he had
his headquarters until the 21st, on which day, with the
exception of two brigades under General Greene, the
whole army was marching slowly toward the Hudson via
Pompton. On. the 6th of June General Knyphausen had
attempted to reach Morristown. He landed at Eliza-
bethtown Point and proceeded as far as Connecticut
Farms; but was met so warmly by General Maxwell and
" his nest of American hornets " that he beat a hasty
retreat. During this incursion Mrs. Caldwell, wife of a
chaplain in our army, was wantonly murdered in her own
house. When the enemy learned the troops were on the
march they made another attempt to reach Morristown
and on the 23d of June the vigilant sentinels on the
Short Hills discovered signs of invasion and gave the
alarm. On that day the battle of Springfield was fought.
Washington heard of the invasion when near Pompton
and hastened back, with a body of troops, to support
Greene; but the enemy, after having forced back the
Americans and burned Springfield, finding they were
likely to be surrounded by a superior force, retired.
The following pasquinade, in ridicule of this British
attempt to reach Morristown, was publicly posted in New
York city, August 12th 1780, and afterward printed in
the Political Ma^avAne, London, 1781, pages 290, 291:
" Old Knip— (Knyphausen)
And old Clip— (Gen. Robertson)
Went to the Jersey shore
The rebel rogues to beat ;
But at Yankee Farms
They took the alarms
At little harms,
And quickly did retreat.
Then after two da.ys' wonder
Marched boldly to Springfield town.
And sure they'd knock the rebels down ;
But as their foes
Gave them some blows.
They, like the wind,
Soon changed their mind.
And in a crack
Eeturned back
From not one third their number !"
The remarkable fact remains that the enemy never
reached our county, except now and then a marauding
Although the main army left Morristown in the sum-
mer of 1780, this point was of too great importance to
leave entirely undefended. The local militia and some
other forces still remained. It was on the first day of the
following year, January ist 1781, that the mutiny of the
Pennsylvania troops, under General Wayne, the " Mad
Anthony" of the Revolution, occurred. These troops,
2,000 in number, had enlisted for three years, "'or during
the war." There was no thought that the war would last
longer than three years; and the phrase "or during the
war " meant, they claimed, that they should be dismissed
at its expiration in case it did not last three years.
Their officers gave to it the other construction, that they
had enlisted for the war, no matter how long it might
Added to this cause of dissatisfaction was the fact that
they had received no pay for twelve months, and were
without necessary clothing and food. These circum-
stances were sufficient to excite a spirit of insurrection,
which on the date above mentioned manifested itself in
open revolt.
On a preconcerted signal the whole line, except a part
of three regiments, paraded under arms without their
officers, marched to the magazines and supplied them-
selves with provisions and ammunition; and, seizing six
field pieces, took horses from General Wayne's stable to
transport them. The officers of the line collected those
who had not yet joined the insurgents and endeavored to
restore order; but the revolters fired and killed a Captain
Billing, and wounded several other officers, and a few
men were killed on each side. The mutineers com-
manded the party who opposed them to come over to
them instantly, or they should be bayoneted, and the
order was obeyed.
General Wayne endeavored to interpose his influence
and authority, urging them to return to their duty till
their grievances could be inciuired into and redressed.
But all was to no purpose, and on cocking his pistol they
instantly presented their bayonets to his breast, saying:
"We respect and love you; often have yau led us into
the field of battle, but we are no longer under your com-
mand; we warn you to be on your guard; if you fire your
pistol, or attempt to enforce your commands, we shall
put you instantly to death."
Finding both threats and expostulation in vain. Gen-
eral Wayne resolved to accompany his men, and ordered
his quartermaster to supply them with provisions.
That these troops were inspired by no traitorous sen-
timents is evidenced by the fact that Sir Henry Clinton,
hearing of the mutiny, sent two emissaries, a British ser-
geant, and a New Jersey tory by the name of Ogden, to
offer them flattering inducements to place themselves
under the protection of the British government. These
offers were spurned, and the two emissaries in due time
handed over to General Wayne. They were eventually
tried as spies, convicted, and immediately executed.
On the 4th of January the mutineers reached Prince-
ton, where they were met by a committee of Congress,
and their demands satisfied.
The Jersey troops were not proof against the example
of their Pennsylvania comrades, as appears from the
private journal of William S. Pennington. He writes:
"Monday, zzd [oi January 1781), we received informa-
tion that the Jersey line had followed the example of
Pennsylvania in mutinying, in consequence of which a
detachment of artillery, consisting of three 3-pounders,
to be commanded by Captain Stewart, was ordered to
parade immediately. I was ordered to join the above
detachment vice Ailing.
25th. — This day the detachment marched to Smith's
Cove, and halted for the night.
26th. — This day we marched to Ringwood, and joined
a detachment under Major General Howe.
"Saturday, 2-]th. — This day the above detachment
marched at i o'clock, and at daylight surrounded the
Jersey encampment near Pompton, where the mutineers
were quartered. No other terms were offered to them
than to immediately parade without their arms. General
Howe likewise sent them word, by Lieutenant Colonel
Barber, that if they did not comply in five minutes he
would put them all to the sword, rather than run the risk
of which they surrendered. Upon which the general
ordered a court martial in the field to try some of their
leaders, three of whom, namely, Grant, Tuttle, and
Gilmore, were sentenced to suffer death. Grant, from
■^ome circumstances in his behavior, was pardoned.
Tuttle and Gilmore were immediately executed. The
mutineers returned to their duty, and received a general
Shortly after the Revolution considerable local history
was made by the appearance of the far-famed Morristown
It is not remarkable that the people of a century ago
should have believed in witches and hobgoblins. We
need not enumerate the causes of this superstitious
credulity. The fact is that which now concerns us. The
staid people of this vicinity were no exception to the
general belief of that time in ghosts. The more recent
freedom of our community from this superstition is
probably due as much to the exposure of his ghostship,
which we propose to relate, as to the advanced enlighten-
ment of the age.
In the latter part of the last century a book appeared
of which the following is the title page:
" The Morristown Ghost; an Account of the Beginning,
Transactions, and Discovery of Ransford Rogers, who
seduced many by pretended Hobgoblins and Apparitions,
and thereby extorted money from their pockets. In the
County of Morris and State of New Jersey, in the year
1788. Printed for every purchaser — 1792."
Who wrote and who published this pamphlet can not
now be certainly ascertained. Some supposed that
Rogers himself wrote it, in order to increase his revenues
and also to punish the Morristown people for their
treatment of him. From the resemblance of the type
and paper to that used in the New Jersey Journal of
that date the suspicion is not unwarranted that the
pamphlet was published by Sheppard Kollock, of
The names of many prominent persons in the com-
munity figured in this pamphlet. It is not difficult there-
fore to believe the tradition that the edition so far as
possible was bought ^p and destroyed. Such things,
however, refuse to die. David Young, " Philom.," whose
name figured so conspicuously on the title pages of half
the almanacs of forty years ago, accidentally found a copy
of the work in Elizabeth; and thus in 1826 appeared
"The Wonderful History of the Morristown Ghost;
thoroughly and carefully revised. By David Young,
Newark. Published by Benjamin Olds, for the author.
J. C. Totten, Printer."
In 1876 a fac-simile copy of the original history of the
Morristown ghost, " with an appendix compiled from the
county records," was pubHshed by L. A. and B. H. "Yoght
and it can, we believe, still be secured from them.
The affair created intense excitement at the time, and
not a little merriment at the expense of those so cleverly
duped. A few years later it furnished the materials of an
amusing comedy, which was played at a public exhibition
in Newark, the- author of which, if tradition may be
trusted, was a son of Rev. James Richards, D. D., a
former pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of this
In the following account of this humbug we suppress
the names of the duped, as they are not generally known
and some of their descendants are with us unto this day.
It was a common opinion at that time that large sums
of money had been buried during the Revolutionary war
by tories and others in Schooley's Mountain. It was
supposed to be thus concealed to protect it on the one
hand from confiscation by the colonists, or on the other
from the demands of the war. Many of these tories
never returned to their homes, while many of the other
class died during the contest; their treasures being, so it
was believed, still under the ground.
Moreover these treasures were guarded by the spirits,
so that no one could obtain them who did not possess
the art of dispelling spirits.
In the summer of 1788 two Morris county men, travel-
ing through Smith's Clove, New York, fell in with a school
teacher from Connecticut, one Ransford Rogers. These
men had long been in search of some one who possessed
sufficient power to recover the Schooley's Mountain
treasure. Rogers professed to have a " deep knowledge
of chymistry " and all the sciences, which gave him, he
claimed, the power to raise and dispel good or evil
spirits. Visions of speedy fortune rose before the two
travelers, and they urged him to accompany them to
Morristown; this, after a modest refusal, he consented
to do, they promising him a school in the neighborhood.
He accordingly came to Morristown and was installed as
school teacher about three miles from the town, on the
Mendham road; the school-house stood on the hill near
where is now the residence of Samuel F. Pierson. He
took charge of this school early in August, but being im-
portuned to exhibit his art he found he needed an ac-
complice and accordingly went back to New England for
one, returning in September. Rogers now gathered his
believers, to the number of about eight, and held a secret
meeting; he assured them the treasure was there, and that
it was absolutely necessary to raise and consult the guard-
ian spirits before it could be obtained; this he assured
them he was able to do, and at the close of the con-
venticle enjoined them to refrain from all immorality
lest the spirits should be provoked and withhold
the treasure. The members of the company, trans-
ported with dazzling, golden visions, communicated their
hopes to friends, and their number was soon increased to
forty. Rogers pretended to have frequent meetings with
the spirits, and, to strengthen the faith of the weak, com-
pounded substances Avhich being thrown into the air
would explode, producing various extraordinary and
mysterious appearances, which the spectators believed to
be caused by supernatural power; others were buried in
the earth, and after a certain time would occasion dread-
ful explosioiis, which in the night appeared very dismal
and caused much timidity. The company was impatient
of delay, and wished to proceed in quest of the promised
riches. A night was appointed for a general meeting,
and though very stormy all were there, some riding as
much as twelve miles for the purpose of attending. The
spirit now appeared, and told them they must meet on a
certain night in a field half a mile from any house,
where they must form certain angles and circles, and not
get outside the boundary of the same, on pain of extirpa-
tion. On the appointed night they assembled, and
about half past ten went within the circle, and forming
a procession marched round and round. They were sud
denly shocked by a terrible explosion in the earth, a
short distance from them, caused as above stated but